In the end, Chubrikang couldn't bear such Ling Chi, and blew himself up with a "boom".His self-explosion did not cause any harm to Li Qinghe.

"I thought I was already very strong, but when compared with my predecessors, I realized that I was still so weak."

Seeing that Li Qinghe wiped out the robot sent by the Klexis Empire so quickly, Nan Guangtaro respected Li Qinghe even more.

"What should I do? How could that Kamen Rider Delta be so strong? His strength and speed can't be calculated by computer.

It is clearly rumored that the strength of Kamen Rider BCK is much higher than that of Kamen Rider Delta.But, why..."

Mary Balon said nervously.

Because Li Qinghe did not do much, Nan Kotaro usually did the work of rescuing people, so his reputation in the outside world was not as resounding as that of Nan Kotaro, which was what Li Qinghe expected.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. It is best to let the enemy underestimate yourself.

"What? Impossible, my computer will have data that cannot be calculated!"

Gardison's robotic head snapped back to his body, staring at the computer.

"This important news must be reported to General Jagu in advance. Otherwise, none of us will be able to escape the failure of this mission."

Seeing Li Qinghe's strength, Mary Balon was ready to blame Li Qinghe for the failure. It wasn't because we didn't work hard, but because the enemy was too strong.

"No, I'm already here."

General Jagu's arrival was so sudden that the chief cabinet robot, Chakra, didn't even notify him.

"General Jagu, you are here."

Mary Balon and Gardison obediently stood aside.

"I have heard what you just said. You replayed the battle between Kamen Rider Delta and Chublikon through the computer."

General Jagu ordered.


Gardison hastily replayed the battle scene between Li Qinghe and Chublikang.

"This person is the biggest obstacle to our Clexis empire ruling the earth, and it must be removed."

The more General Jia Gu watched, the more surprised he became, especially when he saw that Li Qinghe could teleport.

"General, I think we can try to win him over. His strength is so strong. If he is allowed to serve our Krysis Empire, then our Krysis Empire will rule the earth just around the corner."

Mary Balon suggested.

"But that Kamen Rider Delta is with Kamen Rider Bckrx, Minami Kotaro doesn't agree, will this person agree?"

Gardison said stupidly, he didn't know that Mary Balon's proposal just now was to avoid the topic of Nan Kotaro, so as to avoid being punished by General Jagu.

"Mary Balon, if you accomplish this, then you and Gardison will be exempted from the punishment for failing this mission. If you fail, then you will have double the punishment."

General Jagu pondered for a while, and decided that it would be better to let Mary Baron win over Li Qinghe first. After all, Li Qinghe is really strong. It would be great if he could join the Klexis Empire. If you agree, you must get rid of it.


Mary Balon had no choice but to agree.

"However, if that person doesn't agree, kill him. Boss just went to prepare."

General Jagu gave an order to Persi Gang behind him.

"General Jagu, I don't think I can complete this task alone, please punish General Jagu."

Bo Sigang also watched Li Qinghe's battle scene just now. He is so strong that he can't handle it by himself, so for the sake of his own life, he would rather accept punishment than fight Li Qinghe.

"Don't worry, I will arrange other people to help, Mary Baron, if Kamen Rider Delta refuses to accept our invitation, then you, Gardison, Gadorion and the others will go to assist Bosigon."

In the Clexis Fortress, General Jagu discussed how to deal with Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe got rid of Chublikanghou, released his transformation, and came to Nan Kotaro.

Looking at Kyoko and the others' red eyes from crying, Li Qinghe also felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't expect that the Krexis Empire had no lower limit, and it was even more hateful than Golgom.

Nan Kotaro called the emergency call and collected as many dead bodies as possible.

"Why did you transform into Kamen Rider Delta?"

Xiaoling is a new member, only she doesn't know Li Qinghe's true identity.

"Xiao Ling, senior is Kamen Rider Delta, so he can transform."

Minami Kotaro helped Kyoko who was crying non-stop.

"Then you won't be Kamen Rider bck."

Xiaoling asked hesitantly.


Minami Kotaro shook his head.


Xiaoling hummed just now, and Nan Kotaro went on to say,

"I am Son of the Sun, Kamen Rider Bckrx."

"What? You too."

Xiao Ling felt that her world view had been subverted, and she was surprised more than her discomfort at the killing of Kumakura Taro.

"Mr. Qinghe, you want to avenge Xiong Cang Taro, he died too badly."

Lily hugged Li Qinghe and cried.

Li Qinghe kissed Lily's forehead, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, go back and let Kumakura Taro go well."

After returning to the tea room, Xiaoling's parents also knew the news of Kumakura Taro's death, and they were very sad.

Li Qinghe took Nan Kotaro, Kyoko and the others to bury Kumakura Taro and stood in front of Kumokura Taro's tombstone.

"Don't feel too bad, Kumakura Taro just left one step ahead of time, reunited with him, Kumakurai Kuma, and his mother early.

Let's go, let Kumakura Taro rest well, this place belongs to him. "

Li Qinghe and his party left there.

After Li Qinghe returned to the tea room, he felt very uncomfortable with Xiong Cantaro and went out alone.

"Kamen Rider Delta."

Mary Balon appeared in front of Li Qinghe with a group of little Luoluo.

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe asked vigilantly.

"I am Marie Balon, a spy under General Jagu of the Klexis Empire."

Mary Balon introduced herself.

"It turned out to be Mary Balon, the intelligence staff officer of the Klexis Empire. What's the point of coming to me alone?"

Li Qinghe's tone was not polite, he looked around to see if there was an ambush.

"I am ordered by General Jagu to invite you to join the Klexis Empire."

Mary Balon stated her conditions.

"Really? If I join the Klexis Empire, what's the benefit? Can it give me twice the strength?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Here, although we cannot give you twice the strength, the omnipotent Emperor Klexis can give you supreme power and glory."

Mary Balon knew Li Qinghe's strength, so it was almost impossible to double his strength.So change the condition.

"Then I want the position above [-] people, can you give it to me?"

Li Qinghe asked with a smile.

"It's impossible. If you join our Clexis Empire, you will be under the name of General Jagu and have the same status as us."

Mary Balon rejected Li Qinghe's unfeasible request without hesitation.

"Unfortunately, I don't like to follow other people's orders. So, I declined your invitation."

Li Qinghe touched his belt, "Transform."

"What, you dare to refuse the invitation from the Klexis Empire, don't you know that the condition I just gave you is a supreme honor?"

Mary Balon said angrily.

"I don't think so, I think it's an insult to me, a mere Klexis Empire wants me to serve you. Dream it."

Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta and stood in front of Mary Balon.

"You will regret this."

Seeing that the win over failed, Mary Balon prepared to leave.

"Leave, what a waste of me not staying for so long."

Li Qinghe shook his right hand, pulled out the deltahone around his waist, "fire."

Li Qinghe used the deltahone to take out those little Luoluo around Mary Balon one by one.

"do not come."

Mary Balon stepped back.

"I'm not going, so you come here."

Li Qinghe shot several times with "bang bang bang" and hit the place where Mary Balon was going to retreat.

Li Qinghe walked quickly towards Mary Balon, who leaned against the tree beside her.

"Kamen Rider Delta, you dare to refuse the invitation of the Klexis Empire, you will bear the wrath of the Empire." General Jagu's voice came.

Suddenly the sky above Li Qinghe's head darkened, and the Klexis Empire appeared above Li Qinghe's head.

The Krysis Empire emitted a guiding light, and Mary Balon took the opportunity to enter the Krysis Fortress.

Li Qinghe can also enter, but the Clexis Fortress is the culmination of the Clexis Empire, entering rashly is definitely not acceptable.

Once someone enters there openly and without a plan, Li Qinghe may really be trapped inside.

Li Qinghe hesitated for a moment, still thinking about whether to follow the guiding light into Fortress Clesis.

The guiding light was gone. .

"The Krasis Empire, it is impossible to try to enslave me. As for your anger, is it as high as mine? You actually attacked me cruelly and with despicable means."

Li Qinghe said angrily to the Klexis Fortress in the sky.

Chapter 54 The Knight of the Wind, Ganakis Gang

"Kamen Rider Delta, you will pay for your stupid actions."

After General Jagu finished speaking, he let Klexis Fortress leave.

Soon after, Li Qinghe sent a message for help to the Red Police base in Kamen Rider 555 World through the Philosopher's Stone, a world ruled by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe found himself isolated by this world, blocked by this world from the ability to travel to other worlds.Otherwise, Li Qinghe would have transferred the other knights here long ago, and Li Qinghe has no masochism.

After Li Qinghe drew the red police base, the base was handed over to Nagata Yuka.

"Dididi. Found the delta signal."

"Dididi, the host Li Qinghe issued a request for help from an unknown world, and the coordinates are jckrx."

A rapid siren sounded from the command platform of the Red Police base.

Nagata Yuka put down her work when she heard the voice, and hurried to the podium.

The command platform is the core of the Red Police Base, except for Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka, no one else is allowed to approach here no matter how close they are to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's delta belt signal was tracked by the Red Police base because of the fluctuations emitted by the Philosopher's Stone.

"Mr. Qinghe, I will meet you soon. I haven't seen you for so long. How are you doing? By the way, there is this. Although the technology is not perfect, but for you, so what if some people die."

Nagata Yuka hurriedly left the podium and came to the third branch of the research institute of the Red Police Base. This is after Li Qinghe went to the bck world, Nagata Yuka gathered a large number of scientists to study this important technology that travels through space , a purpose-built institution.It is for better exploration and research of space travel, after all, the number of space rifts has been used up.

Only space rifts can carry out group travel on a large scale, not small-scale personnel travel.

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