Li Qinghe looked at the other villagers rushing forward and desperately.

Li Qinghe used fighting skills to kill all the remaining villagers. After checking that there was no life, he used the village chief's finger to stick the blood. After writing Golgom in the cave, Li Qinghe left the village. .

I want to see how powerful and influential Golgom is in the human community.

Not long after Li Qinghe left the village, Nan Kotaro brought Shimazaki Akane who came out of the hospital to Asahi Village.

"what happened."

After Nan Kotaro entered the village, he felt something was wrong, "It's so quiet, hey, what kind of smell is this, the smell of blood."

Thinking of this, Minami Kotaro took Akane Shimazaki and ran all the way to the place that smelled of blood.

At this time, Li Qinghe had already returned to the tea room, "Xingzi, why did Nan Kotaro go?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's return, Xingzi happily said to Li Qinghe, "Mr. Qinghe, you are great, did you go to Chaori Village to solve the problem there, yesterday Qian's illness suddenly recovered.

Kotaro returned to Asahi Village with Akane who had just recovered from a serious illness. Akane said that she missed her brother. In order to prevent Akane from being threatened, Kotaro followed. "

Li Qinghe shook his head after hearing Akita Kyoko's words,

"The solution is solved. When I went to that village, I found that most of the people in the village had been slaughtered by the Faun.

I can only defeat the goat monster first, hey, I went too late, so I came back after seeing that there were no living people, and I didn't want to tell Qian the news, for fear that she would not be able to bear it. "


Akita Kyoko cried out in surprise when she heard the news.

"Akane is so pitiful. If I had known, I wouldn't have let Kotaro take Akane back."

"I went too late. If I had said earlier, I might have saved the whole village."

Li Qinghe said with a sigh.

"Mr. Qinghe, you have tried your best."

Akita Kyoko comforted Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's goal at the beginning was indeed to kill the goat, but after hearing that the international peace conference would be held in Chaori Village in ten days, Li Qinghe thought about using the world's official power to deal with Gorgom.

Li Qinghe doesn't believe that Gorgom can control the world's political leaders, Li Qinghe wants to use his strength, since the international peace conference is held here.

If Li Qinghe disguised the village as being destroyed by Golgom and left clues on purpose, then it should be possible to let the world understand Golgom through this meeting, and let all countries in the world begin to know Golgom. horrible.

At first, Li Qinghe thought that if the village head and Shou could keep the secret, then Li Qinghe would not kill them, but it was obvious that the village head rejected Li Qinghe's approach.

At the beginning, Li Qinghe kept his hand on purpose and only killed some of the villagers, so that the remaining villagers would be witnesses to be attacked by Gorgom.

But the village chief rescued all the surviving villagers and told him of his existence. If he told him, he would tell him why he compared himself to a devil.

This disrupted Li Qinghe's plan, Li Qinghe could only deal with all the remaining villagers who survived, and it was the village chief who harmed them.

As for the village chief and Shou, at first Li Qinghe couldn't bear to kill them, but Shou stabbed himself with a knife and gave him a reason to kill them, so Li Qinghe closed his eyes and killed them all.

Looking for the smell of blood, Nan Kotaro quickly found the village chief's house.

"How could this happen! Dad, Shou, where are you!"

Akane Shimazaki looked at the corpses all over the floor and cried bitterly.

Seeing this tragic situation, Nan Kotaro clenched his fists. This is the worst human tragedy that Nan Kotaro has personally seen.

Kotaro Minami soon discovered the altar. Based on what Akane Shimazaki said before, the initial judgment was that Golgom did it, and he hated Golgom even more.

Kotaro Minami and Akane Shimazaki searched separately to see if there were any surviving villagers.After all, the village chief and the guard have not been found yet, only saw Shimazaki Akane's brother who was beaten to death.

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Akane Shimazaki found her brother's body, which had no temperature.

Akane Shimazaki hugged her brother's body and howled loudly, "Why? Why?"

Kotaro Minami also found the body of Akane Shimazaki's brother, "Don't be sad, do you have any other relatives?"

Akane Shimazaki held back her tears, put down her brother's body, and began to search for it.

"Kutaro, I can't find my younger brother and grandpa. What should I do? Have they already..."

Akane Shimazaki cried again.

Kotaro quickly asked, "Akane, think about it for yourself, is it where they are hiding, where ordinary people can't find it."

Qian wiped her tears, "Yes, there is a place that only me and grandpa know."

"Then go quickly, maybe your grandfather and younger brother are waiting for you somewhere."

Nan Kotaro encouraged Akane Shimazaki.

Shimazaki Akane took Nan Kotaro towards the hidden cave.

Before entering the cave, Nan Kotaro, relying on the keen sense of smell of the reformer, once again smelled a stronger smell of blood.

"Cy, tell me where I am. I'll go and have a look. You just wait here. Okay? If there is someone, I'll tell you."

Minami Kotaro already had a very bad premonition in his heart, but he really didn't want Akane to suffer any more. .

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you. The cave is just opposite the three withered trees on the mountain in front. There is a small opening, which is the entrance of the cave."

Akane Shimazaki told Minami Kotaro the route of the cave.

Chapter No.17 Concealment

After hearing this, Nan Kotaro quickly found the entrance of the cave.

As soon as I entered, I felt a stench of corpses mixed with a strong smell of blood.

Nan Kotaro was worried that there would be Golgom below, so he transformed in advance.


The inside of the cave is too dark, and the smell is too smelly, it seems to be the smell of corpses, so Minami Kotaro can only transform into Kamen Rider bck to explore.

Nan Kotaro entered the cave and saw a scene that made him even more angry. The empty cave was full of villagers' corpses.

With his keen eyesight, Kotaro Minami saw Gorgo written in blood next to the corpse of a villager... Obviously, this is what Gorgom did.

"It really is them, Gorgom!"

Minami Kotaro gritted his teeth, and then he retreated from the cave and came to the foot of the mountain, "Akane, there is no one in the cave, I didn't see the guard and the village chief, maybe they escaped to another place, let's go back first Bar."

Akane followed Nan Kotaro back to the tea room as if she had lost her soul.


Nan Kotaro returned to the tea room with Akane Shimazaki, who seemed to have lost her soul, and saw Li Qinghe waving to him.

"Kotaro, I can't help with Asahi Village's misfortune. In the past, I could only kill Golgom's culprit this time. As for the other people who died, hey..."

Li Qinghe sighed, as if he felt guilty that he hadn't come to Chaori Village earlier.

"Senior, are you the culprit who eliminated Golgom? I said how did I see your motorcycle mark at the gate of Chaori Village, and there were signs of fighting beside the altar."

Nan Kotaro suddenly realized, "Senior, you don't have to blame yourself, you have done your best, Golgom, I must destroy them, and you did such a cruel thing!"

Nan Kotaro said angrily.

Li Qinghe has no guilt about killing the villagers and putting the blame on Golgom. Anyway, Golgom has done a lot of evil things, and Nan Kotaro doesn't even believe that they didn't do this.

Ten days later, it was broadcast on TV that the International Peace Conference was successfully held in Chiba County. A newsman said: This International Peace Conference marks that mankind has entered an era of peace.

After reading the news, Li Qinghe turned off the TV. It was obvious that the island government had concealed the tragedy that happened in Asahi Village, Gunma County.

Moreover, the evidence left by Golgom has also been handed over to the island government. In order to make the International Peace Conference a success, the island government changed the meeting place of the International Peace Conference. The meeting was successfully held. As for Gunma County The tragedy in Asahi Village seemed impossible to happen.

This means that Li Qinghe's plan to use the tragedy in Gunma County to let the international people know Gorgom failed.Of course Gorgom's plan to sabotage the International Peace Conference also failed.

Li Qinghe guessed that the island government should have noticed Golgom this time. As for whether to investigate openly or secretly, it is none of his business.I hope the government of the island country is useful, don't let yourself down!

"Why the tragedy in Asahi Village was not reported in the news, but it was said that the International Peace Conference was successfully held."

Namkotaro said angrily.

"This is politics. There is a good saying that the darkness in politics is dirtier than the shit in a latrine. For politicians, as long as the international peace conference can be successfully held, it has been successful. For those other victims, Politicians don't think about it, they've been erased."

Seeing Nan Kotaro's uncomfortable expression, Li Qinghe comforted him.

"I hate politics, don't they know that everyone's life is precious?"

Nan Kotaro ran out of the tea room.


Akita Kyoko was about to catch up.

"No need to go, let Kotaro be quiet for a while. This is his way, and every knight will face such a problem."

Li Qinghe stopped Akita Kyoko from chasing Nan Kotaro.

"Yes, senior, I understand."

But Akita Kyoko is still worried about Minami Kotaro.

"Xingzi, the guests are here, you go to work first."

Kyoko hurriedly received new guests.

Nan Kotaro ran all the way, not knowing what he was going to do or where he was going, he ran randomly, and finally got on a subway.

Kotaro Minami squatted down and held his head, "What should I do? The government treats the Asahi Village tragedy as if it never happened. Is it worth fighting Gorgom to protect such a government?"

In front of Kotaro Minami, a couple were talking.

"Takano, you are really a powerful guy."

Gao Ye's classmates watched Gao Ye draw a big eagle, which was vivid and praised.

"Nothing, nothing."

Takano said modestly, Minami Kotaro also inadvertently glanced at Takano's works,

"It's amazing, it's a natural painter, it's great."

Seeing this work, Minami Kotaro seemed to have really seen the real eagle, and he couldn't help but praise Takano, forgetting his troubles just now.

"Of course, Takano-kun is known as a new star in the future painter world?"

Gao Ye's girlfriend said proudly.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and white smoke followed the wind.

"Where does the fog come from?"

Nan Kotaro was puzzled.

"Ah, monster."

The other passengers in the carriage yelled and moved away from the strange man.

"Golgom, it's you again, I won't spare you this time."

Nan Kotaro clearly saw the big vulture monster after the smoke cleared.


It was the first time for Minami Kotaro to transform in front of everyone. Unlike the previous sneaky transformations, this time he transformed in public.

"what is this."


It is obvious that other people in the car think that Kotaro Nan is also a monster, and people are always afraid of the unknown.

However, there are also people who have heard of Kamen Rider BCK. Last time, Kotaro Minami saved a train of people, and those people have already spread the news of Kotaro Minami's transformation.

"This is Kamen Rider bck."

"It's here to save us."

Kotaro Minami clenched his fists, "That's right, what I protect is not the government, but the innocent citizens and every life on earth. Golgom, go to hell."

Nan Kotaro was about to rush up to attack the Ogru monster, only to see a light blue light emitting from the Ogru monster's eyes.

"My eyes."

Minami Kotaro's eyes were stimulated by the dazzling light, and he was temporarily blinded. The big vulture grotesquely knocked Minami Kotaro out of the roof of the subway car.

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