Li Qinghe thought Bihume was convinced, so he let go of his hand that was pressing Bihume, the moment he let go.Byhume grabbed his white robe and disappeared from the ground in an instant.

"You wait, I will definitely kill you."

Li Qinghe shrugged indifferently, "Don't love me, just hate me."

"This is my address. You can find me if you have anything to do in the future. This bee monster will be your bodyguard in the future. But before that..."

Li Qinghe reached into Etsuko's chest, took out the pendant, and gave instructions to the bee monster to kill all the bees hidden in the pendant.


Li Qinghe handed his business card to Etsuko and left.

"Li Qinghe?"

Etsuko watched the man who took away her first time leave, and she hobbled back to her home.

Li Qinghe drove Yueying Yugali, Tomoko, and Lily to the cinema to watch a movie together, when a car suddenly hit him on the road.


Moon Shadow Yugali was okay, very calm, Tomoko and Lily grabbed Li Qinghe's arm tightly and screamed.

Li Qinghe is not a good-tempered person, if he dares to bump into himself, then be prepared to be counterattacked.

Li Qinghe's car was modified by Li Qinghe. The body of the car is very strong, but it only looks like an ordinary car.

Li Qinghe turned the steering wheel to the left, knocking the car that hit him out of the guardrail on the side of the road, and into the deep ditch below the guardrail.

With a "boom", the car that fell into the deep ditch exploded, and the sound reached Li Qinghe's ears.

Li Qinghe thought that he could continue to move forward without incident, when suddenly another car came out in front of him and hit him head-on.

"court death."

If it was an accident that I hit myself the first time, then the second time definitely wasn't.This is a planned attack on yourself.

Li Qinghe didn't hesitate, he drove straight ahead, and flew backwards from the car that hit him head-on, and was also thrown into the deep ditch.

"I won't go to the cinema today, I'll take you back."

Li Qinghe needs to figure out whether Golgom is deliberately targeting himself alone, or the entire human race.


Moon Shadow Yugali also understood the seriousness of the matter.

Li Qinghe reversed the car and returned to the tea room, and sent Yue Ying back to the tea room by Jiali and the others.

"Biehum, you disrupted my plan. This planned traffic accident by Takeda was used by you to attack that person. Takeda died in the car accident that attacked that person."

The great priest Darom said a little dissatisfied.

"It's just a human traitor. If you die, you will die. It's just that this trash didn't kill that guy."

The great priest Bihume said angrily.

"Byhum, what's wrong with you? After your plan failed last time, it's like a different person when you come back."

The great priest Raohm also noticed the change in Byhum.

"I just hate humans more, and want to destroy humans as soon as possible."

The great priest Bihume added in his mind, "That person must be eliminated."

"Besides, you should have enough people under your command. The plan can be implemented. I recommend him as the first target to be implemented."

The great priest Bihume projected Li Qinghe's photo.

"But the King of Creation said..."

"That was the request of the Creator God in order to choose the King of the Century. My action this time is my own, and has nothing to do with the battle of the King of the Century."

Before the great priest Raohm could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Bihum.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Chapter 26 Enlarging the Golgom Fruit

The Great Priest Darrom also knew what Byhum did. If you look into it, it is considered to be playing around the edge of the Creation God's mission. Once the Creator God gets angry, Bihume will definitely be punished.However, the three great priests have worked together for tens of thousands of years, and their friendship is naturally extraordinary. Since Bihume insists on doing that, others will naturally support it.

After Li Qinghe sent the three daughters back, he drove to the place where he saw Byhum's body not long ago.

"Bihum, if I'm not mistaken, you are responsible for this private attack on me."

Li Qinghe said seemingly selfishly.

"You guessed it right, I sent it out. I know you will not harm human beings, and take protecting human beings as your duty."

The great priest Bihume did not hide this time and floated down from the tree.

"and then?"

Li Qinghe smiled.

"Then I prepared a present for you."

Li Qinghe keenly felt that he was being monitored.


A bullet hit Li Qinghe's head.

Li Qinghe pointed two fingers at the direction of the bullet, clamped it at once, and held the bullet in his hand, "Come and don't be indecent, I'll give it to you."

Li Qinghe threw the bullet in the direction where the bullet just shot.A man in camouflage uniform fell from a tree, breathless.

"Go on, kill him."

Following the order of the great priest Bihume, hundreds of mercenaries in camouflage uniforms shot at Li Qinghe with their guns.

Li Qinghe didn't hesitate, "Transform."

"In that case, let's play a gun game."

The Kamen Rider Delta transformed by Li Qinghe quickly walked up to the person who had just fallen from the tree, and picked up the sniper rifle from the ground.

"Have you tried blind sniping yet? Try this time."

Li Qinghe didn't hide, and let those people shoot at him. The Kamen Rider Delta transformed by Li Qinghe was not afraid of the impact of the bullets. Li Qinghe picked up the sniper rifle and pointed it in the direction of those people, shooting one by one.

It has to be said that the human mercenaries trained by Gorgom were precise in marksmanship and fearless of life and death. Li Qinghe had already killed more than half of them, but even though he was afraid, he still shot at Li Qinghe.

"Use fighting, your firearms are useless to him."

The great priest Bihume saw that the bullet was ineffective against Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta, so he changed his strategy.

Those mercenaries dropped the guns in their hands, drew their daggers from their bodies, and rushed towards Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe sneered at these human mercenaries' death behavior.However, Li Qinghe would not show mercy to those who threatened his life.However, in order to respect these mercenaries who vowed to die, Li Qinghe picked up a saber from the ground and killed these mercenaries one by one.

"You, aren't you a knight? Why, you kill humans."

The great priest Bihume watched in disbelief as Li Qinghe mercilessly killed all the specially trained killers he sent.

"Who told you that knights will not kill humans. Knights do have the task of protecting humans, but knights will not show mercy to some black sheep among humans."

Li Qinghe threw the blood-stained dagger to the ground.

"It seems that I am too kind to you, I am too kind, otherwise how dare you treat me like this."

Li Qinghe sucked Bihume, who was about to escape, with his hand, and hugged Bihume in his arms.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson this time."

Li Qinghe squeezed Byhum against the tree with one hand.

"No, no. Lizard, help."

Bihume called out.The lizard monster jumped out and hugged Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe turned around and threw the lizard monster aside.

Li Qinghe looked back at Byhum's position again, and found that Byhum had already taken advantage of the moment when the lizard monster was thrown away by him just now.

"Damn it. Just bear my wrath."

Li Qinghe walked towards the lizard monster step by step, and the lizard monster retreated step by step, feeling that Li Qinghe was really not something he could deal with, so he ran away.

Li Qinghe jumped to the back of the lizard monster, grabbed the lizard monster's tail, and flicked it vigorously, and the lizard monster was thrown away again.

Li Qinghe dragged the lizard monster back to him, stepped on the lizard monster's head, and stomped hard.

"Bihume, next time, I won't let you escape again."

Not far after Li Qinghe left the lizard monster, the lizard monster exploded.

The great priest Bihume fled back to the Golgom base camp, wanting to see if there was a strange person inside who could check and balance Li Qinghe and avenge himself.As for whether the lizard monster could defeat Li Qinghe, like a mirror in her heart, she naturally knew that it was impossible.

As soon as Bixium entered the monster awakening room, he found that the awakened monsters were fighting with each other. Some monsters had already been beaten to death by other monsters for the Golgomus fruit in their mouths.

"Daromu, Raohm, it's not good, come quickly..."

The High Priest Bihume called the High Priests Darom and Raohm.

"What happened? Didn't you bring those elite killers to deal with that man?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"The plan failed."

"How could it have failed? This is a killer mercenary deployed to target knights to protect human weaknesses."

The great priest Raohm asked again.

"do not talk."

The great priest Bihume didn't want to mention Li Qinghe, the person who let him meet and run once again.

"Well, then why did you ask us to come here this time? Are you still thinking about dealing with him? Give up."

High Priest Darrom persuaded.

"It's not for this, you look at the weirdo's dorm room."

Following the direction pointed by the great priest Bihume, the other two priests also discovered that the monsters had fought because of the Golgomus fruit, and some monsters had died because of the Golgomus fruit.

"What's going on? The weirdos started fighting each other for food."

The great priest Raohm asked in puzzlement when he saw this phenomenon.

"It's no wonder that the number of new weirdos from the long sleep has increased, and each of them needs Golgomus fruit."

The great priest Bihume successfully changed the topic, and answered Raohm's doubts by the way.

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

The great priest Darom took a deep look at Bihum, and didn't mention Bihume's failure in another mission.

"What is the preparation?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"Golgomus fruit grows in our dark world where there is no light at all. Just like destroying the civilization before it, let's cultivate it on the ground."

The three priests have survived for tens of thousands of years, and have witnessed the disintegration of several previous human civilizations. The three priests of Gorgom personally commanded the monsters to perish.

"Then the Cactus Monster is awake?"

High Priest Bihume asked.


High Priest Darrom nodded.

Two botanists collect plant samples deep in a mountain in Japan.

"It's really hot today, and the birds don't show up at all, which is bad luck. But don't you think it's strange?"

The botanist in yellow and black glasses asked another botanist in red leather.

"What's wrong? What's strange?"

The botanist in red is not as careful as the botanist in yellow, not paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment.

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