"Death may be a happy thing for you, right? But please forgive me, because this world needs someone to become agito." Shoichi Tsugami said to Ryo Ashihara.

Ryo Ashihara's eyes rolled, seeing Tsugami Shoichi, and at the same time Takahashi Jiro standing beside him.


Wei Yuanliang's pupils suddenly dilated, struggling to straighten up.

"Don't blame me, I thought you were with monsters at the beginning! Besides, aren't you resurrected now?"

Seeing the resurrection of the dead with his own eyes, Takahashi Jiro was so surprised that he forgot to dodge for a while.

Now seeing Wei Yuanliang sitting up, he immediately left here.

"How do you feel now?" Li Qinghe said to Wei Yuanliang.

After Takahashi Jiro ran away, Li Qinghe didn't chase after him, because this guy didn't survive in the original plot, but was attacked by Unknon and killed.

Since he escaped from here, don't blame Li Qinghe for knowing his fate and not saving Takahashi Jiro.

Although this guy looks like a human being, what he does is not what a human being does.

"It feels good, as if I have slept, my whole body is full of energy!"

Ashihara Ryo opened his mouth and said.

Li Qinghe smiled, this is as it should be, not only that, in the future when Wei Yuanliang transforms into gills, there will be no more life force consumption.

"I really want to thank senior this time. Without senior, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see this world anymore." Ryo Ashihara said sincerely.

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Don't call me senior, just call me Qinghe. It's not me you have to thank, but Zhenyu, who saved you with her own ability."

Li Qinghe pointed to the real fish beside him, and said to Wei Yuanliang.

Ashihara Ryo also looked in the direction of his finger.

"Thank you! Real fish!"

"No need, you, like Qinghe and Xiangyi, fought to protect human beings, and it is right to save you," said Fenggu Mayu a little embarrassed.

At this moment, a special voice came from Li Qinghe's ear. .

Beside, Ashihara Ryo and Tsugami Shoichi also felt it.

"Liang, you and Zhenyu are still here. You just woke up and your body functions have not yet recovered, so you can't participate in the battle in time. I'll go!"

Chapter 114 The Truth

Takahashi Jiro, who ran out of the hospital, ran to a quiet and deserted path, and stopped panting heavily.

But he didn't notice that not far behind him, the two unknos hidden behind the tree nodded, after the two monsters finished praying gestures.

The next moment, two unkno!

In an instant, Takahashi Jiro was faced with a situation of front and rear attack, even so, Takahashi Jiro still did not give up hope of life.

Takahashi Jiro controlled the trash can next to him, and quickly attacked the crab Unkno in front of him, but he was blown away by him.


Unkno, the killer whale behind, quickly came to Takahashi Jiro, pinched his neck with one hand, and lifted him in mid-air.

Takahashi Jiro's face gradually turned red and he had difficulty breathing. He beat Unkno's arm with both hands without listening, but it didn't work.

Slowly, Takahashi Jiro's hands fell slowly, and he had no strength to struggle anymore, his head tilted and he died.

The killer whale unkno threw its carcass casually, like throwing garbage, and threw it on the ground.

At this moment, a red figure appeared on the two unknoito! "

After Crab Unkno solved Koji Mashima, he shifted his target to Li Qinghe.

They took out their weapons at the same time, namely sharp claws and sharp swords.

Killer whale Unkno held a long sword, jumped high and slashed at Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe immediately raised his left hand. Agito finished wearing the Trinity armor. When the two unknos attacked, he took out the storm halberd and the flame saber to resist, and put the two weapons across his chest.


A powerful weapon came up, Li Qinghe's tiger's mouth was numb from the shock, and he took a few steps back.

"Is this guy quite powerful?"

While Li Qinghe stabilized his figure, he kept complaining.


Flames erupted from the flame saber, and Li Qinghe slashed with the saber, creating a wound on Unkno's body, with flames attached to it, constantly burning.


The roar of another locomotive sounded, and a golden locomotive appeared in the sight of one person and two monsters.

Tsugami Shoichi got off the locomotive and quickly changed his form.

———agito trinity form!

"Xiangyi, you won't be able to see me if you come later." Li Qinghe said jokingly.

"Come on, Qinghe, I don't know your strength yet. It's still unknown whether these two unknowns can escape in front of you."

Under the helmet, Shoichi Tsugami rolled his eyes and said mercilessly.

"You still understand me, you are worthy of being my best friend!"

"One by one, get rid of them as soon as possible."

"Okay, that's what I want to say too."

Shoichi Tsugami took out the storm halberd and flame saber from the Philosopher's Stone, and stabbed at Unkno, the crab, and Li Qinghe, with great force.

Li Qinghe turned to the side to avoid it, and the long sword fell on the ground, splitting the concrete floor.

Soil splashes.

Taking advantage of the trend, he made a short body, swept out his right leg, and kicked the killer whale Unkno to the ground.

Then Li Qinghe wielded the storm halberd, ready to launch his special move to end the life of the killer whale Unkno, when suddenly he had a whim, using the power of wind and fire at the same time, trying to combine the two forces into one.

Immediately afterwards, a more powerful nirvana than the original was performed, and a storm containing flames was formed.

The flame storm directly attacked the killer whale Unknokno's whole body was burned by flames, and even the air seemed to be burning.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Qinghe launched another nirvana.

— Trinity Knight Kick!

With a force of up to 45 tons, he kicked the killer whale unkno hard and finally couldn't stand it anymore, and exploded to death on the spot.

On the other side, Shoichi Tsugami's battle was coming to an end. He set his posture, jumped into the air, and kicked the crab unkno fiercely.

— Trinity Knight Kick!


Crab unknoito, you are agito too! "

Masumi Sekiya appeared in the field, first looked at Li Qinghe, and then at Shoichi Tsugami.

The Masumi Sekiya at this time is no longer the Masumi Sekiya from before.

At this moment, her expression became painful.

"Run away! Run away!"

However, the next moment, Sekiya Masumi's personality or soul was suppressed by the water angel in his body.


The siren sounded, and Bingchuancheng came to the scene wearing g3-x.

The police always arrive at the scene at the last moment. It seems that this sentence is common in any world.

"Qinghe, Xiangyi, you two are fine!"

Bing Chuancheng walked up to the two of them, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with them, he looked at "Masumi Sekigu" and found that something was wrong with this woman.

"Guan Gu Masumi" looked at the three of them, and he, who was still in an awakened state, chose to leave first.

Seeing that the opponent left voluntarily, Li Qinghe and the others did not pursue him.

"That person just now was..." Bing Chuancheng asked.

"The Angel of Water is the high-level leader in Unkno."

Li Qinghe looked at the direction in which "Guan Gu Zhencheng" was leaving and said.

Li Qinghe and Xiangyi canceled their transformations. As for Bingchuancheng, he was still wearing the g3-x armor. He was also very envious of Li Qinghe and Tsugami Shoichi's armor, which could transform anytime, anywhere.

"By the way, Xiangyi, why did you come here so soon?"

Li Qinghe asked Xiang Yi.

"Mako told me when he got home," Shoichi replied with a smile.

"Have you gone home! It seems that I can only tell her about her father next time."

It's good that I still have some time to organize my words, next time I will tell her about her father!

"Okay, let's go too!"

A few people nodded and left quickly. There was a bit of movement here just now. Even though there are few people nearby, it is estimated that those who heard the movement are on their way, so it is better to evacuate quickly.

"Qinghe is saying that the murderer who killed his father is already dead?"

Zhenyu looked at Li Qinghe and said.

"Yes, so don't pursue this matter any more, okay?"

Li Qinghe didn't want Zhenyu to continue the investigation.

"But I still can't figure it out, Dad

Good man, how could..."

Zhenyu suddenly wrapped his hands around Li Qinghe's waist, buried his head in his arms, and whispered


Xiangyi has already found his sweetheart, and now Zhenyu only has Li Qinghe to choose.She always thought that Li Qinghe was single.

Li Qinghe has never encountered such a situation, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only

Stand still in place.

"Qinghe, you won't leave me, right! You will always be by my side, right?"

Li Qinghe was silent for a long time, he really wanted to tell Zhenyu the truth, he did not belong to this world.

Maybe one day he will leave.

But when he looked at the real fish.All these words were held back in my stomach. .

"I will."

Li Qinghe said softly.

Chapter 115 Water Angel

Just then, the door opened.

Taiyi walked in, and immediately saw Li Qinghe and Zhiyu hugging each other.

"I didn't see anything, sorry to bother you."

Taiyi covered his eyes and turned around to close the door, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhiyu pushed Li Qinghe away at once, with a flustered expression on his face, while Li Qinghe laughed dumbfounded.

"Dong dong dong".

Taiyi's voice came from outside the door.

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