Tomoko showed his work progress.

When Kotaro and his party went downstairs after celebrating Kita Tomoko's birthday, Kotaro's keen hearing heard someone calling for help.


Minami Kotaro stopped, and walked towards the room where the cry for help came out.

Minami Kotaro pushed away suddenly, and found that the professor who had the same appearance as Beiyouzi just now was tied to the stool.

"So what was it just now?"

Nan Kotaro suddenly realized something was wrong.


Kiba Yuji heard a girl's scream all at once, and the sound came from Kita Tomoko's direction.

Minami Kotaro and Kiba Yuji quickly rushed into Kita Tomoko's laboratory.

Minami Kotaro and Kiba Yuji broke open the closed door of Kita Tomoko.

The fake professor, holding Kita Tomoko under one arm, opened the glass window and was about to escape through the window.

"Put Tomoko back quickly."

Minami Kotaro pointed at the fake professor and said.Kiba Yuji shook his head, "Let's do it first."

Kiba Yuji knocked away the fake professor at once, and hugged Kita Tomoko in his arms.

"Thank you."

Kita Tomoko found in Kiba Yuji's arms the feeling that her father held her when she was alive.

Kiba Yuji sent Kita Tomoko to her mother.

The professor saw Bei Youzi was rescued and recovered his real body, the monster monster in the form of a crab-Ganamet.

"It's Clexis."

Minami Kotaro protected everyone behind him.

"Hahaha, Minami Kotaro, give that girl to us."

Boss just walked in from the door and said to Nan Kotaro.


Minami Kotaro asked angrily.

"That girl was originally from Clexis, and her father was originally a scientist from Clexis. He betrayed us and fled to Earth, and gave birth to Tomoko with that woman."

Boss just pointed to Kita Tomoko's mother and said.


Although Kita Tomoko doesn't know what Klexis is, she must be unfriendly to herself and a bad guy.Kita Tomoko heard what Boss just said, looked at her mother, and asked if it was true.

"Three moles appear on the left hand of the Klesis people when they reach the age of 10. If you think I'm lying, please confirm it."

"shut up."

Before Boss finished speaking, Nan Kotaro was already angry and refused to let him speak.

Ganamat secretly approached Nan Kotaro while he was talking to Boss.

Ganamat pushed Kita Tomoko's mother away at once, and was about to grab Kita Tomoko.

The Orfi Enoch pattern on Kiba Yuji's face faintly appeared, "Let go of that girl and transform."

Kiba Yuji used the a belt and transformed into a Kamen Rider a.

"Is this how he transformed?"

This is the first time for Minami Kotaro to see Kiba Yuji's transformation completely. The last time he returned to Earth, he only saw Kiba Yuji undo his transformation.

Yuji Kiba knocked Ganamat to the bottom of the building at once, hugged Kita Tomoko, and said in a gentle and magnetic voice, "Tomoko, are you okay?"

Tomoko looked at the transformed Kiba Yuji, and touched A's head with his hand, "Thank you brother, I'm fine."

"Damn it, who are you? How dare you sabotage Klexis' plan? You are fighting against the Klexis Empire."

Boss just roared angrily.

"I am Kamen Rider A, we will settle the matter for your shameless behavior of Klexis in the future."

Kiba Yuji put Kita Tomoko down, and Kita Tomoko quickly helped his mother up.

Kiba Yuji used the ahone and fired a few shots at Persia. Persia just rolled and avoided Kiba Yuji's attack from the bottom of the building.

Kiba Yuji took out his Emperor Sword and chased after Boss Gang.

After falling down the stairs, Ganamat climbed up again along the wall from downstairs.Seeing Kiba Yuji leave, he jumped into the room again.

"You run away."

Kotaro Minami stood in front of Ganamat, let Kita Tomoko and Kyoko go, and blocked Ganamet himself first.

After Minami Kotaro saw Kita Tomoko leaving his sight,


Minami Kotaro doesn't like to expose himself in public, so he waited until the others left before transforming into Kamen Rider bckrx with confidence.

Minami Kotaro jumped down from the upstairs with Ganamet in his arms, and as soon as he went down Ganamet used his crab hand to knock Minami Kotaro into the air.

Bei Youzi and the others walked a few steps away from the laboratory, and Chap appeared in front and behind to round up Bei Youzi.

"How to do?"

Seeing that there were enemies in front and behind, Xiao Mao didn't know what to do.

"I have eight anti-gravity balls here, but there are nine people here, what should I do?"

Beiyouzi took out eight anti-gravity balls from her body, not knowing who to give them to.

"Tomoko, you give them the anti-gravity ball, I'll stay, they want you, you can't stay, if you don't get caught I'm safe."

Tomoko's mother said decisively.

"Mom, I will definitely come back to save you."

Although Tomoko was very reluctant, he and others finally used the gravity ball to jump out of the wall in front of him.

But what Tomoko didn't expect was that just as they jumped out of the fence and jumped to the other side, their heads were caught in a huge net.

"Let us go, let us go."

Xiao Mao shouted loudly.

"Heck, little friend Tomoko, don't you think we don't know about the anti-gravity you invented? This net is specially arranged to prevent you from escaping."

Mary Balon jumped out of the glass on the surrounding buildings.

"Mary Balon, I didn't expect your trick to really work."

It was not easy for Boss to get rid of Yuji Kiba for the time being, but looking at Boss Gang's injuries, Boss Gang's injuries were not serious.

"Bo Sigang, what's wrong with you?"

Mary Balon looked at the injured Persian and asked. .

"Don't mention it, this time I met those people I met in the demon world last time. I just had a fight with one of them. He is very strong."

Boss just didn't mention that he was beaten by Kiba Yuji and fled all over the world.

Chapter 60 Xiaomao was killed

"Let go of my daughter."

Kita Tomoko's mother stood in front of Bo Sigang.


Bo Sigang was in a bad mood, pulled out the long sword at his waist, and stabbed the sword into Tomoko's mother's body.

"Tomoko, you have to take care of yourself."

Tomoko's mother died after she finished speaking.

"Mommy mommy."

Seeing her mother being killed, Kita Tomoko burst into tears.

"Boss Gang, what did you just do?"

Mary Balon asked angrily.

Before Boss just explained, Kiba Yuji, who was just thrown off by Boss, caught up.And it wasn't just Kiba Yuji who came back, he also brought three teams of Leo Knights.

"The third team, you go to rescue those people, and the fourth team will fight with me. You just escaped with the lives of your men. This time, I will see how you escape."

Kiba Yuji rushed towards Bo Sigang with the Emperor Sword in hand.

Persia just saw Yuji Kiba coming, so he didn't care to say anything, and threw the dart on his shoulder at Yuji Kiba, but was easily knocked out by Yuji Kiba with his emperor sword.

The third team used the accelerated light gun to shoot one by one, and quickly cleaned up the chaps surrounding Beiyouzi.The fourth team surrounded Mary Balon and Bosigon.

Mary Balon saw the Knights of Leo appear again, and there were many of them.

"You wait, although I don't know who you are, but it will not end well if we fight against our Krysis Empire, you wait for our Krysis Empire's revenge."

After Mary Balon finished speaking, she used the mirror light technique to jump into the mirror and left.

Yuji Kiba walked in front of Knight Leo and looked at Bo Sigang.

"Come on, let's continue the battle just now."

Persia just drew his sword and pointed at Yuji Kiba.

The battle between the two sides is gaining momentum.

Suddenly, the sky above Bosigang's head appeared in the Klexis Fortress, and a guide light shot towards Bosigang's position.

Boss just followed the guiding light and left. During this process, Takakiba Yuji didn't do anything, but thought quietly.

"Fortress? Close the team." Kiba Yuji integrated the team and rescued Kyoko and the others.

"Brother, mom, she..."

Kita Tomoko squatted on the ground crying, Kiba Yuji held Kita Tomoko in his arms.

"Cry all you want. Cry."

Kiba Yuji sighed, and brought Kita Tomoko back to Li Qinghe's new apartment.

"Tomoko, this is the president."

Kiba Yuji introduced Li Qinghe to Kita Tomoko.

"Hello, President."

Since her mother was killed by Gorgom, Kita Tomoko has been afraid of life, and only wants to talk to Kiba Yuji.

"Yongzhi, Bei Youzi will be taken care of by you in the future, so that she can restore her previous smile as soon as possible."

Since Kita Tomoko was willing to get close to Kiba Yuji, Li Qinghe simply asked Kiba Yuji to take care of Kita Tomoko.

The task of saving Kita Tomoko has been completed.Li Qinghe and the others resumed their peaceful days again.

That day, Xiaomao sneaked out of the apartment, ignored Nankotaro's dissuasion, and went outside to play football. He accidentally found a pool of blue gum-like substance on the tree next to him.

This gum-like substance slowly melted to the ground, forming a monster with a big mouth on its lower body.

"Ah, what a monster."

Xiao Mao was so frightened that he fell to the ground and crawled backwards.

"Monster? I am Dogma Logma, a strange beast from the Klexis Empire."

After finishing speaking, the strange beast Dogma Logma spewed out white gas from the big mouth below him.

Xiao Mao passed out after being sprayed by the white gas, and his face was covered with a liquid like gum.These liquids slowly pooled together to form a brand new Xiaomao.

After this fake Xiaomao was formed, the real Xiaomao stood up and found that the Dogma Logma just now was gone, and only saw one who looked exactly like himself

"who are you?"

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