"I'm okay."

Li Qinghe closed his eyes and used the Stone of Light in his body. The Stone of Light radiated warmth and stitched up the wound on Li Qinghe's waist. However, Li Qinghe's face became paler and paler.


Kiba Yuji looked at Li Qinghe worriedly. In his eyes, the president is an invincible existence. The president has never been in such a bad situation.

"I'm fine, let's go, I need you to go save people with me."

Li Qinghe's injuries were not as simple as they said. The Stone of Light could heal, but it would take a long time. In order to speed up, Li Qinghe permanently sacrificed part of his strength to heal some injuries.

The sword that hurt Li Qinghe was by no means an ordinary sword.

Even if Li Qinghe recovers, his strength will be restored to the seventh level of Ao Fei Enuo at most, which is stronger than the current Kiba Yushi. .This is the price, if you give up, you will get something. Otherwise, Li Qinghe might not be able to get out of this demon world.

It's not easy that Wuzhen's sword can penetrate dleta, but after Wuzhen's death, Wuzhen's sword disappeared.

Li Qinghe felt the dark stone with his heart, and called back his Satan sword.

Li Qinghe and Kiba Yuji sat on a motorcycle, sensing the energy imprint on Namkotaro's body, and headed in the direction of Namkotaro.

"Hahahaha. You continue to resist."

Mary Balon stepped on Minami Kotaro's body.

"You wait for the senior to come back..."

Kotaro Minami grabbed Mary Balon's leg and tried to pull Mary Balong down.

Mary Balon remained motionless, stepping on Minami Kotaro even harder.


Minami Kotaro felt his chest was about to be crushed.

"Little beauty, just go back to Persia with me, I will love you very much. I am a nobleman of the Klexis Empire, and I am a perfect match for the three priests of Gorgom."

Persia had just used gas gas to poison Bihume.


Bihume spat.

"Hmph, the winner is king, you are mine now."

Boss just walked up to Byhum and pinched Bihumu's face with his hand, "It smells so good."

"Put down your dirty hands, you wait for Mr. Qinghe to come back. You will be chopped into meat paste."

Lily said to Bo Sigang angrily.

"Really? He's not coming back, isn't he Mary Balon?"

Boss just said solemnly.

"Indeed, I admit that Kamen Rider Delta is strong, but can he defeat the thirteen hundred monsters Churu Churudin I sent?

And Wuzhen is holding his family's cursed sword, and Wuzhen said that his cursed sword has entered the body of Kamen Rider Delta.

This sword was blessed by Emperor Klexis, and the physical strength of those injured by this sword will quickly disappear, the injury will also aggravate, and the bleeding effect will be strengthened.

Not surprisingly, your delta should bleed to death.cluck cluck. "

Mary Balon covered her mouth and smiled.

Persia just heard what Mary Balon said, and became even more unscrupulous. Seeing that Bihume didn't cooperate and tore Bihume's clothes, it seemed that he wanted to do some nasty things in public.

"Sunstone, my soul, I am willing to give my all to protect my loved ones. Even if I become a devil, I will not hesitate."

Kotaro Minami yelled when he saw that Persia was about to insult Byhum.

Minami Kotaro's belt emitted a black light, "Demon Prince."

A black air flow gushed out from Nan Kotaro's body and wrapped around his body, shaking Mary Balon away.

A spear appeared in Nan Kotaro's hand, and he stabbed at Bo Sigang. Persia Gang sensed the attack, dodged all of a sudden, and drew out his sword to block Nan Kotaro.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Minami Kotaro, who became a demon prince, was lost in mind by a powerful force.

With his right hand facing Bo Sigang, a shock wave was sent out from his right hand, knocking Bo Si Gang out of the room.

"What, why is he so strong, why has Nan Kotaro become stronger again."

Mary Balon looked at Nan Kotaro in shock.

"Ganajamos, Archipelago go, no matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than delta? Besides, you don't have consciousness now, you only have instinct."

As expected of an intelligence officer, Mary Balon calmed down immediately, and soon discovered that Kotaro Minami was only fighting with his instinct to protect his family.

"You attacked those people."

Mary Balon gave an order to Genaramos and Archipede.

The tentacles on Ganaramos's head flickered, and a large number of Ganae flew towards Kyoko and the others.

Akipeji fired the cactus poisonous stinger from his body and shot at Kyoko and the others.

Mary Balon thought that Kotaro Minami would protect Kyoko and the others, and blocked the attack with her body.Kotaro Minami did protect Kyoko and the others, but he did so by killing Genaramos and Akipeji.

Kotaro Minami broke off the tentacles on Ganaramos's head with a long spear, and with a swipe of the gun body, he drew Ganaramos onto Gadorion, knocking Gadorion over.

"You idiot, you hit me."

As soon as Gaidorion got up, he was knocked down by Akipeji who was hit by Minami Kotaro.

Minami Kotaro didn't care about the attacks on Kyoko and the others.

With a sound of "coax", dozens of motorcycles passed through the wall of the tea room. Knight Leo used a flamethrower to burn all the Ganao who flew towards Kyoko and the others to ashes. There is a solution, Kyoko and Katsumi Kida were all hit by poisonous needles.


Mary Balon watched the spoilers and told Chap to surround them. .

"Pfft" sound,

From the window mirror, Genakis just fell out of the glass.

Chapter 58 Leaving the Demon Realm

In the hospital, Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't close her eyes all day and all night.

"Qingxiang, go and rest for a while. I'll watch over here."

After coaxing Fengchen Qingxiang away, Li Qinghe opened the door and came to Fengchen Qingxiang's grandma's ward.

"Don't you want me to die? Why don't you go down and wait for me first."

It seemed that they sensed the approaching danger.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's grandma, who hadn't woken up after a day and a night, woke up now.

Li Qinghe unplugged Feng Chen Qingxiang's grandma's oxygen mask.

"Old guy, since you blocked my way, then go to hell."

After Li Qinghe saw that the heart rate monitor showed that Grandma Toyotomi Qingxiang's heart rate wave was a horizontal line, he put on an oxygen mask for her.

In the end, the person who blocked Li Qinghe's entry into Baishui Company also died.

After that, things went on in a logical manner.

Li Qinghe married Fengchen Qingxiang, and the president of Baishui Company also changed hands.It seems that Li Qinghe has become a big winner in life.

Before the perfect honeymoon period after marriage, Li Qinghe was called to Zhinao Group.

These days, Li Qinghe's memory has recovered a lot, and he already knows that he is either Kageyama Shun or the real Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa.

It's funny to say that a person who questioned his identity, after finding out the truth, found that he was himself, and he didn't replace anyone's name.

Li Qinghe also vaguely remembered a familiar person—Yuji Kiba, but he hadn't completely remembered him yet.

Li Qinghe came to Zhinao Group and met sdy who greeted him.

"Oh, long time no see Mr. Qinghe, I miss you so much."

Li Qinghe didn't feel disgusted at the woman who acted artificially.Everyone has their own way of survival, maybe sdy has survived in this way till now.

"Have you met me before?"

Li Qinghe didn't recall all the memories of the past.

"Hey, he's so sad, how can you forget him."

Sdy covered her eyes and pretended to cry.The expression is too fake, sister, you have a little bit of acting skills, okay?

Seeing her performance, Li Qinghe guessed that he might have met her before, but it must be the kind of meeting by chance.

Seeing that Li Qinghe was indifferent, sdy stopped crying.With a natural expression, he said: "What a fool who doesn't understand style! The president is waiting for you in the office, follow me."

This is when Li Qinghe saw Murakami Xia'er.

Kyoji Murakami sat at her desk with her hands folded.

"You are here. Zhinao Group welcomes you to join."

"Thank you."

As soon as Li Qinghe met, he had these two innocuous conversations with Murakami Kyoer.

"I want you to join the Law Enforcement team. It seems that you don't want to, do you?"

Kyo'er Murakami cuts to the chase and cuts directly to the topic.

"I don't want to. I'm living a good life now, why should I add discomfort to my life?"

Li Qinghe said.

Murakami Xiaer said: "Then do you know that the reason you can live such a peaceful life now is because someone has been protecting you from the wind and rain."

Li Qinghe asked back: "Then why, don't let them keep me out of the wind and rain. I will be very grateful to them."

"Interesting, interesting."

When Murakami Kyoer heard Li Qinghe's answer, she clapped her hands and applauded.Then he said: "This is the first time I've seen such a selfish and eloquent person."

A purple energy ball appeared in Murakami Kyo'er's hand.

Li Qinghe's pupils shrink slightly, what kind of ability is this, no, it seems that he can speak well.

"No, I accepted their protection, so I am naturally willing to pay for it."

Seeing that Li Qinghe changed his mind, Murakami Kyo'er was very satisfied. He liked this kind of talented person who knew current affairs.

"Very well, your sister came to me and said that you don't want to join the Law Enforcement team because you want to manage Whitewater?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect that he was the person his sister Yazi Yingshan was looking for, but now it seems that the results have been minimal.


Li Qinghe did not deny it.

"Since you can't let go of that company and want to serve Zhinao Group. I thought of a good idea, so be it.

Merged Baishui Company into Zhinao Group and became a subsidiary of Zhinao Group.The training of the law enforcement team will be held at Baishui Company.Do you have an opinion? "

Can Li Qinghe say he has an opinion?cannot!

Just looking at the energy ball in Murakami Kyo'er's hand, Li Qinghe suppressed his opinion.There is no way, the enemy is powerful.Go ahead and develop first.

"No, of course I agree."

Li Qinghe said.

"That's good. I heard that you have an older brother, Yuji Kiba. He seems to have some opinions on the Intellectual Brain Group. If you have time, you can persuade him to integrate him into our Orfienuo family."

On the screen of Murakami Kyo'er's computer, there is information about Li Qinghe's brother Yuji Kiba.


Li Qinghe didn't remember that he had an older brother, but Murakami Xia'er said that if he had one, he would have it first, and everything would be discussed after leaving here.

Li Qinghe felt more tired than a battle after just a short exchange, mainly because of his heart.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that Zhinao Group was full of talents, and when the president gathered the energy ball, his life felt a great threat.

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