Kotaro Minami fell out of the subway from the top of the car.

"Battle Locusts."

Nan Kotaro called out, and the fighting locusts hidden in the abandoned factory quickly went to Nan Kotaro's position.

Nan Kotaro rode on the fighting locust, followed the subway at a very high speed, and chased in the direction of the subway.

After finally catching up with the subway, Kotaro Minami jumped into the car just now from the fighting locust, and found that everyone passed out, and the only person missing was Takano who had just painted.

"Next time, next time I will kill you, Gorgom."

Kotaro Minami smashed the glass of the car with a punch and jumped out of the car.

Golgom base camp.

"You can't figure out the situation. Stupid human beings, the vultures are doing very well."

The great priest Darom laughed hahaha.

"Then, it's okay not to deal with those painters well."

The great priest Bihume said to Darom.

"Don't worry, only humans can conquer humans. This matter has been handed over to the people below. I believe he will not let me down."

The great priest Darom said.

"They are currently receiving training from Dr. Takuya Ishida, a world-class authority on spiritual power. The doctor has received a lot of research funding, and they are very happy now."

A human standing under the great priest Darom replied.

"It's a really good idea that the ability to draw impressions requires developing the perspective skills you need to draw."

The great priest Darom gave instructions to the person below.

"Those big entrepreneurs who don't know how to live or die are unwilling to obey our arrangements, and they are also unwilling to accept our autonomy. What will happen if these superpowers are sent into their enterprises to see through their secret design drawings? I really want to see them now Just look at that situation."

The great priest Raohm fantasized.

"Takano, who disappeared at that time, continued to draw the big eagle, the subject of the final exam, with great enthusiasm."

Gao Ye's girlfriend on TV, talking about the situation when her boyfriend Gao Ye was taken away.

In order to find Gao Ye, she went to the TV station to find her boyfriend, hoping to mobilize more people to help her find Gao Ye through the TV station.

"So in the subway, are there any suspicious people near you?"

asked a TV reporter.

"So, yes, there is a man who watches Takano's paintings, he can transform into Kamen Rider bck.

There is also a monster like an eagle, yes, it is a monster like an eagle, he knocked Kamen Rider BCK out of the carriage and took Takano away.

The eyes of this monster can emit a dazzling light. As long as I look at him, my eyes will be temporarily blinded. I just took one look at the monster and passed out. When I woke up, I found that Takano had disappeared. "

"Eagle, is it an eagle of birds? A weirdo like an eagle, because you can draw, can you express it with pictures?"

asked another reporter.

"Yes, I will try my best to draw it with my friends who were with me at that time."

Gao Ye's girlfriend said.

"That girl is dangerous. If this girl says such things on TV, Golgom will definitely arrest him, and even kill her to silence her."

Nan Kotaro also saw what Takano's girlfriend said on TV.

"Mr. Qinghe, can you help me take care of Qian? She is still mentally unstable."

Although Akane Shimazaki doesn't know whether her grandfather and younger brother are alive, she only knows that they are missing.

The news of the death of Akane Shimazaki's grandfather and her younger brother was not informed by Kotaro Minami.Being missing is better than being dead, so give Qian some more hope of being alive.

Kotaro Minami couldn't bear to stimulate the poor girl anymore, so in order to take care of her, he took the girl to the tea room, accompanied by Akane Shimazaki by Kyoko and Katsumi Kida.

"No problem, you go."

Li Qinghe also had some guilt in his heart. For his own plan, he slaughtered all the villagers in Asahi Village, leaving only the poor girl Akane Shimazaki.

"Thank you senior. Senior, then I'm leaving."

Chapter 18 The Vulture

Minami Kotaro hurriedly left on his motorcycle.As long as her relatives are not mentioned, Akane Shimazaki is still in good condition.

"Someone actually found you, Big Vulture Monster, it's up to you to finish this time."

High Priest Bihume ordered.


The vulture monster spread its wings and flew out.

Gao Ye's girlfriend just left the TV station, but she didn't realize that there was a car closely behind her.

"Miss, if you can't get a taxi at this time, come to my car and I'll take you home."

A middle-aged man got out of the car.

"No thanks."

Takano's girlfriend politely refused.

"You're welcome, come on."

The middle-aged man hugged Takano's girlfriend and forced her into his car.

"No, what are you going to do?"

Gao Ye's girlfriend struggled desperately, but her strength was obviously not as strong as that of the middle-aged man, and other people in the car also shot, and Gao Ye's girlfriend was stuffed into the car.


The middle-aged man hurriedly ordered the driver to drive.

"Help, help."

Gao Ye's girlfriend shouted desperately, but there were very few people at this time, and no one could hear it.

At this time, Minami Kotaro, who was rushing to the TV station, happened to hear Takano's girlfriend's cry for help.

"Is this girl already in danger? The voice came from the car that just passed by."

Minami Kotaro turned the direction of the motorcycle and chased after the car that just passed him.

"Hurry up, someone is chasing you."

The driver of the car also noticed this, "Let me get rid of him."

The driver speeded up and tried to get rid of Nan Kotaro, but Nan Kotaro saw that he was about to lose him, so he called out his fighting partner.

"Battle Locusts."


Minami Kotaro rode a combat locust and quickly approached the car.

"That place can't be discovered by Kamen Rider Bck, go to another route and hit him to death."

The middle-aged man driving ordered.

Minami Kotaro quickly walked side by side with the car, "Put that girl down."

"Kill you."

The driver of the car rammed into Nan Kotaro's fighting locust with his car.

"Human beings who obey Golgom? It's a shame for human beings. Such people don't deserve to live."

The tragedy in Asahi Village deeply stimulated Nam Kotaro. According to Namkotaro's temperament in the past, he was very tolerant towards human beings, even those controlled by Golgom.

But the tragedy that happened in Asahi Village made him hate Golgom even more.He also began to hate those who obeyed Gorgom.Those who work for tigers should be said to be unworthy of being human, so they should die.

Nan Kotaro's heart turned cold, and he pulled the driver out of the car and threw him on the road.

The driver was also fatal. He had just been thrown onto the road by Nan Kotaro when he was run over by a fast-moving vehicle, ending his life of fighting for Golgom.

The middle-aged man who kidnapped Gao Ye's girlfriend decisively kicked Gao Ye's girlfriend out of the car.

Minami Kotaro chose the latter between continuing to fool those Gorgom puppets and saving people.He held the girl in his arms.


Gao Ye's girlfriend thought that she would die after being kicked out of the car, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a warm embrace.

"You are, Kamen Rider bck? My idol, great."

Takano's girlfriend asked excitedly, completely forgetting that she was still in danger.

The middle-aged man who had just kidnapped Takano's girlfriend took over the driver's seat, and drove Minami Kotaro, who was saving Takano's girlfriend, into the cliff on the side of the road.

"riderju (knight jump)"

Nan Kotaro said in his heart: It's dangerous.

From the edge of the cliff, I used the knight jump to jump back to the road, ready to continue the pursuit, but found that the car was no longer visible.

Minami Kotaro put Takano's girlfriend off his body, "Miss, you can let go now."

"Ah. Oh."

The girl got off Nan Kotaro reluctantly.

"You're safe."

Before Nam Kotaro finished speaking.


The girl that Minami Kotaro had just rescued looked behind Minami Kotaro and said.

Kotaro Minami hugged the girl again and dodged to the other side.

The vulture monster appeared.

"I'm going to kill you this time to make up for my mistakes."

The big vulture monster didn't look at the Kamen Rider bck that Kotaro Minami transformed into, but said to the girl.

After finishing speaking, the vulture monster spread its wings and fanned the wind, and both Nan Kotaro and the girl were blown off the cliff.

"Battle Locusts."

In the process of falling off the cliff, Minami Kotaro summoned the fighting locust to sprint from another road, just in time to catch himself falling from the cliff, and also caught the girl.

But this girl was so frightened this time that she passed out.

"Don't even let such a cute girl go?"

Nan Kotaro put the girl in a hidden place, and went to find the big vulture by himself.

Before Nan Kotaro could look for him, in order to ensure the completion of the mission, the big vulture monster had to take the girl's dead body back to the errand.

He began to hover in the mid-air of the cliff, looking for the girl who was blown off the cliff by himself.

"In this case."

Nan Kotaro quietly climbed to the top of the cliff, and after estimation, he predicted the next flight position of the vulture monster.


Nan Kotaro jumped off the cliff and landed on the monster vulture accurately. With a kick from the knight, one of the monster vulture's wings was crippled.

Like a crashed plane, the vulture man glides down from mid-air, leaving a human-shaped crater on the ground.

Kotaro Nanami did not get off the Ogru monster, and still attacked the Ogru monster, venting his anger, venting his anger at his failure to save the Asahi Village tragedy in advance, and venting his hatred for Gorgom, an anti-human demon group.

After Nan Kotaro finished venting, he stood up from the big vulture monster.Afterwards, the Vulture Monster exploded, blowing Minami Kotaro aside.

Minami Kotaro carried the unconscious Takano's girlfriend on his back, and drove towards the tea room on a motorcycle.

"The big vulture monster is dead, so there is no need to continue the experiment. Without the big vulture monster's see-through eyes as an introduction, this experiment cannot be carried out."

The great priest Darom was very angry when he heard that the vulture was also dead.

"What about those painters?"

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