On the other side, Ryo Ashihara's battle was coming to an end, and he saw a pair of sharp blades growing from his heels, jumping into the air and launching a jumping stab at the same time!

"Agito, you too."

Masumi was about to transform, first glanced at Yu Xuan, then at Wei Yuanliang.

At this moment, her expression became painful.

"Run away, you guys run away."

A woman's voice sounded.

However, the next moment, Masumi Sekiya's personality was suppressed again.

The siren sounded, and Makoto Bingchuan came to the scene in g3-x.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Weiyuan, you two are here."

Bing Chuancheng looked at "Seki Valley Masumi" and realized that something was wrong with this woman.

"Masumi Sekiya" sees three people gather

She was still in the state of awakening at the moment, so she chose to leave first.

The opponent actively retreated.

The three of them did not continue to pursue.

"The guy just now"

Glacier sincerely opened his mouth.

"Angel of water, is the leadership in Unko."

Li Qinghe looked at the direction in which "Guan Gu Zhencheng" was going away and said.

In the corner, my brother-in-law watched all this.

"That is, Water El? But Zemu Zheye didn't come."

He whispered softly, and left the


"Is it hidden in that woman's body?

The brother-in-law's voice suddenly sounded.

"I have already found him, it seems that I have to do it myself."

Hei Shen turned around and said to his brother-in-law.

"If you do it yourself, all problems will be solved."

"Destroy him, this world will still belong to me, and human beings can only become what I love."

Black God said.

Chapter 116 Human Good and Evil

The brother-in-law said, "You underestimate human beings too much. Besides, Mr. Qinghe, it's not that easy to deal with."

A remote place.

Masumi Sekiya, who had regained his self-awareness, walked forward aimlessly.

In short, the farther away from the companions the better, a picture flashed in her mind, it was the last time she went to meet a companion named Ju Chun.

"It turned out that I was killed by pure."

Sekigu Masumi looked devastated.

Maybe it's okay to just die like this.

She looked at a river in front of her and thought so in her heart.

Just as he was thinking, Masumi Sekiya suddenly stopped.

A flash of light flashed, and the figure of the two-sucking whale Unko appeared on her body.

It is the Angel of Water!

"Who are you? Give me back my body."

Masumi Sekiya struggled and said.

"You're out of use."

The water seal comes from the body of Masumi Sekiya

Separated, the fully awakened Angel of Water is trying to kill Sekitani Masumi.

Suddenly a voice came.

"For the Black God, ordinary humans are its children, and they are reluctant to kill them. As one of the noble water angels, the Black God will not agree to this."

Ashihara Liang's house.

Li Qinghe, Wei Yuanliang and Bing Chuancheng sat together.

"Senior meant to say that the water

el's main goal is to destroy us9

In that case, it's not right to talk to that guy.

It's a coincidence. "

Come on, Shoichi Tsugami has come to look for you

is you. "Yu Yunkai said.

"That is to say, as long as the water

Eliminate, you can completely clear idnkq_

"No." Yu Xuan shook his head, "

Such guys - there were seven of them, but in the end

The ones we encounter may not be so named.total

To deal with it carefully is to suffer"

Jinxuan has now unlocked the shining form

If only one of the earth archangels

It's okay to say, if you meet two people at the same time, then

It will be difficult, if the three angels are basically

The above is directly gg. _


We must break down l one by one now

"So what shall we do now?

"Take the initiative to attack!"

Li Qinghe stood up and said loudly again.

The Tsugami family.

"Eradicated? The el of water

Tsugami Shoichiyo looked out the window and said to himself

At this moment, a young man in black suddenly

Walking in, it was Dou Zhen, the power of darkness.

There was no joy or anger on his face.sit on

= On a chair, said softly.

"Not too long :c ag in this world

iiq will disappear. "

"atto's power, it seems _

Far stronger than I imagined.I want

Consume and take away the power of agtto. "__

Shoichi Tsugami did not doubt Toma's words

l He knows that if the person in front of him makes a move

If so, human hope will cease to exist.


So he said quickly, "Odd you know

right? Even if you wiped them out.soon

There will be a new agiiq birthday later

pregnancy. "

"Yes, but even so, I

The research has begun to act_. "

Dou Zhen said calmly, "agi_

The existence of t0 means that there is no intention

"In front of you, you will eventually understand-a truth

Human beings cannot save human beings. "

"Last = -One Chance, Swear Loyalty

To me, you will have eternal life. "

Facing the temptation of eternal life proposed by Dou Zhen.

Sho Tsugami shook his head and smiled wryly."

"I am the one to die, maybe

You're right, all I do now, is

To atone for the past. "

The species will have a promise of its own future!"

There was a firmness in his eyes.

Dou Zhen still can't understand why he

The human being in front of me will have such firmness

Faith, even after knowing that you will personally

There is no wavering in the case of the shot

He sat on the sofa for a while

The shape disappeared.

And Tsugami Sho-looked at the one that Touma sat on

place, Meijiu also left here

On the other side, Dong Kino and Ryo Ashihara have already met each other.

After waking up.

"Is everyone okay?" Cheng Bingchuan

come and say

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