Bihume laughed wildly.

"Save me, save me."

Nan Kotaro suddenly heard calls for help on the road.

Hearing the cry for help, Nan Kotaro got off his motorcycle and found a grown man tied to the side of the road by a silk net and hanging on the edge of a cliff by the side of the road.

Nan Kotaro effortlessly pulled the man up and stripped the silk net off the man's body.

Minami Kotaro had just rescued the man, called an ambulance, and was about to rest for a while.

"Help, help."

A burst of cries for help reached Nan Kotaro's ears again.

Nan Kotaro helped the man he had just rescued to the side of the road, and ran in the direction of the cry for help.


Nan Kotaro looked up and saw that seven or eight people were tied up with silk and hung on the crane.

Nan Kotaro hurried into the crane and slowly lowered the hook of the crane.

When the hook of the crane reached the lowest point, Li Qinghe cleaned up the silk that bound them and let them breathe.

Before Nan Kotaro could breathe a sigh of relief, the silkworm monster launched a sneak attack from behind Nan Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro was thrown down by the silkworm monster, and pushed the silkworm monster away with all his strength.

Nan Kotaro quickly distanced himself from the silkworm monster.


Kotaro Minami started his signature transformation.

Kotaro Minami transformed into Kamen Rider Bck, the black sun in the mouth of the three priests.

Nan Kotaro rolled to the ground, dodged the silk attack of the silkworm monster, and hit the silkworm monster with a punch.

When preparing to deal with the silkworm monster, the silkworm monster ran away. Considering the people he had rescued just now, Nan Kotaro didn't chase after him immediately. Instead, he called an ambulance first, and then followed the silkworm monster's escape traces to catch up .

Nan Kotaro quickly found the cave where the silkworm monster escaped, hesitated for a while, and followed in.

After Nan Kotaro came in, he saw some silkworm chrysalis, each of which contained a person.

"Save me, save us!"

From these silkworm chrysalis came the cries of help from those captured by Golgom.

"Is this the person on the train that disappeared?"

Minami Kotaro thought that although he found the person captured by Golgom, he did not act rashly, but looked around vigilantly.

"Haha, Hei Ri, you can't run away this time."

Darom, Raohm, Byhum, and the three priests appeared in front of Minami Kotaro.

"What the hell are you going to do? Capture so many innocent people."

Minami Kotaro questioned the three priests.

"Of course it's for my own interest."

Byhum smiled coquettishly, and pointed to the blank wall. On the wall, there were scenes of human civilization being destroyed and humans wailing, and the head of Kamen Rider Bck was placed in the center of the picture.


Minami Kotaro looked at the picture and was furious. Golgom wanted to destroy human civilization and even killed himself.


Kotaro Minami hopped hard with both feet and kicked Darom.

Darrom pointed in the direction of Nan Kotaro and waved his hand, and Nan Kotaro was sent flying to the wall by the invisible force of thought.

As soon as he got up, the silkworm monster appeared in front of Nan Kotaro and knocked Nam Kotaro away who had just stood up.

Before Minami Kotaro got up, Raohm used his right hand to launch a light attack.

Nan Kotaro took a powerful attack from Raohm, held back the pain in his body, and quickly got up to leave first, asking Li Qinghe for help.

But he didn't expect that the entrance to the cave was suddenly blocked by a huge rock.

Nan Kotaro could only turn his body around, backed away slowly, and looked around to see if there was an exit.However, the three priests have been in ambush for a long time, and such an obvious loophole will not appear in the trap set up.So Namkotaro was disappointed.

"Black Sun, come back, you are still our prince, and you will become the creator of our Golgom in the future."

Darrom looked at the receding black sun and persuaded.

If Nan Kotaro can come back obediently, he can save a lot of energy.If possible, trick him back now.

When he arrives at Golgom's base camp, his memory must be completely wiped out this time and let him work for Golgom.

Darrom said silently in his heart.

Nan Kotaro didn't reply immediately, and leaned his back against the boulder blocking his way out, and tried to pull out the boulder with both hands.

However, the boulder is a specially treated spherical stone. When it collided with the door, the strong air pressure was generated, which made it impossible for Minami Kotaro to pull out the boulder.

"Darrom, stop talking nonsense with him, Black Sun is delaying time, but Black Sun, you can't move that stone from inside. Hahaha."

Raohm said happily.This time I finally caught Namkotaro. Last time, Namkotaro was allowed to escape from Golgom's base. Although the King of Creation didn't say much, he just let himself train Shadow Moon with all his strength.

But Raohm has always been deeply ashamed of Nan Kotaro's escape in his heart, and capturing Nan Kotaro this time will not only make up for his mistakes last time, but the God of Creation may praise himself and give him a reward.

"Nan Kotaro, have you thought about it, you only have one chance, you are the turtle in the urn now, obediently go back, or we will catch you back, my shot is not serious or not."

Bihume also gave up the idea of ​​killing Black Sun. Killing Namkotaro was carried out on the premise that Namkotaro could not be caught.But now Nan Kotaro couldn't escape at all.

The Kamen Rider BCK transformed by Kotaro Minami saw how confident the three priests were.Nan Kotaro didn't care about anything else, he turned around to face the huge boulder blocking him, hugged the boulder vigorously, and dragged it with great effort.

The three priests saw that Nan Kotaro was like a little mouse, he didn't even care about being attacked on his back, and insisted on moving the boulder.

The three priests did not stop, "Come on, Hei Ri, if you can move the boulder, we will let you go."

The three priests deliberately said this, and secretly ordered the silkworm monster to approach Nan Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro believed the words of the three priests, thinking that with the status of the three priests, he would not be able to deceive himself.But he forgot that the words of the enemy cannot be trusted, especially for the three priests who have no credibility at all.

Just when Nan Kotaro exhausted all his strength and was about to move the boulder away.

The sound of "russling" came from behind him, and Nan Kotaro let go of the hand that was about to move the boulder without hesitation.

With a sound of "dong", the boulder blocked the door again.

Minami Kotaro heard the sound of the silkworm's silk attack. Although he turned around at the fastest speed, the silkworm was too close, so that Nankotaro could not completely avoid the silkworm's silk attack, half of his body was wrapped in silk.

Minami Kotaro was restrained on one side, half of his body was missing, his body remained unbalanced, and he fell to the ground.

The silkworm monster excitedly looked at the fallen Nan Kotaro, and shouted like the three priests, "I defeated Hei Ri."

"Well, I see, go back and reward you Golgomus fruit."

Darrom replied to the silkworm monster who asked him for credit.

"You don't keep your word."

Namkotaro said angrily.

"Hahaha, you are so naive, little guy."

Bihume walked towards Minami Kotaro step by step, lowered his body and touched Minami Kotaro's face.

"Step aside."

Minami Kotaro tried his best to avoid Bihume's hand touching him, but the hiding place was so big, how could he avoid it? Bihume managed to touch Minami Kotaro's face, and even tried to pinch Minami Kotaro's face .

"Darrom, Raohm, do you want to touch the dark sun?"

Byhum asked Darom and Raohm.

"Bihume, your suggestion is good, let me try it."

Raohm also came to pet Minami Kotaro.

Seeing the three priests teasing him like this, Nan Kotaro was furious.


Minami Kotaro exhausted all his strength and broke the silk that bound him. .

Minami Kotaro stood up all of a sudden, and Raohm, who was about to come over to touch his face, stopped in fright, and also backed up to Darom in fright.

But Nan Kotaro was only at the end of his strength, and the silk that had been broken apart with all his strength had already exhausted him.

Chapter 9 Batman

"Hei Ri, you..."

Before Darrom could finish speaking, he saw that Kotaro Minami was half-kneeling on the ground, panting heavily.

Seeing that Nan Kotaro had no strength to fight, Raohm released the light in his hand again and knocked Nan Kotaro into the air.

Conveniently, an energy barrier was placed on Nam Kotaro's body, and the energy barrier was able to stop Nam Kotaro's knight from kicking without damage.It's not something Nan Kotaro, who has lost all his combat power, can break open at all.

Seeing that Nan Kotaro was really trapped this time.

"Raohm, Bihume stop playing, and take Nan Kotaro back. Fortunately, he was ambushed in advance this time, otherwise we really couldn't catch the black sun."

Darrom said to Raohm, Byhum.

"Yeah. Silkworm monster, take Hei Ri away. I'll deal with these people. Now that Hei Ri has been captured, there is no need for these people to exist."

Bihume ordered the silkworm monster to take Nan Kotaro back, and he himself dealt with those caught on the train.

The moment the silkworm monster spun silk, Raohm put away the energy barrier, and Minami Kotaro was bound by the silk again.

With a bang, the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave was shattered.

"who is it?"

Darom, Byhum, and Raohm said in surprise.

In the dusty place at the door, a black voice appeared.

"Dark Sun?"

Raohm said incredulously.Then he immediately looked at Hei Ri who was caught by the silkworm monster.

"It's not Hei Ri, it's someone else..."

Darrom said calmly.

"Hey, did my arrival really change the plot? If you don't make a move, it's still not going to work."

A weird man dressed in black, full of technological colors, walked into the door, and it was Li Qinghe who came.

"Let go of Hei Ri, and leave this silkworm monster to make amends, and you can leave."

Li Qinghe said domineeringly to the three priests.


The three priests couldn't believe their ears. This was the first time anyone other than the Chuangshi God ordered him to do so.

The three priests looked at Li Qinghe.

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe patted the dust off his body, "I, I am Kamen Rider Delta."

"Senior, you are here."

Nan Kotaro was very happy to see Li Qinghe come to rescue him.

"Senior, there are still people from the train captured by them here, please save them."

Nan Kotaro just has too much kindness, and he still thinks of others at this time.

Li Qinghe didn't reply to Nan Guangtaro's words, but looked at the three priests.

"Kamen Rider Delta? I haven't heard of it. But the black sun is still in our hands, and you are the same. You can't escape."

Raohm said with a cold snort.

"Silkworm monster, show him some color."

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