Chapter 30 Fatty AcidsX

"this is for you."

Li Qinghe took out a lollipop from his body and gave it to the child.

"Thank you big brother."

The child hopped away awkwardly.

Li Qinghe opened the note that the little boy gave him.

"I have to report in advance, please come out again. I will wait for you 50 meters north of the tea room."

The signer is Professor Heisong.

Li Qinghe threw the note into the trash can and walked to the place Professor Heisong said.

"Come out, Professor Heisong, I didn't expect you to find me, why, stop fighting for Golgom?"

Li Qinghe said to a tree, and stood up from behind the tree.

"Well, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I just want to leave a way out for myself. I'm here this time, and I want to tell you something."

Professor Heisong said respectfully.

"Tell me, what's the matter, it's worth your risk."

Li Qinghe asked.

"It's like this. Recently, Gorgom asked me to research fatty acid x. This invention can improve the strength of those weirdos, but fatty acid x needs to be extracted from tuna.

I sneaked out by going out to gather information on where to find tuna.This invention has been successfully applied to the mammoth monster who was defeated by Kamen Rider BCK.

The mammoth monster's injuries have recovered, and his strength has been greatly improved. This fatty acid x has a stronger effect on the monster than the Gorgomus fruit, but the fatty acid x has no function of satisfying the monster's hunger.

I can fiddle with the Fatty Acids of the weirdo and make a fake Fatty Acid x, can you please show me what to do next. "

Li Qinghe listened to Professor Heisong's report, supported his forehead, shook his head,

"No, give fatty acid x to those weirdos. I need to speed up the growth of Nan Kotaro. Because of my help, his combat power has not improved very quickly. There are also enemies more terrifying than Golgom. This point Strength doesn't work."

"An enemy more terrifying than Golgom? Impossible."

Professor Heisong heard this news from Li Qinghe for the first time, and in his impression Golgom was already a giant.

No one except Li Qinghe can contend against Golgom, and now I heard that there are enemies more terrifying than Golgom, no wonder Li Qinghe doesn't care much about Golgom, it turned out that he was preparing for an even more terrifying enemy .

Professor Heisong believed in what Li Qinghe said.

"Who is the formidable enemy of Bigolgom?"

Professor Heisong asked curiously.

"You don't need to know now, when the time comes, you will know naturally."

Li Qinghe slipped his mouth inadvertently, but the more terrifying enemy hasn't come yet.Li Qinghe still has plenty of time to improve himself, which is why Li Qinghe often breaks the rules with the God of Creation and helps Nam Kotaro solve the weirdos.

"You go back, as if nothing happened, continue to help Golgom, if there is any important news, come to me and report."

Li Qinghe asked Professor Heisong to go back. Professor Heisong and the Batman were the two nails he had inserted in Gorgom.


Professor Heisong quietly withdrew.

"Since this is the case, the strength of those weirdos has increased, and I can continue to let go of part of my strength."

Li Qinghe said in a low voice.

Professor Heisong who left with these words did not hear, otherwise Professor Heisong must have been even more surprised.Li Qinghe's strength has always been only four points at this strength. Except for the God of Creation who has fought against Li Qinghe, no one knows Li Qinghe's strength.

It's not that Li Qinghe pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, but that the dark waves in this seemingly ordinary world are turbulent. Apart from the big villain Golgom, there will be new enemies after a while, but I don't know that new enemies are on Earth. How many minions come on.

You can't let your own strength be fully exposed. Li Qinghe's moves are usually extremely refined, and he strives for a one-hit kill in order to avoid his own strength information from being leaked.

As Li Qinghe expected, the sushi that Kumakura Taro's father brought over at noon still lacked tuna.

This made Kuma Kurataro's father determined to catch the thief who stole all the tuna.

"Why is the tuna still missing?"

Qiuyue Kyoko asked puzzled.

"Hey, what's more, there is only tuna in the market today, and the newspapers say that all the tuna in the warehouse has been stolen.

It's horrible, how can such a person steal all the tuna?I, Xiong Cang, must catch that thief tonight. "

Kumakura Taro's father said angrily.

At night, Kuma Kurataro's father, who was fully armed, wearing a baseball uniform and carrying an iron baseball, squatted in a corner of a money fish warehouse, and found a suspicious figure.

"Damn thief, come out, let's see how I, Xiong Cang, fix you, ah."

Kuma Kurataro's father hit the suspicious figure with a baseball bat.

"It hurts."

Kumakura Taro's father was shocked by the shock and his hands were numb.


Kumakura Taro's father didn't hesitate, he picked up a baseball bat and hit it again, but his attack was a drizzle for the mammoth monster, and it couldn't cause any damage at all.

The mammoth grabbed Taro Kumamura's father's baseball bat aside, and Taro Kumamura's father was also pushed to the ground.

The mammoth sprayed his own air-conditioning on Kumakura Taro's father, who soon became an ice sculpture, and the baseball bat not far from Kumakura Taro's father also became a popsicle.

The mammoth monster pressed a large wooden box next to Kumakura Taro's father. Kumakura Taro's father had been frozen to death after becoming an ice sculpture, and his body and ice were fused together. crumbs.

Early the next morning.

"What? You said your father didn't come back all night?" Kyoko asked in surprise.

Kuma Kurataro nodded.

"Dad said he went to catch the man who stole the tuna last night and asked me to wait for him. But he didn't come back all night. I was so worried about him. Sister, can you help me find it together?"

Kumakura Taro asked pitifully.

At this time a call came in, "Hello, do you know Kuma Kurai Kuma?"

Nan Kotaro snatched the phone, "Yes, I know him, how is he? Where is he now?"

"He, why don't you come over and take a look, at the Tokyo First Affiliated Hospital."

The voice on the phone said incredulously.

"Come on, I'll take you there, little friend Xiongcang, can you just stay here and wait for us?"

Li Qinghe thought that Kumakura Taro was injured by the mammoth monster. After all, according to the original play, Kumakura Taro was only beaten by the mammoth monster and suffered several fractures all over his body.

Li Qinghe drove Namkotaro and Akizuki Kyoko to the hospital, and quickly found Kumakurai Kuma's location, but it was in the morgue.

"What? My change, even the damn little unicorn set is also a box?"

Li Qinghe thought in his heart.

Nan Kotaro rushed into the corpse room in a hurry.

"Damn Gorgom."

Minami Kotaro quickly found Kumakurai Kuma's location, and the location of each dead body on it had a corresponding label.

Minami Kotaro uncovered the white cloth above, and soon found the fragmented body of Kumakurai Kuma, Kumakurai Kuma's father.

"Don't look, go out."

Kuma Gurai Kuma's corpse was so disgusting, Minami Kotaro pushed Akizuki Kyoko out who was about to come in to check the situation, and Li Qinghe just glanced at Kuma Gurai Kuma's body, it was really too miserable.

Back in the tea room, Li Qinghe and his party tried their best to smile.

"Where is my dad? I really want to see him."

Kumakura Taro asked anxiously.

"He, he just went to a far away place, and you will also go in the future, Kotaro, tell him the truth, although Kumakura Taro is young, he is already a man."

Li Qinghe said to Nan Kotaro.

"Little Xiong Cang, your father, he is with your mother. Don't be sad. He just went to accompany your mother."

Minami Kotaro said to Kumakura Taro in a tactful tone as much as possible.

Kumakura Taro also suffered a lot. At a young age, his mother died of dystocia.His father pulled him hard.Now, because of Golgom, his father also left him.

Because of his mother's early death, Kumakura Taro became very precocious, like a young adult, often speaking in an old-fashioned tone, which made other people laugh and praise him for being so sensible.

Although Kumakura Taro was young, he could hear the meaning in Minami Kotaro's words, "Father..."

Kuma Kura Taro let out a cry.This was the first time Kuma Kura Taro cried bitterly since he was sensible.

Li Qinghe didn't like to see sentimental scenes, so he went back to his room and accompanied Yueying Yugali and Lily, and Tomoko was still in school.

"Don't cry, Xiong Cang, this will be your home from now on."

With tears in her eyes, Kita Katsumi comforted Kumakura Taro with her arms in her arms.

"Sister, can you do me a favor?"

Kumakura Taro wiped away his tears and left Katsumi's embrace.

"What? Tell me."

"I want to see the sea. Today is the day when my mother passed away, and it is also the time when my father passed away. My parents are now together.

In the past, when my mother passed away, my father would definitely go to the beach to send flowers to my mother. Now that my father is going to accompany my mother, I want to send flowers to my parents. "

Kuma Kura Taro said lonely.

"Then let's take flowers to the beach."

Qiuyue Kyoko suggested.


Kuma Kura Taro regained his spirits.

"You go to accompany Kuma Kura Taro, and I will look for clues to Golgom together with my seniors, and avenge Kuma Kurai Kuma.

The place where Kumakurai Kuma was killed this time is the warehouse where the tuna was lost. I have already been there, so Taro will leave it to you. ".

On the way back, Namkotaro and Li Qinghe went to the warehouse where Kumakura Ikuma was killed and found a frozen iron baseball bat. Namkotaro couldn't help thinking of the mammoth monster who had fought with him but escaped.

Akizuki Kyoko, Kida Katsumi, Tsukage Yukari, Tomoko, and Lily took Kumakura Taro to the beach to pay homage to Kumakurai Kuma.

Chapter 31 Inception

Li Qinghe drove, and Nan Guangtaro rode a motorcycle to look for traces of the mammoth monster.

Soon such a clue attracted Li Qinghe's attention.

"I passed the cave, and I saw that the cave was full of stinking tuna, why is there rotten tuna in that place?

Now there is no tuna in the market, and the price of tuna has been soaring, and some people are so wasteful.Why.Don't know who dropped it. "

Minami Kotaro heard a farmer talking to the other two about a strange incident he had encountered.

"Stinky tuna?"

When Nanguan Taro heard the news, he immediately stopped and got off the motorcycle.

"Excuse me, the cave you just mentioned, can I get there by motorcycle?"

Kotaro Minami asked the man who just said he found stinky tuna.

"who are you?"

asked the person in question.

"Those tuna may have been stolen."

"Then you are a policeman. You can walk halfway from here, and there is a mountain road from there. You have to walk."

This person thought Nan Kotaro was a policeman, so he enthusiastically told Nan Kotaro the location of the cave.

"Thank you, everyone."

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