After Nan Kotaro finished speaking, he was dragged back to the room by the vines.And Yukari, who was running to leave the room, was about to walk out of the room when the door of the room suddenly closed.

"Open it, open it."

After Yugali tried to leave from the door to no avail, he remembered that the window could also be left. When he opened the window, the window was also blocked by a wooden board, and Yugali could not open it at all with his strength.

"Open it, open it."

Gary tapped on the window.

Nan Kotaro also heard Yugali's voice, but he was locked by vines and couldn't save Yugali.

At this time, the refrigerator in front of Kotaro Minami opened, and a suction force sucked Yugali, who was flapping against the window, into the refrigerator.

"Help, help."

Yugali's cry for help came from the refrigerator.

Nan Kotaro broke free from the vines on his body in an instant, rushed to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and found that there was nothing in the refrigerator, but Yugali's cry for help could still be heard.

It was a vine that came out of this room and knocked Minami Kotaro aside.

"Battle Locusts."

Nan Kotaro summoned his mount, and the fighting locusts rushed into the room.

"Fighting locusts, go after Yugali."

Just as Kotaro Minami finished speaking, the combat locusts were trapped by a transparent cover.

With a sound of "Zi", the combat locust disappeared.

"What, fighting locusts."

Nan Kotaro looked at the disappearing combat locusts and didn't react.

The figures of the great priests Darom, Raohm, and Byhum appeared in the mirror of the room.

"Nan Kotaro, you cannot escape, the Sun Stone is destined to be ours."


Nan Kotaro turned into Kamen Rider BCK and smashed the mirror. Although the three priests disappeared in the mirror, the voices of the three priests could still be heard.

"Do you think we are not sure enough to let you into this house?"

The great priest Raohm said.

Countless vines grew on the four walls of the room, binding Minami Kotaro's limbs.

Minami Kantaro could feel the belt around his waist being touched, and it was obvious that someone had snatched his Emperor Stone.

"Since I can't see the person who wants to rob me, but I can feel everything around here, it means that this is an illusion. Since it is an illusion, then there must be a device around to control illusions. What is it?"

Minami Kotaro struggled desperately, trying to get out of the vine.

"Compound eyes."

Kotaro Minami used compound eyes, and quickly discovered the control device, which was the little beauty, the doll, that Yu Gary was looking for.

"Is it really that doll? Flash."

Nan Kotaro's belt emitted a destructive light, his limbs felt strength multiplied, and he struggled hard to free the vines on his body.

And the doll that was flashed fell to the ground and turned into the great priest Darom.

"Damn it, Kamen Rider."

The great priest Darom turned around and disappeared.The room is also restored to the same condition as when I first came in.The room was neat and tidy, as if nothing had happened just now.

Then the door opened.

"Yu Gary."

Yugali's mother rushed into this room first, glanced at Minami Kotaro who had untransformed, and then went to look for the child.

"Excuse me, has my Yugali been here?" Yugali's father asked anxiously.


Before Minami Kotaro finished speaking, he heard Yugari's mother's cry.

"By Gary, by Gary. Brace yourself, by Gary."

Nan Kotaro and Yukari's father hurried to Yukari's mother and found Yukari lying down.

"Yukari, it's okay, Yugali."

Yugali's mother patted Yugali's face with her hands, and Yugali woke up under the call of his parents.


Yugari hugged her mother tightly.

"Since it's all right, let's get out of this house quickly."

When Yugali's mother was leaving, she found the doll not far from her and wanted to go to get it.

Nanguan Taro also found out, and quickly stood in front of them.

"Dangerous, don't go back."

Minami Kotaro was facing the doll, completely oblivious to the change of Gary's father into the great priest Raohm behind him.

Raohm grabbed Namkotaro's neck, and Namkotaro realized that he might have been tricked.

"Raohm, why is it you?"

Minami Kotaro asked in astonishment.

"You've been caught, Kotaro Minami."

Nan Kotaro threw away the great priest Raohm, but was also punched by Raohm and fell to the ground.


From Gary's mother to Bihume, the great priest.

"Let go of Yugali."

Kotaro Minami said angrily to Bihume who was pinching Yugali.

The great priest Bihume really let go of Yugari, but what Minami Kotaro didn't expect was that Yugali was transformed by the great priest Darom.

The great priest Darom waved at Namkotaro, and Namkotaro was sent flying aside by Darom's telekinetic force.

"You're so naive, Kotaro Minami."

Just after the great priest Darom finished speaking, Raohm released the energy chain in his hand, and threw Nan Kotaro into the environment created by the anemone monster in Gorgom.

"Battle Locusts."

Nan Kotaro threw it down heavily, and at a glance he found the combat locusts trapped by the cover. No matter how the combat locusts collided, they couldn't break through the cover.

"Big brother, help."

Yugali, who was wrapped in a lotus, made a cry for help.

"Yu Gary."

Before Minami Kotaro approached Yukari, he was blocked by an anemone jumping out of another lotus.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The Anemone Man used his voice to attract Minami Kotaro's attention from the very beginning, held him down from behind, and punched Namkotaro twice hard in the chest, and Namkotaro was sent flying.

Minami Kotaro immediately stood up and prepared to transform.

"Minami Kotaro, it's time to deal with you. This is a special cemetery prepared for you. Your battles so far are commendable, but those are useless."

"Shut up and give me Yugali back."

Kotaro Minami interrupted what the High Priest Darom was saying.

"Yukari is of no use to us, if you want us to give it to you, you just need to fight the anemone monster and defeat him.

But I want to remind you that you can't transform here, once you transform, the space made by the anemone monster will explode. "

The great priest Raohm looked at Minami Kotaro who was about to transform but was interrupted by his words.


Nan Kotaro wanted to listen to the explanation from the three priests, why he couldn't transform.

"What fills this space is the pollen of the anemone monster. When you transform into a Kamen Rider, it will ignite the light from the transformation belt and cause a big explosion. If you don't believe it, you can try to transform ah."

High Priest Bihume explained why.

"Then it doesn't matter if you turn that girl into ashes."

The great priest Darom pointed to Yugali, and the lotus surrounding Yugali became tighter.

"Big brother, Yugali is really uncomfortable, help me."

Yu Jiali asked Nan Kotaro for help.

"Should we obediently give the Sunstone to us to save the girl, or continue to fight like this, and we all die together, choose one of the two."

The great priest Darom urged Minami Kotaro to make a decision.

"Who will listen to you."

Minami Kotaro directly rejected the proposal of the great priest Darom. .

"You really don't give up, go, anemone monster."

Hearing the order from the great priest Darom, the anemone monster put his hands on his chest and jumped in front of Kotaro Minami.

Chapter 44 Helping Minami Kotaro

"How to do?"

The outstretched fist of Nan Kotaro was caught by the anemone monster, and he kicked Nam Kotaro's waist with his backhand. Nan Kotaro's waist was injured, and he fell to the ground weakly clutching his waist.

The anemone monster didn't care about Minami Kotaro's reaction, he stepped on Minami Kotaro's head, and continued to step on Minami Kotaro's head.

Minami Kotaro held back the pain in his chest and grabbed the Anemone Monster's other leg with one hand, and pulled it hard, and the Anemone Monster fell to the ground by such a pull by Minami Kotaro.

Just as Kotaro Minami was about to stand up, Raohm, who found the right moment, bound his neck with an energy chain.

The great priest Raohm threw Namkotaro casually, and when Namkotaro couldn't help but want to transform, he remembered that if he transformed, Yugari would definitely be blown to death.He withdrew his hand ready to transform.

In the tea room, Li Qinghe's hand while reading a book trembled subconsciously, and the book fell to the ground.

"Minami Kotaro? What happened again?"

In order to ensure that Nam Kotaro would not be killed by Golgom, Li Qinghe, when he treated Nam Kotaro last time, the energy ball entered Nam Kotaro's body, not only lifted Namkotaro's paralysis state, but the remaining energy remained in Namkotaro in vivo.

On the one hand, this energy ball can be used to locate Nam Kotaro, on the other hand, this energy ball will only be used when Nam Kotaro suffers great damage to heal Nam Kotaro, once the energy ball is consumed, it means that Nam Kotaro will It's dangerous.

Li Qinghe calmed down and felt his energy ball, and found that the energy ball shrunk extremely quickly and disappeared after a while. It was obvious that Nan Kotaro was in a bad state at this time.

"What kind of crisis can make you fall into such a crisis?"

Li Qinghe didn't hesitate, "Xingzi, I have something to go out, you tell them not to worry."

"Hey, are you still injured? Why did you go out again?"

Li Qinghe had already heard Qiuyue Xingzi's cry when he went out, but Li Qinghe had no choice but to save Nan Kotaro at this time, it is very likely that Nan Kotaro would not come back alive, this was Li Qinghe's premonition at this time.

"This kid has a lot of potential in his body, and he can still stand up now. Although he is transforming people, he is better than humans. He is like a cockroach, but he can't die."

The great priest Raohm sighed.

"So, from the beginning I said my surgery was perfect, perfect number one."

The great priest Darom said with a smile.

"Is now the time to be touched? Why don't you take his life now?"

High Priest Bihume asked.

"Don't take it lightly. No one knows the potential of this kid's body, so we must be careful. It seems that he has no strength, but if he deliberately makes us relax, so in order to test..."

Sword Saint Birginia also entered the environment created by the Anemone Monster, and pointed at the lotus surrounding Yugali, and the lotus squeezed towards Yugali at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How could a child like Youjiali bear such pressure, he was crushed into blood foam, and the blood flowed out along the red lotus.The lotus spewed out red flames, and Yugali completely disappeared.

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