Li Qinghe said excitedly.

"Don't think about it, it's already good enough for you to save Nan Kotaro just now, and now there are so many demands, please die."

"and many more."

This time the King of Creation didn't listen to Li Qinghe's words, he teleported behind Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro, and punched each of them, both Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro were sent flying.


Nan Kotaro got up slowly, but was punched flying again.

"Do you have to force me? I am a human being, the leader of human beings."

Li Qinghe spat out unclear words, and the mark of orhonch began to faintly appear on his face.

"Take care of you first."

The King of Creation always felt that Nan Kotaro was in much less danger than Li Qinghe, so he should deal with Li Qinghe first.

The King of Creation teleported to Li Qinghe and punched Li Qinghe on the head.

Juggernaut Birgenia, and great priest Darom, Raohm looked nervously and hoped that Li Qinghe would be killed with a blow on his back, only Bihume and Namkotaro looked at Li Qinghe worriedly.

There was no sound of Li Qinghe's head being blown off.

"What is this?"

Sword Saint Birginia asked stumblingly.Juggernaut Birginia and the three priests saw a unicorn-shaped monster wrapping the creation king's fist with its claws.

The King of Creation's punch was easily blocked by Li Qinghe after he transformed into a unicorn-shaped orhonch.

"I don't want to do this, you have to force me."

Li Qinghe grabbed the creation king's fist and lifted the creation king up like this.

"Senior? Is that you?"

After Nan Kotaro was beaten into the air, he got up and saw a unicorn-shaped monster holding the King of Creation's fist.

"Nonsense, who else is here besides you and me, please leave quickly and don't disturb my battle."

Li Qinghe raised his hand and waved at Nan Kotaro, and threw Nan Kotaro onto the seal of the battle locust, and easily lifted the seal of the battle locust.

"You go first on the battle locust, and I will deal with it here."

Li Qinghe said to Nan Kotaro behind him.

"But senior, you..."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Li Qinghe urged Nan Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro gritted his teeth, considering that he couldn't transform into Kamen Rider bck here, and it would only be Li Qinghe's burden to stay, so he rode away on the combat locust.

"Hurry up and chase him, don't let him run away."

Juggernaut Birginia and the three priests are ready to chase.

Dozens of offensive energy balls gushed out from Li Qinghe's left hand and hit them. Except for the great priest Bihume who was not hit, the others were all hit by Li Qinghe's offensive energy balls, hindering their progress. pace.

"Bastard, are you looking down on me? When you are fighting me, you are also fighting other people."

The King of Creation shouted angrily.

"You really haven't made me think highly of you. Your strength this time is much worse than last time, but mine hasn't declined."

Li Qinghe shook the hand of King Creation who was grasping, and King Creation frowned from the pain.

"What are you looking at, come on."

Seeing how powerful Li Qinghe was, the King of Creation put aside his so-called demeanor of a strong man and asked others to do it together.

Li Qinghe was about to continue exerting his strength, but found that the hand of King Creation that he was holding turned into air and disappeared.

"Blur? Flash."

Li Qinghe already had a way to deal with this trick.

Li Qinghe's enhanced flash forced the King of Creation who was about to attack stealthily out.

At this time, other people's attacks also arrived. The sword master Birginia used Bill's sword to penetrate from behind, but Li Qinghe clamped Bill's sword with his fingers, bent one leg backwards, and sent a beautiful back blow. Juggernaut Birginia kicked aside.

Li Qinghe took Bill's sword in his hand and looked at it, "The sword is good, but the man is too bad."

"What? I killed you."

Juggernaut Birginia yelled angrily at Li Qinghe's evaluation.

Li Qinghe picked up Bill's sword and slashed at the Creation King. The Creator King sucked at the sword master Birginia, took Bill's shield in his hand, and blocked Li Qinghe's attack.

"Sword and shield? Come on, try and see who is stronger."

Li Qinghe held the Bier sword in his hand to gather momentum, and no one else dared to go first, the one who went first would definitely face Li Qinghe's prepared blow, once hit, it was unknown whether he would survive.

After Li Qinghe had finished gaining momentum, he pointed Bill's sword at the Sword Saint Birginia and thrust it in.Bill Sword flew towards the former owner of Sword Saint Birginia at the speed of sound.


Juggernaut Birginia couldn't dodge in time, so he could only use his mind to control Bill's sword to stop, but Bill's speed was too fast.

Juggernaut Birginia could only deflect Bill's sword a little bit, and then turned his face sideways. With a "ding", Bill's sword was inserted not far behind Juggernaut Birginia.

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, I hid quickly."

Before Juggernaut Birginia finished speaking, a deep sword mark appeared on the side face of Juggernaut Birginia, and a small half of the ear on that side was cut off and fell to the ground.

It's just that Bill's sword was too fast, and the body of Juggernaut Birginia hadn't reacted yet. It wasn't until Bill's sword stopped that his body showed such symptoms.

Chapter 46 Li Qinghe's Defeat


Juggernaut Birginia covered his ear, and the other half was on the ground.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, my ears."

"Impossible, nothing is impossible."

Li Qinghe was about to grab the sword saint Birginia and was about to kill him, but he was attacked by the Birgenia shield thrown by King Creation, and Li Qinghe dodged.

Bill Dun hit the sword saint Birgenia in the face, and the sword saint Birgenia was also awakened by Bill Dun.

The great priest Darom used the power of thought to attack Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe's body took a few steps back.

"Compared to Nianli, it seems that the lesson from last time was not enough."

Li Qinghe glared at the big priest Darom, who was sent flying by the power of thoughts from Li Qinghe's eyes, and disappeared during the flying.

Creation King sneaked up behind Li Qinghe and hugged Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe wrapped his arms around the neck of the King of Creation, and threw it forward forcefully, and the King of Creation was thrown down in front of him.Li Qinghe kicked with his toe, and the King of Creation disappeared again.

Li Qinghe grabbed the energy chain that the great priest Raohm put on him, and pulled Raohm in his direction. Raohm walked towards the front of Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe kicked him flying.

The great priest Bihume fired two rays of light behind him, hitting the sword saint Birginia who had just pulled Bill's sword from the ground and was about to attack him.

"Biehume, what are you doing?"

Sword Saint Birginia said angrily.

"He was too fast, my attack was dodged by him, and it just hit you."

The great priest Bihume also disappeared after explaining.

Li Qinghe turned his head to look at Birginia, the Sword Saint, "What do you think I should do to you?"

Juggernaut Birgenia saw Li Qinghechao coming by himself, so scared that Bill dropped his sword on the ground without knowing it.

"Creation King, help."

Seeing Li Qinghe, Juggernaut Birginia was so frightened that he called for help to the King of Creation.

"Golgom clone."

Dozens of creation kings appeared in front of Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe jumped up and kicked a figure, which was sent flying by the kick, but then his figure added up again.

"What, is it true?"

With the strength of this foot, Li Qinghe flipped over and looked around.

The surrounding figures of the Creation King tightly surrounded Li Qinghe, and these figures formed a formation regularly, from which Li Qinghe could feel a greater threat than the Creation King in his prime at the beginning.

Before Li Qinghe could observe more, those clones had already made a move. Almost at the same moment, all the clones punched out. Li Qinghe only blocked two fists, and the remaining punches all hit Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe pulled out the clones of the two fists, and struck towards the chests of the two clones with his legs, leaving two big holes in the chests of the two clones, and the two clones exploded immediately.

After Li Qinghe blasted the two clones, he tried to get out of the gap between the two clones, but the gap between the two clones was quickly blocked by another clone that was added again.


Li Qinghe was once again attacked by this group of clones, but this time the attack was with legs.

Li Qinghe twisted the two legs he was holding together like a twist,


Li Qinghe could hear the screams of the two avatars whose legs were grabbed by Li Qinghe.

In this way, Li Qinghe exchanged injuries for the lives of those clones. There were a lot of these clones, and their fighting power was also very strong.

Li Qinghe slowly realized that the attacking moves of these avatars were exactly the same as those of the King of Creation, but much weaker than that of the King of Creation.


Although Li Qinghe can't transform into Kamen Rider Delta, but because the Philosopher's Stone used by Li Qinghe directly enters his body, he can use the flashing skills without transforming into Kamen Rider Delta.

The ability of flash just restrained the creation king's avatar technique.The bodies of those figures of the King of Creation began to weaken.

"How is it possible? You can use the flash without changing your body. However, I won't make it easy for you."

For a moment, those weak clones emitted a red light, "Knight kick."

All the avatars of the King of Creation used knight kicks and kicked towards Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe couldn't dodge in such an environment, he could only resist.

With a "snap", all the creation kings exploded after being kicked by the knights, and Li Qinghe was also kicked by the group of knights, and his body fell backwards.

"Birginia, go and see if he's dead, no, you just killed him with Bill's sword."

The King of Creation ordered to the Sword Saint Birginia.

Juggernaut Birginia heard this order, "Lord Creation King, I am too injured to move. Please send someone else."

Juggernaut Birginia didn't want to die, and he already felt afraid of Li Qinghe in his heart.

Sword Saint Birginia disappeared after speaking.

"Strange thorn'e, weird anemone, go and see."

The Eccentric Stranger and the Anemone had no guts to disobey the King of Creation's order, so they bit the bullet and walked towards Li Qinghe.

The anemone monster took out his weapon with double thorns to stab Li Qinghe,


Li Qinghe transformed into the earth unicorn form, tied the two weirdos with his tail, and with a little force, the two weirdos exploded.

Once the anemone monster dies, the environment created by the anemone monster loses its source of power and disappears.

"Kamen Rider Delta, you wait, we will fight next time."

The King of Creation saw that Li Qinghe was still so powerful, and the anemone monster was already dead, so it would be bad for him to continue fighting, and the King of Creation had no power to attack.

The King of Creation had already used all his trump cards in the battle with Li Qinghe this time, overdrawn all his potential, and had lost his ability to fight.

Li Qinghe didn't take it lightly, after dispelling his passion, he summoned Flying Eagle to fight.

"The fighting eagle sent me back."

Li Qinghe released the orhonch form, and rode back to the tea room on the battle locust.

Li Qinghe returned to the tea room, staggered and pushed open the door of the tea room, and fell down weakly.

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