Raohm didn't know about Li Qinghe's strength, so let the silkworm monster test the water first to see how Li Qinghe's strength is.

The silkworm monster clumsily rushed towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe didn't even look at the silkworm monster, but fixed his eyes on the three priests, "How about saving face, I don't intend to be your enemy."

Li Qinghe easily dodged the silkworm monster's attack, and the silkworm monster crashed into the wall behind Li Qinghe.

None of the three priests spoke, and seemed to be hesitating.

Seeing that Li Qinghe dodged his own attack, the silkworm monster rushed towards Li Qinghe again.

Li Qinghe avoided the silkworm monster's attack again, and kicked the silkworm monster away. The silkworm monster was kicked by Li Qinghe and flew upside down in front of the great priest Darom. Darom quickly dodged the silkworm monster's attacking flight route.

The Silkworm Monster groaned and chirped for a long time before he stood up unsteadily, his body still trembling. Li Qinghe's kick caused the Silkworm Monster a huge injury.

"Srustling", the silkworm monster spit out the last silk net in his silkworm production to Li Qinghe, and the silkworm monster fell to the ground and exploded.

The three priests used their clothes to block the aftermath of the silkworm monster's explosion.

The three priests saw that Li Qinghe was bound by silk, and planned to attack Li Qinghe.

"Such a weak thread."

Li Qinghe tore the silk easily without using any force, and threw the silk to the ground.

Seeing that Li Qinghe had dealt with the silkworm monster so easily, and got out of the silk effortlessly, the three priests who were about to attack stopped.

"Okay, let's save face. Let's go."

The great priest Darom left Minami Kotaro, who was bound by silk, in place.

"Darrom, you..."

What Raohm wanted to say was stopped by Darom.


Raohm, although Bihum is somewhat reluctant,

Seeing the three priests leave, Li Qinghe walked up to Nan Kotaro, who was bound by silk, touched the silk on Nan Kotaro's body with his hand, and shook it hard, and Li Qinghe shook all the silk into pieces.This is the clever technique of exerting force.

After the silk on Nan Kotaro's body was removed by Li Qinghe, Nan Kotaro stood up.

"Mr. Qinghe, thank you."

Nan Kotaro thanked him.

Li Qinghe leaned against Nan Kotaro, "I can save you this time, what about next time? Do you know where you failed? If you figure it out, come to me."

Li Qinghe drove away from the cave, leaving Nam Kotaro alone in the cave.

After Minami Kotaro regained some strength, he rescued all the passengers on the train caught by Golgom.He found Yang Yi's mother, left behind the location of his own tea room, and left quietly.

"Yang Yi, look your mother is here."

Minami Kotaro stroked Yoichi's head, and Yoichi was hugged in his mother's arms.

"Mom, I miss you."

Yang Yi's mother saw that her child was taken care of by Nan Kotaro for a few days, and she quickly thanked her.

"Thank you for your care, Yang Yi quickly said thank you to brother."

"Thank you brother."

Yang Yi's naive voice of thanks came.

"I heard from my mother that they were rescued by Kamen Rider Bck and Kamen Rider Delta. I will be like them in the future, protecting the weak and fighting the bad guys."

Yang Yi said proudly.

"Kamen Rider bck?"

Minami Kotaro looked at Yoichi's mother.

"Yes, Kamen Rider Bck saved us, and Kamen Rider Delta defeated the monster."

Yang Yi's mother must say.

Hearing what Yang Yi's mother said, Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe who was sipping tea and looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Well, I see."

Li Qinghe said without turning his head.

After Nan Kotaro sent Yang Yi mother and son away, Nan Kota Lang respectfully handed over a cup of tea to Li Qinghe.

"Senior, please drink tea, I already know what I did wrong."

"Oh, then you talk about it."

Li Qinghe turned around, didn't take the tea, and asked calmly.

"I was too careless, I shouldn't have entered the cave without investigation, and I shouldn't have believed Golgom's words, senior, I was wrong."

Nan Kotaro bowed his body, still handing the tea to Li Qinghe.

After listening to Nam Kotaro's review, Li Qinghe nodded in satisfaction. In fact, Li Qinghe didn't care about Namkotaro's mistakes, what he cared about was Namkotaro's attitude of admitting his mistakes.

If the attitude is not sincere, Li Qinghe will not be satisfied no matter how many mistakes he finds.

Li Qinghe took the tea poured by Nan Kotaro. "Well, Kotaro, you are sometimes too reckless, I know your eagerness to save people, but sometimes Guan can't do it with a passion.

And you are too simple, as long as you are an enemy, you can't let your guard down. I don't intend to blame you for believing in Golgom's words. Sometimes it is very important to suffer some losses.This way you can reduce errors in similar situations. "

Li Qinghe blew on the tea and sipped the tea one by one.Li Qinghe's hobby of tasting tea was also cultivated by himself in this world.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior. Please teach me combat skills, senior."

Minami Kotaro asked.

"Kutaro, like me, you have your own mission. Some of my fighting skills are something you can't learn, but I can guide you through your fighting."

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Qinghe to hand over his fighting skills to Nam Kotaro. It is not accidental that the teaching apprentices starved to death of their masters. Instruct him.

"Thank you senior."

Minami Kotaro bowed happily.

That day, when Kotaro Minami was on his way out to find clues about Golgom, a bat-monster suddenly flew over the highway and pushed Kotaro Minami off the motorcycle.

Nan Kotaro took off the helmet on his head, and at this moment the bat monster ran towards Nan Kotaro.Kotaro Minami was hit by this and knocked down a utility pole.

Nan Kotaro also took advantage of this time to keep a certain distance from the Batman.Minami Kotaro spread his arms and jumped up vigorously.


Nan Kotaro successfully jumped over the attack of the Bat Monster with a rider. The Bat Monster flew back to attack Nan Kotaro again. Nan Kotaro jumped up again and hit the Bat Monster.

Facing the bat monster flying back to attack him again,

"Battle Locusts."

Nan Kotaro quickly stood up from the ground, fisted with his right fist.

Nan Kotaro summoned his companions, quickly rode on the battle locust, and drove towards the bat monster flying towards him.

When he was about to approach the bat monster, Nan Kotaro let go of the handlebar of the fighting locust with his left hand, made a palm with his left hand, put it flat on his chest, and stretched it forward quickly.

At the same time, the front wheel of the combat locust is lifted for a short distance take-off.

"ridercho! Rider Chop!"

Kamen Rider Rider Split Palm can break steel with a diameter of [-] cm.

Nan Kotaro's knight slashed his palm on the Bat-monster, and the Bat-monster fell from the sky.

Nan Kotaro was about to use a knight kick to get rid of this bat monster.

"Kotaro, stop."

He saw Li Qinghe riding a purple motorcycle parked in front of him.

Nan Kotaro stopped the attack in his hand, and looked at the seriously injured Batman unwillingly.


Namkotaro asked puzzledly. .

"I'm doing it for your own good. It's not the time to kill him yet. You can kill other people now. Wait a minute for this Batman. Let's see how he behaves."

Li Qinghe walked up to the bat monster. The bat monster saw Li Qinghe walking in front of him, felt the threat from Li Qinghe, and backed away in fright.

Chapter 10 Black Sun's Weakness?

"Batman, I'll give you two choices. Do things for me and you won't die, or if you continue to do things for Golgom, then there is only one dead end."

Gorgom's weirdos can understand human speech, but they can't be too complicated.The bat monster noticed the murderous look in Li Qinghe's eyes, and he could guess that it was possible to cooperate with Li Qinghe and not die now, if not, he would die now.

Bat monsters are timid and fearful by nature, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.The surprise attack on Nan Kotaro was also ordered by the three priests.

But right now, he can't protect himself, so he doesn't care about the task.Hearing what Li Qinghe said, the bat monster quickly agreed to Li Qinghe's request.

"I am willing."

Li Qinghe prevented Nan Kotaro from killing the bat monster,

"I just need you to convey the latest news about Golgom for me. For other things, you can just listen to Golgom.

Go, you failed to attack Nan Kotaro this time, so you know how to deal with the three priests. "

Batman has already guessed that this man is Kamen Rider Delta, who is far more powerful than Kamen Rider BCK, and Batman can feel Li Qinghe's powerful aura, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

The Batman spread his wings tremblingly and flew away.

"Senior, are you?"

Seeing that Nan Kotaro didn't understand, Li Qinghe explained,

"The Batman is also considered to be a monster with strong abilities in the strange race. His strongest ability is not combat but monitoring. Since he can serve as Gorgom's ear, he can serve as our ear, what do you think?

I let him lurk inside the Gorgom, so he could deliver information we don't know.In this way, the news of Akizuki Nobuhiko can also be explored faster.To defeat the enemy, one must know the enemy. "

"Senior is indeed a senior, I didn't expect this."

Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe adoringly.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just an ordinary person. Haha, let's go."

Li Qinghe smiled chicly.

Nan Kotaro followed Li Qinghe back to the tea room.

Golgom Base.

"What a useless guy, back down."

The great priest Raohm reprimanded the Batman who was hanging upside down.

Batman came back and told the great priest Raohm the news of his failure to attack Nan Kotaro.

"That fellow Black Sun calls himself Kamen Rider bck."

The great priest Bihume said.

"Kamen Rider bck?"

The great priest Raohm remembered that when he was about to catch Black Sun last time, Black Sun did call himself Kamen Rider bck, and the new strong man was also called Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Delta, is there any connection? ?

The great priest Bihume nodded.

"Kamen Rider bck, it's impossible to go on like this. His strength has grown too fast, and Batman was defeated by him today."

The great priest Raohm said worriedly.

"Calm down, Raohm."

As the wise Darom among the three priests, he is worried about the new strong man, Kamen Rider Delta.

"Don't you feel reconciled? The reinvented people we created with our own hands are now coming out to fight us.

Spider monsters, wolf monsters, silkworm monsters, Golgom's most proud monsters were all defeated, all because of fighting Kamen Rider bck. "

The great priest Bihume said unwillingly.

"There are still many ways."

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