Ryuzaburo Sakata looked at the two of them happily.

Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko had forced smiles on their faces, not knowing what to say.

Moon Shadow came out from Li Qinghe's place by Gary, and walked directly to Nan Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"Happy birthday."

Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko saw their idols coming to them, they looked at each other and smiled, they were so happy that Tsukage Yukari could attend his birthday party.

"You are the honorable young people who have been chosen, let's work hard."

Looking at Nan Kotaro and Qiuyue Faith's confused faces, apparently ignorant of anything, Yue Ying Yu Jiali was going to tell them some information.

"Don't know anything?

At tomorrow's eclipse, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Soichiro who was next to him saw that Tsukage Yukari might tell the truth, so he hurried over to stop him.

"This is not allowed, Miss Moon Shadow, don't make fun of my son."


Moon Shadow Yugali was a little puzzled, did he say something wrong?

"Miss Tsukage," Soichiro said in a threatening tone with a red light in the depths of his pupils.


Tsukage Yugari was a little scared when he saw Soichiro and his party looking at him with threatening eyes.

Professor Heisong took a glass of red wine and came to rescue him, "Beauties are very suitable for wine. Please."

Yueying Yugali somewhat understood the reason why Li Qinghe asked him to tell Namkotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko, because these two young people knew nothing about their future situation.

It's just that why Li Qinghe didn't let himself tell everything.

"I'm drunk, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, Tsukage retreated from here by Gary. Of course, I don't know whether I said sorry to Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Faith or to Soichiro and his party in the end.

"It's something to celebrate anyway."

Professor Heisong raised his glass and signaled everyone to drink.

Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko looked at Professor Kuromatsu's laughter and felt a little ominous, so they didn't drink the wine in their glasses.

Kotaro Minami saw a locust on Nobuhiko Akizuki's shoulder and patted it down.Akizuki Nobuhiko also saw a locust on Minami Kotaro's shoulder and patted it down.

Suddenly countless locusts flew onto the cruise ship and attacked Nan Kotaro and Qiuyue Faith, but the other people on the ship seemed to have not seen the locusts, and they were still talking and laughing.

After waiting for a few minutes, Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko heard that there were no more locusts, and they couldn't find a locust when they looked around. If it wasn't for the fact that they felt attacked by locusts, Akizuki Nobuhiko's younger sister Kyoko was also there.Both thought it was a hallucination. .

But things have already happened. In order to know what will happen in the solar eclipse tomorrow, Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko decided to go back to Soichiro's laboratory, hoping to find some clues.

"Aren't you afraid of these locusts?"

Chapter 2 Golgom's Actions

Returning to the medical room, Yueying Youjiali saw Li Qinghe drinking alone. "Fangzheng didn't attack me, and he didn't pollute my eyeballs, so just treat it as invisible. Fangzheng disappeared after a while."

Li Qinghe said calmly.

"It's you, why aren't you afraid? Aren't women afraid of these things?"

Li Qinghe asked back.

"If a person has seen something more frightening, then what he ordinarily thinks he is afraid of is nothing compared to it?"

Moon Shadow Yugali said with a sense of loss.

"However, you asked me to tell them the news. They can't escape Golgom's control. Is it necessary?"

"Who says you can't escape, why don't you make a bet with me."

Li Qinghe put down the wine glass in his hand, and came to Yueying Yugali.

"What are you gambling?"

"Gambler, if I win you are mine, and if you win I will protect you for a while."

Li Qinghe expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, deal."

Yue Ying Yu Jiali believed that Nan Kotaro and himself would not be able to escape Golgom's control, so he took the bet.

Li Qinghe and Yueying Youjiali made a bet, and both parties had great confidence in themselves.

Soon, the birthday party of Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko ended.

Recalling Tsukage Yukari's words, and thinking about the abnormal behavior of those who attended the banquet, the ominousness in the hearts of Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko became more and more serious.

The two decided to go to Soichiro's laboratory at night to see if they could find some clues.

As the two left, Li Qinghe left the cruise ship with Yueying Yugali, and slowly drove to follow Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko who were riding motorcycles.

Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko were anxious to go to Soichiro's laboratory, but they didn't notice Li Qinghe and Tsukage Yukari following behind them.

On the way to Soichiro's laboratory, a bright light suddenly swept in front of the two of them.

"ah," "ah"

Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko couldn't bear the sudden strong light and flung themselves from the motorcycle.

The two quickly stood up from the ground, back to back, and suddenly a pungent smell appeared.The two of them lost all strength and collapsed on the ground.

"Our prince, come together."

Darrom reached out and grabbed the two of them, and led them to Soichiro's laboratory.

"Look, they can't escape Golgom's control."

Moon Shadow Yugali said lonely, in fact, she would rather lose the bet by herself, to prove that Golgom is not invincible, but so far, no one can stop Golgom's control.

"It's too early to draw conclusions now. You'll know in a few days. Let's go, go back."

Li Qinghe said.

"Go back, where to go?"

Moon Shadow looked at Li Qinghe from Gary.

"Of course it's your place. I don't even have a place to live."

Li Qinghe said without any embarrassment.

"What? All right. I'm unlucky to meet you, let's go."

Yukage Yugali never mentioned the bet. In her opinion, the fate of Nan Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko was already doomed. In this case, the bet with Li Qinghe didn't matter.

For Li Qinghe's conclusion that it was too early, Yueying Youjiali can understand that men are not willing to lose face in front of girls, so they just hold on.So Moon Shadow Yugali didn't bring up the topic of betting again.

Back home, Moon Shadow opened the door by Gary.

"Miss Moon Shadow, where is the bathroom, I'm going to take a shower."

Li Qinghe's clothes fell into the sea and were soaked by sea water, and his body smelled of the sea.I didn't feel hungry just now, but when I rested, I felt uncomfortable.


Moon Shadow pointed to the location by Gary.

Li Qinghe took off his clothes as if he was at his own home, and went in directly.But before going in, I still put on my de1ta belt.Being in another world, you still have multiple eyes.

After Li Qinghe came out of the shower, he found a set of men's pajamas and a complete set of men's clothing at the door of the bathroom.

After Li Qinghe put it on, he found that Yue Yingyou Gary also came out in his pajamas, his head was still wet, it was obvious that he had just taken a bath.

"Do you have two bathrooms in your house?"

"That's right, the one you use is for my entertaining guests. You can sleep in that room tonight, and I'll sleep in this."

"You actually have men's clothing? The guests you entertained are not men."

Li Qinghe put on his pajamas and tidied up the clothes he had taken off.

"What are you thinking? It was my late father's costume, and you were the first man to spend the night at my house."

Moon Shadow was a little shy after Gary finished speaking, and went straight into her room.

Li Qinghe heard the sound of "bang" closing the door, "Forget it, take it step by step, don't be too hasty."

Li Qinghe went to another room in his pajamas.

At this time, Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko were in crisis.

The two woke up almost at the same time, and found that they and each other had tubes similar to infusion tubes inserted into their bodies.



The two called out to each other, both reaching out to hold each other's hand.

The high priest Darom standing beside the two stretched out the paw of his right hand.

"Squeak", the claws protruded from the long nails, aiming at Minami Kotaro's waist, releasing rays.

Minami Kotaro was hit by the rays and lost consciousness for a short time.

"Lord Creation King, please give me the stone of the century king, the emperor stone."

The right hand stretched out from the statue, and the other two great priests, Raohm and Bihuum knelt on the ground and waited for the arrival of the Emperor Stone.

The Emperor Stone slowly landed on the right hand of the great priest Darom, successfully put the Sun Stone into Minami Kotaro's waist, and put the Moon Stone into Akizuki Nobuhiko's waist.

"Afterwards, their memory as humans will be erased, and then the transformation operation will be completed." Darrom said.

"Wait a minute, this is different from the agreement, don't erase their memories."

Soichiro heard at the door of the laboratory that Darrom wanted to erase the memories of Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki, which was different from what they had agreed upon.

Soichiro made an agreement with Golgom that he would bring up Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki himself, and accept the status of King of the Century at the age of 19, but the memory will not be erased.

In other words, it is very good for Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko to become the leaders of Golgom.

However, Gorgom obviously also knew Soichiro's thoughts, but in order to allow Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko to be better raised, he lied to Soichiro.

For the great priest, since Nan Kotaro and Qiuyue believe in becoming the candidate for the Creation King of Gorgom, it means that they must give up their human identities.

The most direct way to give up their human identity is to erase their memories.Otherwise, a creation king with human memory would be a disaster for Gorgom.

"Professor Qiuyue, Kotaro and Nobuhiko are no longer your sons, but King Heiri of the Century."

Hearing what the great priest Darom said, Soichiro became angry.


Soichiro rushed to the test bench and pushed away the hand of the great priest Darom who released the light, in order to save his sons Minami Kotaro and Akizuki Nobuhiko.

The great priest Raohm and Byhum quickly avoided the light attack released by Darom's right hand.

As a result of Soichiro's trouble, Minami Kotaro was pushed off the test bench and regained consciousness, while Akizuki Nobuhiko's energy transmission was interrupted.

"Ah, ah, ah," Akizuki Nobuhiko wailed.

The great priest Raohm saw Professor Akizuki making trouble at a critical moment, which made Akizuki Nobuhiko's experiment fail and he was in danger of losing his life.

High Priest Raohm fired electricity from both hands, knocking Soichiro to the ground.


Seeing his father Soichiro being hit by the great priest Raohm, Minami Kotaro stretched out his hand and shouted.

"Go, go, leave me alone."

Soichiro saw that Namkotaro had woken up, and told Namkotaro to flee quickly regardless of his own safety.


Seeing that he could not save his father, Nan Kotaro could only listen to his father's words and escape first.

Naked, Kotaro Minami ran desperately in one direction.

The three priests followed closely behind. During the escape, the barrier of the fighting locusts was accidentally broken by the great priest Laohm, awakening the fighting locusts.

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