"Excuse me, may I come in?"

Chihe Keiko's home.

The doorbell rang, and Keiko hurried to open the door.

"Koji, you're finally here."

Outside the door is a young man wearing sunglasses. He is also one of the members of the Tianliang, Koto Mashima.

"Not killed by konko."

After Mashima Koji came in, Keiko closed the door and said.

"Has another companion been killed?"

When Haoji heard this, he said angrily,

"These damned guys, why are they attacking us?"

There is a third person in the room.

"Is Miss Masumi here?"

Koji Mashima asked.

"Yeah, she said there's nowhere to go. Before, the three of us still lived together. But recently a new member, Shouichi, went to a friend's house today."

Keiko Chiba continued.

Immediately she changed the subject.

"Let's not talk about this, Koji, do you have any thoughts? For example, the potential power in the body."

"Miss Keiko, can that person really help me remove the power in my body?"

Koji Mashima asked.

"Of course, the super power in my body is taken away by him."

Keiko nodded and said, now she

Already thinking about becoming a chef.

"Is that so? But, I'm always a little bit unwilling! This kind of power is really fascinating."

Koji Mashima sat down and said

"I can feel that the power in my body has begun to leap, maybe it won't take long

able to wake up. "

"I, I want to have superpowers. To prove to my family how powerful I am, and to avenge those dead companions."

"You don't have to do this, whether it's Xiangyi or that person, they are very strong and they are a trustworthy group."

Keiko persuaded her that she really didn't want to see any of her companions die.

Koji Mashima shook his head and said, "Miss Keiko, you are no longer the person I know. Maybe the moment you lose your power, we are no longer companions."

Haoer looked disappointed.

Now it seems that the only one worth relying on is Mr. Moto, right?

Thinking of this, Mashima Koji got up to say goodbye and leave.

Chihe Keiko and Sekiya Masumi Nishito hurriedly followed out, trying to make a final attempt to persuade them to stay.

"Even without you, Mr. Heye and I will avenge the Tai family!"

Mashima Koji left such a sentence, turned and left.

However, at this moment, Guan Gu Zhicheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly grabbed his neck, and then fell down.

"Miss Nasumi! Miss Masumi!"

Koji Mashima stopped his pace, turned around and was about to lift Masumi Sekitani from the ground.

As soon as he approached, he saw the expression on Masumi Sekiya's face change.Even the voice became that of a man.

"Things that do not abide by human duties, just destroy them."

"Masumi Sekigu" said coldly.

Then it exploded directly.Press Naoshima Koji to the ground and strangle him by the neck.

"What's the matter with you, Zhicheng?"

Keiko hurried up to help, and helped Koji out of it.

"She doesn't seem normal."

Haoer's colleague who was talking kept retreating, trying to escape here.

But "Naosumi" has made up his mind to destroy Koji Mashima

"Naosumi. What's wrong with you, Masumi?"

Keiko held back "Sekigu Masumi" and prevented her from chasing after her.

"Could it be that what Qinghe said is true? Naocheng is lurking on the body of the Angel of Water who attacked everyone on the Tianliang?

Keiko was thrown several meters away by Naosumi.

I saw two people chasing and fleeing.Huizi quickly called Li Qinghe.

"Is the water mark awakened? I'll be right there."

Li Qinghe's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The next moment, a white light flashed past, and Li Qinghe's figure appeared beside Huizi, along with Li Qinghe's motorcycle.

"They're in that direction, Qinghe-kun. You must save Koji, please."

Keiko pointed in a direction and said anxiously.

Li Qinghe yelled "Transform".

Immediately after the armor was finished, the whole body was made of gold as the basic color, the right arm was as red as fire, and the left arm was as deep as the sea.At the same time, the locomotive also transformed into a mechanical tornado.

Li Qinghe directly started the car and chased in the direction Chiba Keiko pointed.

"I heard Senior Xiangyi say that you resurrected me?"

Li Qinghe looked at the bitter guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yes, but borrowed the power of the real fish in the wind valley."

Li Qinghe nodded and said.

"Why did you do this?"

"Because you bear a certain fate on your body. So you can't die now. You still need to complete the mission of fighting a certain existence."

Li Qinghe explained.

"A certain existence? Are you referring to those unkos who kill humans?"

May human beings like you increase,

Sure body might be able to shapeshift like you

All human beings with power will be wiped out!"

"But why did you choose me?"

Tsugami Sho shook his head and said.

"This requires you to find the answer yourself?"


Wei Yuanliang thought in his heart, and suddenly heard a strange tinnitus in his ears.

Accompanied by the heavy panting sound, Koji Mashima ran forward frantically.

Behind him, "Sekigu Masumi" followed him unhurriedly.Not in a hurry at all.

"Masumi, what happened to you?"

And Koji Mashima could feel that Masumi's body was emitting a steady stream of dangerous aura, and Hinata was growing stronger, as if something was recovering in her body.

"kill him!"

"Masumi Sekiya" opened his mouth and seemed to be giving an order.

The next moment, two strange figures suddenly appeared.

Crab solution unko.

In an instant, Mashima Koji fell into a situation of front and back attacks, but even so, he still did not give up hope of life.

Turn to the side path to escape.


After "Masumi Sekigu" finished speaking, the other two unkos rushed over.

Soon there was no escape for Koji Mashima.

At this moment, a golden figure appeared and rescued him in time.

"Agito, are you the one Miss Keiko spoke of?"

Koji Mashima is still free to ask questions.

"Run away."

Li Qinghe glanced at him and said.


Crab Unko quickly turned his target to Li Qinghe.

They take out their weapons at the same time, namely the Claw of Deception and the Sword of Karma!

Unko, the killer whale, is holding a regular sword, and it is a high jumping jump, think of Arthur's silent skill.

Li Qinghe quickly took out the storm halberd and the flame saber to resist, the two weapons lay in front of him, and a huge force came from the weapon injection, Li Qinghe was so shocked that his mouth was numb.

"This guy has a lot of power."

Li Qinghe frowned, and secretly clicked his tongue.

On the flaming saber, a wisp of fierce flame erupted violently, and Yu Xuan swung the saber to slash at the wound of the orca's unko, with the raging flame attached to it, constantly burning.

The roar of another locomotive sounded, and a green locomotive appeared in Li Qinghe's field of vision.


Ryo Ashihara jumped off the locomotive and completed the transformation in mid-air.

gill debut!

"This kid is quite good at playing handsome."

Li Qinghe said.

When he has time, he also has to try and learn a few handsome poses.

"One person, one person, solve the problems as soon as possible."

"Yes, senior."

Wei Yuanliang pulled out the bone whip contained in his body, and stabbed at the crab Unko suddenly at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe dodged sideways, and the long sword fell to the ground, splitting the concrete floor and splashing earth and rocks.

Li Qinghe took advantage of the situation and lowered his body, stretched his legs and swept across.A kick kicked the killer whale unko to the ground.

When Li Qinghe was about to launch his special attack, he suddenly had a whim and tried to merge the two forces of fire and wind into one.

Immediately afterwards, a more powerful storm containing flames took shape.

The flame storm directed towards the killer whale Unko and soon his whole body was ignited, and even the air began to become scorched.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Qinghe launched his nirvana.

With a sudden kick, no matter how unwilling the killer whale Unko is, he will only be defeated.

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