
After speaking, Lily fell asleep on Li Qinghe's body.

Li Qinghe sighed. Within a day, he failed in the violin competition due to his family background.Her parents were also killed by monsters, and even Lily herself would have been captured by Golgom if she hadn't met Li Qinghe.

"Hey, Golgom, what you did is almost beyond my tolerance. It's too much to attack such a beautiful girl!"

Li Qinghe took a deep breath and brought Lily to the tea room.

"This is?"

Seeing Li Qinghe hugging a sleeping girl, Qiuyue Xingzi asked suspiciously.

"Shh, she finally fell asleep, I'll tell you later, you arrange a room and send her in."

Li Qinghe sent Lily to a quiet room, let Lily have a good rest, and he and Qiuyue Xingzi retreated out.

Li Qinghe told what happened to Lily to Nan Kotaro, Qiuyue Kyoko and others.

"Lily is so pitiful."

Qiuyue Kyoko's eyes were red, and she was touched by Lily's tragic experience.

"Golgom, I must destroy them."

Minami Kotaro clenched his fists.

"It's the same with me, Yoshitoshi Morita, I will fight Golgom with you."

After hearing what happened to Lily, Morita Yoshitoshi was completely disgusted with Golgom, remembering that Golgom used to use him, the anger in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

"You already know what happened to Lily, but I hope you don't treat her with sympathy. Lily is far stronger than you think."

Golgom base camp.

"What did you say, the cicada was killed?"

The great priest Darom questioned Ryuzaburo Sakata angrily.

"Yes, Mr. Cicada Monster, on the way to capture Lily, he encountered someone similar to Nan Kotaro, and killed the Cicada Monster with one move."

Ryuzaburo Sakata lowered his head, not daring to look at the three priests.Anyway, I screwed up this thing myself.

"Is it him?"

The great priest Raohm said with a trembling voice.

"It's him."

The great priest Bihume projected the scene of the battle between the cicada monster and Li Qinghe. To be precise, it was the battle scene where Li Qinghe eliminated the cicada monster with one move.

"Which person is still so strong. This mission failed, although it was because of him, but you have to accept punishment."

When Ryuzaburo Sakata was still thinking about who he was talking about in the mouth of the three priests, his body was sucked by the great priest Darom, and he was thrown against the wall, dozens of times in a row.

With a sound of "dong", Ryuzaburo Sakata fell to the ground weakly.

"Go back."

Ryuzaburo Sakata propped himself up, slowly crawled away.

"Batman, how is the information about Yoshitoshi Morita that I want you to check?"

High Priest Darrom asked towards the shadow.

Batman held a stack of documents in both hands and handed it to the high priest Darom.

The great priest Darom looked at ten lines at a glance, and quickly read them all. .

"It's impossible, how is it possible."

High Priest Darrom tore a stack of documents into pieces.

Chapter 24 pendant

"what happened?"

The great priest Bihume asked, the great priest Darrom has always been a wise man among weirdos, and he is usually very calm.Such a strange behavior shouldn't have happened to High Priest Darom.

"That person, he can create a new race, a race more terrifying than humans."

The great priest Darom said in fear.

"You don't have to be afraid, it is impossible for him to create a race, it should only change a limited number of human beings."

Except for the three priests and the bat monster, the voice of the King of Creation came from the empty room.

"Try not to provoke him, haven't I already told you? He won't interfere too much in the battle of the Century King."

"Yes, we will not provoke him."

The three priests bowed their heads and replied.

The King of Creation's voice fell silent.

"What should I do next?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"This time I will do it myself. The test material is the bee monster. He is part of the perfect material. The city will slowly increase the number of patients with unknown reasons.

It's only a matter of time before it becomes a city of the dead, block the city immediately and spread the germs in one breath. "

The great priest Bihume said.

"Excellent idea, if those miserable humans know about this plan, they will want to escape."

The great priest Raohm still believed in Byhum.

"Leave it to me this time. I, Bihume and the Hume, will wipe out the stupid humans for you to see."

The great priest Bihume said confidently.

Li Qinghe took the frustrated Lily to enjoy the scenery of the entire Tokyo city together, hoping to make Lily happy soon and come out of the grief of the death of her parents.

"what is that?"

Lily saw many people gathered in one place on the street.

"Then let's go and see together."

Li Qinghe got out of the car and took Li Qinghe's hand. Li Qinghe's hand trembled unnaturally, but she didn't let go of Li Qinghe's hand.

"It turned out to be fighting dance."

Li Qinghe saw two couples of young people fighting street dance.

A team of short-haired girls, a team of girls in red dresses and red hats, and the two sides began to compete for the status of hip-hop queens.

Of course, the competition looks very pleasing to the eye, but only the two sides know the competition of each movement.

Soon after, the man sent by the girl's team to represent the competition was kicked to the ground by the man sent by the girl with short hair.

"what are you doing?"

The two sides had a fight over this, and Li Qinghe felt bored seeing this.

"Let's go."


Lily followed Li Qinghe and left.

But things are not over.

After the short-haired girl hip-hop beat the girl in red team during the day, in order to teach the girl in red a lesson, she asked someone to teach the other members of the girl in red a lesson.

"Hip-hop competitions are not just competitions on stage, but off stage as well.

From tomorrow onwards, I will be the hip-hop queen on this street, and your companion will be beaten like this again. "

The short-haired girl challenged the girl in the red dress.

"Kun, you are too mean."

The girl in red said angrily.

"Are you listening, Etsuko?"

For the sake of her companions, the girl in red nodded and agreed to the short-haired girl's request.

The short-haired girl Kaoru left arrogantly when she heard that the girl in red, Etsuko, was so sensible.

The boy sent by the red suit team said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Etsuko, if I had a little more strength..."

"Disappear, disappear, hurry up."

The girl in red raised her voice and said to her companion.

Etsuko's companions didn't want to touch Etsuko's bad luck, so they all left.

When Etsuko was about to leave, a man in a white robe and a mask stood in front of Etsuko, it wasn't Biohm.

Etsuko ran away in a hurry, but two laser beams were fired from the eyes of the great priest Bihume, leaving Etsuko behind.

"Just let you be queen. As you wish."

The great priest Bihume made a pendant of the command to control the hummingbird and hung it on Etsuko's neck.

Etsuko puts on the pendant, thinking she can control a creature.After trying to manipulate it, the bee monster appeared in front of him.

"From now on, you are our Golgom people, go destroy the wishes of mankind, and become the leader of Golgom's glory.

This bee monster is handed over to you, let it protect your safety.But you need to complete a task for me. "

The great priest Bihume expressed his request.

"You need to sell these pendants. These pendants will be given to you for free, and the profits will be yours. After you complete the task, it will be very simple for you to take back the hip-hop queen."

The great priest Bihume left after speaking.

Etsuko held her pendant tightly, she really couldn't believe it was real, although she didn't know what a Golgom was, but as long as she could get her hip-hop queen back again, she would do anything.

Li Qinghe drank the tea made by Lily in the store.

"Lily, the tea you make is really good."

Li Qinghe put the tea in the cup to his mouth, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Since Li Qinghe rescued Li Qinghe last time, she sold her previous house because she was homeless, and she didn't want to think about others anymore, so she moved into the tea room.

"Every time my father comes back from work, I make tea for him."

When Lily mentioned her father, her eyes turned red again.

"It's all over, isn't it?"

Li Qinghe put down his tea, hugged Lily in his arms, and moved closer to Lily's face.

"Ah, Lily, this is a gift I bought for you. It turns out... I didn't see anything, so go ahead."

Qiuyue Kyoko returned to the tea room with an exquisitely packaged box. This is a beautiful pendant she chose, and she wanted Lily to get out of the pain as soon as possible.

Xingzi opened the door and went in to find that Li Qinghe and Li Qinghe were intimate, put down the gift and went back to her room.

"Excuse me, I would like a cup of American tea."

It happened that a guest came in, Kyoko hurried out of the room and was busy welcoming the guest.

"Is this for me? It's beautiful."

Li Qinghe let go of Lily, and Lily opened the gift that Kyoko bought for her, and what came into view was a white seashell pendant.

"It's so beautiful."

With little stars shining in Lily's eyes, she was about to hang this pendant around her neck.

"Lily, let me bring it for you."

Li Qinghe took the white shell-shaped pendant, and the moment he held the shell in his hand, Li Qinghe felt the breath of life in the shell.

The hand sent a wave of energy to the life in the shell, and Li Qinghe felt that after the life in the shell received this energy, the breath of life disappeared.

Li Qinghe hung this pendant on Lily's fair neck, "It's so beautiful."

Upon hearing Li Qinghe's praise, Lily's ears turned red, and she ran back to her room shyly covering her face.

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