The police next to him opened fire in order to save the victim when dissuasion was ineffective.

A policeman precisely hit the man's hand holding Bill's sword, and Bill's sword fell to the ground, and the man's frightening eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Why am I here, what am I doing?"

When the man was in a daze, the police next to him rescued the girl all at once, and the other police rushed forward and pushed the man to the ground and locked him in handcuffs.

"What's going on? How could such a thing happen?"

The man had no idea what he had just done.

"Don't be stupid."

The police don't care if the man is sick or not, they will arrest him first.

A policeman saw Bill's sword falling to the ground and wanted to take it back to the police station as evidence of the man's murder.

The policeman had just picked up the sword, and his eyes immediately became slack, and changed to the same eyes as the man who committed the murder just now.

At this time, Nan Kotaro just ran over and discovered this scene.

"Look at the man in the jeans in front of you and kill him."

The voice of Sword Saint Birginia came.

The policeman took Bill's sword and slashed at Kotaro Minami frantically.

The police next to him noticed the sound and hurried over to stop the policeman controlled by Bill's sword, but the policeman controlled by Bill's sword cut the carotid artery with his sword and died.

The other policemen had no choice but to shoot at the policeman controlled by Bill Sword.

"Bang bang bang", several bullets killed the policeman controlled by Bill's sword.

"I didn't expect outsiders like the police to interfere with my plan. But if they interfere with my plan, you can go to hell to atone for your sins."

Juggernaut Birginia stood up from a policeman, threw the policeman's hat, turned into Juggernaut Birginia, and sucked Bill's sword into his hand.

Before Minami Kotaro could react, the swordsman Birginia cut the policeman around him, the mad man, and the girl he had just rescued into several sections.

"You guy, don't you take human life seriously?"

Nan Kotaro clenched his fists, "Transform."

After Namkotaro transformed, he immediately held his chest. The place where he was slashed by the swordsman Birginia hadn't healed yet.

Juggernaut Birginia saw Nan Kotaro coming out, and wanted to deal with Nan Kotaro here.

"The situation is not good, retreat first."

Nan Kotaro knew of his injury, which had already affected the battle.

Nan Kotaro turned around and ran, and left quickly on his motorcycle.

"Damn, coward, how could Gorgom choose such a person as the candidate for the Creation King, the only one who can become the Creation King is me, Sword Saint Birginia.

Want to run, can you run?go. "

Juggernaut Birginia threw his Bill sword out, and the direction went straight to the direction where Fushimoto Kotaro left.

Nam Kotaro hurriedly ran to the tea room on his motorcycle. Nam Kotaro knew that he could not defeat the Sword Saint Birgenia at all, and needed to rely on Li Qinghe's strength. Although Li Qinghe was seriously injured, Nam Kotaro still believed in Li Qinghe's strength.

Kotaro Minami looked back to see if there was Sword Saint Birginia chasing after him, but he found that Bill Sword was chasing him at an extremely fast speed.

Nan Kotaro immediately got down on the ground, dodging the attack of Bill's sword behind him.

Bill Sword came to the front of Kotaro Namiko, inserted it in front of the motorcycle, and blocked Kotaro Namikotaro's fast-moving motorcycle, and Kotaro Namiko was thrown out of the motorcycle.

Nan Kotaro got up from the ground and found that the attack of the swordsman Birginia had arrived. He rolled several donkeys in a row to avoid the attack.


Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Nan Kotaro had no choice but to fight. The desire to survive made Nan Kotaro forget the pain on his body.

"He is different from any weirdo who has fought so far, his eyes are as cold as ice, and his terrifying murderous aura."

Kotaro Minami had just transformed into Kamen Rider BCK, but found that the Sword Saint Birgenia had disappeared.

"Nan Kotaro, look at the place you came from. It's a tomb, specially prepared for you. It made you run so far and stopped you here on purpose. Hahaha."

Juggernaut Birginia laughed wildly.

"Shut up, you do whatever you can to achieve your goals, even killing irrelevant people, how can you be worthy of being a sword master?"

Namkotaro said excitedly.

"Is that the only thing in your eyes? The weak have no right to survive, and being weak is the original sin, don't you know?"

Juggernaut Birginia emerged from the smoke in the tomb with Bill sword and shield.


Kotaro Minami refuted the point of view of the swordsman Birginia.

"According to you, the weak should not exist, but have you ever thought that in the eyes of the real strong, you are the weak."

"To shut up."

Juggernaut Birginia seemed to think of something embarrassing him in the past, and became angry.

Juggernaut Birginia slashed at Minami Kotaro with a sword, but Minami Kotaro dodged quickly, and the tombstone behind him was cut in half by Juggernaut Birginia.

"Bill Sword, Dark Storm."

Juggernaut Birginia slid his sword on the shield, and the blade was glowing with yellow light, forming a storm of yellow energy that pressed against Kotaro Minami, who smashed seven or eight tombstones and stopped. .

"rider kick"!

Minami Kotaro kicked towards Juggernaut Birgenia, who disdainfully blocked it with his shield, and Minami Kotaro was kicked back by his own knight.

Chapter 37 The Ambush of the Juggernaut Birginia

Minami Kotaro stood up quickly, and found that the sword master Birgenia was about to strike at him again with the Bill sword. Minami Kotaro stretched the sword master Birgenia's hand holding the Bill sword with one hand, and turned his other hand into a fist , smashing towards Sword Saint Birginia.

Juggernaut Birginia held a shield in his other hand to block Kotaro Minami's attack, and used the shield to fly Kotaro Minami away.

"Bill sword, the demon clone."

Juggernaut Birginia held the sword and pointed to the left and right, and in the eyes of Minami Kotaro, three Juggernaut Birginias appeared.

Juggernaut Juggernaut Birginia threw the red cloak behind him on top of Minami Kotaro's head, and Minami Kotaro found that his environment had become a dark environment.

Minami Kotaro looked at the three swordsmen Birginia in front of him, and they also had big heads.

"Compound eyes."

Kotaro Minami looked at the Juggernaut and Juggernaut Birginia with compound eyes, and found that there were still three people.

"No, I can't tell."

Nan Kotaro supported himself in the dark environment, and after a while, he was hit by Bill's sword many times.

"last blow."

The swordsman Birginia yelled, holding his sword and pressing towards Minami Kotaro.

"Looks like it's the only way to try, Flash."

Minami Kotaro put his fists on the upper part of the belt, and the waist emitted a bright light.

"What light."

Juggernaut Birginia covered his eyes to avoid being stimulated by the flash.

"Riderkick", Minami Kotaro took advantage of Juggernaut Birginia to cover his eyes, and kicked Juggernaut Birginia again with a knight kick.

However, Juggernaut Birginia blocked Bill Shield in front of him with his keen fighting sense, and Minami Kotaro's knight kicked Juggernaut Birginia back a few steps, but it only caused such damage.

"Using the knight kick while the sword master Birginia lost his mind, it didn't hurt him. It's really strong."

Nan Kotaro said in surprise.

"You really piss me off. I'm going to send you to hell."

Swordsman Birginia pointed Bill's sword at Kotaro Minami again.

"Is he immortal? He has fought me for so long without any fatigue. It seems that he needs to retreat first, and come back after thinking about a countermeasure."

Nan Kotaro was not a dead-headed person either, he stepped back step by step.

"Battle Locusts."

The fighting locusts came from behind Juggernaut and Juggernaut Birginia at an extremely fast speed, rushed the Juggernaut Birginia away again, and rescued Minami Kotaro.

"Damn it, it's only a little short again, if I also have a locomotive comparable to the battle locust, then I can kill the Kamen Rider bck.

He is the only locomotive comparable to the Battle Locust. "

Juggernaut Birginia snorted coldly and left.

Golgom base camp.

"I heard that the battle eagle has been completed, but there is a lack of a suitable rider. I think the battle eagle is prepared for me, what do you think?"

Juggernaut Birginia returned to the Golgom base camp and asked the three priests straight to the point.

"What? You still want to control the fighting eagle, it's impossible."

The great priest Raohm immediately refused.

"Looks like I need to try to see if my Bill sword is still sharp."

Juggernaut Birginia drew out Bill's sword and pointed it at the high priest Raohm.

"Wait a minute, the fighting eagle can be given to you. But the fighting eagle is not in our hands at the moment. He was taken away by Daimon Yoichi's son Damon Ming. We have been searching for his whereabouts.

But have been unable to find.The battle eagle is yours if you can find it. "

High Priest Darom stopped the impending battle between Raohm and Swordsman Birgenia.

"Hahaha, I wish I had said this earlier. I will borrow the Batman for a few days first. I know that the Batman is the most efficient way to find someone."

Juggernaut Birginia smiled and left.

"He's getting more and more arrogant, should you give the fighting eagle to him?"

High Priest Bihume asked.

"Leave it to him, how is it possible, leave it to him, with his temperament, after getting the fighting eagle, his strength will increase sharply, I don't know how he will belittle us, but in case Kamen Rider bck gets the fighting eagle, no! Never! Let him have it."

The great priest Darom said word by word.

"I have asked Batman to deliberately leak the information about the battle eagle to Kamen Rider bck. Beetle monster, you are responsible for preventing the sword saint Birginia from getting the battle eagle."

High Priest Darrom revealed his plan.

This world has an extra variable called Li Qinghe, and the three priests changed their plan to prevent Nan Kotaro from getting the fighting eagle, and instead wanted to stop the swordsman Birginia.

After Li Qinghe rested for a few days, his body has recovered a lot.

"Yugali, I'll go out for a walk. Otherwise, my body will really rust."

Li Qinghe got off the bed, rode Nan Kotaro's motorcycle and left, walking casually.

Suddenly Li Qinghe felt that the bat-monster was calling him, and following the direction of the bat-monster, Li Qinghe rode a motorcycle.

"Batman, do you have any news for me?"

Li Qinghe came to a deep mountain, and he was not afraid of the bat monster ambushing him. Although Li Qinghe's injuries were not completely healed, as long as it wasn't a fierce battle, it wouldn't affect his injuries too much.

The Batman told Li Qinghe the news that the great priest Darrom had asked him to tell Kamen Rider bck, that is, Nam Kotaro.

"What? Battle Eagle, are you sure?"

Li Qinghe saw the Batman nodding all the time, and confirmed the authenticity of the information.

In fact, Golgom discovered Damen Ming and his son very early on, but because the quality of the people required by the fighting eagle is very high, and he couldn't find a suitable candidate for the time being, he let Damen Ming train his son. My son went to practice motorcycles.

Once Damen Ming's son can successfully fly the fighting eagle, it's time for Golgom to make a move, and Damen Ming always thought he was hiding in the mountains, so Golgom couldn't find him.

"Since Kotaro Minami, as Kamen Rider Bck, already has his own mount, Fighting Locust, as Kamen Rider Delta, how can I not have a cool mount?

If God doesn't take it, you will be blamed instead. "

Li Qinghe obtained Damen Ming's position from the bat monster.

"You said that you are now controlled by the swordsman Birginia, it seems that there are many internal conflicts in Gorgom.

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