"We have come to this mountain many times, don't we feel that the feeling is much worse every time we come?"

Huang Guoyi's botanist said what he felt strange about.

"If you say so..."

"It's not just the trees, but look at the soil. There used to be a lot of damp red soil in this area. But now it's as dry as sand."

The botanist in yellow grabbed a handful of soil and rubbed it.

"Oh, it hurts to death."

The botanist in red suddenly hugged his calf and howled.

"What's the matter? It turned out that the cactus stuck in you. But there shouldn't be such plants in this area. Why are there cacti in this deep mountain?"

The botanist in yellow looked around and heard a chirp.

"what is that?"

The botanist in yellow saw a flying animal in the distance.

Following the direction pointed by the botanist in yellow, the two picked up the binoculars on their bodies and looked into the distance.

"Bat monster."

"What is the capsule in its mouth?"

The two saw the bat monster flying in an unknown direction with a glowing capsule in its mouth, but they didn't notice that the cactus monster behind them was ready to attack.

The cactus monster aimed at the backs of the two and pushed hard, and the two botanists fell into the ravine.

"The Cactus Monster is doing a good job. This place cannot be discovered by those humans. This is the production base of Golgomus fruit. I will reward you with one."

The great priest Bihume threw a Gorgomus fruit at the Opuntia, and the Opuntia caught it with his mouth.

"Thank you Bihume for the reward."

The cactus weirdo thanked Nan Nan indistinctly.

Batman carried the capsule in this hand and threw the capsule into the dark cloud.

"It's a big thunderstorm, so we can't expect guests to come."

While watering the cactus ball in front of him, Kotaro Minami marveled at the heavy rain drifting outside.

"It's Kotaro you who is raining heavily. If you pour so much water on the cactus, the cactus will die."

Katsumi Kida saw that Kotaro was holding such a big water bottle, ready to water the cactus, so he quickly took it from Kotaro.

"Really? I'm sorry."

Nan Kotaro apologized quickly.

"Unlike Nobuhiko-san, Kotaro doesn't know anything about these things."

Qiuyue Kyoko said amusedly when she saw that Nan Kotaro was going to water so much water for the cactus.But I didn't want Akizuki Nobuhiko who said it inadvertently, which made Kida Katsumi feel sad all of a sudden.


Kotaro Minami also saw Katsumi Katsumi's sentimental expression.


Akizuki Kyoko also apologized to Katsumi Kida. She mentioned Nobuhiko Akizuki just now, which made Katsumi Kida unhappy.

"Kamei, cheer up, it's okay, Nobuhiko is definitely alive somewhere. Senior, right."

Minami Kotaro comforted Kida Katsumi.

"Yes, yes, Nobuhiko must be alive somewhere."

Chapter 27 Rescue the hostages

Li Qinghe was reading a book to understand the background of this world, and when he heard Nan Kotaro suddenly bring the topic to him, he also followed what Nan Kotaro said.

"Xingzi, I'm sorry, as a younger sister, you are also desperately enduring."

Katsumi Kida also apologized to Kyoko Akizuki.

"Don't mention this, it's getting late, let's go to have lunch."

Li Qinghe put away the book and suggested.

At this time, two guests came into the tea room, a man and a woman. The girl was dry and not wet by the rain, so the man became a drowned chicken.

"Welcome. Kyoko, bring a towel. Wipe this guest first."

Just as Xingzi took out the towel, the man who was soaked by the rain lay down on the coffee table with his face in his arms.

"What happened?"

Nan Kotaro hurriedly asked.

These two should be a couple. The boy put his clothes on the girl. There was no rain on the girl, but the boy was wet from the rain.

"My face, my face is so hot, so hot."

The boy spoke in pain.

"It's okay, cheer up."

Minami Kotaro hurriedly helped the boy up.

The moment the boy raised his head, the people around him were startled. Li Qinghe saw the branches and leaves of an unknown plant growing on the boy's face at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The boy's friend and Kyoko screamed in fright.

"What's the matter?"

Nan Kotaro looked at Li Qinghe solemnly, and saw Li Qinghe nodded to him.

"Is this Golgom's work again?"

Nan Kotaro thought in his heart.

Minami Kotaro waited for the rain to stop, and sent the boy to a nearby hospital. He also met other people on the road, and plants grew on his face, and sent other patients on the road to the hospital.

The boy was taken to the emergency room just after he was taken to the hospital.

Li Qinghe and the others could see outside the emergency room that in this short period of time, vines grew on the boy's body.

"It's unbelievable that plants can grow in the human body."

The attending doctor next to him was also helpless against this condition, which was unprecedented in medical history.

"What happened to Yongzhi? What's the matter?"

The boy's girlfriend grabbed Kyoko's clothes and cried anxiously.


Li Qinghe left the hospital and motioned for Namkotaro to follow as he left, while Morita Yoshitoshi was in charge of protecting the others.

On the way of driving to find the clues of Gorgom, a student in sportswear with leaves on his face fell down in front of Li Qinghe.Minami Kotaro got out of the car quickly and helped the student up.

"what happened?"

Nan Kotaro discovered the seriousness of the matter this time. There may be many people with plants growing on their faces, not just one or two.

"I don't know. I practiced in the rain, and suddenly leaves came out of my face."

Nan Kotaro recalled that the boy in his tea shop whose face was covered with leaves also got caught in the rain because he lent his clothes to his girlfriend. It can’t be wrong, there is a reason for this strange disease in the rain.

"I have already called an ambulance, and the cause must be found quickly."

Li Qinghe called Nan Kotaro back to the car.

At this time, Li Qinghe looked at the sky and heard the screams of a large number of people.

It was the hospital just now that was taken away by Golgom's Batman. He heard it right, it was the hospital. A huge net was cast on it, and the Batman took him to a distant place.

"Chasing, the direction where the Batman is flying should be where Gorgom's plan is located."

Li Qinghe got into the car and flew towards the place where the Batman was.

Kotaro Minami looked anxious, because there might be Kyoko Akizuki, Katsumi Kida, and Yukage Tsukage in the ward.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

Li Qinghe also hoped that the car could drive faster, even faster.

Golgoms fruit collection base.

"I seem to be able to see stupid human beings crying out in pain. I didn't expect my body to become a nutrient for Gorgoms. I couldn't even imagine it."

High Priest Darrom took a deep breath.

"Cactus monster, you have contributed a lot this time. This Golgomus fruit is for you."

The high priest Bihume threw a Gorgomus fruit to the cactus monster.

"It's not right to do that."

The great priest Raohm looked at Bihume strangely. Golgomus is not only the food of the weirdo, but also can enhance the strength of the weirdo.

Each Golgomus fruit is extremely precious, and if it weren't for the huge amount of energy needed for the monster to wake up from a deep sleep, the Golgomus fruit would not be released indiscriminately.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The toxin of the Cactus Monster can make Golgomus fruit grow from humans. With the Cactus Monster, there are countless Golgomus fruits."

The great priest Bihume explained in this way.

The great priest Raohm's brain reacted slowly, and was fooled by Bihume's words, so he nodded half-understood,

High Priest Darrom just shook his head and didn't say much.Gorgom's eccentrics are actually many.

There are many types, and there is not only one of each type, just to prevent the Golgoms from being exterminated and considering the number of Golgoms, it is enough to keep only one of each race. Falling into the ground, waiting for hundreds or even thousands of years to wake up naturally.

If the cactus monster dies, there are many dormant cactus monsters who can take over his task.

But since the great priest Bihume has spoken, the Golgomus fruit is only useful to weirdos, and it is useless to the three priests.So the great priest Darom didn't care about the Gorgomus fruit that Bihume rewarded the Cactus Monster.

The bat flew so fast that Li Qinghe quickly lost track of him while driving.However, Li Qinghe can track the current location of the bat monster by virtue of his mark on the bat monster.

Kotaro Minami also saw the Batman out of sight, "Senior, what should we do?"

"I can't lose it. You can call Xingzi now to see if they are in that hospital."

Li Qinghe still drove the car steadily, and flew in the direction of the Batman.

"Hi. Is that an apricot?"

Nan Kotaro was also too nervous about the safety of Kyoko and the others, so he didn't think of contacting Kyoko by phone in desperation.

"Well, yes, Kotaro, we just walked out of the hospital, and the patients we sent to the hospital just now were captured by the bat monster along with the hospital."

On the phone, Xingzi Hou said in fear.

"Then you are all right."

"Well, Kotaro, you must go and rescue those other people who were taken away."

Kyoko asked on the phone.

"Don't worry, I will rescue them."

Nan Kotaro knew that Kyoko and the others were fine, so he stopped being impatient. People are like this, and they must care about those who are close to him. As for other people who don't know, they can be saved. If they can't be saved, they can only blame themselves.

Li Qinghe heard that Yueying Yujiali and the others were fine, so he stopped speeding and slowed down the speed.

Li Qinghe drove the car off the road, and soon came to a big mountain.

"Go, it's near here."

Because it was on a mountain, vehicles could not go up, so Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro had to get off the car and walk to find the traces of Golgom.

"Quick, quick, quick."

Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro discovered that the police had transported the two bodies down from the mountain.These two bodies are obviously two botanists who were pushed down the mountain by the cactus monster and fell to their death.

"what happened?"

Li Qinghe ran over and asked.

"They were two well-known botanists who went into the mountain to collect plants during the day yesterday and disappeared. Now they have been found, but unfortunately, both of them have passed away. They should have fallen from the mountain to their death by slipping."

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