If it's Brother Ashihara, I'm willing. "

Tsugami's Z smiled, the back of his hand was dark

The coat of arms glows, and the power of light in Koji's body is suppressed.

Extracted, and then entered into Ashihara

in vivo.


Ashihara Ryota roared at the chest position

Name = a golden pillar of the sage, the same

Blood-red sharp thorns covered his body.


(i.e. beyond gils1

Ashihara Ryo evolved into a new form, fighting

Dou Li climbed to the peak, and soon he and other

The two a= together knocked down their respective opponents.

Jin Xuan and the others are about to launch a kill.

And the real figure on the top of the mountain suddenly appeared in the next part

"Humans, as long as they continue to be human

That's it. "

He said softly, stretching out his palm to

Swipe forward.A beam of light immediately hits

The three of Jin Xuan did not resist at all.

The power will fly out one after another.

On a high mountain.

Dou Zhen lay horizontally in the mid-air, his whole body glowing with golden light.

"Human beings, my children, I can no longer love you, destroy them all, with your own hands."

During Douzhen's ability to move stars, Scorpios committed suicide.

by his side.There are two unko

Subtype of ele_

Suddenly, they turned in one direction

It appears that two humans, and a

A person came here.

"This is a holy place, not human beings.

place since.

Wind B said, seeing this

The human beings of the scene, he will personally kill

"Want to destroy us? That depends on

Let's see if you have the strength 1"

Yu Xuanwang practiced Taoism, and purple appeared on his waist


Transformation 2l_

Jin Xuan and Wei forgive each other and shout at the same time

Ryo Ashihara transformed himself a second time, directly

For beyond gills.

"Xuan, Mr. Ashihara. Let's not

Let's fight shoulder to shoulder, one last time"

Glacier switched out the 6xz05 machine

In the off-gun mode, he said to the two of them.

"Dream, you are just an ordinary person.

Nothing can be done with human strength,

The fate of the class rests in my hands

Soon, human beings will use their own hands to end

section of life.

Dou really didn't start a group.but belongs to

His voice came out.

Finally, he descended to the two angels of wind and earth

Da orders, "Give it to me!"

"Don't underestimate the human


Glacier Cheng took the lead in rushing up, a tube

After the machine gun bullets are finished, take out the melee

Weapon ck--86, Lan is too big to block the west_

Attack of the Archangels.

At this moment, Bing Chuancheng's small universe is complete.

Bottom burst.

Even Ozawa Chengzi, who was on the g3 container truck, couldn't help praising it after seeing this scene.

Chapter 117 Let's explode, small universe!

Ryo Ashihara transformed for the second time, directly transforming into a form beyond gills.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Xiangyi, Mr. Weiyuan, let us fight side by side. This is the last time, let's go!"

Glacier Cheng switched out of machine gun mode and said to the four of them.

"Dream, you are just an ordinary person. Nothing can be done with the power of human beings. The fate of human beings is in my hands. Soon, human beings will use their own hands to end their lives.

Black God didn't speak, but his own voice came out.

Finally, he gave an order to the two angels of the wind and the earth, "Go to me!"

"Don't underestimate the power of human beings!"

Glacier Cheng rushed up first, and after firing a barrel of machine gun bullets, he took out the melee weapon ck-86.

At this moment, Bing Chuancheng's small universe completely exploded.

Even Ozawa Chengzi, who was on the g3 container truck, couldn't help admiring after seeing this scene.

"As expected of Bing Chuancheng, a man who never admits defeat!"

"Ordinary humans actually possess such power?"

The two angels were surprised.

"Today's glacier is unexpectedly reliable, Liang, we can't lose to him."

Li Qinghe said with a smile, the Shining Sword appeared in his hand, and rushed directly towards the Angel of the Earth in it.

The Angel of the Dry Wind was handed over to Ashihara Ryo, Sawaki Tetsuya and Hikawa Makoto.

"None of you want to leave today!"

After the angel of the earth finished speaking, the surface of the earth suddenly began to tremble.

The soil pillar formed by the mud suddenly rushed out from the ground where Li Qinghe was.

In the burning form, although the power is the strongest, but the speed is the slowest among all forms.

Li Qinghe couldn't dodge it for a while, but he still waved the shining sword in his hand, and a burst of flames burst out, directly cutting the soil pillar in half.

"What you said just now is exactly what I want to say, wait for death."

Li Qinghe said, the sage's stone around his waist turned light blue, and at the same time the fiery red armor turned light blue.

It is the burning form that loses part of its strength, but in exchange for extreme speed.


The two corners of the Shining Sword in Li Qinghe's hand became straight, and the shape changed to the Shining King Sword Halberd mode (that is, the Shining Halberd).

Li Qinghe rushed towards the angel of the earth, as if turning into a blue phantom, the speed of Li Qinghe was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Clang clang clang."

The Shining Halberd swung rapidly, leaving many marks on the Angel of the Earth.

Suddenly, clods of soil nearby rose from the ground.

A khaki barrier formed by condensation.Stand before the angel of the earth.

Although it is the condensation of soil, it appears extremely hard.Blocked Li Qinghe's follow-up attack.

Li Qinghe's brilliant blue armor was broken, and he turned into a shining silver warrior!

Li Qinghe's strength strengthened, and he slashed down suddenly, the earth shield in front of him broke apart, and the earth clods flew.

Then without a moment's rest, surrounded by the whirring sound of piercing through the air, Li Qinghe flew into the air, dancing with his halberd, about to kill the angel of the earth.

However, at this moment, the soil under the Angel of the Earth's feet seemed to turn into a pool, submerging the Angel of the Earth, and got into the earth.

Earth escape?

Li Qinghe was stunned for a moment, feeling a bit difficult, he got into the ground, even he couldn't do anything about it.

Fortunately, the duty of the Angel of the Earth is to eliminate those who enter the Holy Land and protect the safety of the Holy Land, so they will not run away, and they will even try their best to kill the intruders.

The Angel of the Earth broke through the ground from behind Li Qinghe, rushed up to the sky with the impact, and wanted to sneak attack Li Qinghe.

It is basically impossible to sneak attack Li Qinghe successfully.

Li Qinghe easily escaped the attack of the angel of the earth with a single horizontal movement.

At the same time, Li Qinghe swung his long halberd from high to low, and the shining halberd slammed heavily on the shoulder of the angel of the earth.

Then Li Qinghe pressed down violently.


The angel of the earth buried a small part of her body in the ground.

Without giving him a chance to react, a huge blue coat of arms appeared above the head of the Angel of the Earth, and Li Qinghe rushed into the air and then fell rapidly.Kicked down hard.

Shine Riding Dirt Kicks!


The angel of the earth exploded, and he didn't even have a chance to return to the body of the black god for treatment, and completely disappeared from the world.

On the other side, the battle between Makoto Hikawa, Ryo Ashihara and Tetsuya Sawaki with Angel of the Wind is also coming to an end

The angel of the wind vibrated its wings, trying to get rid of the three of them and fly into the air.Who will give it this chance,

Wei Yuanliang jumped up, raised his legs and fell to perform his special attack.

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