"Gary, damn it, Gorgom."

Minami Kotaro was so stimulated that he actually pulled the energy chains that locked him with his hands.


The great priest Darom could not believe his eyes when he saw that his energy chain was broken by Minami Kotaro without transforming.

"That's really the case? But if you transform, the little girl's parents will lose their lives."

Juggernaut Birginia pointed out that Yugali's parents were enjoying themselves comfortably at home, completely unaware that Yugali had gone to another world.

Minami Kotaro froze when he was preparing to transform. In order to dissuade Minami Kotaro from transforming, Sword Saint Birginia continued,

"Because of your non-cooperation, you have already sent Yukari to another world because of you. Do you still want Yukari's parents to accompany Yukari because of you?"

"Nonsense, it was obviously you Gorgom who killed Yugali, and now you are still blaming me."

Minami Kotaro retorted.

"Our Gorgom will not kill those worthless people, if it is not because of you, do you think they can join in?"

The words of Juggernaut Birginia hit Minami Kotaro's inner guilt.

Minami Kotaro put down his transforming hand, and let go of the tightly clenched hand.

"Yes, so many innocent people died because of me."

Minami Kotaro fell into guilt, and the swordsman Birgenia saw that Minami Kotaro fell into a daze, and stopped the anemone monster from attacking Nankotaro.

"Why don't you let the anemone monster continue to attack?"

The great priest Raohm asked.

"It's not yet time, wait a little longer, and when Nan Kotaro falls into his own doubts, it's time for us to make a move."

Sword Saint Birginia said.

It seems that what Juggernaut Birginia said is very reasonable, but the great priest Darom feels that Juggernaut Birginia seems to have his own ideas. You must know that the current Minami Kotaro is waiting to be slaughtered like a pig on the chopping board. up.

Li Qinghe succeeded in locating Nan Kotaro's location by relying on the time when the sword master Birgenia didn't kill Nam Kotaro immediately.

"Golgom base again. What is Kotaro doing there?"

To be honest, Li Qinghe didn't want to go, the injury from last time hadn't healed yet, and he didn't want to go through a big battle.

But Li Qinghe had already arrived, so there was no reason to back down, and he drove towards Nan Guangtaro's position.

"It's been long enough now, you can kill Nan Kotaro."

The great priest waited for a while longer than Hume and said.

Juggernaut Birginia just smiled and pointed to the room of Yugali's parents. Dozens of vines flooded into the seemingly peaceful room between them, hanging Yugali's parents up.


"Honey, I'm so scared."

Not much to say, Yukari's parents also followed in Yukari's footsteps, and went to heaven with Yukari, and the family of three should be able to reunite in heaven.

"What? You demons."

Nan Kotaro, who was caught in inner doubts, heard the screams of Yugali's parents, and walked out of his inner doubts.

"I want to avenge them."

Nan Kotaro clenched his fists, "Transform."

Just after finishing speaking, two explosions suddenly sounded around him, interrupting the transformation of Nan Kotaro.

One of the Eccentrics chuckled and disappeared, apparently the explosion was the work of the Eccentrics.

Minami Kotaro was knocked out by the explosion. Originally, Minami Kotaro was at the end of his battle. If he successfully transforms into Kamen Rider bck, he can hold on for a while longer.

Namkotaro is a rehabilitated person, but a rehabilitated person is also a human being. After experiencing so much torture and stimulation, Namkotaro couldn't bear it physically and mentally, and fainted.

"Birginia, your idea is really good, but I will report your contribution to the King of Creation. Let's kill the black sun."

After the great priest Darom finished speaking, he was anxious to go to Nan Kotaro.

Juggernaut Birginia drew out Bill's sword and stood in front of High Priest Darom.

"Birginia, what do you mean?"

Sword Saint Birginia put away Bill's sword, and said slowly:

"I said that Nan Kotaro is going to be executed by me personally, and it's not time to move him yet, the plan has just begun."

"Plan? What plan? How come we don't know?"

The high priest Raohm's fiery temper suddenly exploded, and he questioned the swordsman Birginia.

"This plan, you can now know, the core of this plan is to use Nan Kotaro to lure that person, and let this place become the cemetery of two knights, otherwise I can solve Nam Kotaro alone.

It's useless to waste such a lot of effort to praise him. "

Juggernaut Birginia grimaced, as if thinking of something.

"You are crazy, you actually want to provoke that person, your immature plan, stop now, or the King of Creation will blame you, and it will not be just a 3-year seal."

The high priest Darom felt chills when he heard the crazy plan of the Sword Saint Birginia. Although he didn't know the specific content, Darom was frightened by what the Sword Saint Birginia showed.

"My plan has been approved by Lord Creation King. Right, Lord Creation King."

Sword Saint Birginia said to the place above his head.

"Yes, Birginia's plan is good, I have already agreed, this time you have to cooperate well with Birginia, I will also make a move."

What the King of Creation thought was, Birginia, you wait first, after Li Qinghe is dealt with, it will be your death date.

After the Creation King finished speaking, his voice fell silent.

"Follow the order of the Creator King."

The three priests were waiting there.

Through the disappearing energy in Nan Kotaro's body, Li Qinghe finally found the place where Nan Kotaro disappeared last, in Yugali's room.

Minami Kotaro jumped in at the hole in Yugali's room, and rushed into the environment created by the anemone monster.

Li Qinghe entered here from top to bottom and saw the unconscious Kotaro Nam. It seemed that he was fine (not dead yet), but needed a good rest for a few days.

"You came."

The voice of the King of Creation came.

"I'm here, you're trying so hard to lure me out, aren't you? I'm out, but my injuries are lighter than yours. Are you ready to fight again?"

Li Qinghe is still very confident in his own strength. Before another enemy comes out, Li Qinghe is invincible in this world except for the King of Creation.

"Hehe, you are too confident in your own strength, and you came in without transforming. If you came in transformed, I might not make a move, but if you are so arrogant, it is your fate. "

Chapter 45 and the King of Creation fight again

Li Qinghe could feel from King Creation's tone that King Creation was very happy, happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Why am I happy? It's not like I can't transform."

Li Qinghe asked curiously, taking advantage of the time he was talking with the King of Creation, Li Qinghe looked around, and Li Qinghe glanced at the Sword Saint Birginia, and found that he dodged a few times, obviously a guilty conscience, very likely Eighty-nine had his part in this operation.

Li Qinghe saw the three priests, the great priests Darom and Raohm lowered their heads, Bihume glanced at Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe looked at each other, signaling to Li Qinghe that it was dangerous here, and hurriedly lowered his head again.

"Is it dangerous? I want to see how dangerous this place is. I want to fight out even the Qilin Lake and Tiger's Den."

Li Qinghe said with pride.

Li Qinghe looked at the anemone. The anemone couldn't bear Li Qinghe's pressure, and knelt on the ground.


The creation king said angrily, if the environment here was not created by the anemone monster, once the anemone monster died, then the environment created by the anemone monster would be destroyed.

"Stand back, Anemone Monster."

Hearing the order from the King of Creation, the anemone monster jumped into the lotus and hid obediently.

"Creation King, are you sure you can defeat me this time? You must know that this is not the Golgom base camp, but the environment created by the anemone monster just now."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"how do you know?"

As soon as the King of Creation said this, he stood up, "You actually tricked me?"

"Yeah, I wasn't sure at first. Seeing you let the anemone go away, if her value is not high, you would definitely not let her go to protect her life, but to join the war. I guessed Her role is to try to bluff you, and it really is.

In this case, I can leave here by killing her, it's very simple. "

Li Qinghe said this on purpose, trying to get the King of Creation, who seemed to be sure of winning, to say more.

"I forgot to tell you that the anemone monster was made here with reference to the Golgom base camp, which means that I can show my strength last time, and you can't kill the anemone monster this time."

The King of Creation thought he was sure to win, so he told Li Qinghe that he was at home here, and then I left anyway. I have already extracted his content from the message ball you sent me, and I am going to kill you later , look again. "

Li Qinghe unleashed his aura to confront the King of Creation.

"It's useless, this time your strength can't be compared with last time. Let's fight."

In front of Li Qinghe, a figure with Kamen Rider BCK began to condense, and the breath on his body made the three priests and the swordsman Birginia very uncomfortable.

"The King of Creation is so strong."

This is what the four of them are thinking in their hearts at this time.

"I'm not a knight. I won't let you gather and succeed like last time. Transform."

Li Qinghe touched his belt and was about to transform. Suddenly, the explosion in front of him and behind him prevented Li Qinghe from transforming. The King of Creation took advantage of this time to condense his body.


Li Qinghe tried to transform again, but there were explosions around his body, making Li Qinghe's transformation fail again.

"What, won't you let me transform?"

"I can't transform anymore, I'll see how you go out, Kamen Rider Delta, you have to keep your belt."

Creation King's voice came, and he teleported to Li Qinghe, punched Li Qinghe in the stomach, and sent Li Qinghe flying with his body bowed.


Li Qinghe stood up holding his stomach.

"Wait a moment."

Li Qinghe closed his eyes and said, the creation king's fist almost stopped in front of Li Qinghe's head.

"What's the matter, do you have any last words to say?"

The Creation King asked jokingly.

Li Qinghe staggered to the fainted Nam Kotaro, gathered a healing energy ball in his hand, and put the energy ball into Nam Kotaro's body.

"Lord Creation King, stop him quickly, he is treating Nan Kotaro."

Juggernaut Birginia saw that Li Qinghe was treating Nan Kotaro, and quickly said to the King of Creation.

"I know, even if he and Nan Kotaro are together, what can happen."

The King of Creation showed the so-called "demeanor of a strong man". In his heart, Li Qinghe couldn't transform. Even if Nan Kotaro woke up, he couldn't escape from here, and both of them were captured by himself.


After Nan Kotaro received Li Qinghe's treatment, he opened his eyes in a daze.

"Senior, where is this? Did you save me again?"

Nan Kotaro asked excitedly when he saw Li Qinghe.

"No, but why are you here again? It's very difficult to get in and out. I'll take you out first."

Li Qinghe pulled Nan Kotaro up.

"Are you going to deal with me together? However, none of you can transform, so surrender, or are you going to continue to resist?"

Chuangshi Shen asked.

"Chuangshi Shen, do you dare to let Nan Kotaro transform into a fight with you?"

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