"Senior, senior."

Nan Kotaro, who was anxious about Li Qinghe, let go of his worries when he saw Li Qinghe came back.

But seeing Li Qinghe's performance, he knew that Li Qinghe was seriously injured this time.

"What should I do? Should I be sent to the hospital?"

Qiuyue Xingzi looked at the seriously injured Li Qinghe and asked.

"No, let's not leak the news that the senior was seriously injured, so as not to be known by Golgom."

After Nan Kotaro trapped himself because of saving Yugari this time, he reflected heavily.Golgom is very strong and cannot be taken lightly, so Li Qinghe came to the rescue again and again.

Li Qinghe woke up groggy at night.

"Mr. Qinghe, how are you doing?"

Moon Shadow asked with concern from Gary.

"To be honest, it's very bad. The injury this time plus the last time, it may take a long time to recover."

When Li Qinghe spoke, he touched the wound again, and grinned in pain.

"Senior, how are you doing?"

Nan Guangtaro heard Yueying Yujiali said that Li Qinghe had woken up, and hurried into Li Qinghe's room.

"Fortunately, he's not dead."

Li Qinghe said angrily.

"Don't say anything else, tell me first, why did you go to the Golgom base camp again. Didn't I tell you not to go there as much as possible?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Nan Kotaro explained the process of saving Yugali in detail.

"Kutaro, do you know? You made a fatal mistake. I can understand your desire to save Yugali, but the premise of everything is that you can protect yourself. You understand what I mean."

Li Qinghe said to the guilty Nan Kotaro.

"I'm sorry, senior, it was my negligence again, you were injured again to save me."

Nan Kotaro looked at the injured Li Qinghe, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was his fault. This time Li Qinghe was seriously injured. The last time the injury had just stabilized, this time he had a new injury. Li Qinghe's tone of voice was A little weak.

"I hope you don't make such mistakes again, Kotaro, I know you are kind-hearted, but your kindness is likely to be used by others.

In this battle with the King of Creation, it is estimated that he will not be able to come out for a short time.But you have to be careful about other people, I'm tired. "

Seeing that Li Qinghe was sleepy, Namkotaro retreated quietly with Kyoko, leaving Tsukage Yugali, Tomoko, and Lily to take care of the injured Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe did not expect that the King of Creation would pay a far greater price than him. The King of Creation had temporarily recovered to his full power last time, and had already consumed part of his potential.

Fighting Li Qinghe again this time, burned all his remaining potential, and he has no fighting power anymore.

Golgom base camp.

Although the Creation King drove Li Qinghe away again, the Creation King thought so, but the Creation King already deeply felt his own powerlessness.Except for the King of Creation, neither the three priests nor the swordsman Birginia were Li Qinghe's opponents.

The King of Creation pondered for a long time, "It seems that it's time for Shadow Moon to come out, but Shadow Moon still needs a whetstone, Birginia."

Juggernaut Birginia returned to his base, and watched Li Qinghe's battle with the Creator King clearly for the first time. He deeply felt his own powerlessness, and strengthened his idea of ​​becoming the next Creator King.Not only for power, but more importantly, the power of the Creator King.

"If I become the next creation king, I can fight that person, at least I have the power to fight."

Swordsman Birginia swears at his base.

A burst of lightning hit the sword saint Birginia, "King of Creation, where do you want me to go?"

Juggernaut Birginia saw a hole in the stone wall in front of him,

"Go, there is what you want.".

The voice of the King of Creation came.

Sword Saint Birginia walked step by step along the broken hole, and found a magnificent gate in front of him.

Chapter 47 Creation King - Death

The swordsman Birginia pushed open the gate and found a sword stuck on the innermost throne of the gate.

"Satan Sword, the exclusive weapon of the King of Creation."

Sword Saint Birginia said excitedly,

"Haha, if I get this sword, I will be the next Creation King. Does Lord Creation King want me to get that sword? Then defeat other people and become the successor, yes, that's it."

Juggernaut Birginia raised Bill's sword and walked cautiously towards the throne.

In the middle of the walk, Juggernaut Birginia's head.A fire unicorn appeared above his head and rushed towards him.


Juggernaut Birginia is wrapped around a fire unicorn, and suffers from it all the time.

"Look, Lord Creation King, even if I am burned to death, I must get the Satan sword to show you."

Juggernaut Birginia endured the burning pain on his body, and kept saying, "I will never admit defeat, that is mine, and I will be the next creation king."

The sword master Birginia approached the throne on his stomach, "Ah," and took the Satan sword in his hand with all his might.

The moment the sword master Birginia got the Satan sword, the fire unicorn on his body poured into the Satan sword.

"Hahaha, I am the next Creation King."

Juggernaut Birginia exclaimed overjoyedly, "However, there are still some things to do before we go again."

King Creation told Sword Saint Birginia the location of Satan's sword, and he came to the place of the three priests.

"Although the King of Creation linked his life with Shadow Moon, the two confrontations between King of Creation and that person recently weakened the breath of life, and the date of Shadow Moon's birth was postponed again.

Moreover, the vitality of the Creation King began to be lower than the vitality consumed by the birth of Shadow Moon. "

High Priest Darrom felt that Shadowmoon's life force was slowly disappearing.

"Have you heard? The King of Creation is calling us."

The great priest Raohm vaguely heard the voice of the King of Creation.

"Three priests, my time is running out. Use the Sky Stone, Earth Stone, and Sea Stone to speed up Shadow Moon's awakening."

The King of Creation said weakly, his voice getting lower and lower.

"Can not be done."

Before the high priest Bihume could finish speaking, he was struck by waves of lightning above his head.

"I'm ordering you, not asking."

The King of Creation shouted loudly with all his might.The King of Creation's attack just now was just to activate Gorgom's defense mechanism, and it was directly facing the Juggernaut Birginia, in order to prevent the Juggernaut Birginia from rebelling.

"Okay, we do, we do."

The great priest Darrom stood on Bihume's body and carried the lightning strike for Bihume.

King Creation heard that the great priest Darom agreed, so he withdrew his attack. The King of Creation didn't want to kill Byhum either. He didn't have any strength now, so he could only use his previous prestige to scare the three priests and the others, so He is more concerned about Shadow Moon's awakening.

The three priests have always been one, and the great priest Darom agreed, so Bihume and the others must have agreed.

"That's good."

Creation King's voice disappeared.

"What exactly does Lord Creation King want to do? Why is he in such a hurry to wake Shadow Moon up? With the vitality of the Creation King, he can persist for a long time."

The great priest Raohm asked.

"But if we use the stones of sky, sea, and earth in our body, we must know that these three are the source of our life. If we use these energies for Shadow Moon, our lives will be, hey."

The great priest Raohm sighed.

"If Golgom can control the earth, we will not regret dying. So we have to do this."

High Priest Darrom continued

"Since it is an order from an adult, let's not question it, let's do it."

In order to avoid being punished by the King of Creation for what he and his party said, the great priest Darom interrupted Raohm's words.

The three priests soon arrived at the place where Shadow Moon was sleeping.

"Lord Creation King, High Priest Darom, (Great Priest Raohm), (Great Priest Bihume) offered the Sky Stone, (Earth Stone), (Sea Stone) to revive Shadow Moon."

The three priests each said that this is a ceremony to transfer Shadow Moon's vitality and revive Shadow Moon, and it must be done voluntarily by everyone, and cannot be forced.

The King of Creation was very satisfied with the practice of the three priests, and extracted the heaven, earth, and sea from the bodies of the three priests.

"Heaven, (earth), (sea)."

The three priests sent out their respective ones.

The three stones of sky, earth, and sea merged in front of Yingyue, and began to play a role, transmitting vitality to Yingyue.

"Now the three here are combined. To bring Shadow Moon back to life and offer it."

After the high priest Darom finished speaking, the ceremony officially began.

"Successful, already transmitting energy to Shadow Moon, I hope Shadow Moon will come out soon, otherwise we..."

The great priest Bihume was talking, and the sword saint Birginia jumped in front of him.

"Impossible, stop here."

Sword Saint Birginia slowly came to Shadow Moon, "The next King of Creation has decided to be my Sword Saint Birginia."


High Priest Darrom didn't believe in such a thing at all.

In order to convince them, the swordsman Birginia aimed his Satanic sword at the three priests.

"Birginia, that sword is"

High Priest Darrom asked.

Sword Saint Birginia didn't say much, and drew out the Satan sword, ready to strike the sleeping Shadow Moon.

"Bastard, stop."

The King of Creation said angrily, and launched a lightning attack on the sword saint Birginia.

"Lord Creation King, since you gave me the Satan Sword, it means that I am the next Creation King. Why do you want to stop me? I want to kill Shadow Moon first, and then Black Sun."

Sword Saint Birginia asked while enduring the pain of thunder and lightning.

The King of Creation did not answer, but only increased the intensity of the thunder and lightning.

"It seems that you want to use me and let me fight with Yingyue, but I wake up this time just to get rid of your control. If you fight with that person, your strength must be one in ten."

The words of Juggernaut Birginia hit the pain point of King Creation.

"Even if my strength is damaged, I can still seal you."

The King of Creation said angrily.

Juggernaut Birginia had such a big reaction when he heard the King of Creation,

"It seems that I bet right, King of Creation, do you think your lightning can kill me? I am a person who has experienced the trial of Satan's sword. Whether I live or die depends on this sword. Go."

Juggernaut Birginia decided to quarrel with the King of Creation, his tone became disrespectful, and he threw Satan's sword at the sleeping Shadow Moon.

"You block Satan's sword."

The King of Creation hurriedly urged the three priests who were in a daze.

The great priest Raohm jumped in front of Satan's sword and was about to block it with his body. Unexpectedly, the Satanic sword passed through Raohm's body with a "sizzling" sound, and then plunged into Shadow Moon's body.

Yingyue opened her tightly closed eyes, stretched out her hand, and fell down powerlessly.

The three priests sensed that Shadow Moon's vitality had disappeared, and it had truly disappeared.

At this time, the combined sky, earth, and sea lost the object of energy transmission, split into three pieces again, and flew into the hands of the three priests.

"Impossible, I still want to live, how could I die.

Shadow Moon, although your vitality has disappeared, I have already given you all my remaining vitality. I hope that you can survive the dormancy. "

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