On the road, Kotaro Minami saw a little girl in a flowered sweater, crying while flipping through the trash can.

Minami Kotaro got off his motorcycle and came to the little girl.

"What happened to little sister?"

Minami Kotaro asked enthusiastically.

"I'm looking for my little beauty."

The little girl flipped through the trash can while talking.


Namkotaro asked puzzledly.

"It was a doll my grandma gave me last year. Mom said it was too dirty so she threw it away."

The little sister cried and said.

"Well, I'll look for it with you."

Minami Kotaro's search efficiency was very high, and he quickly searched all the trash cans around him.

"But it seems like it's gone."

Minami Kotaro saw that little sister started crying again when he heard what he said. Minami Kotaro touched his forehead,

"It's really troublesome. By the way, big brother will take you back. Where is your home?"

The little sister pointed to the direction with her left hand, "Over there."

"Okay, big brother will ride on your shoulders for you, how about it, it's very good."

Minami Kotaro put the little girl on his shoulders, and quickly coaxed the little girl into a smile.

"Has Yukari not come back yet? Sure enough, it's not good to throw away that doll."

A man said anxiously.

"But that doll is really dirty."

Obviously it was the man's wife who said.

"Dad, Mom."

At this time, Yukari, the little girl on Nan Kotaro's shoulder, shouted at the group of couples.

"Where did you go, Yugali, I'm so worried about my mother."

Yugali's mother hugged Yugali.

"Mom, I'm going to find Xiaomei, this big brother sent me back."

Yugali explained his whereabouts just now.

"That's right, thank you very much."

Yugali's father bowed to Nan Kotaro in thanks.

"By the way, Yugari, let me buy you a new doll."

Said by Gary's father.

"No, I don't want a new one, I want Xiaomei."

The little girl Yugali began to cry again.

"Don't cry, brother will come to play with you next time. Yes."

After making an agreement with the little girl, Kotaro Minami left.

"What? Have you found Kotaro Minami's weakness?"

The High Priest Darom looked at the Sword Saint Birginia suspiciously.

"Nan Kotaro has such an obvious weakness that you can't discover it."

Juggernaut Birginia taunted High Priest Darom.


The great priest Darom stopped Raohm from questioning, shook his head,

"Birginia, don't be so secretive. If you find anything about Minami Kotaro's weakness, just speak up."

The great priest Darom said.

"Namkotaro's weakness is his kind heart. It can be seen from the fact that Namkotaro is willing to believe in Professor Kuromatsu who killed him. In order to verify this idea, I asked the bat monster to track down Namkotaro.

Sure enough, a discovery has been made. You see, this is the evidence just now. "

Juggernaut Birginia showed the picture of Minami Kotaro with the little girl.

"Sure enough, that's the case, let's try it on Minami Kotaro first.

Listen, if the knight notices the girl, we can set a trap for that, he'll be hooked, the girl's parents, and the house they're living in, that's the breaking point.

Try to take advantage of all this and kill Kamen Rider bck, anemone monster. "

The great priest Darom pointed, and the anemone monster jumped down from the pink lotus platform. After turning gracefully around, it turned into a young woman who still had a charm. She only put on a pair of sunglasses, and suddenly became a A strong woman in the workplace, the image of a strong woman comes into view.

The little girl is from Gary's house.

Yugali sat at the dining table sullenly, turning a blind eye to the meals cooked by his parents, and pouted.

"Yugali, how long are you going to be awkward? Dad said he would buy you a new doll. Mom has been patient not to buy new things. I also want to live in a new house."

Yugali's mother earnestly persuaded Yugali who lost his temper.

"What are you talking about? I'm also working hard."

Yugali's father spoke his mind.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

"Who, at this time."

Yugali's mother was very reluctant to be disturbed during meal time, but she patiently opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a woman wearing black high heels and silk stockings, expensive clothes, and a string of pearls around her neck.

"Although it's a bit rude, I have something to tell you. This is my business card."

The woman handed her business card to Yugali's mother.

Yugali's mother took the business card hesitantly, and looked at the introduction on it, "Hualun Real Estate."

The woman was introduced into the family by Gary's mother.

As soon as he entered Yugali's room, he said directly to Yugali's father,

"That's right, our Hualun Real Estate Company wants to buy your home."

"What? Want to buy this house."

Yugali's father slapped the teacup by his mouth on the table.

"Of course the price must be very high. First of all, this is a deposit, these..."

The woman put a box of Japanese coins on the table, and Gary's father stared straight at the money when he saw the money.Yugari's mother also looked surprised.

"More than that, we have also prepared a new house that can be moved into immediately."

Seeing that Yujiali's parents were all in shock, the woman was very satisfied in her heart: this is an ugly human being.

"Not only the money, but also a new house to live in right away?"

Yugali's mother verified again that if it is true, it is really a good thing that the pie fell from the sky.

The woman nodded, "That's a big, great house."


Yugali's mother looked at her husband with an affirmative tone.Who doesn't want to be a demolition household and get rich overnight!

"Mom, this house is enough for Yugali, and there are many friends here."

When Yugali heard that his parents wanted to sell the house, he hurried over to stop it.

"Shut up Yugari. Anyway, let's see the new house first."

Yugali's father didn't want Yugali to disturb this matter.

"Really? Then I will take you to visit now."

"Let's go then, quick."

The woman got up and took Yugali's parents to see the new house, leaving Yugali alone in the old house. .

"Very well, Anemone Monster, this house is very suitable as a graveyard for Kamen Rider Bck. You are ready to start fighting immediately."

The great priest Darom ordered to the anemone monster.

Chapter 43 by Gary in Distress

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

The Anemone patted his chest in reassurance.

On this day, Nan Kotaro kept in mind the agreement with Yukari, and wanted to accompany Yukari to play.

Nan Kotaro drove towards Yugali's home on a motorcycle, and soon found Yugali's home.

"Ah, I moved suddenly. Is that so?"

Nan Kotaro thanked the enthusiastic neighbors of Yugali's family.

When Nan Kotaro came here, he found that Yugali's house was empty and the door was closed. After asking the neighbors around, he learned that Yugali's family had suddenly moved.

Nan Kotaro was still thinking about why Yugali's family moved away suddenly, when he suddenly heard Yugali's voice.

"elder brother."

Yugari trotted towards Minami Kotaro in a red short skirt.

"Yukari, you moved to your new home."

Namkotaro congratulated.

Unexpectedly, Yujiali said angrily, "Youjiali hates the new home, big brother, I had a dream last night, and I dreamed that Xiaomei returned to this house, so I came here."

After Yugali finished speaking, he ran back to his hometown.

"Yu Gary."

Nan Kotaro also followed Yugali into Yugali's hometown.

As soon as Nan Kotaro entered, he saw a doll with draped hair and a red dress. He panicked when he saw it. It is possible that the reason why Gary's mother threw away the doll was not because he thought it was dirty, but also because of the same idea.

Yugali's mother is also a hardworking housewife, and cleaning this doll does not take time, but this doll really looks uncomfortable.

"Xiaomei, you really are back. This is a wind-up doll, as long as you wind it up, you can walk."

But Yugari didn't feel any discomfort, picked up the doll, stroked the hair of the doll, turned the clockwork of the doll, put the doll on the ground, and sure enough, the doll walked automatically.

"Strange, there seems to be something wrong, there must be something."

Nan Kotaro felt a little uneasy, squatted down and grabbed the doll in his hand.

Because it was Shiyugali's doll, Kotaro Minami was embarrassed to break it apart to see what was inside, but he didn't find anything wrong after careful inspection.

At this moment, the room trembled, and the doll in Nan Kotaro's hand fell to the ground.

Vines came in from various windows in the room and tied them towards Nan Kotaro.

These vines bound towards Nan Kotaro and Yukari.

"Big brother, help."

Yu Jiali's cry for help made Nan Kotaro quickly break free from the few vines on his body, and released the vines on Yu Jiali's body.

Namkotaro hugged Yukari and was about to leave the room. Just after he left the door, a vine was tied to Namkotaro, and Namkotaro quickly put down Yukari who was not tied up.

"Run, Yugali, leave me alone."

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