Li Qinghe told Nan Kotaro what he had just talked with Mary Balon.

"Senior, you rejected their invitation, they will definitely not let it go, you must be careful."

Nan Kotaro said.

"Waiting for them?"

Just as Li Qinghe finished speaking, Fortress Clexis suddenly came over the tea room.The wind knight Ganakis just went up to the park near the tea room from the guiding beam of Klexis Fortress.

"Genakis, if you can eliminate Kamen Rider Bckrx and Kamen Rider Delta, I will give you the position of captain, work hard."

General Jagu said to the one who arrived on Earth.

"Yes, I will definitely introduce Kamen Rider Bckrx and Kamen Rider Delta to the Monster World."

Ganakis responded just as he jumped off his horse.

Genakis just walked towards the tea room, and soon arrived in front of the tea room.

Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro also saw that Genakis had just arrived,

"It should have been sent by Klexis."

Namkotaro said excitedly.

"You are very brave. You dare to come out alone, so don't go back."

Li Qinghe and Nan Kotaro were preparing to go out.I saw Ganakis just pointing the spear in his hand to the sky,

"Whirlwind of light in the wind."

A small green whirlwind appeared on Ganakis's spear, and he pointed in the direction of the tea room, go,

"Using my Ganaki Sigang's body as an introduction, let's send this building to the Monster Realm."

As soon as Ganakis finished speaking, the tea room where Li Qinghe and the others lived was wrapped in a green whirlwind and disappeared.

Li Qinghe only felt a green light flash in front of his eyes, and the environment outside the tea room had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Why is there a sudden power outage?"

Kyoko's voice came from the room. In a big city like Tokyo, power outages are not allowed, and every power outage will cause huge losses.

Xiaoling's parents also walked out of the room with doubts on their faces, came to the tea room, looked out the window,

"What's going on, why is it like this outside?"

The voices of Xiaoling's parents drew everyone else out.

Moon Shadow Yugali looked at the scenery outside the tea room suspiciously, "It shouldn't be. Mr. Qinghe, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't believe it's true."

Xiaoling's mother opened the door of the tea room, and Xiaoling's father followed carefully.

"Careful, come back quickly."

Minami Kotaro thought of the weirdo sent by the Klexis Empire just outside the tea room.

"Dad, mom."

Xiaoling cried out sadly.

As soon as Xiaoling's parents opened the door of the tea room, a spear flew over, pierced through Xiaoling's parents' bodies, and then stuck into the ground.

Nan Kotaro hurriedly closed the door of the tea room, and a large number of figures appeared indistinctly outside the tea room.

"Kutaro, I can't do it anymore, Xiaoling and Xiaomao, I will leave them to you. I will accompany..."

Xiaoling's father grabbed Nan Kotaro's hand and put his hand and Xiaoling's together. He couldn't breathe, and his head tilted to death.

Li Qinghe looked at the weeping Xiaoling, Xiaomao and Xiaotong, who were about to infuse Xiaoling's parents with Aofei Enuo energy, but just walked up to Xiaoling's parents.

The glass in the tea room was all broken, and hundreds of chaps (ordinary soldiers of the Krexis Empire) jumped into the tea room, and Genakis had just walked out of the chaps.

"Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Bck, I, Ganakis, have just officially announced the death penalty for you, please die."

Ganakis just waved the spear inserted into Xiaoling's parents, and the spear returned to Ganakis's hand again, and Xiaoling's parents were shaken to pieces by the spear.

"Genakis, you're fine. Transform."

Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.

Nan Kotaro wanted to transform, but there was no sunshine in the Demon Realm at this time, so he couldn't transform.

"You can actually transform."

Ganakis just thought that Li Qinghe, like Nan Kotaro, needed the power of the sun to transform.

Li Qinghe didn't explain, "Satan sword." Li Qinghe drew the Satan sword from his waist.

"Kotaro, Morita Yoshitoshi and the others will be handed over to you, and I will deal with the others. Bihume, you need to take action this time."

After exhorting Nan Kotaro and Morita Yoshitoshi, Li Qinghe said to Bihume.

"Do not worry."

Kotaro Minami promised.

Li Qinghe passed part of his own power to the Satan Sword, and swung it at Garp in front of him. Dozens of Chap in front of him were hit by the energy of the sword, and the hit Garp was turned into ashes.

As soon as Ganakis put the spear behind his back, he ran away. Naturally, Li Qinghe couldn't let him go, so he chased after him.

Seeing Li Qinghe leave, the other chaps surrounded Nan Kotaro and the others again.

"Haha, Kamen Rider Delta has been lured away by us, and Kamen Rider Bckrx can't transform. Are you going to catch him without a fight, or should we do it?"

Mary Balon walked out with a twist.

"If you want us to be caught without a fight, how is it possible?"

Kotaro Minami stood in front of Mary Balon.

"You can't even transform, how can you stop me."

Mary Balon whipped Namkotaro away with a whip.Walking towards Tsukage Yukari, Kyoko, Tomoko, Lily, and Katsumi Kida.

"Damn, you are as hateful as Golgom, you cannot tolerate it."

Yoshitoshi Morita roared, transformed into a lion monster, and rushed towards Mary Balon.

"What, a freak from Golgom?"

Mary Balon was surprised to see Yoshitoshi Morita rushing towards her.

"Gangzadin, come on."

After Mary Balon finished speaking, a mechanical monster Gang Zadin smashed into the wall of the tea room and knocked Yoshitoshi Morita who was on the way to change into flying.

As soon as Morita Yoshitoshi got up, he was knocked out of the tea room by Gang Zading, who walked towards Morita Yoshitoshi.

"Gardison, you did a good job. It seems that you have to share half of the credit this time."

Mary Balon said with some displeasure.

"Hahaha, Kamen Rider Delta, he has been dragged by the Mirror Art, and these people must be caught quickly to force Kamen Rider Delta to submit to our Clexis Empire."

Gardison rode a motorcycle, stopped through the window of the tea room, and came to Mary Balon's side.

"Go ahead and grab them."

Mary Balon ordered to the other chaps, and the other chaps surrounded Kyoko and the others.

"court death."

Dozens of rays of light shot out from Byhum's eyes, hitting the nearby Chaps one by one, and the hit Chaps naturally had no reason to survive.

"Who is this?"

Gaidorion, who was hiding himself on the side, jumped out and asked.

"It seems that Byhum, one of the three priests in the destroyed Gorgom organization, can emit extremely strong light in his eyes. Apart from this, he should have no other abilities. I will deal with her."

Mary Balon took out her whip.

"Mary Balon, you don't need to take action. Leave this person to Gaidorion. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of General Jagu's support and support to me."

Guy Dorion also wanted a share of the credit.

"Blame the Warcraft Beastman Genaramos, let's go."

Gaidorion called out to a strange Warcraft man whose whole body was green.

The leaf-like tentacles on Ganaramos's head trembled, and countless Ganae flew out from the tentacles, flying towards Byhum.

Bihum has not only the original Earth Stone, but also the Sky Stone and Sea Stone, and can also use the abilities of the original great priests Darom and Raohm.

"Light Whip."

A beam of energy was formed in Byhum's hand, knocking down all the Gaina'e around him like a whip, without missing a single one. ,

Bihume aimed at Gaidorion with the power of thought in his hand, jumping up and down, saying how powerful the monster man Gainamos he brought was so powerful, he was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye, and was shot out by Bihume Tea room, call outside.

"Guidorion, it seems that the monster monsters you brought are not strong enough, let's look at mine, and come out with the monster monster Akipeji."

Boss just drew out the long sword at his waist with his left hand and pointed it at Byhum, but his right hand sent a cursor at Kyoko and the others.

Byhum could only withdraw part of his attention, and formed an energy shield in front of Kyoko, and was bound by Akipeji, a weirdo similar to a cactus, with Akipeji vines.

Bihume used his thoughts to break free from the vines on his body.

"It will take a while for me to break free from Archipelago's vine. You go and control the others. This woman is so powerful. I want it. Do you have any opinions?"

Persia just asked Mary Balon, Gadorion, and Gardison.

"No, I..."

Gaidorion, who had just returned from the tea room, clearly disagreed, but he shut his mouth when he saw Bosigon's long sword clinging to his neck.

Gardison, a robot, has no desire for women, and Mary Balon is a woman herself, and has no interest.

Chapter 56 Strategies to tune the tiger away from the mountain

Not long after chasing Genakis out, Li Qinghe felt that he might have fallen into the trick of the Klexis Empire to lure the tiger away from the mountain.He was about to turn back, and after stopping his pursuit, Li Qinghe looked behind him, and saw that the road he had walked had been smoothed out by the wind and sand, and the surroundings were all the same desert.

"Kamen Rider Delta, it's too late for you to realize that you've been tricked. Stay here."

Mary Balon laughed arrogantly.

"Mary Balon, I want to go back, do you think you can stop me?"

Li Qinghe put a healing energy in Namkotaro's body, which usually plays the role of healing Namkotaro's injuries, and can also play a role in locating Namkotaro's position. At this time, Namkotaro and Kyoko are together, Li Qinghe can rely on Kotaro went back to his place.

"I didn't expect you to be so vigilant. Although you haven't been allowed to reach the designated position, this position is not bad."

Countless shards of glass appeared around Li Qinghe.

A hand reached out from the fragments and grabbed Li Qinghe's feet. Wu Zhen, the monster and monster brigade, wearing a full set of samurai armor, walked towards Li Qinghe from the mirror.

Li Qinghe pulled the man out of the shattered glass, and as soon as he pulled it out and threw it aside, the man disappeared into other glass shards.

"Mirror technique."

Wu Zhen flew his dart out of the mirror behind Li Qinghe, planning to attack Li Qinghe.

Sensing the threat from behind, Li Qinghe grabbed the dart, and the dart exploded.The strong light in front of him made Li Qinghe close his eyes.

Mary Balon walked out from a piece of broken glass, and hit Li Qinghe with a whip. Li Qinghe didn't have the ability to identify enemies by listening to the wind, and relied more on his eyes and perception.

But the dart explosion just now released not only smoke that affected vision, but even Li Qinghe's perception was blocked in a short time.

But who is Li Qinghe, "The sage shines."

Li Qinghe eliminated the abnormal state on his body at once.

"Mary Balon, do you know how to mirror light?"

"Kamen Rider Delta, I'm very curious about how I got out, as an intelligence staff officer of the Klexis Empire, how can I do it if I don't know the mirror technique.

In order to deal with you, I will use the mirror light technique... Huh, you will know in a while, I will go to Namkotaro and the others first, you are here, stay well. "

After Mary Balon finished speaking, she entered the mirror and disappeared.

Li Qinghe looked at the broken glass in front of him, pulled out the Satan sword, "Destroy it."

Li Qinghe went down with his sword, and the broken glass became more, instead of disappearing.

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