"what is that?"

Moon Shadow Yugali saw five spidermen touching up from the roof of the delivery room.

"Spider-monster? Looks like it's already started."

Li Qinghe rolled down the car window and watched from a distance.

Not long after Nan Kotaro ran out, he saw that the way out was blocked by spider webs.Minami Kotaro felt an ominous premonition.

"Father, go, it's dangerous here."

Minami Kotaro hurried back to find Soichiro, no matter what was wrong with Soichiro, he was his father.

Soichiro looked up and saw a figure appearing on the roof.And there are spider monsters at the front door and the back door.

Minami Kotaro was protecting Soichiro, but was thrown to the ground by a spider monster who broke in from the window behind him. .

"Run away, Dad."

However, there are several spider monsters around, not an ordinary person can escape.

Chapter 4 The Death of Soichiro

Minami Kantaro wanted to save his father, but was easily sent flying by the spider monster.In the case of no one transforming, Nan Kotaro's physical fitness cannot compete with the weirdo.

When Minami Kotaro got up, he found that his father had been dragged away by the spider monster, and hurriedly followed him out, only to find that Soichiro had been hung on the top of the electric tower.

"Kutaro, save me."

Soichiro asked Minami Kotaro for help.


After Minami Kotaro finished speaking, he saw that the spider monster let go of Soichiro's hand, and Soichiro fell off the electric tower.

Minami Kotaro got up and jumped up, rushing towards the direction where Soichiro fell.However, in the middle of picking up Soichiro, there was a spider monster blocking him. Minami Kotaro hugged Soichiro when he was about to fall to the ground, but he couldn't control the force of Soichiro's fall, causing Ichiro to fall from the hand that Minami Kotaro was holding him. land.


Minami Kotaro hurriedly helped Soichiro up.

"Kyoko, Nobuhiko, please."

After speaking, Soichiro tilted his head and died.

"Dad, Daddy."

Minami Kotaro fell into grief, unable to extricate himself, he heard the low growls of the five spider monsters.

Minami Kotaro put down Soichiro's body, turned around, and faced the five spider monsters.

With red eyes clenched into fists, both fists were clenched tightly.


Kamen Rider bck attacks.

"This is……"

Moon Shadow in the car looked at Li Qinghe in surprise when Gary saw Nan Kotaro turning into a locust.

"You know all this?"

Li Qinghe smiled silently, but did not answer the question.

"Miss Yueying, what surprises you even more is yet to come. You can continue watching Minami Kotaro's performance."

Li Qinghe has been staring at Nan Kotaro's battle.This is Kamen Rider BCK's first battle with a weirdo. Li Qinghe must watch carefully to see the strength of this Kamen Rider who has transformed into a sun stone.

Kamen Rider bck jumped in front of the spider monster.

He punched a spider monster jumping over his head.Immediately afterwards, he grabbed another spider monster that was pounced on him, and flung the spider monster to the roof with all his strength.

The flung Spider-Monster flew towards Minami Kotaro from the roof again.

Nan Kotaro kicked him into the factory building again.

Seeing how strong Nan Kotaro was, the other spider monsters spit out spider webs from their mouths.The five spidermen stretched out their spider webs and tightly bound Nankotaro.

Kotaro Minami was pulled to the ground by the five spider monsters.

"Battle Locusts."

Golgom's special motorcycle for the King of the Century was snatched by Kotaro Minami when he escaped. It is usually stored in the abandoned factory where Kotaro Minami used as a base, and it will be automatically dispatched when bck calls.

The battle locust (battlehoer) is 5ookh at its highest, using a crystal named "root crystal" as energy, with 4l5 horsepower.Different from ordinary motorcycles, battle locusts (battlehoer) are mechanical virtual life.Has a mind of its own, and the regenerative ability to repair itself.

The fighting locusts successfully crushed and broke these spider threads, and rescued Kotaro Minami who was in crisis.

Nan Kotaro rode on the battle locust and crashed into the five spider monsters.

The five spider monsters fled in a hurry and fled to a warehouse full of goods.

"Want to catch up?"

Seeing Minami Kotaro chasing the five spider monsters on a combat locust, Tsukage Yukari wondered if he should continue to pursue them.

"No, let's go back."

Li Qinghe was a little puzzled when he saw Yueying Yujiali,

"Those five spider geeks are dead, no need to watch, I've already seen what should be seen, there's no need to risk revealing your identity so quickly."

Li Qinghe didn't want to expose himself so soon, but the time to expose himself was coming soon.

After all, he always had to be in contact with Kotaro Minami.

After Nan Kotaro charged in on a combat locust, he was thrown to the ground by a lurking spider monster.

Minami Kotaro got up, and punched the spider monster who had thrown him into the air with one punch.

Kotaro Minami looked at the surrounding environment. Although he couldn't use his full strength in the narrow environment, it also limited the number advantage of those spider monsters.


Minami Kotaro seized the opportunity, concentrated his energy on his fist, and hit the spider monster who had just been sent flying with one punch.

Seeing the death of their teammate, the other spiders began to prepare to flee.

"rider kick"!

Minami Kotaro focused his energy on his footsteps and kicked the other spider monsters at a high speed.

In the end, the only remaining spider monster ran desperately using the spider silk, but was hit and killed by Nan Kotaro riding a fighting locust.

After killing the five spider monsters, Minami Kotaro returned to Soichiro's body, and found Kyoko crying bitterly holding Soichiro's body.

Nan Kotaro wanted to hide the news from Kyoko, but Kyoko who was following Nam Kotaro found out.

Nan Kotaro told Kyoko about the horror of Golgom, and asked Kyoko to move out of her original residence and live in Dong Tangsheng's tea room. Dong Tang Sheng handed over the business of the tea room to Kyoko and went on a trip by herself.

The next day, Minami Kotaro came to see actress Tsukage Yukari in order to find clues about Golgom.

"Mr. Qinghe, why do you insist on not letting me go out to work today? I already asked for a day off yesterday, and I have made appointments with other film companies today."

Moon Shadow Yugali sat on the sofa very unhappy.

"I'm doing it for your own good. You'll know in a while. You're also a member of Golgom. Soichiro should have higher qualifications in Golgom than you, but he's still not trusted by Golgom. He died in Golgom. into Golgom's hands."

Thinking of Golgom and Soichiro who was killed by Golgom, Tsukage Yugalian sat quietly on the sofa and stopped saying that he was going out.

"Soichiro's status in Golgom is much higher than mine, but he still died because he betrayed Golgom. I..."

There is no one who does not cherish life. If he is really not afraid of death, how could Moon Shadow Yugari become a member of Gorgom.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Li Qinghe hugged Yueying Youjiali tightly.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell."

The phone rang.

Moon Shadow pushed Li Qinghe away from Gary and picked up the phone.

"I'm Kotaro Minami, I have something to ask you, please."

Hearing that the call was from Namkotaro, Yukage Yukari almost dropped the phone, not knowing who Kotaro Namiko was, but after knowing that Kotaro Namiko was a fighter against Gorgom, Yukage Yukage really didn’t want to have anything to do with Kotaro Namikom.

Yue Ying You Jiali was about to hang up the phone, but Li Qinghe grabbed the hand that hung up the phone, and Li Qinghe shook his head.

Yue Ying Yu Jiali saw that Li Qinghe stopped his actions, so let Nan Kotaro come in.

"Then come in."

Minami Kotaro took the elevator and walked towards Tsukage Yukari's house.

"Miss Moon Shadow, do you have another residence? I mean Golgom doesn't know."

Hearing Li Qinghe's question, Yueying Youjiali couldn't react at once.

"No, all our information is in the hands of Golgom, so Golgom wants to kill us, we have no choice but to wait for death."

Moon Shadow Yugali finished speaking, "Could it be..."

Li Qinghe nodded, "Golgom is ready to kill you."

"Impossible, I haven't betrayed Golgom yet."

Before Yue Ying Yu Gary finished speaking, Cong Yue Ying You Gary walked out of a wolf monster from the bedroom door.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Moon Shadow screamed and hid behind Li Qinghe.

"Don't be afraid, a little weirdo, let me see how powerful he is."

Li Qinghe put his delta belt on his waist.



The familiar electronic voice made Qinghe miss everyone in the world of Kamen Rider 555.

Li Qinghe was dressed in delta, imitating Nam Kotaro's transformation movements, and completed the transformation, purely for the sake of pretense.

"I am Kamen Rider Delta."

Li Qinghe also announced his name like Nam Kotaro.

"What Kamen Rider Delta, I haven't heard of it, go to hell."

The wolf monster spat out unclear words, and grabbed Li Qinghe with one paw.

"The weak ones can."

Li Qinghe easily dodged the attack of the werewolves. "You are simply incomparable to a wolf-shaped orhonch who has cleverly transformed."

Although the wolf monster didn't know what Li Qinghe meant, he certainly wasn't boasting about himself.

A wolf claw of the wolf monster scratched Li Qinghe's face, and Li Qinghe grabbed the wolf monster's arm,


The wolf monster was thrown out of Yueying Yugali's room by Li Qinghe.

"This is."

Just as he was about to find Yueying Yugali's room, suddenly a wolf monster burst out from the front wall.

"A weirdo from Golgom?"

Minami Kotaro clenched his fists with both hands, and hit one point with all his strength.


Namkotaro turned into Kamen Rider bck, held down the wolf monster, and hit him on the head in circles.

The wolf monster scratched Nan Kotaro's chest with his paw, and Nan Kotaro was sent flying by the blow.

The werewolf panicked and returned to Yueying Yugali's house again.

"It's back again, let's see if you don't accept it."

Li Qinghe flicked his right hand, and with lightning speed, grabbed the wolf monster by the neck and lifted it up.

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