A silver-haired policeman sighed that it was a pity that the two botanists had died.If they are alive, they should make greater contributions. How much manpower and material resources will be spent to train two more botanists.

"Then which mountain is he missing?"

If there is no Golgom nearby, it would be no wonder that Li Qinghe would believe it.

Since these two botanists dared to go up the mountain to collect plants, they must have made all the preparations. It is possible for one person to fall down. If two people fall to their deaths, there is a problem.

"It's right across from this mountain."

When Nan Kotaro heard what the policeman said, he was about to head towards that mountain immediately.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do? It is very dangerous to climb the mountain without complete preparation. The mountain here is the most difficult to climb. There are too many things to pay attention to. It is best not to go."

The policeman kindly warned Nan Kotaro.

"Thank you for your reminder, it's dangerous around here, you'd better leave early."

Li Qinghe also kindly advised the policeman, and after that, Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro set off for the difficult mountain.

"Dangerous? The most dangerous thing here is the ferocious beast?"

The policeman grunted and left.

This is ordinary people, the less they know, the less trouble they have. Ignorance is sometimes a kind of happiness, and there is no need to worry about Gorgom's attack.

Golgoms collection base.

"Golgomus fruit absorbs human nutrients and grows up hundreds of times faster than in the dark world. If it is irradiated with ultraviolet light, it can grow faster."

Raohm saw that thousands of Golgomus fruits had ripened and had been collected by other weirdos, and they began to transport them away.

Great Priest Darom saw a human being become dozens of Golgomus fruits, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't human beings claim to be able to eat anything? Then we can eat them too."

Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro were walking when suddenly their feet were caught by four hands on the ground.

Li Qinghe remained motionless, while Nan Kotaro was pulled down. .

It was the strange turtle who grabbed Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe stepped back on the strange turtle who hadn't come out of the ground yet.Li Qinghe's strength is terrifying in this world, even in human form he can deal with some less powerful weirdos.

It was the Cactus Monster who caught Minami Kotaro, who was kicked aside by Minami Kotaro.

Chapter 28 The Loyal Cactus Monster


Minami Kotaro had just finished transforming when the Cactus Monster shot out a cactus poisonous thorn. Nan Kotaro dodged in an instant, and the tree behind him was pierced by the cactus poisonous thorn, and a large piece of bark was directly corroded.

The cactus monster attacked Nan Kotaro with its barbed claws, but Nan Kotaro dodged nimbly, seized the opportunity, and kicked him with a knight.

"rider kick."

The Cactus Man straightened his body, took the attack abruptly, and was severely injured, but Nan Kotaro's feet and legs were pierced with several Cactus Monster's venomous thorns.

Li Qinghe was about to help when he found that the Cactus Man had escaped, so he hurriedly chased him in the direction where the Cactus Man was escaping.Enduring the pain, Nan Kotaro pulled out the stinger and ran in the direction of Li Qinghe.

In the Golgomus collection base, the great priest Bihume is happily counting the number of Golgomus fruits,

"Five thousand eight hundred and sixty four have matured, and all of them will be transported away. This will wake up many strange people from their slumber."

The cactus monster rolled from the entrance of the cave to the feet of the great priest Bihume.

"What's wrong? Cactus monster, who hurt you so badly, didn't you and turtle monster go to stop those humans who entered the mountain? Why are you back?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"We met Kamen Rider Bck, and a very strong human being, he stomped the turtle monster back to the ground."

As soon as the cactus man finished speaking, the tortoise man ran into the hole too.

"What, the Kamen Rider appeared? And that person..."

The great priest Bihume dropped the Gorgoms in his hand to the ground in astonishment.

The attracted tortoise geek salivated and secretly hid a Gorgoms fruit in the tortoise shell.

"Didn't you say that you are not allowed to steal food?"

The behavior of the turtle monster stealing Gorgoms fruit was discovered by the great god Raohm.

As soon as Raohm attacked with a ray of light, Gorgomus, who was about to be hidden in the turtle shell by the turtle monster, fell out.

"How to do?"

The great priest Bihume asked in panic.

"I can only leave first. Most of the captured humans have become Gorgoms. Let's take the Golgoms away first."

The great priest Darom said.

"Okay, all freaks, get the Golgomus out."

The great priest Raohm said to the other weirdos below.

During the pursuit, Li Qinghe discovered the blood left by the Cactus Monster.

"They escaped, and here is the blood from the Cactus Monster's wound."

Li Qinghe said to Nan Kotaro who was chasing up from behind.

"Sharp hearing."

The Kamen Rider BCK transformed by Kotaro Minami can hear small voices 500 meters away with his keen sense of hearing.It happened that the three priests of Golgom were about to leave with ripe Golgom fruit.

"I know where they are."

Minami Kotaro quickly moved towards the location of the Golgoms fruit collection base.

"The germs produced on Qiwudang Mountain will be transferred here soon, and that guy drinking Kamen Rider bck is also here, hurry up."

The great priest Bihume was about to leave, she really didn't want to meet Li Qinghe.

"Your use of human nutrients to produce Golgomus fruit, stop here."

Nan Kotaro walked into the cave step by step.

"Who am I to be."

The great priest Raohm said disdainfully.

"You take Golgoms, and I'll pester him."

The great priest made a push motion towards Nan Kotaro, and Nan Kotaro was punched out of the hole.

Li Qinghe just entered the cave, and saw Nan Kotaro being beaten out of the cave.

"It's you. The cactus monster, the turtle monster, the scissor bug monster, and the crab monster, and the other monsters quickly leave with these Gorgoms."

The great priest Darom sent out a telekinetic attack on Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe stretched out one hand, and from Li Qinghe's body also sent out an invisible thought force, which was obviously stronger than Darom's, and pushed Darom aside.

Seeing how strong Li Qinghe was, the cactus monster flinched and dared not move forward, and rushed towards Nan Kotaro.

The other three weirdos rushed towards Li Qinghe.


Considering the number of weirdos and the presence of the three priests, Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta based on the principle of being careful and making no big mistakes.

Li Qinghe grabbed the scissors monster's two sharp scissor-like forelimbs, and lifted the scissors monster up.Kicked through the scissors monster's chest, and threw the scissors monster's body aside, completely ignoring the damage caused by the explosion of the scissors monster's body.

The crab monster spit out its own venom at Li Qinghe. Li Qinghe didn't want to get this disgusting saliva on his body, so he quickly dodged and shot the crab monster into the mouth where the venom was spitting out with a deltahone.

Those venoms had a very low ignition point, and a mass of fire spewed out from the mouth of the crab monster monster, and soon the whole body was covered in flames and turned into ashes.

Li Qinghe looked at the tortoise monster who wanted to retreat, "See if your tortoise shell is hard. The hammer of the fallen angel."

Li Qinghe used his knight kick, and kicked through the turtle monster whose body was retracted into the turtle shell.The tortoise monster also died at the hands of Li Qinghe.


The great priest Darom stood up from the place where Li Qinghe failed to compete with Li Qinghe and was sent flying, and found that all the weirdos he had sent had been dealt with by Li Qinghe.

At this time, there are still many weirdos transporting Golgoms, and there are still many Golgoms that have not been transported away. It is a pity to keep them.

Li Qinghe used a deltahone to destroy the control console for ultraviolet rays, and the excessive ultraviolet rays irradiated those who were still nourishing the Gorgoms, and the Gorgoms fruit trees on those people died due to the excessive ultraviolet rays.

Li Qinghe looked at the other weirdos who were transporting Golgomus fruit. The other weirdos were so frightened that they backed away after Li Qinghe saw this. No one was afraid of death, even the weirdos. They had seen Li Qinghe's strength.

Li Qinghe easily dealt with those strange people who besieged him.

Minami Kotaro was in a confrontation with the Cactus Monster.

Nan Kotaro was pressed against the wall of the cave by the cacti monster's paw in the narrow cave.


When Kotaro Minami puts his fists in the center of his belt, energy will be released, and the power of kicks and punches will be multiplied several times.

Kotaro Minami reached out and grabbed the Cactus Monster by the neck, and threw the Cactus Monster next to the great priest Darom.

Only then did Nan Kotaro realize that the three weirdos surrounded by Li Qinghe had disappeared, and they were obviously killed by Li Qinghe.

"Senior's strength is so strong."

Nan Kotaro and Li Qinghe stood together, facing the three priests.

"Bihum, do you do it yourself, or I will do it yourself. For me, these Golgomus fruits will be destroyed or not, depending on your performance."

Li Qinghe didn't care about those Golgoms, but looked at the great priest Bihume.


Nan Kotaro didn't understand Li Qinghe's thoughts at all. To Li Qinghe, he was just a passer-by in this world, and if he got what he wanted, others would let him die.

Li Qinghe had no obligation to save those people. If it wasn't for Golgom and those people who insisted on destroying the world, Li Qinghe would not have taken action.So Li Qinghe didn't care at all whether Golgoms were carried away by Golgoms.


The great priest Bihume was struggling in his heart. The Gorgomus fruit was very important, otherwise Bihume would have dropped those fruits and fled away. The last thing Bihume wanted to see was Li Qinghe.

"Biehume, go, I'll stop him here. Gorgoms is important, but those are not as important as you."

The great priest Raohm stood in front of Byhum.

"You do not deserve."

Li Qinghe released his transformation, and with a wave of his hand, Raohm, who was standing in front of Byhum, stuck to the cave wall with his thoughts.

"You say what you say, I will stay, and you take these Golgomus fruits away."

Bihume came out and ordered to the other weirdos.

Bihuum saw that Li Qinghe kept his promise and did not destroy those Gorgoms who were not transported.

"Which one of you is going to stop him. Rescue Byhum."

The great priest Darom ordered to the weirdos who transported the Golgomus fruit, those weirdos who transported the Golgomus fruit all lowered their heads and no one dared to look at Darom, fearing that they would be ordered by Darom arrive.

"Darrom, don't make things difficult for them."

Li Qinghe walked towards Bihume step by step. At this time, the cactus monster with his head down stretched out his vines and locked Li Qinghe.

"Great priest, let's go. I'll stop him."

The Cactus Monster yelled at Bihume unclearly, it wasn't that the Cactus Monster was not afraid of death, but that Bihume was the only one among the three priests who treated him best and was willing to reward him with Golgomus fruit.

Most of the weirdos are very simple, and they will be loyal to whoever treats them well. If the people Li Qinghe wants to keep are the other two priests, the cactus monsters will definitely not stand up, but will be transported like other Gorgoms. Like the eccentrics of Skool, he hid.


The great priest Darom said to Byhum, and pulled Raohm out of the cave wall with his thoughts.

Bihume took a deep look, and the cactus monster who was willing to sacrifice himself for himself, and Raohm, and Darom left, and all the weirdos except the cactus monster left Gorgoms and left.

Even if Li Qinghe didn't transform, he wasn't afraid of the cactus monster. With a strong support, the vines that bound Li Qinghe were broken into several knots.

"If you didn't want to let Bihume go on purpose just now, do you think your vines can bind me?"

Li Qinghe gathered an energy ball in his hand and threw it into the mouth of the cactus monster.

With a bang, the Cactus Monster's head exploded, and the Cactus Monster died.

"Kotaro, you go and deal with those who haven't become Golgoms.".

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