"Isn't it material?"

Li Qinghe looked at more and more shards of glass in front of him.

Churu Churudin, a chubby green monster orc, jumped out of the mirror.

Li Qinghe pierced the monster's head with a sword, and pulled out the Satan sword in a hurry, another pink Churuchurudin came out from the mirror and hugged Li Qinghe's leg.

Li Qinghe kicked his knee up and knocked the pink Churu Churudin's ass off.

Li Qinghe also took advantage of the situation to withdraw his Satan sword.

Li Qinghe saw thousands of Churu Churudin jumping out of the mirror and surrounding him.

"Human sea tactics?"

Li Qinghe said Nannan.

"Kamen Rider Delta, you dare to refuse repeated invitations from the Klexis Empire. This is your punishment."

General Jia Gu's voice entered and exited Li Qinghe's mind.

Li Qinghe ignored General Jia Gu's words, and harvested those Churu Churudin of different colors but with the goal of destroying himself with one sword after another.

Li Qinghe's strength was consumed by thousands of Churu Churudin, even if Li Qinghe was very strong, once his strength was exhausted, he could only be captured without a fight.

Li Qinghe had already killed five or six hundred Churu Churudin, but there were still Churu Churudin gushing out of the broken glass.

"Is there no limit to the number of these eccentrics?"

Li Qinghe restrained himself from consuming as little of his strength as possible, and thought of a way to get out.

If you want to go out, the quickest way is to kill the Ganakis Gang who made the whole tea room come to the Monster Realm, but Ganakis Gang is not stupid, just watching from a distance, surrounded by a large number of Churuqiu Rudin and Chap protected.

Li Qinghe's side is also in crisis.

Speaking of Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba was teleported to Hokkaido with a team of knights. With the A-belt echoing the delta belt in Li Qinghe's body, he successfully found Li Qinghe's location and headed for Tokyo.

However, when Kiba Yuji came outside Li Qinghe's tea room and was about to meet Li Qinghe, he found that a bull monster had disappeared the tea room, and the strange man had disappeared.

After the tea room disappeared, the signal on Li Qinghe's belt was still near the tea room, but Li Qinghe could not be found.Kiba Yuji guessed that Li Qinghe might have been teleported to other dimensions.

Kiba Yuji opened the liaison with Nagata Yuka.

"Kiba, how's it going, have you found the president?"

As soon as Kiba Yuji turned on the communicator, Nagata Yuka couldn't bear the longing for Li Qinghe and asked eagerly.

"I found the location of the president, originally the president was in a nearby tea room, but when I went there, the tea room was made to disappear by weird people, but I can still feel the signal from the president's belt is nearby.

I presume that the president has gone to another space, so I ask for support. "

Kiba Yuji said.

"Any other space? It should be a derived space. Since it is a derived space attached to the earth, there are space nodes. Find the weak point in the space nodes and enter that space.

Kiba, you head towards this place, I have given you the location, when you get there, you will collectively transform, and the moment you transform, energy fluctuations will be generated around you.

There will be a gap at the weak point of the space node, Kiba, hurry up.I feel that the president is in danger now. "

Nagata Yuka urged.


Kiba Yuji quickly moved towards the position given by Nagata Yuka.

"This is the place, stop and transform."

Yuji Kiba arrived at the reserved position with the knight team.


Kiba Yuji used the belt of the ground to successfully transform into a, and the others transformed into Leo Knights.

A black hole with a length and width of nearly three meters appeared beside Yuji Kiba.


Kiba gave an order, and a Leo knight entered the black hole first to check the situation.

After a while, Kiba's communicator rang, and the knight who was the first to go in to find the way said:

"Captain, everything is safe and there is no abnormality. The current environment is a desert."

"Okay. Everyone follow me."

Kiba Yuji took the rest of the people into the black hole.

Yuji Kiba had just entered the demon world, and the sensors on his body began to flicker non-stop.

"It's the president, yes, the president is nearby."

Kiba Yuji watched the red dot of the sensor blinking non-stop. This sensor was specially produced to find Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe was in crisis at this time, Wuzhen took advantage of other Churuqirudin's besieging Li Qinghe, hid behind Churuqirudin, kept hiding his position, and got closer and closer to Li Qinghe.Seeing a small loophole leaked by Li Qinghe when he took a breath.

Li Qinghe's Satan sword had just pierced the body of a Churu Churudin, and was about to pull it out, Wu Zhen slashed at Li Qinghe's hand holding the Satan sword.

Li Qinghe didn't want to try the feeling of being cut by Wu Zhen's sword. Wu Zhen's sword didn't look like an ordinary sword, and the killing intent on it was too strong.

In this way, Li Qinghe withdrew his hand holding the Satan sword. Churu Churudin, who was pierced by Li Qinghe's Satan sword, took the Satan sword in his body and ran for a few steps, and then exploded. The Satan sword was weak. fell to the ground.

Although Wu Zhen's sword missed Li Qinghe, he managed to separate Li Qinghe from Satan's sword.

Li Qinghe's battle without the Satan Sword became more and more difficult. Delta was not good at melee combat. Even after being strengthened, this characteristic still existed, but it was slightly strengthened in melee combat.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can last."

Wu Zhen threw the two darts in his hand towards Li Qinghe, but he didn't want Li Qinghe to drag the two Churu Churudin beside him to block the two darts.


After Wu Zhen finished speaking, he came to the Satan sword, picked up the Satan sword and immediately flashed into the mirror, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Li Qinghe watched the Satan Sword not far away being taken away, and had no choice. If there were fewer people around him, Li Qinghe would have enough time to summon the Satan Sword back.

"President, be careful."

Kiba's voice came from not far away.

Wu Zhen took the Satan sword and handed it to the other Chaps, because Wu Zhen guessed that Li Qinghe could perceive the position of the Satan sword, and in fact it was true, and he could use Satan's position to attract Li Qinghe's attention.

Li Qinghe could perceive the location of Satan's sword based on the dark stone integrated into Satan's sword.

He thought that Wu Zhen must be holding his own Satan sword, but he didn't expect Wu Zhen to use the Satan sword as the most important tool to attract his attention.

After the unsuccessful attack on Li Qinghe just now, Wu Zhen immediately launched a second attack.

This time Wuzhen's attack came quietly, Li Qinghe didn't notice it.

Although he heard Kiba's reminder and turned around in time, Takejin's sword was still inserted into his abdomen.

This time Li Qinghe grabbed Wu Zhen's hand holding the sword, endured the pain and tore off Wu Zhen's hand together with his arm. Wu Zhen was also stubborn, without a sound, as if it was not his arm, and retreated into the mirror.


Li Qinghe roared, scaring the Churu Churudins around him back a few steps.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Kiba took out his a mobile phone and pressed a 5, while the other Leo knights pressed a 5 sign on their arms.

Motorcycles with the pattern of Shenglong Group appeared in front of them. This was the initial application of nanotechnology in the Red Police, and it was also the result of Nagata Yuka's research after Li Qinghe disappeared.

Chapter 57 Support Arrives

First, this technology was applied to the motorcycles ridden by riders.Each knight could carry his own locomotive with him.

Kiba Yuji led his knight team to speed up, and soon came to Li Qinghe, and found that Li Qinghe transformed into a masked rider delta to fight against an unknown monster, and saw a strange man behind Li Qinghe holding a sword to sneak attack Li Qinghe.

Kiba Yuji shouted at Li Qinghe, "President, be careful."

But Li Qinghe obviously didn't react. Kiba Yuji saw a long sword inserted into Li Qinghe's abdomen, and the anger in his heart made the dark gold of A's belt change to dark red.

With a sword stuck in Li Qinghe's abdomen, the tiredness of his body surged out all of a sudden,

"Did I have an auditory hallucination just now? Why did I hear Kiba's voice.

There should be a curse on this sword, otherwise my power shouldn't be passing so fast, damn it, careless.However, I can't fall here, Nagata Yuka, Lily, Tsukage Yukari, and many others are waiting for me. "

Li Qinghe pulled out the long sword from his abdomen, and the severe pain suppressed Li Qinghe's drowsiness.

After Li Qinghe completely pulled out the long sword from his abdomen, the delta belt felt the user's state and disintegrated automatically. Li Qinghe covered the blood gushing out of his abdomen with one hand,

"It turns out that Orfi Enoch also bleeds in the human state. I won't be the first Orfi Enoch to bleed to death."

Li Qinghe leaned on the long sword, inserted the long sword behind his back, and leaned on the long sword.

"Go up, go up."

Wu Zhen walked out of the mirror, and cautiously came to Genaki Sigang's side, letting other Churu Churudin continue to test Li Qinghe.

However, Churu Churudin is also a living thing, so close to [-] were killed by Li Qinghe, and the remaining Churuqirudin who were close to [-] or [-] did not dare to approach Li Qinghe, and were scared by Li Qinghe.

"Trash. You go."

Seeing that Churu Churudin didn't dare to go up, Wu Zhen ordered Chap, who protected Ganaki Sigang, to say.

The chaps moved slowly towards Li Qinghe.

"Boom boom boom."

Ganakis and Wu Zhen just heard the sound of the motorcycle.

"Where did the voice come from?"

Wu Zhen looked towards the sound, and saw that a large area of ​​motorcycles had approached him, and a lot of dust was picked up behind the motorcycles.

"Why so fast?"

The motorcycle Yuji Kiba rides is an enhanced version of the motorcycle, which can only be controlled by Orfi Enoch who is above level [-], and the speed is naturally twice the speed of ordinary knight motorcycles.

Kiba Yuji rode his motorcycle and knocked Wu Zhen and Ganaki Sigang who were blocking the way, and rushed towards Li Qinghe.

"Did I bleed so much that my eyes were dazzled? I actually saw Knight Leo."

Li Qinghe saw a large number of Leo knights driving towards him.

"President, what's wrong with you."

Li Qinghe heard Kiba Yuji's voice, looked at A who came to him, and couldn't believe it.

"Kiba, is that you?"

Li Qinghe asked in a weak voice.

"President, it's me, damn it, dare to hurt the president, unforgivable! Go protect the president, and the rest will follow me, you scum, bear my anger."

Isamu Kiba got off the motorcycle, and other Leo knights forcibly knocked Churu Churudin out of the way, and gathered around Li Qinghe to defend Li Qinghe.

Kiba Yuji took out his Emperor Sword, inserted the energy piece into the Emperor Sword,

"Earth Emperor Slash."

A huge energy sword swept towards the "monsters" in front of him.

Anything touched by the emperor's beheading was wiped out, whether it was Chapu or Churu Churudin.

Wu Zhen saw that the situation was not right, so he was ready to run away, and after throwing Genakis in front of him into the mirror, he was also ready to leave and escape, but he didn't want Kiba Yuji to find out his attempt.

Wu Zhen was the one who injured Li Qinghe just now, how could Kiba Yuji not pay attention, Kiba Yuji continued to sweep around with a huge energy sword in his left hand, took out the ahone with his right hand, and pressed "103."

ahone launched a light bomb attack, interrupting the movement of Wu Zhen who was about to use the mirror light technique

"Damn it, if it wasn't for breaking an arm just now, the mirror light technique would have already been used. I can't be reconciled..."

No matter how unwilling Wu Zhen was, his body was turned into ashes after being swept away by the energy of Di Di Zhan.


After Kiba Yuji finished using this move, he lifted his transformation out of breath, and half-kneeled on the ground.The move just now was very heavy for Kiba Yuji, even if Kiba Yuji reached the seventh level of Orfi Enoch.

"President, how are you doing?"

Kiba braced his body and came to Li Qinghe's side.

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