Li Qinghe had already been dragged onto this thief boat, so naturally he couldn't get off the boat.

With the "help" of financial personnel and management personnel sent by Zhinao Group.

The process of WhiteWater's merging into Zhinao Group went very smoothly.

And the leader of the law enforcement team Hinako Sasaki came to the training ground of Baishui Company, a branch of Zhinao Group.

Like Li Qinghe, there are five people in the same batch of trainees of Orfienuo.

"The fact that you can come here means that you have become a part of the future and pride of Orfi Enoch."

Hinako Sasaki started the daily teaching of "washing" thoughts.

Speaking of which, everyone in the law enforcement team has a different form.If you want to teach them in the true sense, you can only find the common shortcomings in all of Aufienuo and train them.

But mental brainwashing is necessary.The law enforcement team is a sword in the hands of the president, and it must be swung wherever the president points it.

The world's most powerful Orfienuo can still be found, but those who are loyal to Zhinao Group and Murakami Xia'er need to be cultivated a little bit.Loyalty is more important than strength.

Li Qinghe wasn't having a good time these days. He didn't know that Ao Fei Enuo also looked at his face in addition to his strength.He turned into a pig-type Orfienuo, and was always ridiculed by the other four people who were training in the same group.

These four people are also the original Ophelia, and their strength is slightly weaker than that of Li Qinghe.Li Qinghe didn't want to cause trouble, so he endured it.

Sasaki Hinako saw all this and didn't stop her.Since the victim is indifferent, why is she in a hurry.

Moreover, his new wife, Toyotomi Qingxiang, passed out not long ago, was sent to the hospital and was found to have advanced gastric cancer, and has been receiving treatment in the hospital.

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Toyotomi Qingxiang, a young girl in the blooming season, got this disease, and it shouldn't be her who got it.

After Li Qinghe finished training every day, he would visit his wife in the hospital and encourage her to persevere. .

Although Li Qinghe is not short of money, cancer does not mean that money can be cured, it can only be said that money hangs his life.

Until one day, Li Qinghe received the news of Toyotomi Qingxiang's death.She committed suicide.

Chapter 59's plan for Kita Tomoko

"Really not going? That's great."

Nan Kotaro jumped up happily, not knowing that Li Qinghe's scrutiny of the world was no worse than Gorgom's, but the way he adopted was gentler.

Li Qinghe and the others started a new life in this place, and with Kiba Yuji's company, Li Qinghe can heal his injuries with peace of mind.

Li Qinghe was free this day, watching TV with Nan Kotaro and the others.

"This talented girl, Kita Tomoko, is doing a lot of new research at Seongnam University, so let's go and have a look."

The camera pans to a room.

"This problem is regarded as a difficult problem in the mathematics world, but this genius girl solved it in three days. Please see, she is only 10 years old now, but she is a master in various fields of research.

The IQ of gifted girls is estimated to be 200 or 250. "

A reporter introduced Kita Tomoko, a gifted girl who was speaking eloquently on the podium.

A male reporter in the audience asked, "Tomoko, what are you researching now?"

Bei Youzi said proudly: "I am now researching a computer that can read people's hearts."

"People's hearts?"

The reporters below whispered to each other.

"If you see the police, the bad guys will run away immediately. This principle can also come in handy."

Kita Tomoko showed her structural diagram.

"Is it really possible to make such a device?"

The reporter below asked with a skeptical tone.

"Tomoko, let everyone see that."

The professor on the side said to Kita Tomoko.


Tomoko nodded, and took out a small yellow ball from his arms.

"This is the anti-gravity ball she successfully researched. Ordinary balls will slowly come to rest after being put down, but this ball is different. It repels against gravity, and once it hits the ground, it will bounce higher and higher."

The old professor next to Tomoko Kita took the ball from Tomoko's hand, threw the anti-gravity ball out, and performed a demonstration.

This anti-gravity ball was thrown out by the old professor. It bounced higher and higher from the ground, and the impact force became stronger and stronger. It broke the glass, and it bounced higher and higher. I don't know where it ended up.

"Wow, that's amazing. You really deserve to be the genius girl Kita Tomoko."

The other reporters looked surprised.

"I can't believe it. She's been in our class before."

Xiaomao couldn't believe that these were all his former classmates.

"Has Tomoko's mind always been this good?"

Kotaro Minami asked while knocking the melon seeds.

"Well, her grades were worse than mine before. But suddenly..."

Xiaomao stopped talking halfway.

"But what?"

"Suddenly? What happened suddenly?"

Yuji Kiba interrupted.

"By the way, today is Tomoko Kita's birthday. We are all going to Chengnan University to help her celebrate. Do you want to go together. Then I won't have homework on Saturday."

Seongnam University, a very familiar university.

Li Qinghe thought a lot, and thought of the trip in the agito world back then.It was also at Seongnan University that I met Shoichi Tsugami and the others, but unfortunately they were not used by me in the end and could only be killed by me.

"I'm going, I'm going."

Nan Kotaro and Kyoko both scrambled to go.

"Xiaoling, you can go too."

Li Qinghe looked at Xiaoling who was still in the grief of her parents being killed and said.

"Yes, Xiaoling, let's go together."

Nan Kotaro also said.


Xiao Ling responded.

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Kotaro, I won't go, I'm here to recuperate. Kiba, you can go instead of me, go with Kotaro, if you can, pull this talented girl to our organization, her talent and talent It shouldn't be wasted like this."


Kiba Yuji replied briefly and forcefully.

Clexis Fortress.

"Trash, a bunch of trash."

General Jagu loudly reprimanded Mary Balon, Gaidorion, Bosigang, and the four captains of Gardison loudly in the war room.

Mary Balon argued: "General Jagu, we had already caught Kamen Rider Delta and the others, but a group of militants who came from nowhere disrupted our plan and let Delta escape."

"That's right, the strength of that group of people is extraordinary, and all our subordinates were wiped out by that group of people. We also left in order to preserve our usefulness after being defeated in battle."

Persia just raised his head and said "righteous words".

"Oh, really? Bo Sigang, do you really think I don't know what you did?"

General Jagu presented the scene that Persia just wanted to insult Byhum.

"Mary Balon, you."

As soon as Persia guessed, he immediately realized that it was provided by Mary Balon.

"Mary Balon did a good job. Although you are a nobleman of the Klexis Empire in Persian Gang, but this battle is not good, you have to bear the main responsibility and be punished."

General Jagu took out his scepter and pointed it at Bo Sigang.

"No, ah ah ah."

General Jagu's scepter scattered thunder and lightning, and the sound of "hissing" sounded. Persia was covered in electricity and fell to the ground in a short while.

"This is the end of the matter."

After General Jagu punished Bo Sigang, he watched the other three captains tremble and put away the scepter.

Mary Balon, Gadorion, and Gardison breathed a sigh of relief when they saw General Jagu put away the scepter.

"A new battle this time, look at this girl."

General Jagu posted the video interviewing Kita Tomoko on TV.

"I can't believe that a kid like that could invent something like that."

Mary Balon said in surprise.

"If we can invent something like that, then if we invent a computer that can read people's hearts, it will be even more powerful for our battle."

Gardison followed Mary Balon's words.

"Attention, attention, General Jagu. Nan Kotaro and the others are looking for that girl."

Chakram, the chief cabinet robot, tells the story of Kotaro Minami's actions.

"What, then bring that little girl here quickly. Just go to Persia, and I will give you a chance to make a crime and make meritorious deeds."

General Jagu said to Bo Sigang.

Kita Tomoko is working on a computer that can see through people's hearts in her laboratory.


Xiao Mao, his classmates, Nan Kotaro, Xiao Ling, Kyoko and the others entered Kita Tomoko's laboratory.

Xiaomao, Kengo and the others handed the gifts they prepared to Kita Tomoko.

"Is everyone here? Thank you."

Bei Youzi was very happy to see so many people coming to her birthday.

"Yes, even if I forget my dad's birthday, I won't forget your birthday."

Xiaomao said jokingly.

"What did you say boy?"

Kotaro smiled and patted Shigeru's head.

"Tomoko, let me introduce you. This is brother Kotaro, this is brother Yuzhi, and this is sister Xiaoling..."

Xiaomao introduced Kyoko and the others one after another.

"Happy birthday. You're amazing, but why are you so smart all of a sudden?"

Kotaro Minami looked at the computer in Kita Tomoko's studio and asked.

"I don't know, it must be the inheritance of the deceased father. My father is also very smart, right? Mom."

When Bei Youzi mentioned her father, she was very proud.

Kita Tomoko's mother smiled and nodded.

"Oh, Tomoko, you are very happy, today is your birthday, congratulations."

The professor who accompanied Kita Tomoko also came to Tomoko's studio.

"Thank you."

Yuko said politely.

"Is there any progress in research?"

The professor asked Tomoko about the progress of research on a computer that can see through people's hearts.

"Not so far. This part is not going very well."

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