"That's right, there is one last step, and it's done. Just in time, you're here, so now you can complete the last step for me."

Professor Heisong said while preparing the potion.

"The last step? I'll kill you."

Hayami grabbed Professor Kuromatsu with his hairy claws.

Professor Kuromatsu easily blocked Hayami's attack with his mechanical right arm.

"It seems that you are not very willing to cooperate. Flea monster, come out, you need to take action."

Professor Heisong pressed the green button on the wall, and the flea monster came out of the hidden room.


Seeing the flea monster, Hayami suddenly became frightened, and turned around to run away, but the flea monster threw him down from behind.

Hayami struggled desperately, suddenly he was hit on the head and fell asleep.

"you are?"

Professor Heimatsu looked at the black strange figure in the Greek letter Δ that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"My name is Kamen Rider Delta."

Li Qinghe walked into Professor Heisong's laboratory slowly.

"never heard of that."

Because the three priests were afraid of Li Qinghe's existence, they blocked the news of Li Qinghe, and only the three priests knew about Li Qinghe.

Reinvented people like Professor Heisong who are below weirdos have no right to know.

"Then you hear it now."

Li Qinghe approached the flea monster step by step.

When Professor Heisong saw Li Qinghe approaching step by step, he felt a little flustered.

"Flea freak, come on, kill this man."

The flea monster can also understand human speech, and when he heard that Professor Heisong disrespected him, he spoke to him in an orderly tone.

"Professor Heisong, I am not your subordinate, you have no right to order me. If you order me like this again, I will kill you."

The flea monster said to Professor Heisong viciously.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Flea."

Professor Heisong hurriedly bowed down to apologize, but Li Qinghe still caught the cold light flashing in his eyes when he bowed down.

"Professor Heisong, look at this is Golgom. No matter how much you pay for Golgom, as long as you are a human being, your status is still not higher than the lowest-level weirdo, let alone comparable to the three priests."

Seeing Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta ignoring him so much, he immediately became angry, and didn't care about Professor Heisong's mistake just now.

The flea monster rushed towards Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe kicked the flea monster away.

Because Li Qinghe still kept his hands, the flea monster was not kicked to death by Li Qinghe, but he was also seriously injured and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Professor Heisong, look at you. This is the powerful flea monster you want to kill. He has lost his fighting power now."

Professor Heisong tried to kick the flea monster, and found that the flea monster's leg moved a little, which scared him back a few steps, but he soon found that the flea monster didn't move again.

"What do you want? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Professor Heisong's ability to adapt to the wind is still very high, and he shifted his camp in a blink of an eye.

"Very good, those who know the current affairs are Junjie, I welcome you to join."

Li Qinghe said straightforwardly.

"It's an honor to serve you, you can call me Professor Heisong."

Professor Heisong said respectfully.

"Professor Heisong, now I need you to help me get rid of this person."

Li Qinghe pointed to Hayami lying on the ground.

"Let this person belong together with this flea monster, can you do it?"

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, although Professor Heisong didn't understand Li Qinghe's intentions, he still nodded and prepared to follow Li Qinghe's order.

Professor Kuromatsu prepared a bottle of green potion and poured it into the mouths of Hayami and the immobile flea monster.

Suddenly, the comatose Hayami and the immobile flea monster stood up and fought towards the opposite side, biting, scratching and kicking, using all kinds of movements.

The flea monster and Hayami fought extremely fiercely.

"Professor Heisong, what kind of potion is this?"

Professor Heisong said proudly,

"This is a potion that I developed on my own to allow people who use the potion to kill each other. Even Gorgom's monsters are the same. Of course, I don't know about the three priests."

"Professor Heisong, it is really not easy to be a Nobel candidate. You will continue to lurk in Golgom in the future. As for your lifespan, it depends on your performance. I will give you what Golgom can give you." Can."

Li Qinghe was about to say something more when he suddenly heard the sound of Nan Kotaro's motorcycle.

"Nan Kotaro has come, you should leave too, to ensure that these two guys die together."

Li Qinghe said again.

"Please rest assured that you will be satisfied."

Li Qinghe left with peace of mind after hearing Professor Heisong's assurance.

Kotaro Minami got off his motorcycle and found that the flea monster had fought to the last point with the ape-man monster transformed by Hayami.

Flea Monster sent the spike in his mouth into Hayami's heart, and Hayami pierced Flea Monster's head with his sharp claws, ignoring the pain of his hand being inserted by Flea Monster's spike.

"Hayami, Hayami, how are you doing?"

Minami Kotaro hurried to Hayami and helped Hayami who was about to fall to the ground.

"Is it Kotaro?"

Hayami had already closed his eyes, and heard the sound that Kotaro was coming.

"It's me, it's me. What's wrong with you."

Kotaro held Hayami's hand tightly.

"Please, please take good care of my sister, Shizuka. Also, Professor Heimatsu used me to deal with you, you have to be careful..."

Hayami insisted on finishing speaking, tilted his head, and died.

"Hayami, Hayami, Hayami."

Minami Kotaro kicked away the body of the flea monster, and the body of the flea monster was reduced to ashes.Picking up Hayami's body, after Hayami's death, the ultimate hormone in the body lost its carrier and lost its function, and Hayami returned to human form again.

Li Qinghe saw Nan Kotaro driving towards Hayami's home with Hayami's body on his back.

"This is the price for disobeying me, hum."

Li Qinghe hummed a little song, left here happily, and returned to the tea room.

But this incident was only the starting point of the disagreement between Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro.

The flea incident is officially over.

Golgom base camp.

"You trash, what's going on? How did the flea monster die?"

Raohm released the light at Professor Heisong with his right hand, and Professor Heisong collapsed to the ground in fright. If it wasn't because he knew that Li Qinghe was stronger, he might have told about his encounter with Li Qinghe.

Of course, if he said it, with Golgom's approach, Professor Heisong knew without thinking that he would not be spared.

"It was Minami Kotaro, who sabotaged my experiment at a critical moment. It caused my experiment to malfunction and caused uncontrollable changes in Hayami's body.

Then Hayami and Minami Kotaro defeated the Flea Monster together.There is nothing I can do. "

Professor Kuromatsu made up nonsense and attributed the failure to Nan Kotaro.

"Why is it him again, Black Sun?"

The great priest Raohm clenched his fists angrily.

"Then back off."

The great priest Darom ordered to Professor Heisong.

The great priest Bihume shook his head, "Let's not talk about this, just look at this."

With a wave of Bihuum's hand, such a picture appeared in front of the three priests.

A female news reporter introduced, "The International Peace Conference is now full of vitality and attracting the attention of the world. The conference seems to be a symbol of peace and friendship for mankind in the 21st century.

One of the most suitable natural places for this theme is here, Asahi Village, Gunma Prefecture, where envoys from various countries come to hold the event. "

Seeing this, the great priest Darom said angrily, "What about the peace and friendship of human beings in the 21st century, self-righteous, just watch, stupid human beings."

High Priest Darrom flicked his sleeves and left.

Li Qinghe also saw such news, "Peace and beauty, huh.".

No matter what age, war is inevitable, and peace is so short in human history.

A phone call came into the tea room.

Chapter 14 Faith?

Akita Kyoko answered the phone, "You said Akane, she passed out and is in the hospital?"

Akita Kyoko originally planned to ask Nan Kotaro to go out to see Akane, but Nan Kotaro went out to buy goods, and Li Qinghe was the only one left in the tea room.

"Mr. Qinghe, are you free now?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Yes, what's the matter, Xingzi, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, my good friend. Akane seems to be in the hospital now. The doctor called me just now. I want to check the situation, but Kotaro has gone out. Can you go with me? "

Akita Kyoko asked in a pleading tone, faced with this situation, can Li Qinghe refuse?can't refuse

"Then let's go and have a look together. Since she is your good friend, she must be a beautiful woman, so I will go with you."

Li Qinghe drove Akita Kyoko to the hospital where Akane was located.

Akita Kyoko pushed away the ward where Akane was, and Li Qinghe followed in.

Akane saw Akita Kyoko at a glance, "Kyoko."

Qian's complexion was not good, she was abnormally pale at first glance, and her lips were whitish.


Akita Kyoko walked up to Akane.


Qian suddenly cried out in grief and began to wail.

"Sis, what happened?"

Akita Kyoko grabbed Akane's arm and asked. "What happened?"

"That, I don't remember very clearly. If I think about it,...don't."

Qian seemed to be crazy, and cried again, and this time her body was still shaking.

"Akane, what the hell happened, cheer up."

Seeing Akane like this, Akita Kyoko didn't know what to say, so she could only encourage her.

The doctor and Husheng on the side quickly held Qian down and gave Qian a sedative.Akane stopped being mad, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that Akane was asleep, Li Qinghe and Akita Kyoko both left Akane's ward.

"Shocked state?"

Li Qinghe came to the attending doctor and asked.

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