The claws that surpassed Gils hit the Angel of the Wind's shoulder directly, making it impossible for the opponent to leave the ground.

Glacier on the side took out the gx-05, fired a powerful shell, and hit the Angel of the Wind accurately.

The explosion burned the nearby local area into scorched black.

The two angels were declared dead.

At this moment, the body of the black god began to fly upwards.


Glacier quickly switched out of the machine gun mode, and a tongue of flame shot out from the inspection port!

"Ding Ding Ding".

The bullets hit the golden barrier without an inch, and fell to the ground one after another.

Seeing that the black god was rising higher and higher, Bingchuancheng and Wei forgiven couldn't help showing anxious expressions on their faces, and there was no time to think.

Tetsuya Zemu gritted his teeth, launched the Shining Knight kick again, and kicked directly at the black god in the air.

The figure of Sawaki Tetsuya and the black god are getting closer and closer.

When the two came into contact with Chabang, a huge explosion occurred.

Both Sawaki Tetsuya and Black God disappeared.

"Shoichi Tsugami!"


Bingchuancheng and Ashihara Ryo looked at the sky and kept shouting, but they didn't get the slightest response.

Shoichi (senior), is he dead?

The two lowered their heads, with mixed feelings in their hearts.


This is of course impossible.

Regardless of whether Black God had the idea of ​​killing Sawaki Tetsuya at that moment.

At the same time as the explosion sounded, a mask formed by some kind of energy firmly protected Tetsuya Zemu.The power of the explosion did not hurt Tetsuya Zemu at all.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed, it was the energy mask activated by the black god.

The next moment, two figures appeared on the top of a tall building.

It was Sawaki Tetsuya and Black God.

"There is another power in you. You are a pure agitq, but you are not. You have been possessed by her for so long, and you have seen enough. If you don't take action, this world will be given to outsiders."

The Black God said.

Even Zemu Tetsu was not injured, so it was even more impossible for him.You know, the energy mask protecting Ze Mu Tetsuya was issued by him, in order to paralyze Li Qinghe who was fighting below.

Ze Muzhe also showed a look of vigilance.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not very interested in your power, I just suddenly figured it out."

The Black God looked at Li Qinghe and said, "Even if I don't make a move, agito will disappear in this world and be wiped out by ordinary humans. I really don't understand why you still choose to protect them."

Ze Muzhe didn't answer either, he didn't need to think about what the future of the world would be like for the time being, but hearing what Black God meant, he should have given up the plan to wipe out human beings.

"Human beings are not as weak as you think."

Ze Muzhe also flew down the tall building after speaking.

Black God quietly watched Ze Muzhe leave, and did not go after him. White God, why did you choose to change your human identity again?

Misugi's house.

"I'm sorry that I failed to protect Tetsuya Sawaki. I am solely responsible for his death!"

Hikawa Makoto kept bowing towards Misugi's house, with a sad face, expressing his apologies to the three.

"No, senior's death should be my responsibility. If I can stop him."

Wei Yuanliang was also full of grief. If he had stopped in time at that time, I am afraid that such a thing would not have happened.

"Sawaki Tetsuya is also a hero of all mankind. He saved the world. I will apply to the leaders to erect statues of Zeki Tetsuya all over the country. His voice, smile, and great achievements should not be forgotten by future generations."

Glacier said so.Speaking of which.He had to admire Ze Mu Tetsu for choosing to sacrifice Naoki's life without hesitation to help others.

"Is he really dead?"

Zhenyu's expression was dull, and it took him a long time to react, as if he had been struck by lightning, he stood there in a daze, tears rolled down unconsciously, and dripped to the ground.

Just a few hours ago, she had a phone conversation with Zemu Tetsuya.

Miyama Yoshihiko and Kasugi Taiichi also had sad expressions on their faces.After all, after living together for so long, they have developed deep feelings.

For a moment, the atmosphere was dull and desolate!

Only Li Qinghe showed a calm expression, which seemed to be heartless, and made everyone's big eyes look at him at the same time.

I don't know how to describe that look, let alone describe it in words.

"Why are you all looking at me like this? I said you didn't see Sawaki Tetsuya's body. How did you confirm that he was dead? From my experience, he is fine. Don't worry about it."

Li Qinghe felt a little flustered by being stared at by five people at the same time, and with a chill behind his back, he quickly explained.

"You mean that Ze Muzhe is not dead? You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier, you have to trick me enough to cry."

Zhenyu suddenly rushed towards Li Qinghe, beating Li Qinghe with his small fists.

Sure enough, as Li Qinghe said, after three hours, Ze Muzhe was also sitting on the sofa, staring at Bing Chuancheng and Wei Yuanliang with a bad expression, and said angrily.

"How long has it been since the two of you started spreading rumors about my death? Could it be that if I came back later, there should be news of my death in the newspapers."

Rao Zemu Tetsu also has a good personality, and he doesn't want to hear others say that he is dead.

"There is such a plan..."

Glacier Cheng whispered.

But it was still heard by Ze Mutehe.

"The situation at that time was really weird. We waited for half an hour and saw you flying into the sky, senior, so we thought..."

Ashihara Ryo said from the side.

"Forget it, I'll forgive you."

Ze Muzhe also waved his hand and said, he stopped thinking about it and said: But regarding the statue erected across the country proposed by Bingchuan, we must hurry up. "

"Anyway, the threat has been completely removed, right?"

real fish asked.

"Yeah, it is estimated that there will be no unko in the future."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, everyone's tense nerves relaxed.As for how ordinary humans will get along with Agito in the future, whether to tolerate or divide, this is out of his consideration.Moreover, after this matter was over, he also had his own ideas, for example, to investigate the origin of the system on his body. .

In the final analysis, this matter is still due to his own lack of strength.If he could have the strength to rival the Black God, he didn't have to worry too much, and he didn't have to call Zemu Tetsuya and the others.

Even if the Black God once again expresses his desire to destroy human beings, he still has enough strength to stop him, which requires him to become stronger.

Chapter 118 The End of the World

The Tsugami family.

Shoichi Tsugami was sitting by the window, looking at a dead tree that was about to be zeroed.

The only two leaves left on the tree seemed to correspond to his current state.

The Black God suddenly appeared, sat on another chair, and said, "The life given to you is running out."

"It doesn't matter."

Tsugami said calmly.

For him, it was not even a punishment.

"I selected the messenger from the human race to destroy the god of the other world, so as to restore the world to normal. But now it seems that there is no need for that anymore. He is not in a hurry. What am I in a hurry for? I am not alone in this world. Humans rule, and according to my speculation, human beings will destroy themselves one day."

The Black God said.

"No, although you created humans, you don't understand humans at all. I believe humans can accept agito and use their infinite possibilities."

Tsugami Shoichi retorted.

"Really? Then let me see whether what you said is right or wrong." Hei Shen said.

Shoichi Tsugami suddenly laughed, he knew that the Black God had given up the idea of ​​destroying human beings and decided to give human beings another chance.

"Okay, I will definitely win."

Say the last sentence.Shoichi Tsugami slowly closed his eyes.

A gust of wind blows, and the last leaf on the dead tree falls.


At the same time, something fell to the ground.

Three months later.

Li Qinghe came to a cemetery with the tomb of Shoichi Tsugami written on it.

"I didn't expect you to leave so early. If you leave a little later, I will personally see you off. I think you will be lonely down there alone. So, I will find some companions to accompany you. This It is enough for the world to have me as a god. Zemu Tetsuya, you are a good person, and I don’t want to kill you, but who let the white god possess you?

The Black God has already left this world, and when he left, he still missed you very much..."

These days, Li Qinghe has recovered his memory, and he realized that he really lost his memory, and that so-called system is actually Princess Celia.

As soon as the words fell, Ze Muzhe appeared behind Li Qinghe.

"I didn't expect that you are the biggest villain in this world. Without you, this world will not be peaceful."

Together with Tetsuya Zemu are Kubiliang, Bingchuan and the others.

"What? Are you going to fight me too?"

Li Qinghe went on to say,

"Actually, I had already expected such a day to come. I just didn't expect this day to come so soon. In this case, since you are my good friends, I will find you a good cemetery. They will take good care of them, you can go at ease, don't die with regret. Come on, don't leave them a whole body, and don't see each other in the next life."

As soon as the words fell, Sora suddenly appeared on the cemetery, followed by thousands of Leo knights, and surrounded everyone.

An hour later, there were four "partners" on the original tombstone.

Li Qinghe looked at the G3 system scattered all over the place and the three Philosopher's Stones in Kongwo's hands.

"Why are you bothering? You ended up with no bones left. This is the result of being an enemy of me."

After Li Qinghe's memory recovered, he took the initiative to link to the 555 world, calling a lot of [No] [Right].

Arranged in advance, besieged and killed the black god, and then deliberately released the news, which attracted the attention of Tetsuya Zemu and the others, forcing them to make a decision.People always have to pay the price for their actions, and Li Qinghe has no regrets about his decision.

Soon, within a month, Li Qinghe ruled the world.As for the disappearing Zemu Tetsuya and the others, they were fooled by Li Qinghe with the excuse of fighting the Black God and dying together.

After conquering this world, the benefit is that he got a red alert system, which can make it easier for Li Qinghe to stabilize his world.In every world, there will be those who resist [even].

A year later, Li Qinghe got married here, and Zhenyu and him have officially become a family.

The news that Li Qinghe ruled the world was unknown to everyone except the professor's family, including Zhenyu.

Until one day, Li Qinghe was ready to travel to other worlds.

When parting, Zhenyu said to Li Qinghe: "Are you leaving me again?"

"How come? Are you really a fish..."

"Yes, using my ability to go back in time, I secretly checked your memory one night while Qinghe was asleep."

The real fish replied truthfully.

It was only then that Li Qinghe suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt that Zhenyu was a little abnormal recently.

"Is there any chance we'll meet again?"

"There will be, and not for long."

Li Qinghe replied, then turned around and walked away without looking back.

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