When Li Qinghe saw that he couldn't drive there, he had to sit on Nanguangtaro's motorcycle.

Li Qinghe discovered for the first time that motorcycles are still necessary, at least this kind of mountain road can be entered quickly, instead of just stopping like a car.

Nan Kotaro and Li Qinghe quickly found the cave. There were a large number of tuna carcasses outside the cave, emitting a stench. Li Qinghe couldn't help covering his nose and mouth.

"Crash" sounded.

The mammoth monster pushed away the tuna carcasses piled up at the entrance of the cave, and walked out.

"It's really you."

Seeing the mammoth monster, Minami Kotaro remembered Kuma Gurai Kuma who was killed, and clenched his fists, "Transform."

Kotaro Minami turned into Kamen Rider bck.


Li Qinghe really didn't want to bear the smell of the stinky tuna carcass, so he transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.

There is a saying that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

The mammoth rushed towards Nan Kotaro recklessly, ignoring Li Qinghe's transformed Kamen Rider Delta. Li Qinghe was also happy, standing aside, watching the battle between the two sides.

The strength of the mammoth monster has indeed become stronger. Every time he takes a step, there will be a pit on the ground. This is caused by his inability to control his rapidly increasing strength at the beginning.

"riderju (knight jump)"

Nan Kotaro transformed and stepped on the back of the mammoth monster.

The mammoth monster turned around and hugged Minami Kotaro, trying to overthrow Minami Kotaro, but Minami Kotaro's strength was not as strong as the mammoth monster whose strength had been enhanced by consuming fatty acid x, and was pushed back.

Nan Kotaro found a sharp stone behind him. When he was about to be pushed there, he leaned his body hard and threw the mammoth onto the sharp stone with the force of the mammoth.

The mammoth's waist was severely injured, and he rushed into the cave regardless of Minami Kotaro's pursuit.Nan Kotaro followed the Mammoth Monster closely, and this time he couldn't let the Mammoth Monster leave.

The mammoth monster came to Professor Heisong's laboratory where he configured fatty acid x,

"Step aside."

He pushed Professor Heisong who was experimenting to the ground.

The mammoth monster picked up a bottle of successfully extracted fatty acid z and drank it. The effect was obvious, the wound was healed, and the strength of the mammoth monster increased again.

"Master Mammoth, drinking two bottles of Fatty Acid X in a short period of time will cause excessive energy in the body, and the body will not be able to absorb it, and it will explode."

Professor Heisong said "kindly".

"Do you want to strengthen here? Extract fatty acid x from tuna."

After the mammoth monster recovered from his injury, he felt that he was full of strength and had to vent it, otherwise he would really explode like Professor Heisong said.

Fortunately, the Mammoth Monster also has the ability to spray cold air, which can consume energy in the body.

The mammoth monster's injury has completely healed, and because he just drank fatty acid x, his strength has been improved again, and his body is full of explosive power.

The mammoth monster rushed in the direction of Nan Kotaro, knocking Nan Kotaro out of the cave, and Professor Heimatsu sneaked away from the back door of the cave while the two were fighting.

Minami Kotaro got up quickly, kicked the mammoth monster's lower body, and the mammoth monster blocked Minami Kotaro's attack with his hands.

The mammoth monster grabbed Nan Kotaro's leg, swung it hard, and flung it towards Li Qinghe. At the same time, he kicked up a few stones, aiming the direction of the stones at the direction in which Nan Kotaro was thrown. .

Li Qinghe frowned, and "slapped" a few shots, Li Qinghe used the deltahone to crush the stone behind Nan Kotaro.

When Nan Kotaro fell in front of him, Li Qinghe grabbed Nam Kotaro's shoulders accurately, so that Nan Kotaro didn't fall to the ground.

"It's troublesome senior."

After Nan Kotaro thanked him, he came to the mammoth monster again.

"Riderkick", Minami Kotaro kicked at the ivory of the mammoth monster.

The mammoth monster spit out frozen gas from its mouth. Because of the increased strength of the mammoth monster, Minami Kotaro was only swept away by the cold air from the mammoth monster, his body was already stiff, and he fell down from midair.

Seeing that Minami Kotaro was hit by his own freezing air, the mammoth howled and patted his chest.

Li Qinghe shook his head as he watched, Nan Kotaro was really careless.

Ice ivory protruded from the mammoth monster's nose. With a sharp breath, the ivory pierced the armpits of Nan Kotaro's arms and his five limbs. Li Qinghe felt chills when he saw it.

If the location where the Mammoth Monster was launched was a little higher, Li Qinghe didn't even dare to think about it.

Nan Kotaro was also frightened for a while, feeling that the mammoth monster was teasing him, knowing that he was already imprisoned by the frozen gas, there was no need to continue spraying ice ivory to block his actions.

Nan Kotaro felt unspeakable anger in his heart, and he was actually teased by a strange person.

"Strike hard."

Minami Kotaro released the energy increased by the powerful blow in one fell swoop.

Kotaro Minami smashed all the ivory made of ice.

This time Nan Kotaro hugged the rushing mammoth monster, and grabbed the mammoth monster's ivory.


One of the ivory of the Mammoth, the Mammoth wailed in pain.

Nan Kotaro put his hands on his waist, the belt released a destructive light,


Nan Kotaro hit the mammoth monster on the nose with a punch, knocking the mammoth monster to the ground.

"rider kick."

In order for the mammoth monster not to run away this time, Kotaro Minami continued to hit the knight kick.

The mammoth stood up, and his body exploded.This time the mammoth monster had no chance to escape.

"Let's go."

Li Qinghe took Nan Kotaro away from this place full of the stench of tuna corpses.

"We have already avenged Kumakurai Kuma. Let this child stay here from now on. Starting tomorrow, each of us will take turns sending Kumakura Taro to school."

Back in the tea room, Li Qinghe said to Nan Kotaro and the others.


The matter was settled.Kuma Kura Taro also slowly came out of the pain of his father's death.

"What, the mammoth monster is dead, you idiot, disappear."

The great priest Darom said to the kneeling Professor Heisong, completely ignoring the fact that Professor Heisong had researched fatty acid x for them.


The great priest Raohm launched a light attack on Professor Heisong.

"Forgive me."

Professor Heisong begged for mercy.

"get out."

The great priest Bihume let Professor Heisong leave, but did not kill Professor Heisong.

"By the way, how is Shadow Moon?"

The High Priest Raohm asked Darom.

"Shadowmoon, our prince."

The great priest Darom pushed the sleeping bubble of Akizuki Nobuhiko to his face.

"This is? He's in pain."

The great priest Bihume said in surprise.

"No, Shadow Moon's vitality has weakened."

The priest said worriedly.

"Shadow Moon is the only King of the Century that we have left, so we must leave him no matter what."

The great priest Raohm said nervously.

"If you want to save Shadow Moon, you must inject new life energy, and it needs the life energy of Shadow Moon's relatives."

High Priest Darrom came up with a solution.

"Kagezuki's father, Soichiro, has been killed by the spider monster, leaving only a younger sister named Akizuki Kyoko."

The great priest Bihume has chosen a suitable candidate.

"Tapir freak, come out."

High Priest Darrom ordered.

The tapir monster screamed excitedly from among the weirdos and came out.

In the middle of the night, Li Qinghe had already fallen asleep, and most of the people also fell asleep. Nan Guangtaro couldn't sleep and went out on a motorcycle.

Accompanied by the great priest Raohm, the tapir came to the top floor of a tall building.The tapir monster inhaled countless small bubbles into its mouth.

"Tapist, have you collected your dreams?"

The tapir grotesquely screamed at the great priest, "I have collected it."

"Tapir freak, project it."

High Priest Darrom ordered.

Just now one by one was sucked by the tapir monster and spit out like bubbles in the mouth, which showed everyone's dream.

"Not this, not Qiuyue Kyoko's dream. Next."

The tapir monster burst the bubble that was spit out, and spit out another bubble.

"No, next..."

Nan Kotaro was riding a motorcycle and found a girl lying on the ground holding her head.

Minami Kotaro quickly got off the motorcycle and helped the girl up.

"My head hurts, go to the hospital."

Minami Kotaro drove the girl to the clinic on a motorcycle.

"Next, Miss Okawa."

As soon as Nan Kotaro entered the hospital, he found that many girls were holding their heads and crying for headaches, just like the girls he sent to the hospital now.

Each of these girls is the protagonist who just burst the bubbles that the tapir monster spit out of his mouth. .

"In the end what happened?"

Minami Kotaro looked at the patients coming and going solemnly.

Chapter 32 Sending Nobuhiko's Life

"Brother, wait for me."

A little girl is chasing the boy.

"Come here.

The boy is obviously the older brother of the girl.The little girl ran and fell down.

"Kyoko, it's okay."

The little boy got up, and the little girl handed a flower to the little girl. The little girl stopped crying and laughed.

In a blink of an eye, the little girl became Akizuki Kyoko, and the little boy became Akizuki Nobuhiko.

"Wow, this is exactly Qiuyue Kyoko's dream. Good job, tapir freak. Hey, there is another dream, you project it."

The tapir monster projected the dream in that bubble.

Li Qinghe stood on a tall building and looked at the city scenery below. Li Qinghe was surrounded by people similar to Kamen Rider Delta, who were waiting in full force, obviously protecting Li Qinghe.

"President, this world is over, have you figured out where to fight next?"

A human beauty beside Li Qinghe handed the document to Li Qinghe.

Beside Li Qinghe were Kamen Rider Faiz, Kamen Rider Kaixa, Kamen Rider A, and Kamen Rider Syga, half kneeling on the ground, expressing their submission to Li Qinghe.

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