"Ah, I'll do it right away."

Yueying got up from Gary and hurried to the kitchen, Li Qinghe touched his hungry flat stomach.

"Look at Kotaro Minami first."

Li Qinghe came to Namkotaro's room and found that the Kamen Rider Bck that Namkotaro transformed into was still in a coma.

"Try this." Li Qinghe's hands were filled with white light, and the light was transmitted to the Kamen Rider BCK transformed by Nam Kotaro.

"Uh, where am I?"

After receiving light therapy from Li Qinghe, Nan Kotaro slowly opened his eyes and woke up.Nan Kotaro saw Li Qinghe who was using the energy of light to heal him.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong with me, what happened. You..."

Seeing that Nan Kotaro had woken up, Li Qinghe thought: It seems that the treatment is still effective.

"Think about it carefully, how did you faint."

Li Qinghe withdrew the hand that released the energy.Treating Kotaro just now consumed a lot of Li Qinghe's energy, and Li Qinghe's face turned pale.

Just like the principle that creation is far more difficult than destruction, healing others consumes a lot of energy.Li Qinghe felt his body soften after only a short period of treatment.

"What happened before I passed out?"

Nan Kotaro remembered that after he eliminated the wolf monster, he was knocked down by a black monster.

"Could it be?"

Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe in surprise.

"Don't be so surprised, and you can cancel the transformation, Minami Kotaro."

Li Qinghe touched his waist with his hands, and a delta belt appeared on his waist. Since the energy collision of the two philosophic stones hidden in the belt, the belt was automatically bound to Li Qinghe, and he could use the belt as conveniently as Shoichi Tsugami , no need to run around with a belt like before.


Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta and stood in front of Nan Kotaro.

"That weirdo is you!"

"Yes, it's me, why can't you believe it?"

Seeing Nan Kotaro's surprised expression, Li Qinghe canceled the transformation again.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Qinghe, where are you? The meal is ready."

Moon Shadow Eucalyptus couldn't find Li Qinghe in her room, fearing that Li Qinghe would leave, she shouted eagerly.

"Miss Moon Shadow, I'm here with Nan Kotaro, he's awake."

Hearing Li Qinghe's words, Yue Yingyu Jiali opened Nan Kotaro's room.

"Qinghe-kun, Namkotaro. The meal is ready, let's eat together."

Moon Shadow Yujiali saw Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro together, and called Nan Kotaro to have dinner together.

"Minami Kotaro, I know you have a lot of questions, but I won't answer you all. I also have my own secrets, but before that, let's have a meal."

Li Qinghe, Nan Kotaro and Moon Shadow Yugali went to dinner together.

"Thank you for the belt. However, I have some questions, can you answer me?"

Nan Kotaro asked Yue Ying Yu Jiali and Li Qinghe.

"To be honest, I am not a member of Golgom, so I don't know much about Golgom. I only know that it is an organization against humanity and must be destroyed."

Li Qinghe replied.

"Although I am a member of Golgom, my status is too low to have access to high-level secrets. For example, you were selected by Golgom to become the king of the century. I don't know the detailed plan. I just follow the instructions."

Moon Shadow Yugali said helplessly.

"That's it."

Kotaro Minami thought he could get clues about Gorgom from Tsukage Yugali, but he was disappointed.

"Nan Kotaro, I need your help with something."

Li Qinghe looked at the sky and it was almost night, but it didn't affect him even at night.

"Senior, please tell me."

Nan Guangtaro began to admire Li Qinghe's strength ever since he was defeated by one blow in the fight with Li Qinghe.

"Our current place is still under Golgom's sphere of influence, so we need to change our place of residence as soon as possible. It's getting late, and we want to leave here as soon as possible. Do you have any recommended places?"

Li Qinghe didn't like being under the surveillance of others.

"Senior, you can come to my house, I have many rooms there."

Nan Kotaro remembered that there were many rooms in the teahouse, just enough for Li Qinghe and the others to live in. With Li Qinghe's help, I believe Golgom will be destroyed soon.

Nan Guangtaro also had his own little Jiujiu in his heart, and wanted to use Li Qinghe's power.

"Well, I'll trouble you then, Miss Moon Shadow, do you see if there is anything you want to take? If not, let's go now."

Li Qinghe looked at Yueying Youjiali.

"Well, Mr. Qinghe, wait a minute, I have already prepared everything, and I can leave at any time."

Moon Shadow Yugali took out the suitcase from his room.

A group of people came to Nan Kotaro's tea room in a car.

"Kotaro, you're fine, that's great."

Qiuyue Kyoko heard the whistle of the car and thought a guest was coming.

Kyoko, who was worried about Namkotaro, felt relieved when she saw that Namkotaro was back.He rushed over and hugged Nan Kotaro.

"Xingzi, I'm fine, are there any guests beside me?"

Hearing what Nan Kotaro said, Akizuki Kyoko let go of Nam Kotaro's hand, and shyly looked at Li Qinghe and Yueying Yukari next to her.

"This is? So familiar."

Akizuki Kyoko remembered that on the 19th birthdays of her brothers Akizuki Nobuhiko and Namkotaro, the person who fell into the sea was Li Qinghe, and the woman next to her was Tsukage Yukari, Namkotaro's favorite female star.

Nan Kotaro thought that Qiuyue Xingzi didn't know Li Qinghe and the others, so he hurriedly introduced them: "This is..."

Suddenly Nan Kotaro didn't know how to introduce Li Qinghe and Yueying Yugari.

"Let's go back and talk about it. Are you right?"

Li Qinghe resolved Nam Kotaro's embarrassment.

"Yes, yes, go back and talk."

Minami Kotaro scratched his head, took Akizuki Kyoko's hand back to the tea room.

But he didn't see Qiuyue Xingzi's red ears, so Li Qinghe followed in with a smile.

Akizuki Kyoko's feelings for Minami Kotaro are not only the feelings of a younger sister for her brother, but more like first love.

However, Kotaro Minami, who has rough feelings, didn't realize that his feelings for Akizuki Kyoko were purely for her younger sister.

Li Qinghe had no idea about Akizuki Kyoko and Akizuki Nobuhiko's girlfriend Katsumi Kida.These two women are the heroines of Kamen Rider bck, Li Qinghe feels that they are almost two extras, and they are of average length.

"Are you the one who fell into the sea that day?"

Qiuyue Xingzi poured Li Qinghe a cup of tea, and Nan Kotaro took Yueying Yugali to find a room.

"Miss Kyoko, your memory is not bad."

"The person you saw that night was indeed me."

Li Qinghe took a sip of tea made from apricots.

Chapter 7 train incident

"Then how did you meet my brother?"

Nan Kotaro didn't hear from him for more than a day, and when he came back, he took Li Qinghe and Yueying Yugali with him to ask what happened during the day.

"You should know the real identity of Nan Kotaro."

Li Qinghe said straight to the point.

"Ah, real identity, what do you say, I don't understand..."

Qiuyue Xingzi thought that Li Qinghe was trying to trick her, so she pretended not to understand what Li Qinghe said.

"I'm the same as your brother. Your brother is Kamen Rider bck, and I'm his senior. What do you think?"

Li Qinghe revealed his identity.

"Ah, sorry, I thought you were sent by Golgom, so I..."

Qiuyue Kyoko hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay, I think your feelings for Nan Kotaro are not just the feelings your sister has for your brother. I think you should seize this opportunity."

Before Li Qinghe finished speaking, Yueying Yugali's voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Qinghe, I have selected a room, come and see how it goes."

Li Qinghe turned around and followed Yueying Yujiali to the room she had chosen.

"The layout is very nice, but where is my room?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Minami Kotaro said that there was only one room left, so I told Akizuki Kyoko that you and I are lovers. Qinghe-kun, you don't mind."

Yueying Yujiali's voice became lower and lower as she spoke. If it weren't for Li Qinghe's enhanced hearing, she really couldn't hear it.

"Since we are a couple, let's do what a couple should do."

Li Qinghe closed the door with one kick, and put Yueying on the bed with Gary in his arms.

After tossing the phoenix all night, Moon Shadow was hugged by Gary and did not let go of Li Qinghe.

"Mr. Qinghe, I am your woman now, you can't abandon me, or I will die for you."

"I won't leave you."

Li Qinghe looked at Yueying Yujiali's timid expression, and came to Yueying Yujiali again.

after an hour.

"Yugali, I'm going to buy a meal, you wait here for me."

Li Qinghe opened the door and went out to buy a meal, after all he doesn't know how to cook.


Moon Shadow Yugali fell asleep again.

"Well, senior, where are you going?"

Qiuyue Xingzi has already bought vegetables and is ready to cook.

"I'm going out to buy a meal. Miss Yueying feels a little uncomfortable. I'll go out to buy a meal."

Qiuyue Xingzi is not a child either. Hearing what Li Qinghe said, she knew what was going on.

"Senior, you are so gentle, but I will prepare the meal soon, you don't need to go out, you can have dinner with us."

Faced with Qiuyue Xingzi's invitation, Li Qinghe naturally agreed without hesitation.

Qiuyue Xingzi packed the two prepared meals and brought them to Li Qinghe.

"Thank you, Miss Kyoko, for your hospitality."

Li Qinghe thanked him.

"Needless to say, you saved my brother, so I should thank you. Otherwise, you can have dinner with us in the future, and it will be more lively if there are more people."

Xingzi didn't know that it was Li Qinghe who beat Nan Guangtaro to lie down for a day, probably Nan Guangtaro didn't go into details, but said that it was Li Qinghe who saved her.

"Well, then trouble you."

Li Qinghe now has a fixed place to eat, which is much easier than buying meals by himself.

"Senior, don't be so polite."

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