Nan Kotaro sent the living ones out of the cave one by one.

Li Qinghe looked at the boy in the tea room among those people, that is, Yongzhi has become a Gorgoms fruit, Li Qinghe can only express his helplessness, he is not God, he cannot save all the people people.

Chapter 29 Professor Heisong's refuge

Li Qinghe didn't destroy those Golgomus fruits, and always felt that those Golgomus fruits were useful. After Nan Kotaro rescued all the living people, Li Qinghe shattered the entrance of the cave and sealed it with gravel. .

As for whether Golgom would return, they were already frightened by Li Qinghe.

"Go back. Turn these people over to the police."

Li Qinghe drove away with Nan Guangtaro.

"Senior, why is Bihume so afraid of you?"

Li Qinghe waved his fist, "Because this one is harder than them."

Golgoms base camp.

"Are those weirdos who transported Golgoms back?"

The great priest Raohm asked angrily.

"Except for the cactus monster who blocked that person, all the other monsters have returned. It seems that that person didn't take any action against the remaining monsters."

The great priest Darom said.

"That's good, get rid of all those weird people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. They didn't even help Bihume when he was in danger."

The great priest Raohm said angrily.

"Don't do that, I'm fine, let them go, it's a pity that the cactus monster is gone."

Bihume was touched by the fact that the cactus monster died for her. This was the first time she realized that the monster also had feelings, but it is the nature of all life to be greedy for life and afraid of death, and to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If the cactus monster didn't stand up, then Bihume would be captured by Li Qinghe, and the rest of the monsters would not be able to escape being treated as traitors.

The cactus eccentric saved other eccentrics who did not dare to fight Li Qinghe with his own life.It can be said to be the hero of the weird people.

"It's really a pity that the Cactus Monster has not fully played his role, and he still has residual value."

It's a pity that the great priest Darom's remaining value of this cactus monster has not been fully squeezed out.

When the great priest Bihume heard Darrom say that about the cactus monster, his heart suddenly jumped. For the first time, he felt uncomfortable. He felt that there was a gap between himself and Darrom.

Bihume regards the weirdo as his own people, while Darom and Raohm regard the weirdo as his slaves.

"What did you say? Yuuji already..."

Back in the tea room, the boy who was Yuji's girlfriend, Miyuki, was waiting for news from both Li Qinghe and Namko Taro, but he heard the news.

"Didn't you say you could save Yongzhi?"

Miyuki slapped Nan Kotaro's face, and when she was about to slap Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe slapped her to the ground.

"First of all, we have no obligation to save you, we are not the police, we are human beings, we also have relatives, we will also encounter danger.

If we hadn't met Kamen Rider Bck and Kamen Rider Delta this time, we might not be able to come back. "

Li Qinghe expressed his dissatisfaction in an "angry" voice, and Michelle on the ground burst into tears when she heard it.

"You take her home."

Li Qinghe returned to his room.

"Damn, that person is too powerful, all three weirdos have been defeated, but Kamen Rider Bck is not strong, so we should be able to start from him.

But if you want to hit Kamen Rider bck, you also need to send a very strong monster. "

The great priest Raohm said.

"To defeat the Kamen Rider bck, then send it, there is no one but the mammoth monster."

High Priest Bihume suggested.

"If Mammoth Monster's freezing power freezes Kamen Rider's body, the riderkick's effect will be completely useless. It's up to you, Mammoth Monster will use your power to freeze Kamen Rider Bck.

As for that person, it's a long-term plan. "

High Priest Darrom ordered to the roaring mammoth monster.

"Hey, it's me shopping again."

On his way to the vegetable market on his newly bought motorcycle, Kotaro Minami found a row of ivory on the side of the road in front of him.

"Ivory? Why is it here?"

Nan Kotaro heard another roar, not a dog barking or a cat barking, so he chased after it step by step in the direction of the roar.

Kotaro Minami walks into an abandoned gasoline station, where abandoned gasoline tin drums are everywhere.Nan Kotaro found that there was white gas coming from a gasoline tin barrel, and the roar just now should have come from there.

Minami Kotaro walked there cautiously step by step.The mammoth went around behind Nan Kotaro, and poked at Nan Kotaro with the fangs around his mouth.

Nan Kotaro felt that the temperature behind him had changed, and the temperature had dropped. Nan Kotaro turned around quickly, avoiding the ivory's thrust and avoiding himself being pierced by the ivory.

Nan Kotaro had just escaped the attack when his body was thrown aside by the long nose of the mammoth monster.

Taking advantage of the time of being sent flying, Nan Kotaro quickly transformed.


Minami Kotaro hurriedly transformed into Kamen Rider bck,


Nan Kotaro jumped to the side of the mammoth monster, with a brief red light on his hand, he slashed the mammoth monster's head with his hand knife.

Ridercho, using the friction with the air, generates high heat in the palm.Its power can completely cut a 100 thick iron bar, and the hand will emit red light when used.

The mammoth monster's eyes were full of golden flowers from this blow of Nan Kotaro, taking advantage of this opportunity, Nan Kotaro accelerated his attack.

However, the mammoth monster is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he quickly got rid of the dizzy state caused by Minami Kantaro's blow just now.

The mammoth spewed cold air at Nan Kotaro in an attempt to freeze Nam Kotaro, but there were iron buckets around him, and Nan Kotaro avoided the mammoth monster's freezing attack with the help of iron bars as obstacles.

Taking advantage of the time when the mammoth monster took a breath, he jumped out from behind the iron bucket. The mammoth monster rolled up a metal bucket with his nose and threw it at Nankotaro, but Minami Kotaro stepped on the metal bucket lightly. Using the bucket as a pedal, he kicked the mammoth monster.

The mammoth monster couldn't bear it any longer, and wailed, and sprayed air-conditioning in front of him. With the air-conditioning as a cover, it acted as a smoke bomb, and the mammoth monster escaped from Minami Kotaro's pursuit.

"Damn it, he ran away."

Nanguan Taro stepped on the ground resentfully, and left.

Golgom base camp.

"The mammoth monster, who claims to be the strongest among the monsters, was defeated by Kamen Rider bck. Hey, let alone deal with that person."

The great priest Raohm sighed.

"do not worry."

High Priest Darom smiled.

"Oh, it seems that you have a new strategy, tell me and listen."

High Priest Bihume interrupted and asked.

"The black pine has developed a fatty acid x that can strengthen the mammoth monster."

The great priest Darom said this to give the news.

"Black pine developed fatty acid x? Is there any use?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"Fatty acid x is better nutriment for weirdos than gorgonian fruit."

The great priest Darom briefly explained the function of fatty acid x.

"Thank you for the compliment. Fatty acid x is a body enzyme extracted from the brain nerve cells of tuna, and it will definitely have an effect on the strengthening of the mammoth monster."

Professor Heisong bowed and said.

Nan Guangtaro returned to the tea room after buying the vegetables, and told Li Qinghe the process of meeting and fighting the mammoth monster.

"It seems that Gorgom wants to get rid of you in advance. You should pay attention to yourself and don't be a hero."

Li Qinghe touched his chin and said.

"Then let them come and see who gets rid of whom."

Nan Kotaro said loudly.

"Kotaro, Qinghe-kun, lunch is ready, we can start."

Kyoko's voice came from the kitchen.

Kotaro Minami discovers that there is an extra child.

"It's Taro Kumakura, the kid from the nearby sushi bar."

Kyoko explained to Minami Kotaro.


This kid is very polite and lovable.

"Hello. Please take care of me, let's start together."

Minami Kotaro also replied, and touched Kumakura Taro's little head with his hand.

"Excuse me, I've been sorry, Taro always comes here to play."

Kumakura Taro's father said in embarrassment, wearing a turban.

"No, Kumakura Taro is very good."

Kyoko said politely.

"This is today's sushi for everyone to eat. But there is no tuna."

Kumakura Taro's father continued, "Today there was a very excessive person who bought all the tuna in the market. That's it, so there is no tuna in this sushi. Please try it."

Li Qinghe picked up a piece and tasted it, "It's delicious, very delicious."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Kuma Kura Taro's father laughed and was very happy when he heard Li Qinghe's praise.

Golgom Fatty Acid X Experiment Base.

Professor Heisong put the fatty acid x extracted from Satoshi tuna into a bottle, and poured it into the mouth of the seriously injured mammoth monster.

After the mammoth monster drank the fatty acid, his body was full of strength, his wounds healed, and he roared excitedly.

"It's done, distribute this fatty acid to all the weirdos, so that other weirdos can also increase their strength."

Great Priest Darrom nodded in satisfaction when he saw Professor Heisong's fatty acid x was successful.

"However, it is a pity that my research cannot be said to be complete. In order to produce a large amount of fatty acid x for weird adults, a large amount of tuna is needed. It is not expensive, but it is a pity that tuna is difficult to obtain."

Professor Heisong said regretfully.

"Can't you buy it with money?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"Since all the tuna on the market was bought yesterday, those manufacturers who have tuna have started to hoard tuna in order to increase the market price, saying that they have sold out of tuna."

Professor Heisong explained.

Money is not everything, at least when the seller does not sell, you can pay as much as you want.

"Since this is the case, you should immediately join hands with the mammoth monster to get a large amount of tuna."

That night, driven by Professor Heisong, the mammoth monster broke into the cold room and took away all the tuna that day.

"This is for me?"

When Li Qinghe was sitting on the counter in the tea room reading a book, Professor Heisong sent a child and handed it to him with a note in his hand. .

"Yes, the old man said, this is for you."

The kid gave the note to Li Qinghe.

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