"Kotaro, the light of the sun gave you the light of the Kamen Rider bckrx, this is a very powerful force, it gave you the power of integrity to protect you, come on, Kotaro.

I am the Sunstone, your soul. "

After Shi finished speaking, he entered Nan Kotaro's body again.

"Sunstone? My soul?"

For the first time, Nan Kotaro knew about the Sun Stone on his body.

When the sun stone entered Nan Kotaro's body, Nan Kotaro woke up suddenly and found himself lying in the water where he fought the last battle with the skeleton monster.

Nan Kotaro returned to the tea room in ragged clothes.

"Brother Kotaro is back."

Xiaoling's younger brother Xiaomao said happily.

"Kutaro, are you alright?"

Xiaoling and others hurried out to see Namkotaro, Namkotaro didn't come back overnight, everyone was worried, except Li Qinghe, because Li Qinghe already knew that Namkotaro evolved from Kamen Rider bck into a mask last night The only way for the knight bckrx.

"I am fine."

Minami Kotaro said with a smile, trying to dispel other people's worries.

Li Qinghe came out to look at Nan Kotaro, and found that Nan Kotaro's aura had changed, the aura on his body had changed, it became a little strange, and it became much stronger.


Nan Kotaro was trying to say something, but when he saw Li Qinghe's "hush" action, he knew that Li Qinghe wanted him to tell him in private, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​saying it now.

"Kutaro, what happened?"

Xiaoling's father asked, in the eyes of Xiaoling's father, Kotaro is a good man, he does not smoke or drink, loves sports, and will never stay out all night. If he didn't come back last night, something must have happened.

"It's okay, look at me, I'm fine."

For the time being, Nan Kotaro didn't want anyone other than Li Qinghe to know the existence of the Klexis Empire.

"I don't know about your past, but when you appeared in front of me, I was really happy. You don't want to say it, and I don't force it. But if there is anything that needs me, I will definitely help."

Xiaoling's father said these few words earnestly and left.

Nan Kotaro suddenly felt that someone was watching him, and quickly ran out of the room.A man was found hiding behind a car outside the room.

Seeing Minami Kotaro coming out, that person took back his exposed feet.But Nan Kotaro had already seen that sneaky person, and Nan Kotaro walked towards that person's position step by step.


Xiaoling's mother screamed at once, and Minami Kotaro immediately ran towards the scream, knocking a man in a panic, and both Minami Kotaro and the sneaky man were knocked to the ground by each other.Seeing that it was the sneaky person just now, I don't know how he ran into the tea room.

"Strange man, Kotaro, catch him quickly."

Xiaoling's mother came out and pointed to the strange man on the ground and said.

"who are you."

Minami Kotaro walked towards that person.

"I'm the criminal Hayami Hayato of the Metropolitan Police Department's Special Search Department, not a bad guy."

Hayami Hayato quickly took out his ID from his body.

"What, it's Mr. Criminal, my name is Kotaro Minami, please give me your advice."

Minami Kotaro held out his hand.

"Please advise."

Hayami Hayato also extended his hand and shook hands with Minami Kotaro.


As soon as Hayami Hayato shook hands with Minami Kotaro, he felt that his hand was about to be crushed, and his body trembled in pain.

Minami Kotaro felt uncomfortable and quickly let go of his hand.Hayami Hayato blew on the hand he just held with Minami Kotaro, but he didn't know what it was good for.

"Sorry, did I push too hard?"

Minami Kotaro looked at his hands suspiciously, obviously feeling that he was useless.

"Ah, yes."

Hayami Hayato saw that his hands were swollen.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Criminal, is there something wrong?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"I want to take a good look at your face."

"Look at my face?"

Minami Kotaro pointed to his face.

"I see clearly, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The douchebag waved away with the other hand.

Hayami Hayato held his hand and walked on the road,

"He is really hardworking, Minami Kotaro, I remember you. He is indeed a young man with a serious face. Make a mark and take it as someone to pay attention to. The higher-ups asked me to find Kamen Rider bck. There is really no trace clue."

Hayami Hayato put his small notebook on a car next to him and drew a circle. When he looked up, he found that the car in front of him had parked illegally.

"Parking in a place like this. Come out. What are you doing, suspicious guy."

Before Hayami Hayato could finish speaking, the man in the car pulled him in through the car door and window.

After a while, Hayami Hayato was stripped of all his clothes by the people in the car and thrown from the car, only wearing a pair of underpants.

Hayami Hayato yelled at the moving car.

"Stop, those are my clothes."

Hayami Hayato failed to catch up in the end, otherwise he would have disappeared into the world like the original owner of the car.

That car is now being driven by the robot Chublikon sent by Mary Balon and Gardison.

Kyoko and the others took Nan Kotaro and Li Qinghe to go shopping together,

"Tonight, to celebrate Kotaro's safe return, Kemei, I, and Lily will cook something delicious for you."

Nan Kotaro and Li Qinghe left the supermarket with the purchased items, waiting for Kyoko and the others at the door, and Kyoko had to buy some snacks for Xiaomao and Kumakura Taro and the others.

Suddenly, a crack spread under the feet of Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro, Kyoko and the others had just come out of the supermarket.

"Kotaro, we're coming out."

Kyoko, Katsumi Kida and the others came out with Xiao Mao, Kumakura Taro, and Xiao Mao's younger sister, and happily ran towards Li Qinghe and the others.

At this time, a taxi rushed out of the crack, which was the one driven by Chubrikang.

"Xingzi, don't come here."

The car flew over the heads of Li Qinghe and Nan Guangtaro, and drove towards Xingzi and the others.

Xingzi pulled Xiaomao and the others to the ground, but Xiaomao's younger sister, Xiaotong, cried in fright and dared not move.

At the critical moment, the kid Kumakura Taro pushed Hitomi to the other side. The price was that he was hit by a taxi, his body was hung upside down under the car, and his intestines and heart were dragged all the way.

"Kumakura Taro!"

Kyoko covered her mouth and cried.

The taxi dragged Kumakura Taro's body into pieces, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Not only that, the taxi turned back again and ran towards Kyoko and the others.Kuma Kurataro's blood can also be seen on the glass of the taxi.

"What's the matter with this car?"

Katsumi Kita cried sadly.

"Kutaro, you protect Kyoko, this time I will."

Li Qinghe was angry, never more angry than this time, it was a slap in the face, a naked slap in the face.

Moreover, Li Qinghe also likes Kumakura Taro very much. This kid who usually looks very mature suits Li Qinghe's appetite very much.

Li Qinghe planned to train Xiong Cang Taro well, but he was killed here, his body was torn apart, even if Li Qinghe wanted him to become Ophelia, there was nothing he could do.

To become Orfienuo, one needs to have a complete body, otherwise, one cannot bear Li Qinghe's transformation energy.Moreover, Kumakura Taro's body is so small, his physical fitness is even worse, and he needs a complete body.


Li Qinghe touched his belt and transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.


Li Qinghe used the deltahone to shoot three times at the driver of the rushing taxi, knocking Chublikang out of the car, and Chublikang jumped out of the car in human form.

The taxi was still driving towards Li Qinghe, like a wild horse that had run loose. Li Qinghe retracted the delta to his waist, and with one hand forward, he grabbed the car rushing in front of him with all his might. A handprint was caught on the front body by Li Qinghe.

Chublikang saw Li Qinghe grabbed the car, and his right hand turned into a claw to grab Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe picked up the taxi in his hand and threw it at Chublikang.

Before Chubrikang could take a few steps, his body was crushed by the taxi.

A burst of electricity flashed, and Chublikang returned to its original form, lifted the taxi, and threw it towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe jumped up and kicked the taxi back to Chublikang again with a flying kick.

Chublikan tried to block the taxi with his mechanical arm. The strength of the taxi forced Chublikan to back up for an unknown distance before catching the taxi.

Chublikang felt that relying on his strength, he was not Li Qinghe's opponent, so he was going to throw the taxi to another place, but he didn't dare to send the taxi to Li Qinghe's side again.

However, Li Qinghe would not teleport to the taxi that Chublikang was dragging as he wished.

"You choose to use a taxi to kill Kuma Kurataro, and I will treat you the way you do."

Li Qinghe punched the taxi, knocking Chublikang who was dragging the taxi flying with the taxi.

When Chubrikang landed, his body was held down by the taxi again.

The paw of Chubrikang's right hand spun quickly, pierced a hole in the middle of the taxi, and got out of the car.

As Chubrikang got out of the car, the taxi exploded after being destroyed by such violence.

"Who are you? I am the monster robot Chubrikon. You are qualified to know my name. Follow General Jagu's order to destroy Kamen Rider Bck and those who stop this process, so you have to die."

Chublikang stood in front of Li Qinghe and said.

"Jiagu, I will look for him in the future, so you will bear my anger first."

Li Qinghe instantly moved to Chublikang's back and kicked Chublikang away.

When Chubrikang is in the air state,


Li Qinghe used super speed, came to Chublikang, and kicked Chublikang into the ground from mid-air.

Chapter 53 The Chrysis Empire's Emphasis

"The sword of Satan comes out."

Li Qinghe drew the Satan sword from his waist, and cut off all of Chublikang's limbs.

"What does it feel like? Is this pain?"

Li Qinghe used the Satan sword to cut off Chublikang's limbs. Since the Satan sword was too lethal, his damage was the original damage.

It made Chublikan feel pain even as a robot, and even if Chublikan survived the war after the war, he couldn't install other parts.

Li Qinghe pointed the Satan sword at Chubrikang.

"Do you know Ling Chi? Even if you are a robot, I can make you feel Ling Chi's pain."

Li Qinghe slowly chopped down from Chublikang's lower body centimeter by sword.

"What? This is the Kamen Rider Delta. How could it be so strong? If it wasn't for rumors, we wouldn't even know there was such a knight."

Mary Balon saw the strength of Li Qinghe from Chubrikang's shared vision.

"Kamen Rider Delta should be stronger than Kamen Rider Bckrx. How could the robot I developed with so much effort be defeated without any backhand?"

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