You should leave first, lest the Sword Saint Birginia become suspicious. "

Li Qinghe let the Batman leave, and drove towards the location of Damen Minglian's car.

Li Qinghe soon heard the roar of the motorcycle, "It seems to be coming soon."

Li Qinghe arrived nearby, got off the motorcycle, and quietly watched Damen Ming watch his son train on the motorcycle.

Damen Ming's son rode well. If it wasn't for his age, he might be better than Damen Ming.

After a while, Damon Ming's son Damen Kenichi fell off the motorcycle while crossing an obstacle.

"I'll try harder next time."

Kenichi Damon stood up immediately, ready to continue training on his motorcycle.

"Okay. One more time."

Damen Ming said with a straight face, and said in an extremely severe tone.

"Damen Ming, your son has already practiced well."

Li Qinghe walked out without hiding his body.


Damen Ming fled quickly with his son.

"Oh, obediently hand over the fighting eagle, I can kill you, if you don't know how to do it..."

Li Qinghe walked in the direction of Damen Ming's house.

Damen Ming and his son were hiding in a cave at this time, Da Damen Ming covered Damen Kenichi's mouth.

"If they are found, they may be killed. Grandpa and mother were also killed by them. Unforgivable, Golgom is an evil group."

A raging fire of revenge ignited in Damen Ming's heart.The seeds of hatred for Gorgom were also planted in Kenichi Damon's young heart.

A few drops of dark green liquid dripped onto Damen Ming's hand. Da Damen Ming looked up and found that the Batman was hanging upside down on the ceiling of the cave.

"Ah ah ah."

Damen Jian walked out with his father Damen Ming in his arms.

As soon as he came out of the cave, he saw a murderous man with a sword and shield in front of him.

"Hand over the battle eagle."

Juggernaut Birginia Cong, the Batman, learned of Damen Ming's location and waited at the entrance of the cave.

"Are you sent by Gorgom?"

Damen Ming asked nervously.

"I'm Birginia, the swordsman of Gorgom, what do you say?"

Juggernaut Birginia is confident that no one can save Damen Ming and his son from himself.


Damen Ming immediately rejected the request of the Sword Saint Birginia.

"Hmph. Longhorn, go."

Juggernaut Birginia sent the three priests to his assistant, the longhorn monster.

Tianniu Weiren easily captured Damen Ming's son Damen Kenichi. Damen Ming and his son had no combat experience at all, even Tianniu Weiren couldn't escape even if he wanted to release water.

"It has nothing to do with my son."

The beetle monster kept increasing his strength towards Damon Kenichi's neck, and Damon Kenichi's face turned red from being pinched.

"Wait a minute, I'll take you there. So please let go of my son."

Damen Ming only has such a son. If Damen Kenichi is killed, he will not be able to control the fighting eagle.

Even if he keeps the fighting eagle, it will not help. No matter from which point of view, Damen Mingdou must protect his son, so he can hand over the fighting eagle.

"That's good, lead the way."

Damen Ming walked slowly, slowing down as much as possible, trying to figure out a way to escape with his son Damon Kenichi.

Juggernaut Birgenia looked at Damen Ming walking so slowly, and didn't care. He didn't believe that Damen Ming, an ordinary person, could escape his control.

Li Qinghe soon heard rustling footsteps in Damen Ming's room,

"Hurry up, do you think someone will come to save you?"

Juggernaut Birginia urged Damen Ming eagerly.

Damen Ming opened the door and took the key to open the secret door hidden in the utility room of the room.

Damon Ming walked in front, slowly slowing down, and suddenly snatched his son Daimon Kenichi, and pressed a button on the wall, and an iron door fell from the dark room, successfully trapping Damon Ming and his son and the swordsman Bilge. Nia is separated.

"Fortunately, I kept such a hand at the beginning."

Damen Ming said with lingering fear.

As soon as the voice fell, the gate blocking the sword saint Birginia was cut open by Bill's sword.

Chapter 38 Fighting Eagles

"Oh, I didn't expect Damen Ming to have this kind of operation, but the door is not strong, so it broke open so easily."

Swordsman Birginia came in with Bill sword.

Juggernaut Birginia saw the motorcycle behind Damen Ming at a glance, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"This should be a fighting eagle, it looks unusual."

Juggernaut Birginia ignored Damen Ming and his son and sat on the motorcycle.

"Damen Ming, if you agree to work for me, then you and your son can both survive. If not..., the debt just now hasn't been settled yet?"

Sword Saint Birginia said viciously.

It's not that the swordsman Birginia is generous, but that he hasn't tested the performance of the combat eagle. After the test is completed, Damen Ming and his son will die.Juggernaut Birginia would never let anyone who offended him go.

"I do, I do."

Da Damen Ming quickly agreed, now people are Daozu, and I am fish.

"I do not want to."

Seeing that the fighting eagle had been found, Li Qinghe no longer hid himself, and walked in through the iron gate that had just been destroyed by the swordsman Birginia.

"You are?"

Juggernaut Birginia saw Li Qinghe coming in alone, and he was full of caution.As the saying goes, if you don't have twos and threes, how dare you go to Liangshan.


Li Qinghe didn't explain himself, but walked up to the fighting eagle, and pulled down the swordsman Birginia who was riding the fighting eagle, and made the swordsman Birginia roll on the ground a few times.


Juggernaut Birginia was so humiliated by Li Qinghe, his heart was full of anger.

"Then I'll send you to hell."

Juggernaut Birginia slashed at Li Qinghe with Bill's sword.

Li Qinghe touched his belt, "Transform."

Li Qinghe transformed into a Kamen Rider Delta, and grabbed the Sword Saint Birginia's Bill sword with one hand.

"The sword is too slow."

Li Qinghe tried to pull the Bill sword in his hand, and found that the sword master Birgenia was still holding it very tightly. Li Qinghe tried a little bit to take the Bill sword over to have a look, but the sword master Birgenia of course refused.

Juggernaut Birginia pulled Bill's sword backwards like a tug-of-war with all his strength.

Li Qinghe saw the sword master Birgenia using all his strength to grab the sword from himself, and let go of the Bill sword in his hand. The sword master Birgenia did not expect Li Qinghe to let go all of a sudden, and fell to the ground with Bill sword. on the ground.

Li Qinghe didn't know how to drive it when he got off the battle eagle, and he couldn't start it even when he got up.

"I just wanted to see your sword, since you don't want to show it to me, then forget it."

Li Qinghe stood in front of the Sword Saint Birginia.

Juggernaut Birginia hastily stepped back to keep a distance from Li Qinghe.

"I can't eat you again, what are you afraid of?"

Li Qinghe looked at the longhorn beside him, "You shouldn't be here."

Li Qinghe used the deltahone to shoot three times in a row, killing the longhorn monster.Juggernaut Birginia looked at Li Qinghe and swallowed in fear.

Li Qinghe approached the Sword Saint Birginia step by step, while the latter retreated step by step.

Juggernaut Birginia felt a terrifying aura from Li Qinghe. This is a man more terrifying and powerful than the Creation King 3 years ago.

"Aren't you a sword master? Come on, let's have a few more strikes, and let me see your swordsmanship."

The more Li Qinghe said this, the less he dared to draw his sword, the more he dared not draw his sword. Sweat kept dripping from his head and face, "How is it possible, how could he be so powerful, I have never heard of such a person, yes A strong man who came out after I was sealed?"

Juggernaut Birginia couldn't stand the pressure anymore, turned around and walked towards the small door he had cut with Bill's sword, and half crawled and half ran out.

"Thank you for saving us."

When Damen Ming and his son saw Li Qinghe drive away the Sword Saint Birgenia, they quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, this is what I should, but why did Gorgom follow you? Why did you contact the locomotive in this deep mountain? And he is so strict with your son."

Li Qinghe asked knowingly.

"This matter has to start with my father, Yangyi Damen. My father has been devoting himself to the research of locomotives. At first, due to financial reasons, his father's research was temporarily suspended. Later, he was funded by Gorgom, and his father's research was able to continue. Go ahead and thus become one of Gorgom's researchers.

But deceived by Golgom, Golgom was told that his father's locomotive research was used to destroy the peace after he was about to finish his locomotive research.

And in order to find the right rider, they targeted me.In their words, it is ideal for the son to ride the motorcycle developed by the father.

My father wanted to give me the fastest motorcycle in the world as a gift.It took my father a long time to complete this battle eagle, and he never stepped out of the laboratory.

After finishing fighting the eagle, the father said that he would go to the mountains to play with his family. After I went fishing under the bridge with my son Kenichi Damon, I heard the cry of my father and wife for help on the bridge. After I went up, they had already been killed. Gorgom killed.

Since then, I have made up my mind, I want to take revenge, to take revenge on Gorgom, but I can't fly the battle eagle anyway, there is no other way, so I pin my hope of revenge on my son. "

Damen Ming said sadly.

"But today you are here, I will lend you the battle eagle, I think you can destroy Gorgom, please."

Damen Ming bowed.

Li Qinghe nodded, and Li Qinghe pushed the fighting eagle out. After Damen Ming's guidance, Li Qinghe quickly mastered how to fly the fighting eagle.

Li Qinghe started to test ride,

"Good speed. Attack shield. More than 3000 kilometers, really good locomotive."

Li Qinghe is very satisfied with the performance of the combat eagle, and the combat eagle also has a smart computer for easy contact.

Li Qinghe quickly returned to the room not far from Damen Ming, stopped the motorcycle, and heard Damen Ming talking to his son.

Li Qinghe didn't go in right away, but stopped outside the door.

"Father, did you give him the whole life of Grandpa's hard work? Even though he saved us, there is no need to give him this battle eagle, right?"

Damon Kenichi said with some dissatisfaction.

"Son, I didn't give it to him. How could I give him such a precious thing for nothing?"

A cunning expression appeared on Damen Ming's face, which was different from the usual honesty and honesty.

"Then father, you do this?"

Kenichi Damon asked puzzledly.

"Son, your locomotive training is not enough now, and you can't drive the combat eagle alone. So now we don't have the strength to avenge Golgom. We need someone to attract Golgom's attention for us. keep training.

That's why I said yes to that person, I lent him to use, and if he wiped out Gorgom, then I will recall the battle eagle through this exclusive battle eagle pager.

Once that man is killed by Gorgom, then bring the Battle Eagle back and let it be yours.

With the so-called life-saving grace, I want to get the fighting eagle, how is it possible, if it is not necessary for him to attract Gorgom's firepower, hum. "

Li Qinghe heard this, opened the door and walked in.

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