High Priest Bihume asked.

"Of course they were killed. Since they are worthless, why keep them. What do you think, Darrom?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"Do as you say."

High Priest Darrom gave the order to kill the captured painters.

Kotaro Minami didn't know that he was attacking this time. He killed the vulture monster ahead of time and rescued Takano's girlfriend, making the captured Takano and others worthless and executed by Golgom.

Minami Kotaro brought the unconscious Takano's girlfriend back to the tea room.

"Kotaro, who is this?"

Akizuki Kyoko saw that Kotaro Minami brought a comatose girl into the tea room, and she was a little dissatisfied. There was more Akane Shimazaki in the family, and Akane Shimazaki was still her friend and lost her parents, so she stayed on Shima Saki Akane.But what does it mean that there is one more person now?

Now living in the tea room is my best friend Katsumi Katsumi, Li Qinghe and his wife, Akane Shimazaki, myself and Kotaro Minami, and now there is another person living in, a woman.

Akizuki Kyoko once learned that Kotaro was not her own brother when her father Soichiro communicated with her deceased mother.

And Kotaro took care of himself meticulously, taking care of himself more carefully than his own brother Akizuki Nobuhiko, which made Akizuki Kyoko develop feelings for Minami Kotaro that she shouldn't have.

Of course, the nervous Minami Kotaro couldn't feel it, and Akizuki Kyoko was inexplicably jealous of the extra woman.

"This is Takano's girlfriend, the girl on TV just now, she was almost captured by Golgom, I saved her.

She fainted during the battle with Gorgom's monster, and I didn't know where her home was, so I had to bring her back first.When she wakes up, I send her away. "

Although Nan Kotaro didn't understand why Akizuki Kyoko was angry, he explained it to Akizuki Kyoko.

"That's right, let's stay here tonight. I'll help her go back, and you can rest early."

Hearing that Minami Kotaro was going to send the girl away the next day, Akizuki Kyoko nodded in satisfaction.

Akizuki Kyoko took Takano's girlfriend and was about to send her back to her room. However, the moment she took over, she didn't expect that the girl Minami Kotaro saved was quite heavy, and she fell to the ground because she didn't have a good grasp of her body's center of gravity.

Nan Kotaro quickly hugged Qiuyue Kyoko who was about to fall to the ground, and when he was about to pick up Takano's girlfriend who was about to fall to the ground again, he found that Li Qinghe had already hugged her.


Akizuki Kyoko was hugged by Namkotaro, and looked at Namkotaro with affectionate eyes.

"Kyoko, are you okay?"

Hearing that Nan Kotaro cared about her so much, Akizuki Kyoko blushed and broke away from Kotaro's arms, and ran back to her room.

"Huh? What happened to Kyoko?"

Namkotaro asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just fell in love with a little fool who doesn't understand style."

Even Tsukage Yukari couldn't stand Minami Kotaro's rough nerves anymore.

"Emotional, could it be me?"

As a fighter against Golgom, Kotaro Minami wasn't going to consider his feelings for him at the moment. Kotaro Minami wanted to wait until he would trust him before thinking about his partner.

Minami Kotaro's body has been modified by Golgom. As a modified person, Minami Kotaro doesn't know whether his body can have the same ability to give birth to the next generation as a normal person. .

Nan Kotaro didn't expect that Akizuki Kyoko would fall in love with him, and Nam Kotaro was not stupid. Thinking of Akizuki Kyoko's feelings for him on weekdays, it seemed that it really surpassed his sister's feelings for her brother.

Thinking of this, Minami Kotaro was flustered, obviously not knowing how to face his younger sister Akizuki Kyoko next.

Chapter 19 Bosozoku

"Kotaro, you should go back and think about it carefully. It is not impossible for a soldier to have a girlfriend. This woman will be sent back by Gali and Moon Shadow."

Li Qinghe entered his room with Gao Ye's girlfriend in his arms, and Yueying Yugali didn't object, and followed him in.

Nan Kotaro was so confused that he didn't notice that Li Qinghe entered his room with Takano's girlfriend in his arms.

"Miss Moon Shadow, what, are you angry?"

Li Qinghe asked with a smile.

"How dare you, you plan to..."

Yueying Youjiali is also a little jealous. She doesn't care how many women Li Qinghe has. What she cares about is whether her position in Li Qinghe's heart will decrease. Yueying Youjiali needs Li Qinghe to protect herself from Golgom. attack.

"Don't worry if you're jealous, your position in my heart will not be replaced by her."

Li Qinghe turned off the lights in the room.

A night of spring supper.

"who are you?"

After Gao Ye's girlfriend woke up, she found herself in a strange place with a strange man beside her. She felt pain all over her body when she moved slightly, and she didn't know what happened to her.

"Beauty, what's your name?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"You let me go, let me go."

Just as the woman was about to scream for help, Li Qinghe covered her mouth with her hands.

"Looks like you didn't have a good time last night, so let's do it again?"

When Li Qinghe was about to come again,

"Mr. Qinghe, aren't you hungry?"

Moon Shadow Yugari was woken up when the girl screamed just now.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was excitedly preparing to come back for a while, he stopped pretending to be asleep.Yueyingyoujiali was jealous again, she was afraid that Li Qinghe would forget her because he had a new man.

"Of course I'm hungry. Look at the time, ah, it's getting late. Hey, don't cry, I just scared you."

Li Qinghe looked at the sobbing girl.As for whether to scare the girl, only Li Qinghe knows.

"Beauty, everything has already happened, you should think about what to do next? Isn't it? Health"

Li Qinghe put clothes on the girl.

"You want to find your boyfriend Gao Ye, right, I think I can find him."

The fat sheep delivered to the door will not be eaten in vain.Li Qinghe hasn't hunted wild game yet when he came to this world. This is the first time, but with the first time, the second time is not far away.

"Really? Do you know where Takano-kun is?"

It can be seen that this girl is very infatuated and loves Takano very much.

"But what's your name?"

Li Qinghe got up and got dressed, ready to eat.

"My name is Yuko."

The weeping girl stopped sobbing and said her name.

"Tomoko, I'll help you find your boyfriend's position. You can come out for dinner. Would you like me to help you get dressed?"

Li Qinghe asked "kindly".

"No, I can get up by myself."

Yuko said stubbornly.

"Alright then, I'll wait for you outside."

Li Qinghe left the room.

"Uh, it hurts."

Seeing Li Qinghe leave, Tomoko struggled to get up.

"Don't be brave, let me help you."

Seeing that it was Tsukage who was being helped by Gary, Tomoko didn't resist.

"Thank you."

After getting dressed, Tomoko was ready to get out of bed.

"Forget it, you are also a poor girl, don't come down, I will bring you food."

"Thank you."

"Don't be so polite, we will be a family from now on."

There is also a reason why Moon Shadow Yugali is so enthusiastic.

Li Qinghe's strength is so strong, there must be more than one strong man with a woman, at least Li Qinghe must not have only one woman, a man who eats meat is like a cat that eats fish.

Tsukage Yugari asked Tomoko to lie on the bed and have a good rest.

After Li Qinghe went out, he found that the tea room was closed today, and there was a note left on the table, which said: Kotaro went out to find clues about Gorgom, we went out with Akane Shimazaki, and the meal was still hot.

Minami Kotaro went out to find clues about Gorgom, trying to rescue Akizuki Nobuhiko as soon as possible.

And Katsumi Kida, Akane Shimazaki and Kyoko Akizuki went out to play. Akane Shimazaki's spirit has stabilized a bit these days. In order to help Akane Shimazaki recover soon, Kyoko Akizuki came up with the idea of ​​going out to play.

Li Qinghe was eating while watching TV,

"The bodies of those future star painters who disappeared a few days ago were found in various abandoned factories one after another."

Such news was broadcast on TV.Li Qinghe saw the dead body of Gao Ye's teacher, the bald old man, from the news.

"No way, my arrival has changed so much. According to the original book, these painters were rescued by Kamen Rider Bck."

Li Qinghe said Nannan.

Li Qinghe returned to his room, "Look at this news."

Li Qinghe turned on the TV, and such news was broadcast on the TV.

Tomoko also saw the news. "No, no, Takano-kun will not die."

Li Qinghe shook his head, "So far, his body has not been found, so there is no conclusion, but don't get too hopeful."

Li Qinghe sat in front of Youzi, who was crying on Li Qinghe's shoulder.

"Don't cry. It's possible that Takano has already been killed. Do you have any requests? I will do it for you if I can."

Li Qinghe asked.

"Can you help me find Takano-kun? Even his dead body."

Tomoko begged in tears.

"Okay, I'm going to find Takano, wait for me to rest, and sleep for a while if you're sleepy."

Li Qinghe placed Youzi on the pillow steadily.

Li Qinghe left the tea room to contact the bat monster.

Early in the morning, Kyoko Akizuki, Katsumi Kida and Akane Shimazaki happily went to the amusement park and the supermarket and spent the morning.

On the way back at noon.

"By the way, Kemei, Akane, what do you want to eat, I'm a little hungry."

Qiuyue Kyoko asked.

"I want ice cream, chocolate flavor."

Katsumi Kida took the lead in expressing her thoughts.

"I want to eat..."

Before Akane Shimazaki could say anything, a car suddenly stopped in front of her, and a rascally gangster got out of the car.

"Hey, beauty, let's go together hehehehe."

The little bastard got out of the car, put one hand on the car, and pointed at Akizuki Kyoko, Shimazaki Akane, and Katsumi Kida with the other impolitely.

"These three women are very cute. Now we can have fun. How about going to the beach?"

Katsumi Katsuki pulled Akizuki Kyoko and Akane Shimazaki to avoid the car.Can't afford to offend, is it possible that you can't afford to hide?

"Little sister, are you looking down on us by leaving so soon?"

A man in black also got out of the car and blocked the road that Katsumi Kida wanted to bypass.

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