Enduring the numbness in his arms, Li Qinghe forcibly pushed away the fists of Chuang Shi Shen.

"You are really strong, but no matter how strong you are, you can't leave here. This is the place where you and Kotaro Nanami will be buried. However, if you are willing to obey Golgom, I will give you a chance to choose."

The voice of the Creator God came.

"Kutaro, you take Kyoko and leave quickly."

Kotaro didn't hesitate, turned around and left immediately, "Senior, wait for me."

Li Qinghe touched his belt with both hands, "Shining."

On Li Qinghe's waist, two sage stones appeared, spinning all the time, emitting a bright light. This was Li Qinghe's first attempt to imitate Nam Kotaro.

The emitted light broke Chuangshishen's invisibility in an instant. At this time, Chuangshishen was quietly approaching Li Qinghe, ready to attack Li Qinghe from the front and give Li Qinghe a final blow.

"So you are here."

Li Qinghe shook his hand and relieved the paralysis of his arm.Chuang Shishen has not yet reacted from the astonishment that Li Qinghe broke his invisibility.

Li Qinghe lifted the God of Creation and flung him away.


Chuangshishen reacted now. "Why Can You Use Regal Glitter?"

Nan Kotaro took advantage of this time to slip away.

"I'm under no obligation to answer your question. So..."

Li Qinghe kicked Chuangshishen, Chuangshishen's body blurred, dodging Li Qinghe's attack.

Li Qinghe saw that Nan Kotaro had left, "Chuang Shi Shen, I will come again next time, what about your share of the bet?"

"Here, I'll see how you leave."

Chuang Shi Shen threw the ball containing information from a long time ago to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe took the information ball.

This information ball has the aura of the Creator God, and he can trace it to Li Qinghe from the information.

"In that case, goodbye."

Li Qinghe patted his waist, and the flash of light on his waist released endless darkness, covering the place where Li Qinghe fought with the Chuangshi God.


When the darkness dissipated, Li Qinghe also disappeared.

"Fortunately, there is Nan Kotaro as a guide, otherwise I really don't know how to get out of here."

Li Qinghe followed the route that Nan Kotaro left, and quietly left the Golgom base camp.

"It's still careless. I didn't expect that the Chuangshi God is not weaker than me."

Li Qinghe remembers that in the plot of Kamen Rider bck, the God of Creation is more of a behind-the-scenes mastermind.In the final ending, it only showed an irregular ball without any strength, and it was easily solved by Nan Kotaro in the end.

Li Qinghe endured the pain all over his body and returned to the tea room.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Nan Kotaro returned to the tea room, he was busy leaving to fight with Li Qinghe.It turned out that he had sent Qiuyue Xingzi back with his front foot, and Li Qinghe staggered in.

"I'm fine, take me back."

It's hard to associate Li Qinghe's wounded appearance with nothing.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Moon Shadow Yujiali saw that Li Qinghe was covered in injuries, and hurriedly helped Li Qinghe back to the room.

In Yueying Yujiali's impression, Li Qinghe had never been injured, and he could deal with Nan Kotaro with one move, but he could hardly fight against ordinary weirdos with a second move.

Although Li Qinghe is greedy for women, but compared to Li Qinghe's strength, this is nothing.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Back in the room, Tomoko and Moon Shadow helped Li Qinghe onto the bed together with Gary.

This was the worst injury Li Qinghe had suffered in this world. He went to the Golgom base camp without making complete preparations. After all, Li Qinghe underestimated the enemy.

In the past, Li Qinghe saw that those strange people and the three priests were far behind his own strength, so he felt conceited.

This time fighting against the Chuangshi God, Li Qinghe really regained his conceit.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine after a few days of rest. Don't worry."

Li Qinghe forced a smile and said that during the fight, he didn't think he was seriously injured because of the fierce battle, but when he was recuperating, every grin involved the wound on his face.

"You have to pay attention to your own safety, we are all worried about you."

Lily said with concern, "I'll get the bandages and medicine."

Li Qinghe saw that only Yueying Yujiali was left in front of him.Facing Yueying Yugali, he said: "This time I am fighting against the God of Creation, so I guess he will have a hard time."

Moon Shadow Yugali also heard about the taboo topic of Creation God when he was in Golgom. In Golgom, Creation God is the supreme existence, and no one is more noble than him.

"Then are you seriously injured?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "The injury is not serious, and it may take a while to recover from the injury. During this time, pay attention to safety, try not to be alone, and don't leave me too far."

Golgom base camp.

Chuang Shishen saw that Li Qinghe had left, "cough cough cough."

Chuang Shishen kept coughing, and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Chuangshi God, what's wrong with you?"

The three priests hurried over to help Chuangshishen, but Chuangshishen's body began to slack.

"Sure enough, my strength has retreated to this point."

The voice of the Creator God came again.

"I just paid a big price and used my power in my heyday to stand against that person. If I hadn't occupied the home court, I would have seen the battle process just now. Li Qinghe pressed Chuangshi Shen at the beginning, It wasn't until Chuangshi Shen had to use other means that he took advantage.

But even so, Li Qinghe still escaped. The battle between Li Qinghe and Chuangshishen broke the myth of Chuangshishen's invincibility, and the message appeared in the hearts of the three priests that Chuangshishen can also be defeated.

"I reckon he was seriously injured, and the speed of healing is now more important. My lifespan is not long, so my strength recovers very slowly. I paid such a high price this time, and my strength has permanently regressed." .”

Hearing what Chuangshi Shen said, the cognition of the three priests felt completely reversed.

"Then what should we do next? Can we just let that person go?"

High Priest Darrom asked.

"No, what you need now is to slow down that person's healing speed as much as possible to prevent his strength from recovering. Cough cough."

Chuangshishen was injured far more seriously than Li Qinghe this time. Chuangshishen was at the end of his life, while Li Qinghe was at the rising stage of his life, and his strength still had the potential to improve.

In order to keep Li Qinghe this time, the God of Creation overdrawn his life, but instead of keeping Li Qinghe, Namko Taro also escaped with Kyoko.

"Master Chuangshishen, what do you think of Shadow Moon? The plan to transmit life energy to Shadow Moon has been destroyed."

High Priest Darrom asked.

"Shadow Moon, hey, that's the only way to go. Life Link."

In front of the God of Creation, the figure of himself just now condensed, pointed at the light ball where Yingyue was, and Yingyue's life flow was completely stabilized, and his life was no longer disappearing.

"I tied my life to Shadow Moon, and Shadow Moon's life is safe."

Chuangshishen said weakly.


"Next, it's time to settle your failures. You have failed too many times against the Black Sun. If you didn't have someone in your hands, you..."

After the Creation King finished speaking, strong electricity erupted from the three priests, and the three priests trembled from the shock.

"Lord Creation King, please be sure to appease your anger."

High Priest Darrom begged.

"The three of us will be responsible for defeating Kamen Rider BCK before the Century King awakens."

High Priest Darrom bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Please listen to us. The failures so far are due to people's unpredictability. I have fully estimated his ability. He lacks calmness and completely ignores our layout."

High Priest Darom explained the reason for the failure.


The King of Creation was originally in a bad mood to fight Li Qinghe and let Li Qinghe escape. He was furious when he heard Raohm, one of the three priests, explain why he failed. .

Stopped the punishment of High Priest Darom and Byhum, and increased the punishment of High Priest Raohm.


Chapter 35 Sword Saint Birginia

The great priest Raohm was paralyzed to the ground by the electric shock.Byhum quickly helped Raohm up.

"Since you are not capable? Then let Birginia come, I believe he will accomplish better than you."

The King of Creation said angrily.

"Are you going to break Birginia's seal? He is a dangerous man, please..."

Before the great priest Darom finished speaking, he was punished by the King of Creation again.

"Since it is the order of Lord Creation King, there is no other way. We will execute it immediately, please calm down."

The great priest Darom saw that the Creation King was angry, so he quickly changed his words.

"Remember, don't tell him that my battle with that person is like it didn't happen."

When the three priests were about to leave, the King of Creation seemed to have thought of something and added a sentence.

The three priests soon came to Birginia's sealed room, which was covered with thick dust.

"I would never, if possible, enter this room."

High Priest Darrom bit the bullet and entered here.

The great priests Raohm and Byhum nodded, agreeing, and they also had the same idea.

"If it is to eliminate Kamen Rider Bck, and to deal with that person, Birginia's power is needed, then there is no other way, the only way is to break the seal."

After the high priest Darom finished speaking, he waved at the sealing strip on the coffin that sealed Birginia, and the sealing strip spontaneously ignited without wind and turned into ashes.

After the seal was released, the chains made of unknown materials that bound the coffin were broken.

The three priests looked at the coffin together to see what would happen.

The coffin lid that sealed Birginia was opened at once, and a red cloak flew towards the three priests. The three priests quickly moved away.The red cloak flew back again, back into the coffin.

A man wearing a red cloak, holding a long sword and shield appeared, with a sharp aura.Virginia appeared.

Birginia clasped his hands tightly, knocked on the shield with his hand, and sucked at the coffin, and the coffin suddenly floated in front of Birginia.

Birginia pulled the sword out of its sheath, and slashed at the coffin at an extremely fast speed. The coffin was split into two, marking that Birginia had been officially liberated and would no longer be sealed.

"He's faster and more powerful."

High Priest Darrom's eyes shrunk.

"It seems that my sword doesn't seem to be rusted."

Birginia raised his Bill sword and continued,

"I've been locked up in this small place for 3 years, and my body is a little rusty. My lord, if I didn't make my lord angry and be locked in a coffin, you would be dead by now."

Birginia proudly said to the three priests.

"You guy..."

The great priest Raohm looked at Birginia angrily, it seemed that what Birginia said was true.

"Just kidding, I heard what you said in the coffin, what Kamen Rider bck, and that person, I don't know if you can't pronounce his name or are afraid of him, I will beat them all."

Birginia said arrogantly.

"Really? If that's the case, then you prove it and defeat Kamen Rider bck."

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