Hayami struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles on his body.

I saw Professor Heisong pointing to the mechanical equipment with his right hand, and those machines started to act automatically.

The red, green and green bottles and cans on the test bench began to emit white gas.

"What do you want to do, teacher."

Hayami asked in fear. .

"Let you become the world's number one fast driver, isn't that what you want?"

Professor Heisong said coldly.

Chapter 12 Persuasion

"Master Flea, come out."

Professor Heisong pressed the green button on the wall, and the flea monster came out of the air conditioner.

The flea monster came to Hayami step by step, and Hayami looked at the flea monster in surprise.

"Please give this young man your hard work."

Professor Kuromatsu pointed to Hayami on the experimental bench.


The flea monster didn't care about Hayami's objection, and stuck the needle at the tip of his mouth into Hayami's arm, and you could see the blood-red liquid entering Hayami's body.

The flea monster successfully injected his heart-strengthening blood into Hayami's body, and Hayami stopped struggling and passed out on the experimental bench.

"thank you very much."

Professor Heisong respectfully said to the flea monster.

The flea monster jumped into the room where he hid himself.

"Now you have received the invincible heart-strengthening blood. The muscle strengthening agent I researched can also be used by you."

Professor Heisong held a syringe filled with yellow liquid.Professor Kuromatsu pouted, and a needle pierced Hayami's body.

This shot woke up the fainted Hayami.

Since accepting Professor Kuromatsu's experiment, Hayami is like a different person in the motorcycle race.

Hayami has changed, won consecutive battles, reborn as the wolf of the runway.

Hayami once again won the No.1 motorcycle race.

"Hayami is amazing."

Akita Kyoko said happily.

"Do you know each other?"

Kita Katsumi asked.

Katsumi Kida, the girlfriend of Nobuhiko Akita, who was caught by Golgom, also joined the tea room to help Kyoko Akita take care of the tea room.

"They used to be friends on motorcycles, and they were often with their brother."

Kyoko explained.

"Hayami is our riding teacher, he taught us all the skills."

Minami Kotaro said with a smile on his face.

"Then can you get me an autograph of Hayami, please."

Kita Katsumi's request.

Minami Kotaro smiled and agreed.Li Qinghe didn't say anything, just looked at Nan Kotaro and the others,

"The fun is about to begin."

"Huh? What show is about to start?"

Moon Shadow, who was sitting beside Li Qinghe making tea for Li Qinghe, asked by Gary.

Li Qinghe smiled without saying a word.


Because a new customer came, Katsumi Kida went to serve the customer.

After Kida Katsumi left, Minami Kotaro put away his smile.

"It's like a different person, what happened to Hayami?"

Minami Kotaro frowned.

Minami Kotaro wanted to know what happened to Hayami, Kotaro felt a little uneasy.So he left the tea room and drove towards the venue of Hayami's competition.

"Please take a photo with me."

"Leave me an autograph, please."

Holding the trophy and flowers, Hayami pushed away the fans surrounding him and left the competition venue.

Namkotaro followed Hayami from behind. After all, Hayami had practiced Namkotaro's driving skills, and soon found Namkotaro following him.

In order to keep his secret, Hayami easily got rid of Kotaro Minami who was following him, and came to Professor Kuromatsu's laboratory.

"Sure enough, there is something famous inside."

Seeing that he had lost Hayami, Minami Kotaro stopped his steps.

Professor Heisong's laboratory.

"Running Wolf, I have this nickname."

Hayami was lying on the experimental bench, and happily said to Professor Kuromatsu.

"is it?"

Professor Kuromatsu listened calmly to what Hayami said.

"I want to be the fastest man in the world, please, teacher."

Hayami expressed his thoughts excitedly.

"That's for later. Now you need to inject the research-level hormones I have developed over the years."

Professor Heisong picked up a tube of pink reagent.

"Please inject that ultimate hormone into my body."

Hayami naively thought that the ultimate hormone was a potion to help him run faster.Just don't think about it, would Professor Heisong provide such a big help for a stranger?

There is no free lunch in the world. Professor Kuromatsu understands the principle of giving first and taking later. He gave Hayami the benefit first, which earned him the title of "Wolf of the Runway".

Human desires are endless, so Hayami will actively cooperate with himself in order to achieve a faster speed, so that he will not commit suicide like the first human experimental animal.

Hayami accepted Professor Kuromatsu's experiment again.

However, after accepting this experiment, he suddenly had negative emotions such as anxiety and fear while driving on the track. The motorcycle he was driving began to swing from side to side, and eventually rushed out of the track, and he was thrown away by the motorcycle.

"Mr. Hayami, Mr. Hayami."

The people waiting at the finish line and Kotaro Minami hurried over to help Hayami.

"If you don't take it seriously, you'll be in trouble."

Hayami's coach said sternly.

Hayami Nannan said, "I'm so scared, I can't do it anymore."

Hayami threw away his helmet and ran out alone.

Hayami's younger sister said worriedly to Minami Kotaro, "My brother has suddenly lost his confidence since last night."

"last night?"

Minami Kotaro remembered that he followed Hayami yesterday and lost it. It should have been something wrong with Hayami during that time.

Since you can't find Hayami, then look for seniors.Nan Kotaro has developed a good habit of finding Li Qinghe when in trouble.

"Senior, do you know what happened to Hayami?"

"Hayami, is that person with average talent for riding a motorcycle?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Senior, Hayami's driving skills are very good, and he taught me all my driving skills."

Minami Kotaro defended Hayami.

"If you have good driving skills, you won't be the last one, and you won't sell your soul and use heresy ways to get a ranking that doesn't belong to you."

Li Qinghe said disdainfully.

Li Qinghe already knew the whole thing from Batman, similar to the original drama, Hayami wanted to get a higher ranking in the motorcycle race for himself.Volunteering to be Golgom's experiment, it's not wrong to say that he did it on his own.

"There is no way to good fortune or misfortune, but people call upon themselves."

Generally speaking, as long as people are not too reckless, most of their own disasters are caused by themselves. If Hayami is not greedy, thinks about getting something for nothing, and gets the false name of the world's number one racing driver, he will not become Professor Kuromatsu's experiment No. [-] animal.

"You know what's going on?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"I know, he has accepted Gorgom's human experiments, thinking that he can get the number one ranking in the world, but will Gorgom serve a human being? They won't be so idle."

Li Qinghe shook his head,

"Kotaro, believe it or not, if you stop Hayami from accepting Professor Kuromatsu's experiment, Hayami will definitely not agree."

"No matter what, he used to be the teacher of Nobuhiko and me. I'm going to stop him, and I can't let him continue to be controlled by Golgom."

Nan Kotaro left directly, Li Qinghe was a little annoyed by such impolite behavior.

"It seems Hayami, you have to die."

Li Qinghe hated disobedient chess pieces very much. This time Nankotaro didn't listen to his own words and insisted on saving Hayami, so he used Hayami's death to calm Li Qinghe's anger at this time.

Li Qinghe didn't get angry easily, because few people could provoke him. It was obvious that Nan Kotaro didn't know that his impolite departure this time made Li Qinghe angry.

Chapter 13

After listening to Li Qinghe's words, Nan Kotaro hurried to Hayami's residence, and found a strange ape-like figure who pushed him away and left in front of him.

Kotaro Minami was about to transform, and noticed that this ape-man monster had no intention of fighting him, and was wearing Hayami's clothes. Could this strange man be Hayami?

At this time, Hayami's younger sister also ran out of Hayami's room, "Kotaro, come quickly, save my brother, you must save my brother."

"What the hell is going on here?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"Brother, I ran back at noon and kept shrinking under the quilt. I saw my brother was so scared, so I lifted his quilt and found that he had turned into the monster just now.


And he looked at me so strangely, he wanted to eat me and attack me.However, after I called his brother, he let go of me and rushed out. "

Hayami's younger sister said in fear.

Minami Kotaro could see the pinch marks on sister Hayami's neck and the bruises on her face, which could confirm the truth of what sister Hayami said.

In addition to making the user's body hair grow rapidly, the ultimate hormone will also have a strong sexual impulse towards the opposite sex. Of course, it also has the effect of making the user's heart rate uneasy, causing anxiety and fearful negative emotions.

Hayami realized that he no longer even knew himself, and did something that even he couldn't tolerate, and even thought of wanting to fuck his sister, thinking of this.

Hayami had a strong killing intent towards Professor Kuromatsu.But he didn't want to think about it, would Professor Heisong help you so kindly?Are you someone's son, or other relatives?

"I am going to kill you!"

Hayami rode a motorcycle to Professor Kuromatsu's laboratory and kicked open the door.

Hayami saw Professor Kuromatsu preparing the potion, and said, "This will kill Kotaro in one fell swoop."

"You're using me, using me."

Although I don't know if Professor Kuromatsu is referring to the Kotaro that Hayami knew, but Professor Kuromatsu is obviously experimenting with himself in order to eliminate others.

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