"Baked chicken, why do you want to live?"

Li Qinghe looked at the wolf monster in front of him,

"But killing you will dirty my hands."

Li Qinghe threw the werewolf out of the wall again, and was standing up to trace the traces of the werewolf, when suddenly a hole was opened in the wall on the left, and he was knocked into the air by something. .

"Isn't this a wolf monster?"

Nan Kotaro got up and kicked down the wolf monster who was about to get up beside him.

Chapter 5 is so weak?

The wolf monster saw the Kamen Rider bck transformed by Kotaro Minami in front of him, turned around and was about to leave, the human inside was enough for bt, plus this, would he still be alive?

But Kotaro Minami found this escaped wolf monster, especially after his father Soichiro was killed by Golgom, he hated the Golgom monster very much.

A great opportunity to take revenge on Gorgom was right in front of him, and killing this wolf monster was the first step in his revenge.

The anger of revenge burned in Nan Kotaro's heart. At this time, he has not yet reached the point where he will be desperate to protect human beings in the future.

Nan Kotaro shouted, "Battle locusts."

The fighting locust broke through the obstacles of the corridors, and knocked back the wolf monster who was about to escape.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, the wolf monster's hostility soared. Since he couldn't escape, he would kill him.

"Kill you!"

After the wolf monster finished speaking, he rushed towards Nan Kotaro.

Minami Kotaro hugged the wolf monster and threw the wolf monster down the stairs.

Seeing that there was hope of escape, the wolf monster quickly transformed into a wolf and started running.

Nan Kotaro quickly caught up with the wolf monster riding the battle locust.

The battle locust is indeed a biological mount developed by Gorgom for the king.

The wolf monster jumped to a tall building next to him, and Nan Kotaro also jumped up in that direction, but the wolf monster grabbed his paw from a high place.

Minami Kotaro fell to the ground again, and white gas came out from the wound on his chest.

"I'm so disappointed that you still can't win against such a weak opponent."

Li Qinghe kicked the werewolf upstairs, followed by the wolf and jumped down, stepping on the wolf.

"you are?"

Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe suspiciously.

"Leave it to you to solve."

Li Qinghe's transformed delta kicked the wolf monster towards Nan Kotaro.


Kotaro Minami punched the wolf monster on the head with his knight fist.

The wolf monster half-kneeled on the ground, clutching his head, and exploded, the wolf monster-dead.

"Want to know who I am? Then fight me with all your might, and I'll tell you if I win."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he didn't make a move first, but waited for Nan Kotaro to make a move. Li Qinghe wanted to see the gap between Kotaro and himself.

"Why do we have to fight? We can't..."

Nan Guangtaro didn't like meaningless battles. From what Li Qinghe had said to himself just now when he had to fight the wolf monster, it could be seen that Li Qinghe was not a member of Golgom.

"No! There is no reason. If you insist on listening, then you are fighting with me. You can test whether you can defeat the Gorgom Group."

Li Qinghe explained.

"Then I'll start, you be careful!"

Nan Kotaro jumped behind Li Qinghe with a riderju (knight jump).

"The jump time is too long, it will give the opponent enough time to react."

Li Qinghe's transformed delta attacked Nam Kotaro at the position before he landed, and hit Nam Kotaro's moon part with a punch. Namkotaro fell to the ground after being hit by this punch, unable to move for a long time.

"I won? It's impossible, and I didn't try my best."

Li Qinghe looked at Nan Kotaro who fell on the ground, and said in disbelief.

"Mr. Qinghe, is this your strength? It's so strong."

Yue Yingyou Gary secretly watched the duel between Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro in the corner, and said to himself.

"Come out, Miss Moon Shadow."

Li Qinghe said to Moon Shadow Yugali hiding in the corner.

"Impossible, how did you find me?"

Moon Shadow came out from the corner by Gary sticking out his tongue.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the car?"

"But I'm afraid, there's only one person in the dark car. If Gorgom sends weirdos again, then I..."

After Yueying Yujiali finished speaking, he hugged Li Qinghe, no one would remain indifferent after his life was threatened.Yueying Yujiali was very scared, but the appearance of Li Qinghe gave Yueying Yujiali a sense of security.

Li Qinghe pulled up Nan Kotaro who was lying on the ground.

"Are you all right? If you don't speak, it seems that something is wrong. Did I hit hard?"

Kamen Rider Bck, who saw Kotaro Minami's transformation, didn't respond.Li Qinghe could only say sorry.

"What about him?"

Moon Shadow Yugali saw Nan Kotaro fell to the ground.

"Of course I took him back. I can't put it here, wait for Golgom to take Nan Kotaro back."

Li Qinghe lifted Nan Kotaro and put him in the back seat of the car.

"Where are you going, go home? But it's not safe there."

Moon Shadow Yugali said in fear.

"I can only go home first, otherwise where to stay tonight, I will wait until Nan Kotaro wakes up, and then go out to live. I have already figured out where to go."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Yueying was driven back to her residence by Gary.

Li Qinghe put Nan Kotaro into his room.

"You put him in your room, where are you going to sleep?"

Moon Shadow Yugali's room has only two bedrooms.

"Of course you slept in your room. What's the matter, aren't you welcome? It's possible that the Gorgoms will attack us tonight."

"Ah, yes."

Hearing that Gorgom might come to attack him, Yueying Yugali had no choice but to agree to Li Qinghe.

It seemed that Li Qinghe was taking advantage of others, but if he wanted to get Li Qinghe's protection, he would have to pay an equal price.

You know, in the original play, Yueying Yugali was killed by a werewolf in the werewolf attack just now.

After talking about Li Qinghe, try to cancel the transformation of delta

But the moment Li Qinghe took down the deltahone, he didn't cancel his transformation, it was still a delta.

"what happened?"

A stone at the waist glows black.


Li Qinghe felt severe pain from his waist.Two gems, one black and one white, appeared in Li Qinghe's mind.

"Sage's Stone?"

Li Qinghe remembered that this was the Philosopher's Stone obtained after killing the Black and White God.The two sage stones left by the black and white gods were left behind by Li Qinghe.Other Philosopher's Stones, such as the Philosopher's Stone obtained from Tsugami Shoichi, were used for research.

After Li Qinghe used the delta belt for the first time in this world, the Philosopher's Stone was activated as soon as he used it.

The power of the two Philosopher's Stones produced a fierce confrontation at Li Qinghe's waist.

Li Qinghe fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe had suddenly become like this, Yueying Yujiali was anxious and didn't know what to do, so he helped Li Qinghe on the ground.

Li Qinghe bit his gums to endure the pain.

"I fell down once, how could I succumb to you two stones, come on, come on more violently."

It seemed that hearing Li Qinghe's inner voice, the two forces at his waist fought more fiercely.

Li Qinghe's gums were bleeding from his bites, and finally passed out from the pain.Li Qinghe's waist began to emit two colors of light and dark, which scattered from Gary's room through the shadow of the moon, and the two colors disappeared in an instant.

Let the only remaining moon shadow in the family, Yujiali, worry about it.

The former King of Creation, who was hiding far underground, felt these two forces.It was only for a moment, but it was really felt,

"It's somewhat similar to the power of the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone, but it's different. What is it? Forget it, let's talk about it when we show up, and get the next King of Creation first."

Seeing that Li Qinghe had passed out, Yueying Youjiali carried Li Qinghe back to her room.Leaning against Li Qinghe and staying up all night, taking care of Li Qinghe.

Until the moment the sun shines on Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe's delta belt successfully released the transformation, Li Qinghe also woke up, but Li Qinghe's belt disappeared.

"Miss Moon Shadow, haven't you slept all night?"

Seeing Yueying Youjiali's eyes were red, and seeing his happy expression after waking up, Li Qinghe could guess that this woman took care of him all night.

"It's okay, Mr. Qinghe will be fine when he wakes up."

Moon Shadow Youjiali leaned her head on Li Qinghe's shoulder.

"Miss Moon Shadow, if you're sleepy, go to sleep, I'll take care of everything."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Yueying Youjiali smiled happily and fell asleep.Taking care of the comatose Li Qinghe all night is not only a lack of sleep, but also a mental exhaustion.

Out of worry about the future, especially now that Gorgom is about to kill himself, he has no power to protect himself. Only Li Qinghe can protect himself.

As for the idea of ​​betraying Li Qinghe and protecting himself, recalling that Soichiro had made a lot of contributions to Golgom, but Golgom could kill him right away, so he immediately dismissed it.

Li Qinghe is the god of protection given to him by the heavens, so he tried his best, but fortunately no members of the Golgom attacked him that night.Seeing Li Qinghe wake up, Yue Yingyou Jiali relaxed his mind and fell asleep quickly.

By the time Moon Shadow Yugali woke up again, it was already evening.

Yue Ying You Jiali saw Li Qinghe sitting cross-legged in front of her.

"Mr. Qinghe, will you guard me for a day?"

Li Qinghe heard Yueying Yujiali's voice, "Miss Yueying, you are awake. You are feeling better."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Qinghe."

Moon Shadow thanked Gary.

"What's the hard work?"

Li Qinghe took advantage of the time when Yueying Yugali was sleeping, and sat cross-legged on the bed to sense the power in his body, to see if any changes had taken place.

Li Qinghe could feel that his strength, speed, sense of smell, hearing, and vision had greatly improved.But how much progress has been made, you need to experiment by yourself, but no one can be your opponent. .

Of course, there are other things that haven't changed, Li Qinghe didn't notice.

Nan Kotaro was defeated just by taking one move from himself, and he is still lying down now.

Chapter 6Moving

Soon, Li Qinghe also sensed the power of light belonging to Baishen in his body, and released a ball of light energy, which can warm the body and has an excellent healing effect.

Speaking of Nan Kotaro, Li Qinghe suddenly remembered that he was still lying on the bed, so he could try his own ball of light.

"Miss Moon Shadow, can I cook? I don't know how to cook."

Li Qinghe looked at Yueying Yujiali in embarrassment.

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