Chakram, the chief cabinet robot, said hurriedly.

"The general is here."

Mary Balon and the others stood in awe, the chief cabinet robot Chakram opened the way in front, and behind was a man holding a golden scepter, wearing a golden mask, and wearing a red upper body and a purple lower body—General Jagu.

"Are you General Jagu?"

With the arrival of General Jia Gu, the piercing voice in Nan Kotaro's ears also disappeared.

"We are ruled by the all-knowing and omnipotent god—Emperor Klexis, sent here by the Krysis Empire. My name is Jagu."

General Jagu introduced himself to Nan Kotaro.

"Although I don't know what the Klexis Empire is, you should stop acting weird. What's the significance of these weird stone pillars?"

Nan Kotaro got up and looked directly at General Jagu.

"Those stone pillars will emit light. Wherever there is light, there is the existence of our Krasis Empire. We decided to start by occupying the island country, then dominate the earth, and slowly build a new Krasis Empire.

One year from our motherland, 50 billion people will come to the island nation. "

General Jiagu didn't hide anything, and revealed the function of those stone pillars. .

"What, don't be kidding, if this is the case, what will happen to the people on Earth."

Minami Kotaro asked angrily.

Chapter 51 Kamen Rider Black RX

"Humans, hahahaha."

Mary Balon laughed haha.

"All human beings will be wiped out."

The strange beast, the captain of the tooth, Gedorion, leaned on the pillar next to him, and interjected.

"Humans dominate the earth and are simply the kings of the universe, but we have been living like this for thousands of years because we are in a dark place.

We can only watch with admiration that human beings are bathed in the sun and drinking clear spring water. "

Strange monsters and beasts, the captain of the tooth, Gaidorion, talked about his jealousy for the living environment of human beings.

"Where is the Klexis Empire?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"Our motherland, the Klexis Empire, is an empire that is on Earth and not on Earth."

General Jagu pointed his scepter at Kotaro Minami who was imprisoned in a special container.

Minami Kotaro found himself tied to a tall pillar in the blink of an eye.

"Kotaro, you will understand my words one day.

If the earth is handed over to humans again, the earth will definitely be destroyed, but if it is us, we can build an ideal empire on the earth. How about it, Kotaro, would you like to be a member of us and serve the Klexis Empire? ? "

General Jagu wins over Nan Kotaro, trying to persuade Nan Kotaro to join the Klexis Empire.

"Kutaro, if you agree, we will give you twice the power of the current Kamen Rider bck."

Mary Balon also bewitched Nan Kotaro, increasing her bargaining chip to win over Nam Kotaro.

"After all, you are transforming people, so you can't join real humans."

Monster robot, Mech Captain, Gardison said.

"Although I am a human being, I also consider myself a human being. I like human beings. How could I plan to destroy human beings?"

Although Minami Kotaro is a reformer, but the transformation of Minami Kotaro is just that the sun stone was forcibly put into his body, and he became a Kamen Rider bck similar to Orfi Enoch but not, so he can be with Kyoko, Katsumi Kida, Xiao Ling together.

Nan Kotaro mercilessly rejected General Jagu's solicitation.

"Is it going to be like this anyway?"

The monster monster, the captain of the sea soldier, and Boss Gang finally gave Minami Kotaro a chance to cooperate.

"All we want is freedom and peace."

Kotaro Minami shouted loudly to the sky.

"In this case, then Nan Kotaro, accept the execution."

General Jagu lost the patience to win over Nan Kotaro.Using the scepter in his hand to guide Kotaro again, Minami Kotaro found himself back in the special container where he was imprisoned at the beginning.

"Minami Kotaro, the transformation function in your body has been destroyed, you will become dust in the universe now, drifting in the graveyard of the universe forever."

Mary Balon announced the execution method for Kotaro Minami.

The chief cabinet robot, Chakram, came near Kotaro Minami, and a green light shone from the eyes of the robot, shining on Kotaro Minami's waist.

Minami Kotaro felt a sharp pain in his waist, and already felt that he could no longer transform into Kamen Rider bck.

The chief cabinet robot, Chakram, saw that Kotaro had fainted in pain, picked up Kotaro and threw him out of the universe.

Nan Kotaro was floating unconsciously, when suddenly a ray of light from the sun shone on Nan Kotaro's body.

There was a destructive light from Nan Kotaro's waist. Unlike the belt of Kamen Rider BCK at the beginning, this time the transformation belt has two holes.

Minami Kotaro was drawn to the ground by this beam of light.

Nan Kotaro opened his eyes, got up from the ground, looked at his hands, "This, this is me? It's not Bck's body."

Nan Kotaro touched his face and head with his hands, "Have I been reborn?"

Minami Kotaro stood up, with one hand raised to the sky, the belt emitted a destructive light, signaling Kotaro's new life.

"Boom boom boom."

The fighting locust felt the rebirth of Nan Kotaro, and also evolved, becoming a specific locust.

Clexis Fortress.

"How is it possible that Kotaro's transformation function should be destroyed."

Mary Balon said in disbelief after hearing the report from the skeleton monster.

"This is the first Kamen Rider we've met, and I'm afraid Kotarou was transformed into a new Kamen Rider by a terrifying force far beyond our understanding.

You must know that Gorgom has survived for tens of thousands of years. Although it is not as good as our Klexis Empire, its strength is not weak. The potential of Minami Kotaro transformed by them cannot be underestimated.Mary Balon, send the skeleton monster to attack him. "

Nan Kotaro touched the specific locust, and when he looked up, he saw the three skeleton monsters who were fighting him coming over on a motorcycle.

Nan Kotaro rode a newborn special locust and rushed towards the three skeleton monsters.

Three skeleton monsters rode motorcycles and Nan Kotaro rode a special locust for a car skill competition.

The car skills are not only compared with the technology, but also the quality of the motorcycle. It is obvious that the peculiar locust that Nan Kotaro rides is far from what the ordinary motorcycles ridden by the three skeleton monsters can match.

After a confrontation, the special locust riding by Nan Kotaro hit the motorcycle riding by the skeleton monster and exploded.

Through the confrontation with Nan Kotaro, the skeleton monster felt that Nan Kotaro's strength had become stronger.

"Are you really Kamen Rider bck?"

asked one of the skeleton monsters.

Kotaro Minami listened to the skeleton monster's inquiry, "Kamen Rider bck has been reborn, I am the son of the sun, Kamen Rider bckrx."

Nan Kotaro clenched his fists and announced his rebirth, "The monster monsters and skeleton demons want to destroy humans and occupy the earth. I will never allow it."

Nan Kotaro jumped into the middle of the monster skeleton, avoiding the sickle attack of the monster skeleton.

Kotaro Minami has just gained a foothold,

"The function stops the light."

The skeleton monster repeated its old trick and used the function to stop the light on Nan Kotaro.

Nan Kotaro was firmly restrained by the function-stopped light, and the three skeleton monsters hooked Nan Kotaro's shoulders and waist with their giant scythes.

The transforming device on Minami Kotaro's waist emitted a destructive light, which instantly released the state of being bound by the light that stopped functioning.Pushing away the sickle on his body, he grabbed a giant sickle and slashed at the three skeleton monsters.

The skeleton monster's body turned into air and floated up, dodging this attack by Nankotaro.

The three skeletons looked at each other in the air, "Grab him together."

The three skeleton monsters pressed Nan Kotaro into the water and an explosion occurred.

Clexis Fortress.

"Successful, he turned gray. General Jagu, the skeleton monster has won."

Mary Balon reported the good news to General Jagu.

General Jagu stretched out his hand and shook it, stopping what Mary Balon would say next.

"Mary Balon, you and Gardison have developed monster robots to send to the ground.

Nam Kotaro probably didn't die, he wouldn't die so easily.A person drifting in the universe didn't die, how could the explosion just kill him.

And this time you go down to collect more information about Kotaro Minami. I heard that there is a Kamen Rider named Delta on Earth, but he is not as famous as Kotaro Minami. Go down and collect his information to see if you can win him over. "

General Jagu said.

"What, Kotaro is not dead, I will follow your instructions."

Mary Balon lost her composure when she heard that Nan Kotaro was not dead, she reacted immediately and accepted General Jagu's order.

Gardison unhappily picked up the eggs of unknown animals in the basket, and smashed them one by one at Chakram, the chief cabinet robot.


Chakram, the chief cabinet robot that Gardison smashed, flickered rapidly.

"Gardison, are you going to disobey the general's orders?"

Mary Balon asked Gardison who was not willing to act with her.

"I didn't mean it that way."

Gardison didn't dare to show dissatisfaction with General Jagu in front of the intelligence officer Mary Balon, otherwise Mary Balon would tell General Jagu, and Gardison immediately trembled when he thought of General Jagu's punishment.

"Cluck, cluck."

Seeing Gardison's performance, Mary Balon already guessed that Gardison must have thought of General Jagu's punishment in his heart.

"Really? Then let me see the strongest monster robot. If you fail this mission, you will be punished. I will definitely not intercede for you then."

Mary Balon attached Gardison's floating robotic head to his body.

The competition within the Klexis Empire is extremely fierce, and factions are crushed very seriously. It is not like the three priests of Gorgom who can advance and retreat together.

Gardison led Mary Balon to the robot he was going to send out.

"Is it this man?"

Mary Balon saw a muscular man lying in the laboratory with various wires inserted into his body.

"Yes, it's this man who sent out my strongest monster robot Chublikon. If Nan Kotaro is still alive, use this to kill him."

Gardison's eyes glowed with a red intensified light, and the man's muscles swelled up where the light irradiated.

But after the intensified light hit the man's head, the man sat up, unplugged the cord from his body, and walked down from the experiment table, which shocked Mary Balon.

After Nan Kotaro was exploded, his body was not injured, but he just passed out and returned to human form. There were bursts of light on his body, and the sun stone on his waist flew out. Look around.

"Kutaro, you were resurrected as Kamen Rider bckrx because of the life energy of the sun's rays."

Sunstone's voice resounded in Nan Kotaro's mind.

"The Life Energy of the Sun's Rays".

Kotaro Minami heard the sun's rays and life energy for the first time.

"Yes, the brilliance of the sun illuminates everything in the world. It is the love of the universe that gives life to creatures. Kotaro, from today onwards, as the son of the sun, Kamen Rider Bckrx, you must protect the earth by fighting against evil. It is your destiny."

Chapter 52 Accident

Taiyangshi's majestic voice warned Nan Kotaro.

"If this is my destiny, I will do my best to carry it out."

Minami Kotaro said with a serious expression.

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