Kotaro Minami didn't know that human beings can become Orfienuo under certain conditions. This specific condition is that only the 555 world can appear Orfienuo.

In this world, because of Li Qinghe's identity as the king of Ophelia, he successfully revived Yoshitoshi Morita who was beaten to death by gangsters, and became Ophelia the Lion.

Of course, the resurrection of Morita Yoshitoshi is not without cost. Since Li Qinghe obtained the status of the king of Orfi Enoch from the world of Kamen Rider 555, there is a 100% chance for human beings to become Orfi Enoch.

Moreover, the Orfienuos who become are all native, with high potential, and will no longer have the weakness of short lifespan.But transforming Ao Fei Enuo once needs to consume Li Qinghe's strength, so Li Qinghe can't change other people into Ao Fei Enuo unscrupulously, every time he chooses people, he is very cautious.

This time Morita Yoshitoshi was selected after some consideration, mainly because this man suits Li Qinghe's appetite very well, and he has a heart to do what is right.

Compared with those selfish people, this kind of person is really a very good candidate. Apart from a younger sister, he has nothing to worry about. He is a natural fighter. It would be a pity not to give full play to his potential.

Although it is now advocating righteousness and wisdom, when you come up with a solution at the critical moment, the day lily is cold. Seeing righteousness and wisdom is just a good excuse for those bystanders. It's not that we don't help, but we are still thinking about what to do. How to do it?

Yoshitoshi Morita's transformed lion Orfienuo picked up the Rhinoceros and threw him to the ground.

Without waiting for the rhino monster to react, the lion Orfienuo rode on the fallen lion's Orfienuo, bowed left and right, and slapped the rhino monster's head with the lion's paw.

The lion-shaped Ophelia pressed the head of the rhino monster hard on the ground, jumped up towards the rhino monster's head, and inserted the rhinoceros horn of the rhino monster into the concrete floor.

The rhinoceros horn of the rhino monster is stuck in the concrete floor and cannot be pulled out.

"Stop, leave the rest to me, I believe you also have questions to tell me."

Li Qinghe said to the lion-shaped Ophelia.

Morita Yoshitoshi's transformation into a lion-type Ophelia also vented enough, and he turned back into a human form. He couldn't believe that he could do such a thing and knocked down the rhinoceros monster.

"Kutaro, this weirdo is in your hands. I'll wait for you in the car."

Kotaro Minami has always wanted to find clues about Golgom, and the rhino monster who can't move now is the clue.

Although Li Qinghe knew most of Golgom's affairs, there was no need to tell Nam Kotaro.

"Come, sit here."

Morita Yoshitoshi also came to Li Qinghe's car. He didn't feel tired during the battle. Now that he was resting, he was so tired that he slumped directly on the passenger seat.

"What happened? Why did I become what I was just now?"

Morita Yoshitoshi didn't know why, when he saw Li Qinghe, he felt that he was inferior, and his tone of voice became soft, as if he was suppressed in terms of momentum.

"You have now become a pioneer in the history of human evolution, you have become Orfienuo."

Li Qinghe explained the origin of Orfienuo to him.

After listening to Li Qinghe's introduction, Morita Yoshitoshi generally understood how Orpheino was born.

"It means that I was beaten to death by those bosozoku, and then you turned me into a monster. No, according to your statement, it was Orfi Enoch who survived, right?"

Yoshitoshi Morita summed it up.

"Yes, at that time, apart from making you Offienuo, you would definitely not be able to survive. If you don't want to, I can take back your identity as Offienuo."

Li Qinghe looked at Yoshitoshi Morita to see how he would choose. .

"If I choose not to have this identity, can I still become a human and survive?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "To become Ophelia, you can either continue to fight, or turn into ashes and disappear with the wind. You choose.

Chapter 22 The Kind Lily

If I take back the power in your body, then you will only become a heap of ashes. "

"Then I'll continue like this, but what should I do in the future?"

Yoshitoshi Morita transformed into Ophelia Enoch, full of confusion about the future, not knowing what to do next.After all, it's better to be alive than dead.

"If you don't know what to do, follow me. As the pioneer of human evolution, Orfi Enoch has to take on corresponding responsibilities, such as protecting human beings.

The Gorgom you joined before is an evil organization. They aim to destroy human beings. You can ask Minami Kotaro.Here he is. "

As soon as Li Qinghe finished speaking, Nan Kotaro transformed into Kamen Rider Bck and got into the car.

"You are, you are the Kamen Rider bck reported in the news?"

Yoshitoshi Morita watched in surprise as Kotaro Minami got into the car.

"Oh, I forgot, I haven't lifted the transformation yet."

Minami Kotaro immediately canceled the transformation.

"He is Kotaro Minami, and he has more authority over Golgom than I do. By the way, Kotaro, have you found any clues?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"No, just when the rhinoceros was about to say it, his body suddenly exploded."

Nan Kotaro waved his fist depressedly, "It was almost."

"Excuse me, do you know the specific situation of Gorgom?"

Morita Yoshitoshi was deceived by Golgom. If it weren't for the rhino monster just now, Morita Yoshitoshi would not have doubted Golgom.

"My parents, as well as adoptive parents, were killed by Gorgom, and even I, my body was transformed by them."

Minami Kotaro said sadly.

"Don't be deceived by the Gorgoms. They are a group of demons. They don't know that they have killed many humans."

Li Qinghe said to Morita Yoshitoshi.


For some reason, Morita Yoshitoshi felt that he trusted Li Qinghe very much, and he felt that what Li Qinghe said was right.

He didn't know that Li Qinghe, as the king of Ophelia, was born with a great suppressive power over ordinary Ophelia.

Ordinary Aofeienuo is naturally convinced by the king, otherwise how would the king of Aufienuo command his Aofienuo.

"Since you don't know what to do next, follow me. In the process, you can see what kind of organization Golgom is."

Li Qinghe made a final decision on Morita Yoshitoshi's future life path.

Golgom base camp.

"What, you said that Morita Yoshitoshi you controlled turned into a lion monster and defeated the rhino monster. How is this possible? Could it be that there are Golgom fruits left over from the human world?"

The great priest Raohm never believed that such a thing would happen, because the conditions for the survival of the Gorgom Fruit were very harsh, otherwise they wouldn't just dispatch a weirdo every time.It is because the Gorgom fruit is not enough to eat.

"Could it be that Morita Yoshitoshi was originally a weirdo and was transformed into a human being. But he can still switch freely between weirdos and humans."

The great priest Raohm put forward such a view.

"Impossible. If it's a weirdo, I have all the records here. There is no record of the weirdo escaping."

The High Priest Darom denied the opinion of the High Priest Raohm.

"What is it like, just see if you don't."

There was a golden light in the eyes of the great priest Bihume, and he turned his head to the plain position.

"It's the fight between the rhino-monster and the human-turned-lion-monster that just happened."

The eyes of the great priest Bihume have the ability to predict the future and trace back the history. This is the ability of the body transplanted with the Emperor Stone of the Earth. Of course, Bihume will definitely not be able to exert too much strength, at least he cannot predict things that are too far away.

The three priests watched the battle between Rhinoceros and Yoshitoshi Morita together.

"How is it possible, Bihume, can you see what happened to Morita Yoshitoshi?"

High Priest Darrom asked.

"No, I can only track what happened not long ago. As for predicting the future, as you all know, I can only predict what happened within half an hour.

The body goes dormant for 100 years every time I use it, so I haven't been able to predict the future.How should I predict it? "

High Priest Bihume asked.

"No, it's an eventful season right now. Even if it's predicted for half an hour, what can we do? We still need your help."

High Priest Darrom stopped the action of High Priest Bihume.

"Batman, go find all the information about this man named Yoshitoshi Morita."

The great priest Darom gave an order to the bat-monster who was stealing the Gorgoms fruit next to him.

"I'm still eating, hurry up."

The great priest Darom saw that the bat-monster was still stealing Gorgoms fruit, so he got angry and kicked it directly. If the bat-monster was not too effective, other weirdos would have been returned to the furnace.

The great priest launched a mind power attack on the Bat-monster, sending the Bat-monster flying to the wall.

Batman held Golgomus fruit in his mouth, and his expression was very funny. Batman slipped away and quickly got up, and flew into the distance.

"Next, do you have any good ideas for dealing with humans? I really want to let this world be ruled by our Gorgom one day earlier.

How are you preparing, Sakata?Don't let us down. "

High Priest Bihume asked.

Ryuzaburo Sakata knelt on the ground, "My lord, I am ready. I will definitely satisfy you."

"Go down."

Ryuzaburo Sakata withdrew.

"Do you believe him?"

The great priest Darom asked Byhum.

"Believe it? I have never believed in human beings. Just like what humans say is not my race, their hearts must be different.

When the Gorgoms rule the world, it will be the end of those who betray humanity. "

The great priest Bihume said sharply.

Ryuzaburo Sakata sat in a music room, listening to a girl below play the violin.

The girl played very seriously, but she lacked emotion and didn't integrate her own feelings into it.So although the performance is pleasant, it doesn't make people feel anything else.

"Now start testing your true talents."

Obviously Ryuzaburo Sakata is a person who doesn't understand music, and can't hear it. He needs to use other methods to test the girl's musical talent.

"Real talent?"

The girl asked puzzled.

The female secretary in front of Ryuzaburo Sakata opened a painting,

"This is Tartini, a musician in the 18th century. In his dream, he sold his soul to the devil. As a price, he made beautiful music at night. That is the music of the devil."

Ryuzaburo Sakata explained the contents of the painting to the girl.

"let's start."

The female secretary of Ryuzaburo Sakata said to the girl coldly.

The girl looked around in fear. Feeling eerie, she bit the bullet and played the violin.

A gust of wind blew in and disturbed the girl's rhythm, and the sound of the performance changed suddenly. Even Ryuzaburo Sakata, who doesn't understand music, could hear it.

"To resonate with the devil, you need to sell your soul."

Ryuzaburo Sakata's secretary said to the girl, and he and Ryuzaburo Sakata left the music room together and locked the door.

"Mr. Sakata, open the door and let me out."

The girl banged on the door desperately, but to no avail.

Then the picture hanging on the wall fell off.

Cicada came out from the door behind the painting.

"Ah, what."

The girl died when the Cicada pierced her carotid artery with a spike from her mouth.

On this day, Li Qinghe happened to accompany Yueying Yukari and the deceased Takano's girlfriend Tomoko to pay homage to Takano.

After paying homage to Takano, Tsukikage accompanied Tomoko back home by Gary, so as not to worry about Tomoko's family.

When Li Qinghe was driving past the square, he suddenly heard a pleasant sound of violin playing.

Li Qinghe stopped the car, got out of the car and leaned against the tree next to the girl, listening to the girl's performance.

After listening to it, Li Qinghe felt relaxed all over his body, as if his soul had been washed.

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