
The battle locust honked its horn, the lights of the car kept flashing, and the front of the car shook, signaling Nan Kotaro to follow him.

Nan Kotaro didn't know where the exit was, but the three priests followed closely behind.He would definitely be caught if he stayed here. Thinking of this, Kotaro Nana didn't hesitate, he rode the combat locust, and the combat locust found the exit by itself and escaped from the laboratory.

However, this did not get rid of the pursuit of the three priests, and the three priests pursued closely.Because there is a sun stone in Namkotaro's body, the position of Namkotaro will be perceived by the three priests.

For this reason, Nan Kotaro was caught during his escape.

"It's useless to run away, Nan Kotaro, you accept our transformation experiment, and you will become Gorgom's century king Hei Ri."

At present, Nobuhiko Akizuki's experiment was not successful, so the three priests decided to catch Kotaro Namikotaro back, train Kotaro Namikotaro, let Kotaro Namikota kill Nobuhiko Akizuki, and take out the Moon Stone to become the next creator of Golgom king.

So the three priests didn't care about Akizuki Nobuhiko who failed the experiment and Soichiro who made trouble, but grabbed Minami Kotaro and went back first.

"Stop it," Namkotaro yelled.

"It's too late, you have accepted our transformation experiment, your body is no longer human, let me show you the evidence."

In order for Nan Kotaro to accept the fact that he is the king of the century, he is no longer an ordinary person.

The great priest Darom drew Nan Kotaro to his hand in an instant, threw it far away, and fell on the advertising light, got an electric shock on his body, and fell off the advertising light again, with continuous current flowing through his body.

"Your body can endure such high-voltage electricity, and ordinary humans would not be able to live long ago."

High Priest Darom explained.

"What did you do to me?"

Minami Kotaro struggled. .

"You are the King of Glory as the King of Transformers and King's Landing."

The great priest Raohm came to the fallen Minami Kotaro.

Chapter 3 Kotaro Minami's Battle

"Hei Ri, stop struggling."

Seeing Nan Kotaro struggling, the great priest Bihume sneered.

The three priests lifted Namkotaro up and prepared to take Namkotaro back to the laboratory from the air.

"How can I become a puppet controlled by you, let me go."

Nan Kotaro struggled to break free from the shackles of the three priests and fell from the sky.

The three priests returned to the ground and found Nan Kotaro who fell to the ground. Seeing that Nan Kotaro was so disobedient, the great priest Darom became angry.

The black sun is just that they are the kings in the future, at least not yet, it is also possible to teach him a proper lesson and let him recognize the reality.

The great priest lifted Nan Kotaro with one hand, and used his telekinetic force to still put Nan Kotaro on the wooden box next to him, suck it back and throw it out. This went back and forth several times, and finally threw Nan Kotaro into the wall next to him. Make a big hole.

The great priest felt that his shot was too heavy, and he was not at ease, so he hurried to the hole where Nan Kotaro was thrown to see how Nam Kotaro was doing

Nan Kotaro grasped both hands, slowly got up and stood up, and walked out staggeringly.The appearance was in the shape of a locust, with a black body, and appeared in front of the three priests.

"Dark Sun."

The three priests watched in shock as the locust-shaped weirdo spraying white air came to them.

Nan Kotaro approached the three priests and punched them out.

The three priests quickly moved away, and the great priest Bihume shot a burning light ball in his eyes.

Minami Kotaro turned around to avoid the attack of Le Da Priest Bihume.

The great priest Darom used his thoughts to knock down the steel bars tied to the overhead crane and put them on Namkotaro. With a strong lift, Namkotaro easily pushed away the steel bars, and then lifted the steel bars and smashed them at the three priests.

Seeing Nan Kotaro transformed, the three priests did not continue to fight with Na Kotaro out of some considerations.

The great priest Raohm opened his protective shield to block Namkotaro's attack, and the three priests quickly left.

The three priests who returned to the operating room could only put the burden of the century king on Nobuhiko Akizuki.

"Nobuhiko, my prince, I will have you meet Kurohi soon. Rest well before then."

The three priests continued to transmit energy to Nobuhiko.

The next day, Li Qinghe woke up, and after washing up, he saw that Yueying Yugali had already prepared breakfast.


"Morning, wash your hands and have dinner together."

Yueying Yujiali felt that Li Qinghe was very unusual the first time she met him, so she let Li Qinghe into her home for the night.

After Li Qinghe finished his meal, he saw Moon Shadow and Gary preparing to leave.

"Miss Yueying, the money you earn should be enough for you to spend, why are you still going to work?"

"I'm going to work because being an actor is my hobby. Besides, I have nothing to do when I'm alone at home."

Hearing what Yueying Yugali said, Li Qinghe felt that he was too worldly.Everything depends on money. Although Li Qinghe will not be like Yueying Yugali, he still admires people who think like Yueying Yugali.

"Let's go out together, I'll go see Nan Kotaro."

"Are you crazy? It's not easy to get in Golgom, and it's even more impossible to get out. Isn't it good for you to stay at home?"

Yueying Youjiali wanted to stop Li Qinghe's actions.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. How could I go to Golgom's lair? I went to Nan Kotaro's house. He should be back."

Li Qinghe opened the car door, and followed Yueying and Gali into the car.

"Nan Kotaro was captured by Golgom yesterday, how could he come back today."

Moon Shadow Yugali obviously didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, come with me to Soichiro's house."

Moon Shadow Yugali was a little curious, as long as he didn't go to Golgom's lair.

Tsukikage Yugali called his colleague, pushed aside today's work schedule, and drove towards Soichiro's house.

Kotaro Minami returned home and entered the room where his father worked, wondering why his father was there too.

Turning around, I accidentally found a note left by my father on the table.

"Kutaro, this house is dangerous. I must tell you something. Come to Camp David. You must be alone."

Kotaro Minami rushed out of the house and ran into his younger sister Kyoko Akizuki and Nobuhiko Akizuki's girlfriend Katsumi Kida.

"Xingzi, this house is dangerous, move out of here quickly."

After speaking, Kotaro Minami got on his motorcycle and started driving towards Camp David.

"How could he escape?"

Tsukage drove to Soichiro's house from Gary, and found Kotaro Minami rushing away on a motorcycle.

"Nothing is impossible. If you want to know where he has gone, if you want to, just follow him."

Li Qinghe is also very curious about Nam Kotaro's strength, and the next thing is Namkotaro's real battle with the weirdo.When you come to this world, you have to know how strong Kamen Rider Bck is.

"it is good."

Yue Ying Yu Jiali heard Li Qinghe's words, and drove closely behind Nan Kotaro. Nan Kotaro was in a hurry to go to David's camp and didn't notice the car behind him.

"You didn't go out last night, how did you know that Nan Kotaro escaped?"

Moon Shadow Yugali asked while driving.


Li Qinghe can't say that I have already predicted everything that will happen in the future.It's also good to answer like this and keep your own sense of mystery.

Minami Kotaro stepped up the accelerator and drove all the way to Camp David.

Nan Kotaro came to Camp David, a dilapidated factory building.

Minami Kotaro cautiously stepped into the position designated by Sotaro, and found a man wearing a fur hat, who turned around.

"Dad. Is that you?"

Minami Kotaro asked eagerly.

"Kotaro, it's me. I'm so worried about you."

Soichiro hurried to Minami Kotaro.

"What is Golgom? What does it have to do with us? Dad, why did you appear in such a place? What's going on. Dad..."

Minami Kotaro has a lot of questions, waiting for Soichiro to answer.

"Kotaro, I am a member of Golgom just as you think, and I have been no different from a dead person since that day. Listen calmly and carefully to the truth I am going to say now."

Soichiro had a serious expression on his face.

Minami Kotaro stabilized his emotions and listened quietly.

"Yes, 19 years ago, the night of an eclipse enveloped the city in darkness. In that night of eclipse, Nobuhiko was born.

At the same time, my good friend Nan also gave birth to a son.That is you Kotaro, when you were three years old, you lost your parents in an accident, and I adopted you.

To me, you and Nobuhiko are like brothers, and I can't lose either of them. When you were born, your father and I devoted ourselves to the excavation of ancient ruins. "

Soichiro walked around the machine beside him, talking while walking, Minami Kotaro followed Soichiro closely.

"However, to excavate the ancient ruins requires a large amount of funds. However, the allocation of funds is not very smooth.

It can be said that it was a lot of hard work. Just at that time, Golgom said that he would provide me with funds.For me, that was a great help, but it was conditional, that is, being a member of Gorgom.I thought about it for a long time, but in the end I was bought off, and I accepted the assistance.

But your father said not to be that member, and he refused. "

Soichiro looked at Kotaro Minami.

"So, that accident was..."

Minami Kotaro asked hurriedly.

Soichiro nodded fiercely, indicating that the death of Minami Kotaro's father was not an accident, but man-made.

"The ones who were killed, Dad, they were killed by Golgom...why should they become members of Golgom."

Minami Kotaro questioned Soichiro angrily. .

"If you are targeted by Golgom, you will never be able to escape. Golgom is a group of demons."

Soichiro justified his cowardice, saying that Golgom was too strong to resist, so he took refuge in Golgom.

For ordinary people, being targeted by Gorgom is either complicity or death.And Soichiro is also an ordinary person, so he joined Golgom and survived.But Kotaro's father refused, so he disappeared into the world.

"You have to obey Golgom in order to survive, Kotaro. Otherwise, you will be..."

Soichiro wants to persuade Kotaro to join Golgom.

"I don't want to, I don't want to obey them, look at my body, Dad."

Minami Kotaro easily pulled down the regulator of the heater.

"Being transformed is no longer an ordinary human being. Can this kind of thing be forgiven?"

Minami Kotaro said sadly.

"In the world after this, only those chosen by Golgom can survive. Human beings will be wiped out."

Soichiro is still persuading Nan Kotaro.

"What are you talking about, Dad. I don't want to hear that."

Minami Kotaro looked at his father disappointed.

"Kutaro, only you and Nobuhiko can survive in this world if you become the century king of Golgom."

Soichiro grabs Minami Kotaro's shoulder, but Minami Kotaro throws him away.

"Stop kidding, dad, they want to deprive human beings of their freedom. If you don't fight dad, you will be like me. I don't want to see such a dad."


Minami Kotaro turned and ran out, ignoring Soichiro's call behind him.

Unbeknownst to them, however, what they said was being overheard by the surrounding locusts controlled by the Gorgom.

Yueying Yujiali quickly took Li Qinghe to find the place where Nanguangtaro's motorcycle stopped.

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