"sounds so good."

Li Qinghe clapped his hands and praised.

"No way, no way, you won the prize."

The girl said modestly.

The girl looks very happy, and it is really worth being happy to meet someone who understands her music.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Lily, please give me your advice."

Lily picked up the paper airplane that flew down from the second floor of the nearby hospital.

"Well, that little boy up there gave it to you?"

Li Qinghe looked at a cute little boy waving at Lily, and Lily also waved at that little boy.

"Do you come here to play for him every day?"

"That's right, Xiunan Jun is my only music fan. This time he is sick. I hope to use music to drive away the pain of the illness, and hope to recover soon."

It seems that Lily is really a kind girl.

"Then I will be your music fan from now on, please give me your advice."

Li Qinghe reached out and shook Lily's hand.

"By the way, there is a music competition tomorrow. I entered the competition. No.1 can be recommended to Paris. I really want to go to Paris to learn real violin music."

Lily said longingly.

"I believe you can, and I will cheer for you tomorrow."

Li Qinghe encouraged.

The next day Li Qinghe waited for the result outside the competition hall.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's listless look while holding the violin, Li Qinghe already guessed the result.

"Well, I believe in your strength. If you can't win the first place, it's even more impossible for others. Of course, if the other contestants have a strong background, there is no way."

Li Qinghe said with a sigh.

No matter in that world, relationship households are inevitable.

"The No.1 selected in the end is the daughter of the boss of a big company, a very rich young lady. I really don't have talent."

Lily looks negative and lonely.

"Comparing people, you will die. If you compare goods, you have to throw them away. You should be No.2."

Li Qinghe said in a positive tone.

"how do you know?"

Lily raised her head and asked. .


Li Qinghe put his hand on Lily's shoulder.

Chapter 23 Miserable Lily

"Lily, I know your talent best. Your musical talent is outstanding. Come on, don't give up on the violin path."

Hearing Li Qinghe's encouragement, Lily smiled reluctantly, "Well, I will continue to work hard."

It seems that Lily still hasn't recovered from the shadow of failure in this violin competition.

There was nothing Li Qinghe could do about it. Li Qinghe had already enlightened as much as he could, and Li Qinghe had to think about the rest.

Li Qinghe sent Lily back home. Lily's family was not rich, and his parents were both violin teachers. Seeing Li Qinghe sent Lily back, he quickly thanked her.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it should be."

After Li Qinghe left Baihe's house, the cicada monster climbed in from the roof of Baihe's house.

Ryuzaburo Sakata and his secretary knocked on Lily's door after seeing Li Qinghe leave.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Lily's house?"

Ryuzaburo Sakata asked politely.

Lily's mother opened the door, and Ryuzaburo Sakata and his secretary walked in.

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"This is the vice president of the Tokyo Violin Music Association. I am here this time. I see that Lily's musical talent is very important, so I came to invite Lily to become our member."

Sakata Ryuzaburo's female secretary introduced Lily's parents.

"I'm sorry, my daughter already has her own music path to follow. As for the violin music member, you can find someone else to go."

Lily's mother refused directly after hearing the invitation from Sakata Ryuzaburo's secretary.

"Don't you know the position of this member, and many people are rushing to get it? This time our vice president came here in person to invite your daughter. Don't you feel honored for this time?"

Sakata Ryuzaburo's secretary persuaded Lily's mother who rejected her invitation.

"Sorry, I've already thought about it, leave the position of your member to someone else."

Lily's father interjected.

Sakata Ryuzaburo didn't know that Lily's parents were both violinists, and they were very familiar with the formal music association in Tokyo.

The so-called Tokyo Violin Music Association founded by Ryuzaburo Sakata himself knew it was not formal, and his daughter didn't know it yet?

Lily's parents knew that Lily's musical talent was very good, so they let her continue to learn the violin.If it wasn't for family conditions, Lily would have already been sent to Paris to study music.

Lily's parents would not let Lily's talent be blinded, so they would definitely not agree to Ryuzaburo Sakata's invitation, and Ryuzaburo Sakata looked at Lily and felt that his purpose for Lily was not pure.

"That's it."

Ryuzaburo Sakata stood up.

"You don't have to drink fine wine for a toast, Mr. Cicada Monster, please do it."

Ryuzaburo Sakata leaned against the wall with his female secretary.

Cicada freak jumped from the ceiling.

"Monster. Go."

The Lily family retreated into the kitchen.

"Daughter, run away, run away."

Lily's parents jumped out of the kitchen window saying "I won't go".

The kitchen door was not pushed open, but two human-length steel needles passed through the door and passed through the bodies of Lily's parents.

"Father, mother."

Lily also saw this scene.

With a bang, the kitchen door was pushed open, covering the bodies of Lily's parents.

Ryuzaburo Sakata and the cicada stepped on the door,

"Master Cicada, please continue to take action to capture the escaped girl. I believe that if the mission is completed, the Great Priest will definitely reward you."

The cicada monster enjoyed listening to Ryuzaburo Sakata's flattery very much, and strode towards the direction where Lily was fleeing.

"Help, help."

Lily ran away in a panic, and subconsciously fled to the place where she usually played the violin for that little friend of Xiu Nan.

"Lily, don't run away, your parents are all because of you..."

Ryuzaburo Sakata also chased here.

"Don't say it, I won't join you even if I die, just because I didn't join you, you brutally killed my parents."

Lily rushed towards Ryuzaburo Sakata as if losing her mind.

"The little girl shouldn't be so misbehaving."

Before Lily rushed to Ryuzaburo Sakata, her body was lifted up by the cicada monster behind her.

"Let go of me, let me go."

Only then did Lily feel scared and regretted her impulsiveness.

"Bullying girls is not a good behavior."

Li Qinghe came here to listen to Lily's performance, but found that Lily was not here. Li Qinghe saw that it was still early, so he waited for a while.

Sure enough, Lily's figure appeared in front of him, but Lily looked very flustered, walking in a hurry.

It wasn't until Lily was picked up by the cicada monster that Li Qinghe understood what was going on. It turned out to be the monster from Golgom.

Li Qinghe got out of the car, did not transform into the back of the cicada monster, and patted the cicada monster's shoulder.

The Cicada dropped Lily, turned his head and stared at Li Qinghe.

"Mr. Qinghe, hurry up, you are no match for that monster. Leave me alone."

Lily was still so kind, she didn't care about her own life and had to remind Li Qinghe.

"No matter you, you are such a beautiful girl, wouldn't you become Golgom's plaything."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"Since you are so nosy, then Mr. Cicada Monster, please take action."

Sakata Ryuzaburo asked the cicada monster that he had never seen Li Qinghe, so naturally he didn't know Li Qinghe's true strength.

Needless to say, Ryuzaburo Sakata, the cicada monster would not let go of this lowly human who dared to pat him on the shoulder. So far, Li Qinghe's identity is still only known by the three priests, and the monster below has not been informed.

The third eye on the forehead of the monster cicada attacked with light, and Li Qinghe turned slightly to avoid the monster cicada's attack.

Seeing that his attack hadn't worked against this little human being, the cicada turned into anger, feeling ashamed, and stretched out two paws to grab Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe didn't even intend to play with him, so he transformed into Kamen Rider Delta and kicked the cicada monster flying towards him.

Cicada was in danger of being kicked by Li Qinghe's ordinary kick. As soon as he stood up, his body exploded.

"It's really too weak."

Li Qinghe canceled his transformation, and ignored Ryuzaburo Sakata and his female secretary who had fled.

"Are you OK."

Li Qinghe helped Lily who was thrown on the ground by the cicada monster.

"It's okay, but my parents, they, can you accompany me back to have a look?"

Lily asked.

"Let's go."

Li Qinghe agreed to Lily's request and was accompanied by Li Qinghe.

Lily returned home, went straight to the kitchen, and found that her parents' bodies were pressed under the kitchen door, and Li Qinghe opened the door that pressed her parents' bodies.

"Father, mother."

Lily threw herself down in front of her parents and cried.


Li Qinghe waited quietly behind Lily.

"Thank you."

After Lily stopped crying, Li Qinghe sent Lily's parents to the funeral home.

"Lily, you are no longer safe here, come with me."

Li Qinghe said to Baihe.

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