Seeing the great priests Raohm and Byhum looking at him, the great priest Darom continued, "To defeat Kamen Rider bck, you need to know the enemy first, and you need to know Kotaro Minami."

Darrom and Li Qinghe had the same idea on this point, but he didn't know that the Batman had betrayed him.

Before the high priest Darom could finish speaking, the high priest Raohm interrupted, "It's impossible. If you want to capture him alive, you have already missed the perfect timing last time. Let alone whether you can catch him or not, you just have to catch him." Hold him, what if the strong man asks for it?"

Whether it is the great priest Darom, Raohm or Bihume, they deliberately avoided the existence of Li Qinghe, an existence that made them fearful.

Regarding the existence of Li Qinghe, the three priests came back and immediately asked the Creation King. The Creation King just said, don't worry, go and fight the black sun, as long as you touch his bottom line, he will not make a move.You'd better not provoke him.

After hearing that the three priests were frightened back by Li Qinghe, Chuangshi God immediately found Li Qinghe's location and prepared to destroy Li Qinghe.However, Li Qinghe sensed his existence first.

The two sides were scruples about each other, so they didn't make a move, so they made an agreement that Li Qinghe would not interfere too much in Hei Ri's growth, but Gorgom was not allowed to be an enemy of Li Qinghe.

Don't think that the Chuangshi God didn't deal with the black sun himself, it was because the Chuangshi God couldn't attack the King of the Century, otherwise how many black suns would die before they grew up.

And Chuangshi God also has the idea of ​​cultivating the black sun, just like raising Gu, he needs to let the black sun grow to fight against the future shadow moon.

This is the reason why Hei Sun saved the day from danger in the plot. Whenever Hei Sun encounters a crisis, the God of Creation will send a wave of power to make Hei Sun explode. Otherwise, who can explode and become stronger when he encounters danger?

After Hei Ri was caught last time, even if Li Qinghe didn't make a move, Hei Ri would "help" and help Nan Kotaro break out.

This is what Li Qinghe realized after communicating with the Chuangshi God, but Li Qinghe guessed that the Chuangshi God had other plans that he didn't know about.

It seems that this so-called creator god must have something that he doesn't know.To grow old and never die is to be a thief!Not without reason!

"Minami Kotaro is still a young human being."

High Priest Darrom revealed his plan,

"So that's how it is. Treat young humans as experimental subjects, and use him to find Kotaro Minami's weakness. If Kotaro's weakness is found, then maybe that Kamen Rider Delta can also be defeated through this weakness."

The great priest Bihume said excitedly.

She had already put aside Chuangshishen's warning not to provoke Li Qinghe casually.

Not only High Priest Bihum, but also High Priest Darom and High Priest Raohm, they think that the Creator God is invincible.

"So you need to find good athletes."

High Priest Darom stretched out his left hand.

"I think Professor Heisong is suitable for this task."

Before High Priest Darom could confirm the candidate, High Priest Bihume had already made the decision in advance.

"Flea monster, come out."

Now that Professor Heisong was determined to take action, the great priest summoned the flea monster to help Professor Heisong complete this task.

A sprinter on the playground was about to try to check his own speed, when he suddenly saw Professor Heisong around the corner.

The athlete ran in another direction, but was easily intercepted by Professor Heisong who had been transformed into Gorgom.

"If you do what I say, you can run more than 9 seconds, and become a Springer, and you can win a gold medal in the Olympics. Isn't that good?"

Professor Heisong followed the athlete like coaxing a child.

"No, no."

The athlete was sweating profusely and shook his head frantically.

"look at this."

The athlete stretched out his right arm, which was covered in dense black hair.

Professor Heisong touched the athlete's hairy arm,

"It's a side effect of muscle enhancers, nothing to worry about."

Professor Heisong shook off the athlete's hairy arm.


The athlete ran into Professor Heisong and ran away.

At this time, the flea monster jumped out and stood in front of the athlete. With a powerful pounce, he successfully threw the athlete down, and pierced the athlete's neck with a long needle from his mouth.Fluid can be seen passing through the needle into the man's body.

After the athlete fell to the ground, he got up within a short while, exhausted all his strength, ran as fast as he could, and jumped down from the upstairs. The speed was so fast that even the flea monster could not react in time. There is no doubt The athlete was thrown to his death.

"My lord, the No. [-] experimental animal died, so I'm looking for my next target, and I'm going to find the No. [-] experimental animal."

Professor Heisong reported his latest work progress to the three priests.

"Your approach is too reluctant, it is obvious that you need to play both soft and hard.".

The great priest Darom said that the three priests were very dissatisfied with the work progress of Professor Heisong.

Professor Heisong has already found the second experimental target, and I believe he will not let himself down.

Chapter 11 Measuring Gains and Losses

Li Qinghe was dragged by Yueying Yujialiqiang, and went to watch Hayami's motorcycle race with Namkotaro.

Li Qinghe doesn't like to go out very much, he can lie down instead of sitting, and can sit without standing up.

It’s so comfortable to chat with Yueying Eucalyptus at home, and you can also see the beautiful girls who come to the tea room to drink tea from time to time. How comfortable life is. Plastic surgery has not yet become popular in this era.They are all natural, pollution-free and watery big girls!

Li Qinghe could see that Sushui's driving skills were just average, slightly better than normal people.

In Li Qinghe's mind, if he wanted to surpass others, he could simply improve his own motorcycle.

No matter how good the technology is, without a powerful motorcycle, no matter how long the training is, it is still impossible to surpass others.

And if it's not your own reasons, then it's because of your talent. If you want to continue, then improve in other directions.

Sure enough, Hayami's No. 22 motorcycle ran last.

Li Qinghe yawned when he was bored, and Namkotaro kept cheering for Hayami.Li Qinghe glanced at Nan Kotaro with the eyes of caring for the mentally retarded.

"what happened?"

Yue Ying Yu Jiali saw Li Qinghe looking at Nan Kotaro like this.

"If you get 0 eggs in the exam, and others congratulate you for doing well, how do you feel?"

Li Qinghe asked back.

"Of course I'm angry. After all, I didn't do well in the exam, and others still mock me like this. Who can not be angry?"

Moon Shadow Yugali also understood Li Qinghe's thoughts.Even if Minami Kotaro is sincerely encouraging, in Hayami's view, it may be a mockery of himself.

"Come on, if you can't overtake in the corner, you won't be able to decide the outcome."

Hayami's motorcycle instructor yelled at Hayami.


Hayami took off his motorcycle helmet and handed it to his sister.

Kotaro Minami trotted up to Hayami, and said with a smile on his face, "What a pity, it's only a little short."

"Thank you for your trouble, no need to sympathize."

Hayami was in a bad mood after losing the motorcycle race. Hearing what Minami Kotaro said, he thought Minami Kotaro was here to mock him.Hayami put the sweat towel around his neck and prepared to leave.

"Don't say that, Brother Kotaro is here to cheer for you."

Hayami's younger sister said to Hayami angrily.

"Excuse me."

This time, Hayami thought that he might have really misunderstood Minami Kotaro. Hayami, who was in a bad mood, bowed and apologized, and said.

"I'm sorry, I'm very dissatisfied with myself, for my useless self, I..."

Hayami felt that he had lost the game in front of his sister and those who supported him, and felt very uncomfortable. Hayami left Minami Kotaro.

Minami Kotaro was going to catch up to comfort Hayami.

"Let him meet alone."

Li Qinghe held Nan Kotaro and was about to go after Hayami's sister.

Hayami ran to his training room alone, packed up his things, and was about to go home, when Professor Kuromatsu appeared in front of him.

"who are you?"

Hayami doesn't know Professor Kuromatsu.

Professor Kuromatsu came to Hayami and handed his business card to Hayami.

"I am such a person."

"Professor Heisong, that Nobel Prize candidate?"

Hayami asked.


Professor Kuromatsu was very happy when he heard what Hayami said. It seems that he still has a great reputation. What a great honor to be a Nobel Prize candidate. Of course, it would be better to remove that candidate.

"How, do you want to be the fastest motorcyclist in the world?"

"No. [-] in the world, me?"

Hayami asked in disbelief.

"Yes, come and see me, I'll wait for you."

Professor Kuromatsu gave Hayami his business card, patted Hayami on the shoulder and left.

Hayami stared at this business card, after all, the number one motorcyclist in the world is really attractive.This is his dream!

"Is this the price of being a candidate for the Nobel Prize? Selling your soul to Gorgom. Professor Heisong."

After seeing Professor Heisong leave, Li Qinghe came out from the darkness beside him.

"You, when did you come?"

Only then did Hayami realize that Li Qinghe was behind her all the time, and was taken aback.

"It's okay, don't be afraid of me, that guy still has some strength, you can try to go to him, and you will get what you want."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he turned and left.

"But I would like to remind you that if you want to get something, you must pay something. You should think about the gains and losses yourself."

But Hayami at this time heard Li Qinghe say that maybe that Professor Heisong can make himself the number one motorcycle rider in the world, maybe it is true.

Golgom base camp.

Professor Heisong lowered his body and respectfully reported his work progress to the three priests.

"Experiment No. [-] has been found, and the experiment will be carried out soon."

"Well, I look forward to your performance, step back."

The great priest Darom said.

Hayami held the business card that Professor Kuromatsu gave him, on the back was written "Please come to me that day. I won't let you regret it."

Hayami has already arrived outside Professor Kuromatsu's workplace, hesitating, wondering whether he should go in or not.

The moment he turned around, he saw Professor Kuromatsu smiling behind his back.

"Yeah, you're here, let's go."

Professor Kuromatsu led Hayami into his laboratory.

Professor Kuromatsu let Hayami lie on his laboratory bench.Hayami was lying in the laboratory, and was suddenly bound by the straps on the laboratory table.

Hayami felt an ominous premonition, and Professor Kuromatsu stared at Hayami with an expression of looking at the test product.

Hayami swallowed, regretting coming here a bit.

I saw Professor Heisong pressed the button hidden on the wall, and Professor Heisong's real laboratory appeared.

Professor Heisong entered his laboratory, took off his clothes, and changed into his work clothes.

Seeing that Professor Heisong took off his right hand, it turns out that Professor Heisong does not have a right hand, and his right hand uses a mechanical prosthesis.

Professor Kuromatsu installed his mechanical right hand, and Hayami looked at Professor Kuromatsu's equipment in surprise.

Professor Heisong installed an electronic eye on his eye with his mechanical right hand.

Hayami already felt that something was wrong. Professor Kuromatsu's hair changed from black to white in an instant, and he was not as amiable as before, but became extremely cold, like a robot.

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