Li Qinghe suppressed his smile when he saw Lily returned to his room, "This kind of thing dares to appear here."

Li Qinghe turned his head and saw that the female guest who was drinking tea now also had a pendant on her neck.

"Is it really Golgom?"

Li Qinghe left the tea room and prepared to drive out to find the source of the pendant.

"Kotaro! Kotaro, are you there? It seems not, Kotaro is not here, so Morita-kun, come with me."


Morita Yoshitoshi left with Li Qinghe, found a girl with a pendant similar to Lily's, and soon found a place that sold the pendant.

The girl in red is selling the pendants, with her partner collecting the money.

Li Qinghe didn't go in in a hurry, but waited for her to sell the goods before following her.

"Morita-kun, go and get rid of those two of her companions, there is something wrong with the pendants that this girl sells."

Li Qinghe bought a pendant from another girl at a higher price, squeezed it hard, the shell shattered, and a bee appeared.


Morita Yoshitoshi was surprised to see a bee appearing in the seemingly delicate pendant.

However, this bee looks very unfriendly. Compared with ordinary bees, it is larger and faster.

Morita Yoshitoshi saw the bee flying towards Li Qinghe's neck, Li Qinghe released a miniature energy ball from his hand, and wiped out the bee.

"This should be Golgom's conspiracy, you go and track down those two of her companions."

Morita Yoshitoshi chased after the girl's companion, while Li Qinghe followed the girl closely.

The girl sneaked into a small woodland in a park.

"Still here."

Etsuko found a cardboard box, as agreed, a cardboard box will be delivered here at noon every day, containing the pendants she sells.

"It really is here."

Li Qinghe came out from behind Yuezi.

When Yuezi saw Li Qinghe, she immediately ran away in panic, Li Qinghe quickly walked a few steps, grabbed Yuezi's clothes, and dragged Yuezi back.

"what are you doing?"

Li Qinghe saw the pendant on Etsuko's neck at a glance, and pulled it off. The moment Li Qinghe grabbed the pendant, he felt that he could manipulate a life.

Li Qinghe gave an order, and the monster bee knelt down in front of him, "So it's the controller of the monster bee."

Li Qinghe played with the pendant.

"give me back."

Etsuko saw Li Qinghe dragging the pendant away, and wanted to take it back from Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe touched the pendant to his palm, and the pendant disappeared.

"Where did you get the pendant?"

Etsuko asked eagerly, she needed this pendant.


Li Qinghe just threw the pendant on the tree behind Etsuko at a speed that Etsuko couldn't find.

"Then quickly find it for me and return it to me!"

Etsuko punched Li Qinghe with her small fists, which looked like flirting between lovers.

"I can give you, but what can you give me?"

Li Qinghe asked back.

"As long as you give me this pendant, I will give you whatever you want."

Etsuko can master powerful power from the pendant, which is a tool for her own revenge, and it is her guarantee to win the hip-hop dance queen.

"I want you.".

Li Qinghe looked at the rather handsome Etsuko.

"You pervert."

Chapter 25 The Hatred of Byhume

Etsuko wanted to slap Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe grabbed her hand. "It seems you don't want this pendant anymore."

After being told by Li Qinghe, Etsuko stretched out her hand and put it down again.

"Yes, as long as you give me the pendant, I'm yours."

Etsuko gritted his teeth and said.

"Come on then."

Li Qinghe naturally had no reason to refuse.

After Li Qinghe was satisfied, he asked Etsuko beside him,

"For you, is yourself not as important as the hip-hop queen?"

"Yes, I want to get the hip-hop queen, and I want to kill Xun. As she said, hip-hop competitions not only happen on stage, but also off stage."

Etsuko got dressed quickly,

"You can give it to me."

Li Qinghe waved to the tree behind Yuezi, and the pendant fell into Li Qinghe's hands.

"You don't want to regret it, do you?"

Seeing the pendant returned to Li Qinghe's hand again, Etsuko asked nervously.

"I still mean what I say. Once I say something, it's hard to follow. This is for you, but I have a few words to say to you."

Li Qinghe threw the pendant to Etsuko, and Etsuko quickly grabbed it and hung it around her neck again. To be on the safe side, she pulled the pendant down the [wave] to prevent others from seeing her pendant.

"This pendant can control that hummingbird, right?"

Li Qinghe said.

"Yes, this is my revenge tool."

Etsuko said with hatred.

"The bee monster is Golgom's fighting tool. Golgom is an evil organization against humanity. Working with them is like seeking skin from a tiger. In the end, you will be killed by Golgom."

"What is a Golgom?"

Etsuko asked suspiciously, although Etsuko knew that she had joined Golgom, selling those pendants was the task Golgom gave her, but Etsuko really didn't know what Golgom was.

"Golgom has a long history and can be traced back to 5 years ago. It has experienced several times of earth destruction and is still an evil organization that survived.

Currently committed to destroying human society and establishing a world of weirdos controlled by Gorgom. "

Li Qinghe briefly introduced the origin of Golgom.

"What? Have I been serving a demon group?"

Although Etsuko didn't know why she couldn't hate the man who took her first time, she still believed what Li Qinghe said.

"But it's okay to serve the devil, as long as I can regain my position as the hip-hop queen."

Etsuko is not interested in who she serves. Etsuko is a very realistic woman, as long as she can achieve her goal, that's fine.

"Since you can control the power of the bee monster and kill that Kaoru, why do you keep her?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Li Qinghe is not a selfless person, as long as he is not close to him, he doesn't care

"Yes, I'm going to kill her. If I kill her, no one in this street will compete with me for the position of hip-hop queen."

Etsuko closed her eyes and gave the order to the bee monster, and the bee monster quickly carried it out.

Kaoru was dancing hip-hop with the pendant sold by Etsuko at this time, and the bee on that pendant got out of the pendant after hearing the bee monster's order, and stung Kaoru's neck.


Kaoru felt hot all over, and saw that the people around him were all bee monsters, and was frightened to death.

"I've already killed her, I've killed her, no one will compete with me for the queen's position from now on."

Etsuko said happily.

"Good job, we Gorgom need people like you, and you really didn't disappoint me."

The voice of the great priest Bihume came.

"Biehume, you've been looking at it for a while, is it good?"

When Etsuko came here to get new goods, Li Qinghe vaguely saw the hidden figure of the great priest Bihume.

"You found me, it's impossible."

The great priest Bihume still hid in the tree and could not come out, she thought Li Qinghe was bombing her.

"Come on then."

Li Qinghe pointed his hand at the position where the high priest Bihume was, and a suction force was generated in his hand, which sucked the high priest Bihume over, and sucked the high priest Bihume directly into his arms.

"let me go."

The great priest Bihume panicked and wanted to leave Li Qinghe's embrace.

"What are you in a hurry for? You are a family when you come here. How can I let you go back? Girls are from every family, what are you doing with so much face?"

A white light gushed out of Li Qinghe's hand, and he touched Bihume's face, and Bihume's thick face disappeared, replaced by a delicate little loli.

"Obviously she's just a little lolita, and she still wears such heavy makeup."

The longer you become Orfienuo, the more you can control your own power, and you can exert impressive power in the human state.

Li Qinghe's human form can use the same telekinetic attacks as the great priest Darom, and can also use energy balls to attack, and his physical quality far exceeds that of ordinary people.

"Are you thinking power? Impossible, this is the power only possessed by the Stone of Heaven."

This was the first time that High Priest Bihume saw Li Qinghe using super powers, or a mind attack similar to High Priest Darom.

"Nothing is impossible, it's just that you have too little experience."

While speaking, Li Qinghe tightened his grip on the great priest Bihume.

"What are you doing, let me go."

The great priest Darom saw Li Qinghe's eyes looking at him, and there was no secret of his possessiveness in his eyes.For the first time, I felt fear from a human being, and it turned out that this is fear.

"Of course... You have come here, I must treat you well."

Li Qinghe didn't like the anti-human organization like Gorgom, so he had a friendly match with Bihuum.

After Li Qinghe and Bihume got up from Bihume, Etsuko watched with interest from the side.

"I am going to kill you."

There were two rays of light in the eyes of the great priest Bihume. Li Qinghe didn't hold back, and instantly transformed into Kamen Rider Delta and blocked the attack with his hands in front of the rays.

Li Qinghe could feel the strength of the light from Bihume's eyes, which was stronger than before.

Li Qinghe thought: It seems that the power of the Earth Stone on Bihume and the Philosopher's Stone on him collided, which stimulated the power of the Earth Stone in Bihume, resulting in an increase in Bihume's strength.

Of course, Li Qinghe's own strength has also increased a little bit, which is probably the so-called "weekend".

"If you don't behave well, then you should spank your ass."

Li Qinghe forcibly pressed Bihume, the great priest, on the ground, hit Bihume's little [Pippi],

"Make you disobedient, make you disobedient."

"Woooooo, I'm obedient, don't hit me."

The great priest Bihume still succumbed to Li Qinghe's hands.

"Just listen."

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