Although there are other pedestrians on the road, they are all like this, and they have nothing to do with themselves. For Katsumi Katsumi and the three girls surrounded by gangsters, they act as if they didn't see it, and it can't be said that they didn't see it. Farther away, clearly not wanting to get involved.

"What do you want to do?"

Akane Shimazaki asked in fear.

"What do you want to do? Of course I miss you, right?"

The man said with a laugh.

"Yes, yes."

"That's it."

The other gangsters were also booing and whistling.

"Let's go for a ride together."

A gangster grabbed Qiuyue Kyoko with one hand.

"please stop."

Katsumi Kida pushed the gangster's hand away, and was about to leave with Akane Shimazaki and Kyoko Akizuki.But he was held back by the man just now, while Akane Shimazaki and Akizuki Kyoko were held back by another person.

"This way please, let's go."

Obviously, women's strength must be inferior to men's, let alone a group of men.

Soon the three girls were stuffed into the car by these gangsters.

Suddenly there was confusion behind the group of gangsters. It turned out that a middle-aged man in a black jacket attacked the group of gangsters from behind.

The very middle-aged man quickly pulled the three girls out.

"What do you want to do? Are you looking for a beating? Don't you know this is our territory?"

The one who spoke was the leader of this group of gangsters. One was slightly fatter, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes on the three women became more and more fiery.

"What a beautiful girl, you can take it back and have a good time."

"It's so cool for you."

The middle-aged man who had just rescued the three girls picked up a piece from the ground and turned his head to cover the bastard's head.

With a "snap", the head of the group of gangsters was broken.

"kill him."

All the gangsters rushed towards the middle-aged man.

Although this man is also very powerful, two fists are no match for four hands, let alone more than four hands.

The middle-aged man, who was an ordinary person, was quickly pushed to the ground by other gangsters.

"You're amazing, aren't you? Hit me with a brick."

After speaking, he picked up the brick that had just hit himself and smashed it hard at the middle-aged man.

"No, no."

Soon this brave middle-aged man died at the hands of these gangsters.

The gangsters heard the three women's stop and turned to look at the three women.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have hurt my head, so you can stay and pay for my medical expenses. Catch them and have a good time."

The three girls were quickly caught, and the heads of the group of gangsters stepped on the head of the dead man.

"Hey, I want to be a hero to save the beauty, but I don't even know if I have the ability."

A mouthful of phlegm was spit on the face of the lifeless man.


"What are you doing, let them go."

When Minami Kotaro was looking for clues to Akizuki Nobuhiko, with his superhuman hearing, he heard the call of his sister Akizuki Kyoko, and hurriedly headed here.

Nan Kotaro got off the motorcycle and scolded.

"Another kid who doesn't know how to live or die, wants a hero to save the beauty, but don't look at how much he weighs. Brothers, don't kill him this time, and have his limbs crippled.

I just killed one, and it would be a lot of trouble to go back and deal with it, so just scrap this one. "

Said the bastard whose head was still bleeding.

"Boss, what are the five limbs, I only know the four limbs."

"Stupid, the five limbs are the one under the legs. Hahaha."

The gangsters laughed unscrupulously.

Chapter 20 Transformation of Orpheenoch

A car stopped in front of Nan Kotaro. It was really a coincidence. On the way to find the Batman, Li Qinghe happened to meet Nan Kotaro riding a motorcycle in a hurry. He thought he had found the clue of Gorgom, so he followed up.

Li Qinghe got out of the car and closed the door.

"Kutaro, you make the shot or I make the shot."

Li Qinghe shook his hands, "It's been a long time since I hit anyone."

"Listen to me, as long as you realize your mistakes, I believe everyone will forgive you and stop depraving."

Nan Kotaro persuaded these gangsters.

"Kutaro, if you reason with them, it's like playing the piano with a cow and wasting your feelings."

Li Qinghe walked up to these gangsters.

"Boy, don't meddle in other people's business, or we will destroy you."

A gangster said arrogantly.

"oh, I see."

Li Qinghe grabbed the finger of the gangster who pointed at him, and bent it hard, and the gangster's finger was turned back ninety degrees.


The bastard clasped his hands and let out a scream.

"No one has ever dared to point that at me. Neither will you."

Li Qinghe kicked the gangster to the ground, and stepped on the gangster's limbs one by one.

"It hurts. It hurts. Please forgive me."

Such a bastard begged Li Qinghe.

"What are you still looking at, this kid is abolished."

The gangster's head rushed over with his men.

"Kutaro, don't make me look down on you. A soldier must learn to protect his family. Everyone is important, but one can't even protect his own family, let alone protect others."

Li Qinghe completely ignored the attacks of the gangsters behind him, turned around and came to the dead man.

"Do you want to protect your family?"

Nan Kotaro clenched his fists, and turned to look at those gangsters with firm eyes.


Minami Kotaro made a transformation gesture, ready to transform into Kamen Rider bck.

"Don't transform, you need to realize the potential of your human body. The stronger the human body is, the stronger it will be after transformation!"

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Nan Kotaro stopped his transformation.

At the beginning, he knocked the gangster's head unconscious with a punch, resisted the attacks of the three gangsters next to him, grabbed the other two gangsters, grabbed one with one hand and threw it away.

Nan Kotaro turned around and looked at the other gangsters, punching each gangster in the head.

"Ah, this is not a person, this is the devil, go away, go away."

Seeing that Nan Kotaro was so aggressive, the remaining gangsters left in a hurry.

"If you don't have the ability, there is no hero to save the beauty. For the sake of your sense of justice, I will take one shot. Hey, it's a big loss."

Li Qinghe squatted in front of the dead man, and pressed his hand on the man's head, as soon as invisible fluctuations came to the man.

That is to say, he has become the God of Creation, so that Li Qinghe can easily transform him into an Orpheus, or an Orpheus who has escaped the limitation of life. The specific type of Orpheus depends on him. good luck.

"All right."

Li Qinghe stood up and walked to the three daughters of Katsumi Jitian who were stunned, "Let's go, you're safe."

The three women got into the car only to find that the middle-aged man who had acted bravely was still lying on the ground.

"We should save him."

Qiuyue Kyoko hurriedly called an ambulance.

"Kutaro, come here."

Li Qinghe looked at the man lying on the ground, and got out of the car anyway.

"Senior, what are your orders?"

Nan Kotaro asked respectfully, for Kotaro, Li Qinghe was his mentor, always helping him in times of crisis and guiding him forward.Nan Kotaro already trusted Li Qinghe very much.

"You drive them back, and I'll take him to the hospital."

Nan Kotaro handed over his motorcycle to Li Qinghe, and drove the three girls back to the tea room by himself.

The dead man suddenly shook his head, his body uncontrollably transformed into a bear-shaped orhonch, and quickly returned to his human form.

"I, what's wrong with me?."

The middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"Since you are awake, this car will be handed over to you. I will go first. This is your identification, Morita-kun."

Li Qinghe gave the middle-aged man the identity certificate that fell from the torn pocket when the middle-aged man was fighting, with Morita Yoshitoshi written on it.

"Ah for what."

Li Qinghe ignored Morita Yoshitoshi's doubts, turned and left.

This time Li Qinghe came out to find the Batman. This time, it was just an accident. Now that the accident was ruled out, it was time to find the Batman.

When the Bat-monster was released back then, in order to contact the Bat-monster, Li Qinghe did some tricks on the Bat-monster, sending a ray of his own energy into the Bat-monster so that he could locate the Bat-monster at any time.If the Batman is disobedient, the energy will be detonated directly.

Without some means, how could Li Qinghe let the Batman leave at ease.

Li Qinghe came to a desolate corner, "Come out, Batman."

"Haw, you're here, do you have any orders?"

Batman came out of the shadowy place.

"Those painters caught by you, what did you do with them?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Under the orders of the great priest Darom, those painters have all been dealt with, and the corpses are scattered in abandoned factories."

The Batman replied respectfully.

"Well, then take me to find the body of the man named Gao Ye, Gao Ye, do you know?"

Li Qinghe knew that the bat-monster had a strong search ability, but he didn't know how to search for it.

"I know, that is the order issued by the great priest Darom himself, and I will be responsible for the burial of his body."

Takano's talent is very good. If it wasn't for the vulture's death too early, then Takano would definitely be an important part of Gorgom's plan.

Since it cannot be used by me, then destroy him.Humans who don't work for Gorgom, the more talented they are, the more they need to be destroyed.

The bat monster brought Li Qinghe to a desolate hilltop.

"right here."

Batman pointed to the waste rock pile next to the hill.


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