The doctor nodded, "So part of her memory has disappeared. She must have received some great mental stimulation, or experienced something terrifying."

Hearing what the doctor said, Li Qinghe thought that Golgom might have done it, but he is not Namkotaro, so he has no obligation to do these things.

"Doctor, can she be cured?"

Kyoko is very concerned about Akane's condition. Although she doesn't know what Akane has gone through, she hopes that Akane will get better soon.

"This, I can't tell. According to her condition, further observation is necessary."

Just as the doctor finished speaking, a nurse who had just helped rushed over.

"Doctor, it's bad! Patient Shimazaki is gone."

Hearing what the nurse said, Li Qinghe and Akita Kyoko hurried back to the ward where Akane was staying just now, only to find that Akane had disappeared.

Li Qinghe had already thought about where Qian was going, and couldn't bear to let this young girl die, so he ran towards the roof of the hospital.

In the original play, Akane was bewitched by the sheep monster and was about to jump off the building, but was rescued by Namko Taro. This time, Namkotaro went out to buy goods, so she was the one who accompanied Kyoko to the hospital.

Li Qinghe asked the nurse, and after knowing how to get to the top of the building, he rushed to the top of the building.

Seeing Qian walking barefoot on the ground, she was about to walk towards the edge of the roof.

Li Qinghe didn't call Qian, but stepped lightly, quickened his pace, came behind Qian, and immediately hugged Qian.Because Li Qinghe's yelling would startle Qian, leaving Qian's mind in a vacuum, and might do bad things with good intentions.

"Cy, wake up. What's wrong with you."

After Li Qinghe's hug, Qian woke up, "What's wrong with me."

After finishing speaking, Qian fell asleep again.

"Mr. Qinghe, can I trouble you with something?"

Akita Kyoko said embarrassedly.

"Let's talk, we are all acquaintances, and if I can help you, I will definitely help you."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Akita Kyoko said: "Mr. Qinghe, I know you are also capable. Can you help Qian find out what she has experienced in the countryside? I want Qian to get better soon."

Li Qinghe was reluctant to go at first, but this was Kyoko's strong request. If he wanted to make a good impression in front of Nan Kotaro and everyone, he could only be a warm-hearted person and not destroy his personality.

Li Qinghe agreed to Akita Kyoko's request. After all, if he ate the food made by Akita Kyoko every day, he couldn't eat it in vain, so he should pay back the favor.

Li Qinghe drove his car towards Chaori Village, Qunma County, to see this mischievous goat and see how capable he is.

Li Qinghe drove towards Chaori Village, Qunma County. As soon as he entered the village, he saw a group of children beating a child and forcing the child to eat dirt.

Li Qinghe remembered that the child who was bullied by other children should be the grandson of the village chief. In order to protect his vegetable field from being destroyed, he was bullied by other controlled children.

As soon as Li Qinghe saw such a scene, he guessed that most of the people in the whole village should be bewitched by the goat.

Li Qinghe pulled the bullied child from the ground to him.

"It's alright."

Li Qinghe asked the child concerned.

"It's okay, you have to be careful."

The little boy looked at the children around him with lingering fear, and said in fear.

Li Qinghe glanced at the other children, each of them staring at him fiercely.

Suddenly a man bumped into Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe was embraced by other villagers who suddenly surrounded him.

A young man walked up to the little boy and picked it up.

"Stop, stop."

The boy kept yelling.

"Tell me, where is the village chief?"

Li Qinghe recognized this person at a glance as Qian's brother who lived in the hospital.

Li Qinghe's waist was tightly hugged.

"Asshole, get out of here."

Li Qinghe threw the two villagers who were holding him far away. This is because Li Qinghe hadn't transformed. If Li Qinghe transformed, the two villagers would have been thrown to death.

Li Qinghe saw that other villagers continued to surround him, Li Qinghe was not that Nan Kotaro would suffer the harm himself in order to wake them up.

When Li Qinghe was about to turn himself into a rescue, he suddenly heard the sound of an ancient bell.

"jingle jingle."

Shimazaki Akane's elder brother threw down the village chief's son who was mentioned just now, and said with blurred eyes, "It's time to pray, and I'm going to pray to Mr. Goat."

All the villagers turned around slowly and walked towards their home.Ignoring everything that happened just now, except for the two villagers who were thrown away by Li Qinghe, they were still moaning and screaming.

Can pain wake them up?

Li Qinghe thought.

Li Qinghe helped Murakami's son up, "Where is the village chief? Do you know where it is? Akane Shimazaki is very unstable now. I am a good friend of Akane, and I came here to solve this matter."

"Really? Sister Qian, how is he? I know where the village chief is, come with me."

When the little boy heard that Qian was in danger, he immediately took Li Qinghe to the hidden cave on the mountain.

"Grandpa, I'm back, Grandpa."

Li Qinghe could see an old man squatting on the ground with a kerosene lamp beside him.

The little boy touched the village chief's shoulder.


The village chief trembled in fear, and saw that it was his grandson.

"Shou. Where have you been? I'm looking for you."

The village head hugged the guard tightly and said nervously.

"I was worried about the fields at home, so I went out to have a look."

Shou explained why he was out.

"I know, but your safety is more important than Tian. Your sister went out to find someone, and I don't know what happened. There is no reply yet."

The village chief said worriedly that he could only go out secretly at night these days, and the food in the fields was enough to satisfy his hunger, and he and his grandson depended on each other for life.

"you are?"

The village chief turned around and saw Li Qinghe.

"My name is Kiba Kiyokawa. I'm Akane's friend. I came here to solve this matter."

The village chief pulled Shou back step by step, "I know all of Qian's friends, but I don't remember Qian having a friend like you. Who are you?"

The village chief looked at Li Qinghe warily.

"I'm a friend of Akane's friend Kyoko Akita. I'm here to help Akane. Akane is in the hospital now, and her spirit is obviously stimulated. I was invited by Kyoko Akita to help you.

But I need to know what the hell is going on?Why are villagers like this. "

Li Qinghe couldn't act like I knew everything, so he deliberately asked why such bad things happened in the village.

"What, Xiaoqian is in the hospital?"

the village chief asked sadly.

Li Qinghe nodded.

The village chief said regretfully, "It would be great if I, as the village chief, cheered up."

Murakami filled his own fire with firewood.While adding firewood, he said:

"It happened three days ago. I took my grandson Shou to play in the nearby river. I was away for half a day. After I came back, the villagers seemed to be possessed by something."

"Master Goat?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Murakami patted Shou's head, and continued, "Shortly after, Xiaoqian, who hadn't seen her for a long time, also came back.

Qian took his brother's arm, "Brother, I'm Qian, what's wrong with you?"

As the village head, I hurried to Xiaoqian to see what happened. I thought it was Qian and her brother who had a conflict.

However, at that time, I suddenly heard piercing voices, like chanting scriptures. I, Shou and Qian covered their ears. Xiaoqian's brother seemed to have received some orders when he heard the voice, and strangled Xiaoqian's neck.

I tried my best to push Qian away, and then the villagers in the village chased us, and the three of us started to escape, but I was too old to walk. "

Li Qinghe looked at the village chief's prosthetic leg, and understood.

"My feet can't climb mountains. So I asked Xiaoqian to escape alone, hoping that she could tell others about the village. Yes, I asked her to do so. Unexpectedly, Xiaoqian..."

The village chief said regretfully.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you."

Li Qinghe comforted the village head confidently.

In the evening, Li Qinghe planned to find the goat by himself, but Chaori Village is quite big, so Li Qinghe couldn't find it for a long time.

Chapter 15 Ruthless

"elder brother."

Li Qinghe saw that the guard followed quietly.

"Little brother, didn't I ask you to accompany your grandfather? He is very lonely, so you should accompany him more. It's too dangerous here."

Li Qinghe didn't want a child like Shou to be involved in such a dangerous thing.

"Brother, I saw Grandpa fell asleep and ran out secretly. Brother, you are looking for the location of Lord Yang, right? I know where it is, come with me."

Since Shou was not afraid of himself, Li Qinghe let Shou follow. With Shou leading the way, Li Qinghe quickly found the sheep monster's location.

The goat kept chanting without listening.Li Qinghe was a little annoyed when he heard that, and he was about to get up and rush down to kill the goat. After the goat is over, he can go back early.

After the Faun man finished chanting, dark blue smoke emitted from the goat's horns.

Li Qinghe saw that Shou had inhaled the smoke. Li Qinghe walked behind Shou and knocked Shou unconscious with one blow.

Li Qinghe decided to knock the guard unconscious in advance before the guard attacked him, and then he went back to the cave where the village chief lived to make a long-term plan.

However, the villagers controlled by the goat monster suddenly looked at the location where Li Qinghe was hiding.

"Get that guy."

All the villagers headed towards Li Qinghe's position. Li Qinghe was out of security considerations for the guard. After all, the guard helped him find the goat monster, so he couldn't abandon the guard.

So he took the unconscious guard back to the cave where the village chief was.

On the way back to the cave, Li Qinghe met the village chief who came out to look for his grandson.

"Mr. Qinghe, guard."

When the village chief saw the guard on Li Qinghe's back, he quickly shouted.He said in disbelief, "Could it be that even Shou also..."

Li Qinghe nodded.

"If it wasn't for me, this village wouldn't..., let alone the international conference ten days later. Even our village..."

The village head blamed himself and knelt on the ground.

"Since this is the case..."

Li Qinghe thought for a while and thought that the international conference would be held in ten days, "Then let me see if Gorgom's underground power is stronger or human beings' strength is stronger."

Li Qinghe returned to the room where the village head was. Since Shuya became like other villagers, the village head changed from his previous fear and cowardice, and insisted on returning to his home.

Li Qinghe's evaluation of this in his heart is, silly, the goats wanted to arrest you, but now you have come out, if it weren't for me, you would have died.

Li Qinghe likes to use some small tricks when he has no strength, but now that his strength can crush most people, why should he count the weak and just break the situation violently.

The village chief guarded his tied grandson, "If those people come to me again, if I, the village chief, are also arrested, they will be able to completely control the village. Maybe that's what Lord Yang thinks."

The village chief sat cross-legged on a mat, making tea.

"If we're here, those people will definitely show up. Mr. Qinghe, I want to wake up those villagers who are controlled by Mr. Yang. Mr. Qinghe, I can't trouble you anymore. You should leave here."

Murakami plans to fight to the death. If the villagers cannot be awakened, then he will be the last village head of the village.

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