The great priest Raohm said.

"Look, your brother is here."

The great priest pointed to the bubble-shaped white light ball where Akizuki Nobuhiko was.

"elder brother."

Akizuki Kyoko saw Akizuki Nobuhiko nestled in a small ball, his body bent.

"Shadowmoon is responding to life energy immediately."

The great priest Raohm said quietly.Byhum, Darrom nodded.

"Save brother, let brother return to his original form."

Qiuyue Kyoko prayed to the three priests.

"Do you want to save him so much?"

The great priest Bihume asked with a smile, Bihume hates to believe in words like human friendship.

"I want to replace my brother."

Qiuyue Kyoko cried and said.

"Then I'll come and fulfill you."

The great priest Darom pointed, and another ball of light appeared.

"But that needs your strength."

"I'm willing to do anything."

Akizuki Kyoko was willing to lose her life for Akizuki Nobuhiko, obeyed the command of the great priest Darom, and walked into the ball of light step by step.

After Kyoko walked into the sphere of light, the great priest Darom raised the sphere of light where Kyoko was to the same position as the sphere of light where Nobuhiko Akizuki was.

"Kyoko's life energy is being transmitted into Shadow Moon's body. More, more."

The great priest Raohm desperately hoped that Kyoko's life would be infused into Shadow Moon.


Nan Kotaro fell in front of the three priests.

Kotaro Minami transformed into a Kamen Rider bck when he fell down the cave, otherwise such a high depth would be too much for a reformed person.

"It really is you, Golgom, let Kyoko go."

Minami Kotaro got up, and immediately found Kyoko sitting in the light sphere, corresponding to Akizuki Nobuhiko, and energy flowed from Kyoko to Nobuhiko.

Although Nan Kotaro didn't know what the loss of Kyoko was, but seeing Kyoko's paler face, he also knew that it must be bad for Kyoko.

As soon as Nan Kotaro was about to make a move, his body was sent flying aside by the great priest Darom.

"You are brave enough to come to our Golgom base camp. This is our territory. Here, our strength is not as weak as the outside world."

The great priest Raohm snorted coldly, watching Kotaro Nan being beaten into the air.

"Nan Kotaro? If you're here this time, let's stay."

There was light in the eyes of the great priest Bihume, and Namkotaro's body was controlled by Darom with the power of thought, unable to move, and was hit by all the light.

"Xingzi, wake up quickly."

Minami Kotaro looked at Kyoko eagerly.

Xingzi didn't respond, she was still like a piece of wood, silently transmitting her own energy.

"Kutaro, don't think about it, Kyoko will give her life for her brother Yingyue. She can't hear what you say now."

The great priest Darom said.

Kotaro struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the control of the great priest Darom, but the strength of the great priest Darom cannot be broken by just struggling and shouting twice.

"If it's me, tell me it's okay."

The Kamen Rider Delta transformed by Li Qinghe also jumped down from the direction where Namkotaro fell just now.

"Why are you? How did you find this place?"

The high priest took a few steps back in fear than Hume.

The tapir weirdo noticed the uninvited guest in front of him, and spat out a small energy ball at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe punched the explosive energy ball attack.

"Tair freak, go back, you are not needed here, you protect Kyoko's dream ball."

The great priest Darom made the tapir go away, not because the tapir was so precious, but because once the tapir died, the life energy transmitted by Kyoko to Shadow Moon would also be interrupted.

"Here, you step back first, and let me handle it."

The voice of the Creator God came out.


The three priests stepped aside.

"This is?"

Nan Kotaro heard the voice of the Creator God for the first time.

"Hei Ri, I wanted you to grow up a bit more, and then come to the decisive battle with Shadow Moon, but you are actually determined to listen to him, so I won't keep you."

Chuang Shi Shen gave Nan Kotaro a death notice.

"You are so weak now, do you want to compare with me again? Nan Kotaro is not allowed to die, his death is not up to you to decide."

Li Qinghe is not false in the slightest.

"Weak, I'm just at the end of my life. It's been 5 years. I've lived long enough. It's time to do something for the next Creator God."

The Chuangshi God slowly gathered into a human form from the empty environment, and this was the first time Li Qinghe saw the true face of the Chuangshi God.

"Dark Sun?"

Li Qinghe cautiously looked at the God of Creation in front of him.

"Did Light win the last Creation God Contest?"

Li Qinghe compared the one in front of him with the Kamen Rider BCK transformed by Nan Kotaro, and found that they were almost the same in appearance except for the aura on his body.However, the aura of the Creator God was very strong, and the suppressed three priests, as well as Nan Kotaro, couldn't breathe.

"You guessed right, this is for you, it contains some outdated information, it was all 5 years ago. But this is only on the premise that you can leave here.

Powerhouses from different worlds, let's fight. "

The God of Creation approached Li Qinghe step by step.

"How did you know?"

Coming to this world from the world of Kamen Rider 555 is Li Qinghe's most important secret at present.

For those who know this secret, Li Qinghe will never let him stay in this world, no matter who it is!

"I saw it in your dream, thanks to the tapir monster."

Chuang Shi Shen casually sold the tapir monster.

Li Qinghe took out the deltahone from his body and fired three shots in the direction of the tapir monster.The tapir monster was killed by Li Qinghe before the three priests and the Creator God could react.

After Li Qinghe killed the tapir monster, Kyoko's soul returned to his body, and Gorgom's plan to use Kyoko to transmit life energy to Nobuhiko failed.


Chuang Shishen saw that Li Qinghe didn't give himself face so much, so he didn't say any more, adhering to the principle of being able to do it without beeping.

Chuangshishen kicked Li Qinghe's waist, and Li Qinghe also raised his foot, colliding with Chuangshishen's foot.Both of them took half a step back.

In an instant, the two fought close to each other again. Li Qinghe punched Chuangshishen on the head, and Chuangshishen also punched Li Qinghe on the head. Neither of them kept their hands or defended.

The two punched each other on the head, and Li Qinghe's body was brought by the force of the punch to Nan Kotaro who was trapped by the three priests.

Li Qinghe easily broke Darom's mind control, and liberated Namkotaro,

"Kutaro, I'm pestering Chuangshi Shen, you go find Kyoko, go quickly."

Li Qinghe pushed Nan Kotaro out to the entrance of the cave where Kyoko was.Nan Kotaro took a deep look at Li Qinghe,

"Senior, hold on."

Li Qinghe lost the initiative because of the time to rescue Nan Kotaro, and was suppressed by the God of Creation, Li Qinghe could only see tricks.

When Li Qinghe saw Nan Kotaro leaving his sight, he let go of his aura completely.

"Leave me, hehe, with your current strength, it's better to go back to the furnace and rebuild it again."

Li Qinghe changed the situation of being suppressed, grabbed the hand of Chuangshishen who was hitting his head with one hand, and slapped Chuangshishen's face with the other hand.

Chuang Shishen was a little bored. This was the first time in 5 years that someone had slapped him.

Since Chuangshishen said that he wanted to keep him, then he slapped him in the face severely, and he had to slap someone in the face, otherwise Chuangshishen would not know the gap between himself and himself.

Li Qinghe slapped Chuangshishen in the face several times in a row, and then kicked Chuangshishen away.

"If it's not that you don't want Nan Kotaro to know my strength, do you think I will be attacked by you just now?"

Li Qinghe dodged Chuangshishen's angry blow, grabbed Chuangshishen's outstretched arm, and fell on his back, Chuangshishen was thrown to the ground by Li Qinghe.

"How did your strength improve so quickly?"

Chuanshishen quickly disappeared, and Li Qinghe's foot on his body missed.

"This is my true strength."

When Li Qinghe first came to this world, his physical strength had not yet been fully exerted, and he was at a low point of strength. At that time, his aura could rival the Chuangshi God, let alone now.

"You have hidden your strength, but you forgot one thing, this is my territory. Speed ​​suppression, strength suppression."

Just after Chuang Shi Shen finished speaking, Li Qinghe felt that the speed of each move slowed down and his strength weakened. .

Chuangshishen's power at the Golgom base can be maintained at its peak at any time, and at the Golgom base, Chuangshishen can exert his other abilities.

For example, invisibility is true invisibility, even the breath is completely hidden.The position of the Creator God cannot be judged by breath.

Chapter 34 The Angry God of Creation

Li Qinghe received a punch in the back, and his body quickly prepared to return to defense, but his consciousness kept up, but his body couldn't keep up.

Chuangshishen's kick lifted him to his chest, and Li Qinghe took a few steps back. During the process of retreating, Chuangshishen appeared behind Li Qinghe again and kicked Li Qinghe's back.

"Damn it, teleport?"

Li Qinghe braced Chuangshishen for a chest blow, grabbed Chuangshishen's leg, threw Chuangshishen to the ground, pulled him up, and continued to swing, never letting go, not letting Chuangshishen become invisible and teleport again .

Chuang Shishen didn't expect Li Qinghe to be so ruthless, he intentionally missed a loophole to attract himself, he forced himself to hit him, and grabbed his leg.

"However, do you think you can restrict me with this?"

Chuang Shi Shen's body turned into air, Li Qinghe grabbed Chuang Shi Shen's leg and disappeared in a flash.


Li Qinghe felt the slight wind fluctuation in front of him, and punched him out.

"Humph", Chuangshishen is not an ordinary attack this time, it is Chuangshishen's knight kick, "riderkick", but he didn't shout it out.

Li Qinghe's fist couldn't reach Chuangshishen's body, but Chuangshishen kicked Li Qinghe away.

Li Qinghe was kicked by the knight with this trick, and the kick was terrible.If it was used by Nan Guangtaro, it might only slightly injure Li Qinghe, but the knight kick of the Creator God can seriously injure Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe quickly stood up and found that the God of Creation had disappeared again. He closed his eyes and sensed the wind and grass around him.

"Senior, Xingzi has been found."

At this time, Nan Guangtaro came out of the cave with Xingzi on his back, saw Li Qinghe alone, and thought that Li Qinghe had defeated the Creator God.

"Let's go, Creation..."

As soon as Li Qinghe was distracted, the Chuangshi God seized the gap.

Li Qinghe realized that it was too late, sensing the direction of the attack, Li Qinghe put his arms together to block the next attack.

"Knight Fist."

Chuangshishen also didn't call out the knight punch, but this move was blocked by Li Qinghe's two arms, but Li Qinghe's arm suffered the blow and lost his intuition.

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