"What's wrong?"

Xiao Ling quickly asked.

"The joystick won't move at all."

Kotaro Minami pulled the joystick hard and broke it all at once.

"What are you talking about, stop joking."

When Xiao Ling heard what Nan Kotaro said, she panicked.

"The situation is urgent now, please help, please answer."

Namkotaro asked for help to the helicopter base through the helicopter's pager.

However, there was no response from the pager, and it was obvious that contact with the helicopter base had been lost.

"Kotaro, what should I do, ah."

Xiaoling screamed.

"I can't help it, Xiaoling, try jumping off the helicopter, or you won't be able to survive if you stay on the helicopter."

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Nan Kotaro proposed. .

"No, I'm not Kotaro, I'm not that courageous."

Reiko hugged the door of the helicopter but did not dare to go down. Reiko looked at the sea below the helicopter, her legs were trembling.Not afraid of heights is not afraid of heights, but she doesn't want to jump from such a high place either.

Chapter 50 new enemies

"Okay, let's go down."

Nan Kotaro pushed hard, jumped off the helicopter with Xiao Ling in his arms, and jumped into the sea below the helicopter.

After a while, Nan Kotaro and Xiao Ling swam up from the sea and found a random direction to land.

Kotaro and Xiaoling walked ashore for a while, and found a helicopter.

"What, isn't this the helicopter I just had?"

Kotaro Minami walked up to the helicopter, opened the hatch of the helicopter, and entered the helicopter.

Xiao Ling was also afraid by herself, and followed Nan Kotaro to the helicopter.

Minami Kotaro found that his helicopter had a new look. He obviously broke the joystick just now, but now it is intact again.

Nan Kotaro didn't have time to think about anything else, this place is too weird, let's leave here first.

"Please, let's go."

Nan Kotaro tried to start the helicopter, but it succeeded. Seeing that the helicopter was ready to take off, Nan Kotaro took Xiao Ling to leave this weird place quickly.

Back in the tea room, Nan Kotaro told the story, Xiaoling's father couldn't believe it, "What? There are three pillars, and then there is a strange light?"

"Yeah, and there's a strange light coming from the pole, and that light shuts down all the helicopter's functions."

Kotaro Minami said while eating rice.

"You don't want to be alone with Xiaoling, do you?"

Xiao Ling's father didn't believe Nan Kotaro's words.

"It's not good, I took so many photos and all of them became like this."

Xiaoling put the developed photos in front of Namkotaro, and Namkotaro looked at them and they were all blank.

"Bring it here and show it to me."

Li Qinghe took the blank photo in Nan Kotaro's hand.

"Senior, do you know what happened?"

Nan Kotaro humbly asked Li Qinghe for advice.

Li Qinghe looked at the blank photo, and combined with what Nan Kotaro said just now, he already knew that the Klexis Empire had arrived.

"Kotaro, get ready."

Li Qinghe put away the rice in his hand and returned to the room.


Kotaro also put down the rice in his hands, and followed Li Qinghe into the room.

"Senior, what did you ask me to prepare? Did I meet a new enemy today?"

Namkotaro asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it is a new enemy that is more terrifying than Golgom, Kotaro, you must be ready to fight."

Li Qinghe patted Nan Kotaro on the shoulder.

The phone in the teahouse suddenly got through. It was Lingzi's younger brother, Xiaomao.

"Brother Kotaro, there are three skeleton monsters hitting the glowing stone pillar. Come here and have a look."


Nan Kotaro hung up the phone and drove towards Xiaomao's location, worried that Xiaomao would be in danger.

The three of Xiaomao came out of the school on bicycles and walked towards the store.

After Xiaomao and the others put the bicycles away, they entered the store. Xiaomao went to read his favorite manga of Kamen Rider bck, and waited for his two companions to come out.

Xiaomao raised his head inadvertently, and found that the bicycles of the three of them had been ridden away by three men in black robes.

"Thief, Saburo, go, bicycle thief, they stole our bicycle."

Xiao Mao quickly called his companion out of the store.

"Stop, stop, give me back my bike, even steal the bike."

The three of Xiao Mao chased after three men in black robes riding their bicycles.

Xiaomao and the others chased for a while, and found that some of their bicycles had fallen to the ground, and some were hanging on the wall.

Xiaomao wanted to push his bicycle, but just touched his hand, and immediately retracted.

"It's hot."

The other two companions also tried it, "It's so hot."

When Xiao Mao and the others were thinking about how to push the bicycle back, they heard the sound of clanging.

Xiaomao and the others followed the sound, and found three people in black robes doing strange things, with their hands pushing upwards. rise slowly.

Eventually three pillars rise up on the highway.

Xiaomao accidentally saw the face of the man in black robe, "Ah, the weird guy with the face of a skeleton, I'll call the parents, you are watching him here."

Xiaomao and the others waited quietly for Nan Kotaro. The man in black had already spotted the three children, but he didn't pay any attention to them when he realized that they were no threat to him.

When three riders on a motorcycle passed by, the motorcycle was out of control, and the three riders fell off the motorcycle.

The three skeleton monsters got on the motorcycle of the three fallen riders and left.

Soon, when a police car on daily patrol passed by, the three pillars gave off strange lights, and the police car passing by the stone pillars floated out of thin air.

"Help, help."

The police car flew higher and higher, and with a bang, the police car fell from a high altitude, and the policemen fell into scrap cars, and all the policemen inside died in the line of duty.

"Damn it, I'm going to chase those three skeleton monsters. Xiaomao, you go back first."

Nan Kotaro just came here and saw this scene.

Nan Kotaro clenched his fists and told Xiaomao to go home first. He chased after the skeleton monsters alone. Nan Kotaro didn't know that the three skeleton monsters he was chasing were far stronger than him.

Nan Kotaro followed the trail and quickly found the three motorcycles.

The three skeleton monsters got off the motorcycle.

"You are the Kamen Rider bck, come with us."

"Who are you and what are your plans?"

Minami Kotaro questioned.

"We are monster monsters, skeleton monsters. We came here to occupy the earth."

The three skeleton monsters took out their weapons, a large harvesting sickle.

"What? Damn it, it's impossible for me to go back with you!"

"It seems that you are not obediently cooperating."

The three skeleton monsters picked up their own weapons and killed Nan Kotaro. Nan Kotaro was unable to compete with the three skeleton monsters without transforming, and was beaten away by a skeleton monster with the handle of a sickle.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nan Kotaro prepared to transform.

"Skill Stop Chain."

The three skeleton monsters shot yellow light at Namkotaro who was about to transform, and hit Namkotaro.

"No, I can't transform. Why can't my body move?"

This is the second time for Nan Kotaro to encounter a situation where he cannot transform, and this time the situation is more dangerous than the last time.

"Take him and let's go."

The three skeleton monsters pressed down on Nan Kotaro.

A centipede-shaped giant battleship appeared from above Namkotaro's head, sucking the skeleton monster and Namkotaro into it.

Nan Kotaro struggled, opened his eyes, and saw a monster, strange monster, Captain Kiba, Gaidorion.

A woman in a red dress with an unknown feather on her head, a monster monster, an intelligence officer, Mary Balon.

A monster with a small head and wearing a light blue costume, a monster monster, the captain of the sea soldier, and Bo Sigang.

A robot who just came in on a motorcycle, the monster robot, the captain of the mecha, Gardison.

Gardison lifted Minami Kotaro from the ground.

"Is this man the Kamen Rider bck? Hmph, he's not as powerful as the legend says."

Gardison looked at Nan Kotaro carefully, and felt that Nan Kotaro's name was not true, so he threw Nan Kotaro to the ground again.

The chief cabinet robot Chakram, a miniature robot is also here.

"Why did General Jagu say he wanted to see this man? I don't think he has such value."

Persia just asked Mary Balon.

"I have already analyzed all the abilities of Kamen Rider bck with a computer, and I invented a powerful light beam to control his transformation energy. Let the monsters and monsters use it, so this man will be no match for us, of course It's gone."

The espionage officer Mary Balon stepped on Nan Kotaro and said happily.

"But the general has the general's thoughts, and the general's thoughts are not for you to guess."

Mary Balon admires General Jagu very much and does not allow others to question General Jagu.

Gardison circled around Kotaro Minami.

"Get up, get up."

Mary Balon waved her hands above Nan Kotaro, and Nan Kotaro woke up, and found himself in a strange place, not the Golgom base camp, nor the tea room.

Minami Kotaro stood up quickly, tried to step back, and found himself in a special transparent container.

Nan Kotaro clenched his fist and punched the container. That special container was not damaged in any way.Instead, Nan Kotaro clutched his fists and fell to the ground.

"This kind of rude attitude is not allowed, kneel down quickly, the general has something to tell you."

Mary Balon reprimands the restless Minami Kotaro.

Seeing Nan Kotaro staring at her and waving his fists at herself, Mary Balon was obviously not convinced.

"Not kneeling yet."

Mary Balon pointed at the hood covering Kotaro Minami, and there was a sharp and piercing sound from the hood, Kotarou Minami covered his ears and fell to the ground.

"General Jagu, General Jagu."

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