Li Qinghe didn't transform into Kamen Rider Delta, he closed his eyes tightly, and the moment he opened them, two laser beams were released from his eyes, blasting the pile of waste rocks apart.

"It stinks."

Li Qinghe frowned.

"I'll just do this kind of thing. Where do you need to take him?"

Batman was intimidated by Li Qinghe's strength. He was very strong when he transformed into Kamen Rider Delta before, but now he is so strong without transforming himself.Could it be that Li Qinghe's strength has become stronger again?

The Bat Monster is even more afraid of Li Qinghe, and he put away the little things in his heart. This is also Li Qinghe's goal. For a bully like the Bat Monster, Li Qinghe needs to show off his muscles from time to time, so that the Bat Monster can put away his little thoughts .

"Take him somewhere else and bury him. Come with me."

Li Qinghe led in the front, and the bat-monster followed closely behind Li Qinghe, carrying the rotten corpse of Gao Ye on his back.

"Just here."

Li Qinghe found a place with beautiful mountains and rivers for Gao Ye, "I took your woman, and as a reward, I will give you a treasured land of geomantic omen."

Li Qinghe didn't know feng shui, so he found a place where he could see and buried Gao Ye.As for whether it is a treasure land of geomantic omen, that is not up to Li Qinghe to say.

"You go away."

Li Qinghe saw that the bat monster buried Gao Ye and let the bat monster leave.


The bat monster spread its wings and flew away, waiting for Li Qinghe's next call.

"I am back."

Li Qinghe came to his room and saw Youzi looking at him expectantly.

"There are two pieces of news, one good and one bad. Which do you want to hear?"

Li Qinghe sat in front of Youzi, and put his arms around Youzi, but Youzi couldn't break free and had to let Li Qinghe hug him.

"You tell the bad news first."

Tomoko replied.

"I thought you would let me tell you the good news first. The bad news is that your boyfriend Takano has been confirmed dead."

Hearing Li Qinghe's news, Tomoko's eyes dimmed suddenly, "Dead, dead."

Li Qinghe slapped Youzi severely, and called Youzi back in time when he was about to close his heart.

"There is another piece of good news, do you want to hear it?"

"You say it."

Tomoko held back the pain in his heart and said.

"The good news is that I have found his body and found him a treasured place of geomantic omen."

As soon as Li Qinghe finished speaking, Tomoko wanted to leave eagerly, "I'm going to see Takano now."

Li Qinghe grabbed Youzi,

"It's okay to go, but not now."

Li Qinghe domineeringly put Youzi on the bed.

"You let me go, let me go."

Youzi didn't know that her powerless resistance was very tempting to Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe became tough and occupied her again.


After Li Qinghe left Youzi again, Youzi slapped him as soon as he finished speaking.

"Mr. Qinghe, let me come."

Li Qinghe saw Yueying Yugali coming, shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, then I'll leave first, and go see Kotaro."

Li Qinghe got dressed and found that Nan Kotaro was waiting for him outside.


Nan Kotaro hesitated to speak.

"You're trying to say that I'm not doing well."

It was only when Nan Kotaro came back that he remembered that Gao Ye's girlfriend he had rescued last night, only after asking him did he realize that he had spent the night in Li Qinghe's room.

Nan Kotaro could guess what happened. Hearing the disharmonious communication between Tomoko and Li Qinghe just now, Kotaro also knew that Tomoko was forced.

"Well, senior, since..."

"I helped her find a boyfriend, shouldn't she pay some price? No one will be nice to others for no reason.".

Nan Kotaro was justified by Li Qinghe's fallacy.

This means that Nan Kotaro is not good at words, and he trusts Li Qinghe very much.

Chapter 21 The Pioneer of Humanity—Offienoch

"Don't talk about this, you come to me, what's the matter?"

Li Qinghe cleverly avoided this topic.

"Yes, senior, this is the latest newspaper, it says that in this area, all the gangsters who are on the evil side are dead.

Among the dead are those who attacked us last time.Senior, did you kill them? "

Li Qinghe looked at the newspaper, and the headline of the newspaper was impressively stating the massacre of a bosozoku.

Li Qinghe put down the newspaper, "Well, I didn't do it, it should be done by someone else."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Namkotaro believed Li Qinghe's words, and Namkotaro knew that Li Qinghe didn't need to lie to himself.

"Senior, what happened to that person that day?"

Minami Kotaro thought of the middle-aged man who acted bravely but was knocked down by those gangsters.

"He's fine. I sent him to the hospital. He just fainted from a head injury. I have his address. We can go and see him together. Thank him for delaying for a while."

Li Qinghe wanted to see if Yoshitoshi Morita was still tricked into working in Golgom like in the original book.

"Well, such a person with a sense of justice, I want to meet him too."

Li Qinghe drove the car, and Namkotaro followed Li Qinghe on a newly bought motorcycle, and arrived at Morita Yoshitoshi's home. It was Morita Yoshitoshi's younger sister who received Li Qinghe and the others.

"Are you my brother's friends? My brother has changed in the past few days. Since he came back that night, it's like a different person, and he doesn't return at night. I haven't seen him for a few days."

Morita Yoshitoshi's younger sister said with some concern.

"So he hasn't been back for a few days?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"That's right, that's right, last time I accidentally saw my brother leading a group of people to fight those bosozoku. I called out to my brother, but he left. I'm really worried about my brother. I don't know where he is now?"

Nan Kotaro guessed with his keen intuition that it might be his brother who killed those bosozoku.

"May I ask, are those photos your parents?"

Kotaro Minami saw two black and white photos enshrined in Morita's house.

"Well, ten years ago, Dad was just pushed away for correcting people who jumped in line on the bus, so he was hit by a passing car."

"And died?"

Nan Kotaro asked.


Morita Yoshitoshi's younger sister continued in distress,

"My mother, who raised us alone, was hit by a gangster who ignored the signal when crossing the road last year, and died.

Although the police were called, the murderer could not be found. "

"So your brother hates bosozoku so much?"

Nan Kotaro nodded thoughtfully, that's why.

After visiting Morita-kun's sister, Li Qinghe and Minami Kotaro left Morita's house.

On the road, I saw a group of gangsters bullying a couple of lovers, when Kotaro Minami was about to make a move.

The three black cars stopped, and Yoshitoshi Morita got out of the car, "Come on, teach this group of scumbags a lesson."

Holding an iron bat, Morita walked out first, frantically beating those bastards to death, without mercy.

"I was wrong, please forgive us."

These runaways begged for mercy.

Li Qinghe parked the car here, and grabbed Nan Kotaro who was going out to stop him.

"Kutaro, look at it now, Golgom should be involved in this matter."

Hearing Li Qinghe mentioned Golgom, Nan Kotaro became cautious.

"Forgive you, forgive you, who will spare those innocent people who were bullied, persecuted, and killed by you, you scumbags should not exist."

Morita Ryotoshi said, the more ruthless the attack, it seems that he is really planning to kill these gangsters.

"Morita, stop."

Li Qinghe got out of the car and walked up to Morita.

"It was you, you saved me."

Morita Yoshitoshi had already remembered that Li Qinghe stayed behind to save him after he was beaten by those runaway gangs that day.

"Are you going to intercede for these gangsters? I can forgive them this time."

"No, it has nothing to do with them. I want to tell you that you have been used by Gorgom. He is using your hatred for the bosozoku to make you gradually hate humans and become a terrible assassin among humans.

I hate this group of scum even more than you. "

Li Qinghe picked up the dagger that the bosozoku and Yoshitoshi Morita dropped during the battle.

With a "chi", Li Qinghe threw the dagger out, and the dagger was inserted into the throat of a gangster who was trying to escape while Li Qinghe was talking with Morita Yoshitoshi.

"Impossible, Golgom said that they are not the maintainers and creators of a beautiful world?"

Morita Yoshitoshi murmured.

"You have been brainwashed. Think about it for yourself. Does the so-called peacemaking mean killing people?"

Seeing that Yoshitoshi Morita has been convinced by himself, Li Qinghe smiled, "Come with me, Golgom is the destroyer of the world."

"Damn it, you dare to sabotage our Gorgom's plan, go to hell."

A human puppet of Gorgom got out of the car.

"Go, Rhinoceros."

The Rhinoceros rushed out from the bushes, intending to knock Morita Yoshitoshi and his party into the air.

Once a person bumps into the sharp rhinoceros horn, it is sure to die.

Just when the rhino monster was about to bump into Morita Yoshitoshi, Morita Yoshitoshi's strong desire to survive made him transform into a lion-type Ophelia again.

Morita Yoshitoshi grabbed the tentacles of the rhino monster with the lion's paw, and his body retreated repeatedly under the impact of the rhino monster.


Seeing Morita Yoshitoshi transformed into such a monster, Minami Kotaro stood aside and watched the result of the battle quietly.

"Could it be that, like me, he is also a reformer of Golgom?"


All the people escaped, leaving only Li Qinghe, Kotaro, Rhinoceros, and Yoshitoshi Morita's transformed lion-type Ophelia.

Yoshitoshi Morita grabbed the sharp horns of the Rhinoceros with the lion's paw and stepped back dozens of steps, successfully defusing the impact of the Rhinoceros.


Minami Kantaro exclaimed.

Kotaro Minami often fights monsters, so it can be seen that Monster Rhino is very powerful, but he is blocked by Monster Rhino transformed by Yoshitoshi Morita.

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