Even the shuttle gate opened by Li Qinghe could not allow hundreds of thousands of people to pass through.

"How is your small-scale shuttle research going?"

Nagata Yuka walked into the research institute and found Gao He, the director in charge of the research, to ask.

"Reporting sir, this research is still immature, there are still some places that are not complete, and testing is underway."

When Gao He saw Nagata Yuka coming, he immediately saluted.

"It doesn't matter if it's not perfect, let me ask you, is it ready to use?"

Nagata Yuka's voice became a little anxious.

"Sir, it can be used. This small-scale shuttle can allow 100 people to leave with equipment. But there are still some problems with this shuttle. His..."

Before Gao He could finish speaking, Nagata Yuka interrupted him, "That's all right, you go and prepare the shuttle, and I will call it."

Nagata Yuka called Kiba Yuji over without the knowledge of Denen Mari, Kageyama Yako and others.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

When Yuji Kiba heard the urgent news from Yuka Nagata, he left home without stopping and came here.

"Kiba, how does the president treat you?"

Nagata Yuka didn't say what she thought at first, but asked like this.

"The president is my benefactor, and I will be grateful for his help all my life."

Although Kiba Yuji didn't know the reason for Nagata Yuka's question, he still told the truth.

"So if you are asked to fight with the president, would you be willing?"

Nagata Yuka continued to ask.

"I am willing."

Kiba Yuji replied immediately.

"Do you have news from the president?"

Yuji Kiba suddenly realized that if Nagata Yuka asked himself this, there must be news from the president Li Qinghe.

"Kiba, I won't lie to you, I have already found the president."

Nagata Yuka said cautiously.

"President, where is he?"

Yuji Kiba asked excitedly when he heard that Yuka Nagata had found Li Qinghe.

"The president is in another world, and he encountered an unknown crisis. I have located his position, but I don't know the specific situation in that world, so I need you to go to that world, find the president, and protect him.

However, the small-scale shuttle is not yet perfect, and there may be accidents during the transmission process. Once an accident occurs, I don't know what will happen. It is very likely that you will never come back.

Are you willing to fight together with the president? "

Nagata Yuka explained the benefits to Kiba Yuji clearly.

"Yes I do."

Kiba Yuji replied without the slightest hesitation.

"When can I act, I want to see the president sooner."

Kiba Yuji asked anxiously.

"It's fine now, but won't you say goodbye to Qian Hui?"

Nagata Yuka said.

Yuuji Kiba shook his head.

"Everything about me has been given to me by the president since I was reborn as Orfienuo. During this time, Qianhui is relying on you."

Kiba Yuji bowed deeply to Nagata Yuka.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about Qianhui. The Belt of the Earth will bring it to you. For this operation, I will let a small team of Leo Knights accompany you."

Nagata Yuka asked Kiba Yuji to leave with the belt a of the land.

"This is the belt of the earth, here you are."

Nagata Yuka handed the box of the Belt of Earth a to Yuji Kiba.

After Li Qinghe suddenly disappeared in the ruins, in order to avoid possible civil strife, Nagata Yuka took away Kiba Yuji's belt of the earth, the attachments of the delicate faiz belt, and the belt of the sky worn by Takumo Yiro stand up.

Without these three particularly powerful belts, no matter what civil strife occurs, Nagata Yuka is sure to suppress it soon.

Kiba Yuji came to the scene of the small-scale shuttle with the box of the belt of the earth.It was found that 99 Leo knights were already waiting there.

"Go, please be sure to protect the president."

Nagata Yuka said with a pleading tone.

"Don't worry, even if I risk my life, I won't let the president get hurt."

Kiba Yuji assured.


Yuji Kiba used the Belt of the Earth to transform into Kamen Rider A.The squad he led also transformed into Knights of Leo.

The body will bear a huge load when traveling through space, so for safety, everyone has transformed.

"Please get ready, target location: jckrx. The small-scale shuttle is about to start, 3, 2, 1, shuttle."

Nagata Yuka personally pressed the shuttle button.

With a bang, the crew of the shuttle disappeared.

Nagata Yuka folded her hands in prayer. "It must be successful."


one sound.

"The transmission was successful. It is expected to arrive at the target location in 2 hours and 30 minutes."

The transmission station displayed the result of this shuttle.


Nagata Yuka took a deep breath.This shuttle is actually not safe, there is a 50.00% chance of failure, once it fails, the people inside will be teleported to an unknown space.

However, Yuji Kiba was very lucky this time, and the time travel was successful.

Nagata Yuka was already prepared to fail, and if she failed, the next person to go would be Takumo Itachi who used the Belt of Heaven, but it's fine if she succeeds.

"Mr. Qinghe, we will meet soon. I have asked Kiba Yuji to meet you first. May you be well."

Nagata Yuka prayed silently in her heart.

Clexis Fortress.

"General Jagu, please don't punish me."

Gardison half-kneeled on the ground and begged.

"General, I am different from Gadorion and Gardison. I am a pure Clexis and was born in a noble family. Are you going to punish me too?"

Mary Balon, who was wearing heavy eyeshadow, also half-kneeled on the ground and asked.

"Shut up, I appointed you as the four captains, mainly because of your strong combat effectiveness, not because of your birth, but you two failed to defeat rx, and you must be punished."

General Jagu pointed at Gardison and Mary Balon with his scepter, and the yellow light from the golden scepter wrapped around Gardison and Mary Balon.


Gardison and Mary Balon fell to the ground panting heavily.

"Stupid guy, within 24 hours, you will also feel pain. You should reflect on how you have served General Jagu. Let's go."

Just as Persia finished speaking, Gardison and Mary Balon left in a state of embarrassment.

It is obvious that Persia has a higher status in the heart of General Jagu than Gardison and Mary Baron.

"Boss, can you help me?"

General Jagu asked Persi just behind his back.

"General Jagu, I am a pure Klexisian. I will bet on my reputation and show you the defeat of rx."

Persia just asked General Jagu to give himself the task of defeating Kamen Rider Bckrx.

"General, please entrust this task to me. Although neither Gardison nor I are from Klexis, the general still supports me like this. I will never forget this kindness."

Gedorion also asked General Jagu to give himself the task of eliminating Kamen Rider BCK.

"Guidorion, can you do it? Just now Mary Balon and Gardison failed to deal with Kamen Rider BCK, so leave this task to me."

Persia just taunted Gedorion.

"Bo Sigang, I remember that General Jagu gave you an order to deal with Kamen Rider Delta, not Kamen Rider Bck. It's better for you to finish the job well."

Gadorion did not show weakness and counterattacked.


Persia just pointed at Gedorion and was speechless. If it wasn't for Klexis Fortress and General Jagu was in front of him, I believe the two would have started fighting long ago.

"Okay, let's talk about dealing with Kamen Rider BCK later, let's talk about dealing with Kamen Rider Delta first, Bo Sigang, how are you preparing. This operation must kill Kamen Rider Delta."

General Jagu turned to look at Bo Sigang.

"General Jagu, I have summoned the strongest warrior from the Monster Realm. Please rest assured."

Boss just replied.

"his name is?"

General Jagu asked curiously.

"Genakis Gang, the Knight of the Wind."

Persia had just spoken out to whomever he sent.

"Then send Ganakis to the ground, together with Mary Balon, Gardison, and your manpower prepared by Gedorion, we should be able to keep Kamen Rider Delta."

Chapter 55 Ambush in the Demon Realm

General Jagu said confidently.

"General Jagu, this is my plan this time. Not only Kamen Rider Delta, but also Kamen Rider Bckrx can be wiped out in this plan."

Persia just gave the plan he had prepared to General Jagu.

General Jagu quickly finished reading.

"Bosigang, you did a good job. This mission to eliminate Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx, please follow your plan. I hope to see the heads of Kamen Rider Delta and Kamen Rider Bckrx as soon as possible. "

General Jagu finalized Bosigang's plan.

After Li Qinghe rejected General Jia Gu's invitation, he returned to the tea room.

"Senior, did you just go out?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"Going out to relax, I met people from the Klexis Empire."

Li Qinghe said.

"People from the Klexis Empire, they must be wreaking havoc again, where are they?"

Minami Kotaro clenched his fists.

"They want to win me over to serve for their Emperor Klexis."

Li Qinghe said disdainfully.

"Have you promised them?"

Minami Kotaro asked.

"Needless to say, definitely not. I will only serve myself. It is impossible for Emperor Klexis to want me to serve him."

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